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November 16, 1979 • Page Image 1

…The Iranian Outrage: The Reactions of the Civilized Society Commentary, Page 2 VOL. LXXVI, No. 11 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield Mich. 48075 424-8833 $15.00 Per Year: This Issue 35c Priorities for Youth ACtivities and the Bnai Brith Programming Pragmatism ir. Decisions on World Issues Editorials, Page 4 Nov. 16, 1979 ADL's Report Cites Upsurge in Ku Klux Klan Memberships Su...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 2

…2 Friday, November 16, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary The Iranian Outrage: When the Civilized World Is Confronted With the Maniacal and Terrorists • Are Allowed to Assume A New Role of Arrogance By Philip Slomovitz The Villainy in Iran, the Tragedy That Demands Action Against Uncivilized Savages believe that every Member of Congress would join me in condemning the Was the Iranian horror plotted as another weapon against ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 3

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 3 we oifer our cust A A A A Many Convenient Savings Plans A Passbook Loans A Check-a-month Accounts A Automatic direct deposit Check-a-quarter Accounts Keogh Accounts Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) "His and Hers" IRA of Social Security checks A, Save by mail plan A Residential Mortgages A Commercial real estate Mortgages Mortgage life insurance and accident/health ins...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS iusps2755201 Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 SWORD OF DAMOCLES Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 86...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 5

…• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 5 Continuing Support for Noshrim Major Issue at CJF Assembly (Continued from Page 1) re-settle. An exit visa from Russia should not be contingent on the guarantee that Israel will be the ultimate destina- tion and should not be held hostage for people already held hostage by the Soviet government. "The price for an exit visa now exacted by the Soviets ides forfeiture of jobs, 1. .,es, pen...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 6

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6 Friday, November 16, 1919 ADL Report Cites Klan Upsurge Third Haverim Home for Retarded Opened GOT A PROBLEM? bAVES were registered in Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsyl- vania. In addition, there are Klan units and activity in California, Georgia, Il- linois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri and South Carolina. The current "overall Klan score card," according to the ADL, is as follows: Shelton's • ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 7

…Friday, November 16, 1919 1 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ,Mideast Autonomy Talks Ongoing, Little Headway Made • JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli and Egyptian work- ing groups met at the Laromme Hotel in Tel Aviv Wednesday for another round of talks on autonomy for the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Haim Kubersky, chair- man of the Israeli delega- t opened the proceed- ith a summation of the legal powers invested in the military government. This was an intr...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 8

…8 Friday, November 16, 1919 I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS a Turn Back the Clock! Hip Back the Calendar! SflVE 2070T0 75% just in time to layaway holiday gifts! The Gold Place Presents "TM ORMIT appogruniTy Sat *" featuring many special groups of jewelry and gifts obtained before the latest wild leap of inflation . . . before the most recent skyrocketing of gold prices . . . before the newest diamond price _stampede! We Can't Replace Thes...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PORTS: NASSAU, ST. THOMAS, SAN JUAN, PUERTO PLATA Every SUNDAY, starting JANUARY 6, 1980 M ore flights from more gateways, with better service than ever. Includes: • Round trip Scheduled Air • 7 Nights ( from $740 to 905 from $740 to 920 from $635 to 840 from $660 to 830 from $740 to 920 FROM MIAMI: from $695 to 835 from $695 to 835 from $530 to 700 from $530 to 730 FEB. 11-14, 14-17, 17-21, 21-25 Includes • R...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 10

…1 4 Y I ! 4 . $ I ( • f I • . I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10 Friday, November 16, 1979 Dolls Reflect Jerusalemites JERUSALEM — A col- lection of dolls, reflecting much of the populace of the city of Jerusalem, is cur- rently on exhibit in the Jerusalem City Museum. The 'collection contains 66, half-life-size dolls and echoes similar exhibitions held at the dame location during the British Man- date. Included in the collec- tion are d...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 11

…Friday, November 16, 1979 11 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Campaign Opener Increases Are Response to World Crises (Continued from Page 1) Jewish emigres should be judged with caution. He emphasized that these emigres are able to leave the USSR only because they express a desire to go to Israel, and he ques- tioned whether world ewry should thereafter e the financier of the Wandering Jew. In the course of his ad- neo-anti-Semites, who dress, Amba...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12 Friday, November 16, 1919 Iowa Federation Aids Disabled DES MOINES, Iowa (JTA) - The Jewish Feder- Color I I I PASSPORT PHOTOS 2 for '6 Ready while you wait • ' I bel-crest photo 1 I STUDIO AND CAMERA SHOP I I West Bloomfield Plaza I I 6698 Orchard Lake Rd. I I 851-5840 1 ation of Greater Des Moines is sponsor of a new resident facility for handicapped adults, for which a federal grant of $320,000...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 13

