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November 16, 1928 • Page Image 1


November 16, 1928 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO ill I L ETTER. 13 o x CO . respondent Says There Is No Anti - Semitism in Lithuania. IIADASSAII AFFAIRS PRECEDE LUNCHEON PROTECTIVE SOCIETY DANCE THIS SUNDAY Consi derable interest is being manifested i n the masquerade dance to be given by the Independ- ' ant Protective Association, Sun- I — • Nov. le, in the It'nai ' $25-Plate Affair to Be Held da y evening, 275 East Ferry (Frith ball roa Dec. 11; Expect to Miss Miriam O'Nienk...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 3

…Air Awisk Periodical eater currox ATM= • CINCINNATI 50, OHIO PAGE THREE TiciATRorrionsn (holm, Travel the Motorcoach Way ..The Only Direct Route Via .. Niagara Falls JEWISH MOTHERS! WEISMAN MOTOR SALES OPENS FINE STATION One of Detroit's largest and most modernly equipped service stations has just been opened by 1Yeisman Motor Sales, 3630 Wood- ward avenue, Chevrolet dealers. The new quarters are at 61 Brady street, and consist of t...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 4

…Arekrutk aaillaake PIE9ETROITIEWISRA1ONICLE atztlylthYtttzklIgkiMitrafiAlViAfill*OTVinzebtsztaztrkkiy..tittlykkrmztaztrizazi*.hi.7;.;.;.v.:ni..7.:.-..,. . a THE VETROITJEWISIt tRONICL E ... Published Weekly by The Jewish Chrenkle Publishing Co., Inc. President Secretary and Treasurer Managing Editor Advertising Manager JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE PHILIP SLOMOVIIZ MAURICE M. SAFIR Ten Years After Armageddon. e the PolitoMee a...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 5

…America Yewish Periodical Cotter currost A1111401 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Tieffiuntorr,/msnORONICU. CURTAINS FAUCTL jii 5S1 ,1 E,ILLI` ,1DERED TOLERANCE PLEA AT GOODWILL DINNER (Continued from Page One.) B'NAI MOSHE BANQUET, II TAKE IT FROM ME" CORNERSTONE LAYING, WILL BE HELD NOV. 25 ----- cllicient committee is in Faultless Curtain Laundry all men realize that we a ll con , charge of the banquet which is to and Cleaners Follow the ror...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 6

…flEVETROtT EWISBLARDNICLE PAGE SIX ollinsk° Vhe LARGE ADVANCE SALE OF TICKETS FOR BALL OF THE ORPHAN HOME °eta a dersoal entertainment committee for the eleventh annual dance of the Detroit Hebrew Orphan Home, The 3G ADAMS AVENUE WEST Featuring This Special gt, Dr. and Mrs. Leo M. Franklin are sailing on the Steamship Cali- fornia for San Diego via the Pan- ama-Pacific route. They left De- troit on Wednesday and spent one day at Bra...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 7

…A xe 'RI elvish PerAikal eater talTION MN US • eutoonoirs so, woo PAGE SEVEN i)LTROFIJEWISit et RON ICLE Engagements Hundreds Woodward Thou to Washington Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Goldstein of London, Ont., announced the engagement of their daughter, I.eah, to David Wolinsky, at a recep- Instead of a regular meeting the tion and dinner for 50 couples held in Detroit on Oct. 28. Sisterhood of Congregation Shea- rey Zedek will entertain their h...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT PURITY CHAPTER PLANS YIDDISH PLAYHOUSE TO NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE OBSERVE A. LITTMAN'S 30 YEARS IN THEATER Purity Chapter No. 369, 0. E. 3., is making elaborate plans fur A dinner dance to be held New Year's Eve., in the Crystal Ball Room of the Masonic Temple. The committee in charge, of which Mrs. Anne Weinheck and Mrs. Cora Jacoby are joint chair- men, announces that the number of guests will be limited to 300 couples, in order ...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 9

…g arish periodical ewer WPM AMVII • 11111k2NMATI PAGE NINE ilEIPIWnIEWISEI CAROM , In akr INSCRIPTIONS IN THE GOLDEN BOOK JEWISH CHILDREN IN POLISH MARCH KORAN THE SEER AT ORIENTAL THEATER 'the oriental 1 . + ck tits 4 re + lit- in 1? ) '44 CI X Bob ['berg's Store Known Under Firm Name of Boyd's. dent Ignace Moscicki appeared on Attention is focused upon Bob the balcony of the castle to respond Isberg's shoe shop under the t...…

November 16, 1928 • Page Image 10

…THEVETROITIEWISII eIRONICLE ..4 ■ 1 1MMM. 1--- DELTA OMEGA IOTA'S FINE INSTALLATION LU NEWS The funnel installation of De- troit Chapter No. 3 of the Delta Omega Iota Sorority was a huge [ success. The installation took Meta Alpha Theta. Home Relief Society. Beta Rho Delta Sorority. place Sunday evening, at the B'nai EDITOR'S NOTE Plans have been completed for The last meeting of the society The social committee is plan- IPrith clubrooms...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 1

…A lfa/Calf ffewith PaloSal Carter All Jewish Views All Jewish News WITHOUT BIAS CLIFTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 11-EllETROIT LWISII 11-RONICL THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1928. VOLAX41 NO. 16. CECIL DE MILLE SORRY HE FILMED "KING OF KINGS" Emotional Anti-Semitism Difficult To Overcome, Says President Masaryk Communist Youth Organization Orders Not to Celebrate Pass- over or Ea...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 2