…et to, ma w lilt MIMI ltifThiratYla ' 1 1 Schedules effective December 15. Dentists Needed NEW YORK — Dentists and dental para- professionals are being urged to consider a practice in Israel to fill what Israel's Ministry of Health has termed a "severe shortage." According to a Ministry spokesman, 90 percent of Is- raeli dentistry is performed in private practice. Unlike medical doctors, who for the most part are salaried and ork within...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 14

…SiA • 14 Friday, November 16, 1919 FIRESTONE JEWELRY Wholesale Diamonds & Jewelry Remounting Jewelry & Watch Repairing SUITE 31$ ADVANCE BLDG 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (3131. 557-1860 411•1111111•11 ■ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS More Mayors Quit Over Israel Threats to Expel Nablus Official JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Ministerial Defense ISRAEL NUMISMATIC SOCIETY presents DR. YAAKOV MESHORER INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED Israeli Numismatic Ar...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1979 15 Chiropractic Life Center, P.C. 25950 GREENFIELD LINCOLN SHOPPING CENTER OAK PARK 968-3977 • OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday through Saturday 9:00 to 8:00 P.M . SUFFERING NEEDLESSLY? Millions are turning to chiropractic because they are recognizing the scientific principles of nature that have made spinal adjustments effective for many conditions where other-methods have failed The char...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16 Friday, November 16, 1919 Farmer Jack Pioneering Gives Israel Special Status LOWEST PRICES Cassette Dictating Transcribing Machines Zionist blue and white flags with the Magen David, the six-pointed Star of David, direct shoppers in the Northwest Detroit 342-7801 NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 9-12 Metropolitan Detroit's Most Complete Stationer "Your Office Boy" Farmer Jack supermarkets to aisles of shelves filled wit...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 11 Church Body's Plan to Make M.E. Policy Statement Hailed NEW YORK (JTA) — A plan to develop a com- prehensive policy state- ment on the Middle East for the National Council of Churches, which includes `sending a fact-finding group to the Middle East early in 1980, has been hailed by a Jewish spokesman as "a constructive, responsible F and statesmanlike ap- roach for dealing with the Middle...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 18

…• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18 Friday, November 16, 1919 Chabad Leaders Call Settlements a Necessity mipatutotko%. Chabad-Lubavitch lead- ers have joined forces with the defenders of Gush Emunim in urging that set- tlements in Israel should be considered a vital necessity for 'Israel's security and survival. WU Rolex Fredrick 't,; Jewelers f, of BLOOMFIELD HILLS 646 0973 V I 869 West long lake Road Mon thru Sat 10 to 5:30 kl Thur• to...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 19

…111L UL fritlYTWMUIvia GREENE BROS. CUSTOM DRAPERIES 2 0% OFF ■ 11 .61.1 ma 1 11 I ; i ■ * nme; ■■■■■ •=is ■i■■■■■■■ .r. INN lionoti sit itit • az?..^.1 m.4,,N • m. , Mt•SeisiS • • We can accent your window -treatments with classic beauty. And whether you choose to do your window with draw draperies or cafe curtains, we have the custom fabrics to help you decide. We carry a wide selection of sheers, open weaves, casements and s...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 20

…20 Friday, November 16, 1919 •• • • • • • • • • • • I8 Auto and Homeowners Insurance THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ZOA Division Head Chosen Holocaust Meeting Splits Into Two Camps NEW YORK (JTA) — A NEW YORK — Dorothy Serels-Soloff, of Westches- network for children of sur- ter, has been elected vivors of the Holocaust will MARK S. LIPSITZ president of the national be created as a result of the women's division of the "First International Con-...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 21

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 21 Boris Smolar's `Between You . . . and Me' Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA ,. (Copyright 1979, JTA, Inc.) • ,? .41 • THE CJF ASSEMBLY: The Council of Jewish Fed- erations is holding its General Assembly in Montreal through Sunday. Attended by more than 2,000 community eaders and executives from all over the U.S. and Canada, he CJF Assembly could be likened toa Jewish Parliament. It det...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 22

…22 Friday, November 16, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FACIAL HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED The Most Profitable Way to Sell Your Household and Personal Possessions is through Eyebrows Neckline Arms Legs Recommended by Physicians K B ASSOCIATES - • HOUSEHOLD SALES- FREE CONSULTATION SHIRLEY PERSIN Registered Electrologist ADVANCE BUILDING ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS-APPRAISALS 23077 GREENFIELD Room 260 Near Northland 8 Provirlence Hospital PHONE ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Soviet Jewish Prisoners Reported Fighting for Jewish Renaissance NEW YORK (JTA) — Av- ital Shcharansky declared that her husband, Anatoly, and other imprisoned Soviet Jewish refusniks are able to endure the harsh conditions of Soviet prisons because of their belief they were fight- ing for the "renaissance" of "-, e Jewish people. the told an audience of Sne 2,000 people at Man- hattan's Cong. Bnai Jeshu- run that Sov...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 24


November 16, 1979 • Page Image 25

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cabinet OKs Settlement Policy, Alternate Site for Elon Moreh JERUSALEM (J1A) — The Cabinet agreed Sunday to expand existing settlements on the West Bank and Gaza Strip and to establish new ones, but only on state-owned lands. It left the details to a special ministerial committee that is expected to be named within the next few days. It also accepted Defense Minister Ezer Weizman's proposal of a new site for Elon More...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 26

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 26 Friday, November 16, 1919 The hope of the righteous is gladness; but the expecta- tion of the wicked shall perish. We Make Our Own Glasses HEADQUARTERS FOR LATEST DOMESTIC AND -...001 IMPORTED FRAME FASHIONS • PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES ACCURATELY FILLED • DESIGNER FRAMES • Reasonably Priced • Immediate Repair ROSEN OPTICAL SERVICE 13720 W. 9 MILE Kr. COOLIDGE 1.1 7-5068 OAK PARK, MICH. Mon.-Fri. 9:30-6 ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 27

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Civiletti Pledges Crackdown on Nazi Criminals in U.S. WASHINGTON (JTA) — U.S. Attorney General Ben- jamin Civiletti, reporting full support from the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in helping to bring to justice alleged Nazi war criminals residing in the United States, pledges "unequivoc- ally" that the Department of Justice will pursue those cases with all the commit- it and vigor that it is - Addressing a Bnai Brith l...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 28

…28 Friday, November 16, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CBS Starts Playing for Time' NEW YORK — CBS-TV has begun filming "Playing for Time," the story of Au- schwitz survivor Fania Fenelon. The TV production has been protested by Miss Fenelon and others because CBS has cast pro- Palestinian British actress Vanessa Redgrave to por- tray Miss Fenelon. Miss Fenelon survived COMMERCIAL REMODELING & ACCOUSTICAL 'CEILINGS • Apt. Owners • Office Bu...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 29

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Holtzman Inducted, Bonds Enrolls 43 Major Investors Shown at the inauguration of David Holtzman as chairman of Metropolitan Detroit State of Israel Bonds are, from left, Holtzman, Sam Rothberg, out- going Bonds chairman David Hermelin with a lithog- raph presented in his honor, Leah Snider and Louis Berry. David B. Holtzman was Holtzman and praised the recently inducted as gen- Detroit community and its eral chairman ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 30

…30 Friday, November 16, 1919 y IDC LAPELS 20% Off Suits Ity: LMIVill Grnhire Wan Rower MADE NARROW ONLY 1'39 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Seniors Cited by AJC-IEF 19 Legs Made Komar, slily $12 13Vittier3eitettied - MN WU MS Sqot LAO ihe's Afterstioas Sokitrat TUXEDO RENTALS Lowest Prices Tel-Ex Piazza • Telegraph N. of 10 MI. • 357-1722 REHOVOT — The Ford Foundation has awarded a grant of $250,000 to the Weizmann Institute of Sci-...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 31

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Synagogue Services ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE: Services 5:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Jill Freedman and Michelle Shapiro, Bnot Mitzva. CONG. BETH ACHIM: Services 5 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. Howard Failer, Bar Mitzva. Suzanne Abrams, Bat Chayil. TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Lawrence Halperin, president of the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, will speak on "Brotherhood in the World To...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 32

…32 Friday, November 16, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Rabbi Jung's 'Love and Life' Danny Raskin's LISTENING POST their now 10-month-old son, Jonathan Adam Mathew . . . The third name is for a more than 80-year-old patient of Joe's at Ford Hos- pital, whose husband passed away without any- one being named after him. THERE'S NOTHING MORE wonderful than a simha . . . and certainly nothing more joyous than attending one for someone close. Seem...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 33