…incperRorr, /nun (A Rom Ku PAGE TWO • S The Career of Adolph S. Ochs A. A. WILLIAMS WINS ORATORICAL CONTEST Yo u n g 13.8(KEN Club Notes Albert A. Williams, a student of the Detroit College of Law, won the (Continued From Page One). first prize of $25 in the Lacy-Hick- George Johns in 1851. Its manner ey-Kirschbaum Oratorical Contest, of presenting news during the Civil JUDAEANS CELEBRATE War won for it an excellent repu PURIM AT MASQU...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 3

…CLIFTON ATZNUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO Megattorringsn OREM ICLE POLISH ELECTIONS CAUSE ANTI-JEWISH RIOTS IN LEMBERG The Dexter Department Store 8726 Twelfth Street Cordially invites all friends and customers to visit their new store, now located at 11567 Dexter Blvd. Cor. Burlingame Grand Opening Saturday, March 17th We also take pleasure in announcing a com- plete and better line of high-grade merchandise at popular prices. WE ARE NO...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 4

…ti Y")f:TROH; JII1IShI ORM la•1: PAGE POUT( music = musicians Detroit Bohemian Club to Be Assisting Artists at Sun- day Poo Concert. We have over 20 different 1928 models of the Whitney Carriages to select from. Mothers are welcoming a store that carries a complete line of good, reliable furniture for the infant. As the saying goes, nothing is too good for the baby. Prices on the Whitney Carriages are from $20 °° to 1 The Detroit Bohe...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 5

…A merica lewish Periodical Center CLIFTON ATM{ - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE NTROITAIVISHCAR0211C118 David A. Brown Appeals to Detroit Jewry to Support Yiddish Theater Lauds Detroit Jewish Chronicle Editorial on Local Jewish Theater; Praises Littman's Theater Artists and Urges Jewry Here to Encourage Them \IP " In the following communication, David A. Brown lauds the editorial published in The Detroit Jewish Chronicle of Feb. 17, and ...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 6

…E Ikg,471 .7;.t'V;MI:i ? s3 rubliaheel Weekly by The Jewish Chooeute Potshot, ng Ce., JOSEPH J. CUMMINS President Secretary and Treasurer Mancitina Editor JACOB H. SCHAKNF PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager MAURICE M. SAFIR I. I Metered as Second-rlas• matter March Mich. under the Act of Si, the 1'o-totter at Detroit. e' , General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue r. Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address, ...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 7

…A merkam Awisk Periodical Cotter curroz4 AMUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Tit ePerttorrintisti al RON ICU "DISRAELI" (Continued from Preceding Page) people n sense of the unity of their fur-flung empire and a keen cons•iousness of the world-respon- sibilities their little island had as- sumed. By a matchless stroke of diplomatic genius he secured for the British empire the controlling share in the Suez ('anal, the key to India, to all the East,...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 8

…TifEVETROtTJE_WISII aiRONICLE - - - - - - - PAGE EIGHT ANNUAL LUNCHEON OF HADASSAH ON TUESDAY r • .orctat: , an t arsonal. Reservations received to date for the Hadassah annuls luncheon indicate a large attendance at the- Announcing the Pine Tree Pattern Teo Spoons, $22.00 the dozen IS Other Open Stock Silver Patterns WRIGHT, KAY& JEWELERS (a WOODWARD AVIL AT JOHN R MRS. LOIS JOHNSTON GILCHRIST GOTHAM 9 SIR! Pi Silk Stocking...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 9

…A merico ffewisk Periodical G r eater r CLIFTON MMUS • CINCINNATI 10, ORIO II EDLIROIT, Insn cevezcw-acette-,,c-torra-.•cwacCiireciii-ez W SSE HEADS LADIES FREE I , LOAN FOR 4TH YEAR Mrs. David Goose Was elected I president of the Hebrew Ladies" I Free Loan Association for her % ar eaiindiitoelot :: OiROXICLE Wedding Calendar :-: PAGE NINE 1 HEADS W. W. GIRLS; Y. BALL THIS SUNDAY March 18. Miss Anna Gould, daughter of Mr. and Mrs...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 10

…EWLS LONILIE R rIG 2L LT 0LFL__ACI PAGE TEN TWELFTH ST. BUSINESS MATZOS OF PALESTINE ARRANGE FINE ARTS PLACED ON SALE HERE EVENING FOR PISGAH MEN'S ASSN. ORGANIZED MEETING ON MONDAY ORPHANS' CONCERT ON MARCH 25 ATTRACTS CITY-WIDE SUPPORT Tourraine Hotel to House Canadian Jewish Orphans During Their Silky Here; Will Be Fed in Dining Hall of Kirby Center Talmud Torah. Judging by the response received to date from local organizations, a city...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 11

…America 'oath Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN TIEVernorrlaisnei RON lot c4 Welcome eAnnouncement `! FLOWER SHOW WORK RUSHED FOR FORMAL OPENING ON SATURDAY CANTOR M. HERSCHMAN The world-renowned cantor who has been heard in Detroit in January has been invited again to appear at the MISHKAN ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE Cur. Blaine and Linwood Friday Night, March 23 Saturday, March 24 Where he will perform the reg...…

March 16, 1928 • Page Image 12

…PLTROTTAMISALAROA ICU 9heVICTOKY SIX BY DODGE BROTH ERS King Wah Lo Cafe °Idol Chinese Restaurant-25 Years in Detroit t Maccabae•ns. Ph:lomathic Debating Club. Les Joyeuse Flies The meeting of the Philomathicl The Maccabaeans again con- A meeting of the Joyeusa Debating Club of Starch 11 at the tinned the policy of debates when Hiles Club was held at the home Other club and fraternal no- Atkinson branch of the Shaarey : the lot meeti...…

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