…Friday, November 16, 1919 33 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD DINING CHINESE FOODS CHINA CITY Owned L Operates May & Stephen Tom Hon 24535 W. 12 MILE RD. AT TELEGRAPH • Private Dining Room • Businessmen's Luncheons MON •THURS 11 a m •12 M.d FRI it SAT . 11 4" m - 2 p m. SUNDAYS, 12 noon•10.30 p.m OPEN 7 DAYS COMPLETE CARRY-OUT - 353.7848 E GREAT ALSO CANTONESE 8 AMERICAN FOOD • EXOTIC COCKTAILS COMPLETE CARRY-OUT CLOSED ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 34

…34 Friday, November 16, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 9 NOW OPEN Featuring Our Great BAR- -Q RIBS — BURGERS SOUPS — SALADS — SANDWICHES —plus— COMPLETE LUNCH & DINNER • Wines and Cocktails • Mon. thru Sat. from 11 a.m. PINE LAKE MALL 4305 ORCHARD LAKE RD. Bel Pies lake & IMg UM Rt. 851-3252 COMEDY CASTLE FUN Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. CASUAL DINING KITCHEN OPEN 6 DAYS MON. THRU THURS. 11 a.m. to 12 Mid. FRI. 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. = SAT....…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 35 dine at elegant restaurants and exotic foreign cafes such as... L'Auberge Club Berkley Merrick's The Summit Mikado Rikshaw Inn The Great Dane Doug's Body Shop Pat O'Grady's Shelby Inn Paradiso Cafe Chicago Road House Jo Ann's Diamond Jim Brady's—Detroit The Jolly Miller Rome Cafe Alt Heidelberg Siamese Twins dine at select informal restaurants including... Burger Chef Ponderosa Steak Ho...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 36

…36 Friday, November 16, 1979 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -The Best of Everything) STEPHENSON CLUB 24931 N. CHRYSLER DR. (1-75 at 10 Mile) Hazel Park PRIVATE BANOUET FACILITIES ( 542-9196 FOR 25 TO 300 • Anniversaries • Weddings • Bar Wives' • Parties For All • Showers • Bat Mitzvas. Occasions • Reunions • Banquets Open Mon. Thru Sat., featuring Fine Steaks, Noble Wines, Casual Elegance, Gourmet Salad Bar, (over 37 items, incl. creamed ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 37

…▪ 15, ism 31 THE DETROCOMIRIVS--- Friday, November DELIVERY AND CARRY-OUT ' Jewish Impact on Music Detailed in Music Makers' NOW OPEN SUNDAYS.' 4 p.m. to 12 Mid. From A Snack To A Complete Dinner ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS FOR LUNCH L 1402 S. COMMERCE (Near the intersection at Maple/15 & Pontiac Trail) FAMILY TAVER 624-6660 AND d Nti ghborhoolialherinliPlacc. NOW SERVING DELICIOUS CHARBURGERS OLD TYME DELI SANDWICHES DESSERT FANTASIE...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 38

…cr. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1979 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUPER BREAKFAST SPECIAL Sun. 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. • Tues.-Sat. 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. * • 2 Eggs (any style) • Pancakes or Bagel, Toast or Roll * • 2 Pieces of Breakfast * Meat — your choice * • Coffee or Tea • Orange. Juice $ * ROSE and IRVING GUTTMAN * , l " WE ARE OPEN 6 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Tues. thru Sun. -• Invite You , To See Why * We Are #1...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 39

…Where to gather together. This year, give thanks with a gourmet spread OR a sumptuous buffet — at the Michigan Inn. Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner gourmet style at the re- nowned Benchmark Res- taurant. Our special menu includes Roast Turkey, Sugar-glazed Ham, Prime Rib of Beef, Broiled White- - fish, Roast Duckling & all the trimmings. Join the pilgrimage to the Bench- mark from 2 to 8 p.m. Call 569-4747 for reservations. Our sumptuous Thanksgiv...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 40

…4U rtiudy, MUM{ ID, !UM IBC UtIBUILICNI411 -11LITa - 14 Detroiters . m . UJA Mission See Israel's Growth and Problems By JANET MENDELSOHN JERUSALEM —"Our job is to raise Jews," says De- troiter Stanley Frankel, and the Jews will raise the money." Stressing the fact that education is a positive factor in assuring the con- tinuity of Jewish heritage, Frankel recently joined 13 other Detroiters, led by Myron L. Milgrom, in a whirlwind educ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 41

…• 4 Green to Head Jung Event Rabbi Sidney Green has been appointed chairman of the Dec. 2 dinner honoring Rabbi Leo Jung of New York on behalf of the Jewish National Fund of Greater Detroit. The dinner will be held 6 p.m. Dec. 2 at Young Israel of Oak-Woods. Rabbi Green is chairman of the Rabbinical Council of nerica Detroit region. k ne RCA recently estab- Jews were sometimes treated better in some Arab countries than in some Christian la...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 42

…42 Friday, November 16, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FOR THE FINEST Women's Clubs • BATYA CHAPTER,' •be honored. Games will fol- - sian Jewry and other Fed- Mizrachi low. There is a nominal eration projects. American * * * Women, announces that charge. For reservations, - OAKLAND HILLS call the chairmen, Cele Ben- reservations • are still being Women's CHAPTER, taken for the evening of jamin, 353-4136, or Sylvia American ORT, will con- mus...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 43

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Lights! Action! MACK PITT Orchestra And His - DISCO MACHINE Stereophonic Dolby_ Sound! Pop-Soul-Top 40 Cz3642 38 JDC Retirement NEW YORK — The re- tirement of Murray Kass as public relations director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee was announced this week by Ralph I. Goldman, JDC executive vice president. Jru. Ahin eweter SELECTED JEff- ELRY AmpLETE jENN ELIO SERV ICU: 13720 W. 9 Mile Rd....…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 44

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 44 Friday, November 16, 1919 Named to Post Annette Dulzin Set to Speak at Women's Campaign Eyent Annette Dulzin, a profes- sional simultaneous trans- lator and current affairs columnist for the Israel Yediot newspaper Achronot, will speak at a Wedding & Bar Mitzva Albums $1 17500 From SANdy FRIEdMAN pho-rogRAphy Lincoln . Center Oak Park 968-0808 CANDIDS-MOVIES-PORTRAITS INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS meeting for ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 45


November 16, 1979 • Page Image 46

…46 Friday, November 16, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Music Study Club to Host Soprano Carlotta Wilsen Under Supervision of The Council of Orthodox Rabbis STRICTLY KOSHER MEAT MARKET Music Study Club of Met- ropolitan Detroit will meet 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at Tem- ple Beth El to present a "Fall Musicale." Carlotta Wilsen, lyric coloratura soprano, pre- sently in residence at the University of Milligan as visiting professor of music, will be ...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 41 COUPON AP HALF ALL MANUFACTURER'S COUPONS UP TO AND INCLUDING So` FACE VALUE Chatham gives you 50% more on all "cents-off" manufacturer's coupons up to and including 50C face value. Other retailers and "free" coupons excluded. Limit one coupon for any one product. Coupon plus 50% bonus cannot exceed the price of the item. FROZEN MOUNTAIN TOP MASTER BAKERS BROWN & SERVE ROLLS REGULA...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 48

…48 Friday, November 16, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NCJW Aids Search for Kin of Recent Russian Emigres FOOD & PASTRIES FOR All OCCASIONS By RHONDA ADEL 85177070 Greater Detroit Section, National Council of Jewish Women, in conjunction with United HIAS Service, is seeking relatives and friends of recent immig- rants from Russia. Being sought are: Sol- omon Atkins of Mogilev, White Russia; Mr. and Mrs. Morris (Frieda) Ciper (or Tapper'...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 49

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 16, 1919 49 Bnai Brith Activities DETROIT BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CHAPTER, will meet 8 p.m. Tuesday. . at the Whitehall Apts. club house. Aileen Trix of the South- COUPLETS UNIT will present a coffee house, "Ma- ven Gallery" 8 p.m. Satur- day at the Potomac Club, 6200 Farmington, West Bloomfield. There' is a charge. For information, * * * INVITATIONS? Hattie Schwartz David Blumberg Keynotes Bna...…

November 16, 1979 • Page Image 50

…50 Friday, November 16, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Five Campaign Associate Chairmen Named The moshav shitufi (col- lective), like the kibutz, is based on the principle of col= lective economy and owner- ship, but with each family having its own household and being responsible for the care of its children. Work and pay are adjusted to individual circum- stances. Like the kibutz, the moshav shitufi has tended to develop industries in addit...…

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