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April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… A Hero’s Rest, At Last WWII POW from Detroit, buried under a cross in the Philippines, fi nally has a Jewish grave. $200 April 16-22, 2020 / 22-28 Nissan 5780 See page 12 …

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 3

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 3 contents OUR JN MISSION: We aspire to communicate news and opinion that’ s trusted, valued, engaging and distinctive. We strive to reflect diverse community viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continuity. As an independent, responsible, responsive community member, we actively engage with individuals and organizations dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, and Jewish life, i...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…4 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Deserves Good In Michigan EVERY PERSON Access To HEALTHCARE To fund life-saving programs like MIChild, urgent care, Medicaid and Medicare YOU and YOUR FAMILY must be counted in the 2020 CENSUS this spring. The 2020 CENSUS Is quick and EASY to fi ll out. Use it to count EVERYONE in your home. And by law, it is 100% CONFIDENTIAL For more information go to …

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 5

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 5 Views Jewfro Accomplimission: Incomplete Thoughts, Alphabetized T hose of us fortunate enough to be healthy and sensible enough to be home are still susceptible to second- ary symptoms. While some report of a loss of smell and taste stemming from COVID-19, I have lost the ability to hear myself think. I have thoughts(!) but can’ t seem to assemble them. So here are some, with apologies for the alphabetical ord...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…6 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Views L ike so many media outlets nationwide, the Jewish News has faced a difficult revenue crunch in the past few weeks. We depend on advertis- ing dollars to cover the cost of printing, strength- ening our digital presence and pay- ing staff, but many of our advertisers have been affected by the coronavi- rus crisis and are unable at this time to offer their goods and services to our readers. As a result, ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 7

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 7 IN STYLE SOCIAL DISTANCING Michigan’ s Most Iconic Restaurants Are READY TO SERVE! BUY ONE GET ONE FREE* ENTREES—UP TO A $25 VALUE MICHIGAN’ S BEST SEAFOOD Now serving delicious meals for carryout, delivery, catering, and curbside pickup at all 7 of our locations. Carryout items on our regular menu are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE—up to a $25 value!* Call your nearest Andiamo to order! *Carryout r...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…To make a donation to the DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FOUNDATION go to the website The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520) is published every Thursday at 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern Hwy., #110, Southfield, MI 48034. 8 | APRIL 16 • 2020 1942 - 20...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 9

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 9 Bl ue Cross Bl ue Shi el d of Mi chi gan and Bl ue Care Network are nonprofit corpor ati ons and i ndependent l i censees of the Bl ue Cross and Bl ue Shi el d Associ ati on. Here f or Mi chi gan. Now more than ever. At Bl ue Cross Bl ue Shi el d of Mi chi gan, we’re commi tted to cari ng f or Mi chi gan and everyone who cal l s i t home. For our members, i t’s a commi tmen...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…10 | APRIL 16 • 2020 OUR JN MISSION: We aspire to communicate news and opinion that’ s trusted, valued, engaging and distinctive. We strive to refl ect diverse community viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continuity. As an independent, responsible, responsive community member, we actively engage with individuals and organizations dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, and Jewish life, in Sou...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…Open to All High School and College Graduates Each style is available in any of the 4 sizes. CALL TODAY 248-351-5116 or 248-234-9057 You can also email in ads to Or submit online at 2020 Gown Cap Deadline is May 14, 2020 Publication Date is May 28, 2020 AD STYLE #1 1/4 PAGE $275.00 XXXXXXXXXX May all your dreams come true! You have been such a joy in our lives! ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…A Hero’s Rest, At Last WWII POW from Detroit, buried under a cross in the Philippines, fi nally has a Jewish grave. ALAN MUSKOVITZ CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jews in the D J ust two family members were able to attend a recent grave- side ceremony for Arthur Waldman of Detroit. He was only 27. The small family gathering on Feb. 12 wasn’ t a result of social distancing. Arthur wasn’ t a victim of the coronavirus. This wasn’ t even Arth...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 13 ABMC continued on page 14 vicemen to leave blank their religious affiliation on their dog tags to avoid retribution should they be captured by the enemy. Therefore, in the absence of a declared religion, a cross was the default grave marker. It would take more than 70 years before a Star of David marker would replace that cross and recognize Arthur as a proud Jew who made the ultimate sacrifice for his cou...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…14 | APRIL 16 • 2020 VIA U.S. EMBASSY IN MANILA TWITTER in military studies, to assist in a fact-finding mission. A student of Schacter’ s later assisted in expanding the database. Lamm, in turn, sought the help of his mechutan (father of his child’ s spouse), Steve Lamar, an amateur genealogist and co-founder of OB. Their search party grew to five when fundraising allowed the hire of full-time professional geneal- ogist Rachel S. Si...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 15

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 15 A photograph with the story showed a jovial Waldman and Wolfe together. The news that accompanied the photo, how- ever, was devastating: “Latest War Department releases report them both prisoners of the Japs. ” Almost two years later to the day, Feb. 2, 1945, the JN published updates on Waldman and Wolfe in side-by-side sto- ries. The Wolfe family, it was reported, had received their first letter from their im...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…Mentally Fit Therapists offer tips for surviving the (expanded) stay-at-home order. RONELLE GRIER CONTRIBUTING WRITER N ovel coronavirus. COVID-19. Self- quarantine. Social distancing. These previously unfamiliar phrases have become part of our daily vocabulary. While people who are ill with the virus are most profoundly affected, life has also changed dramatically for those in healthy households. Children are schooling at home. A...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 17

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 17 P: Pause and take a deep breath instead of reacting. Repeat. P: Pull back and realize it’ s your worry that is talking. L: Let go of the thought or feeling. Imagine it floating away in a bubble or cloud. E: Explore the present moment, noticing your breathing and your sur- roundings. Then go back to what you were doing before the anxiety surfaced. UPSIDE OF SLOWING DOWN For better or worse, life has slowed d...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…Z oom. The teleconferenc- ing service has become a popular communication tool during the coronavirus pandemic. It easily connects isolated families and friends, employees and employers, and offers a way for people to still learn, work and pray together. Everyone benefits. Yet, like with most technol- ogy, there are risks. Your pri- vacy can be compromised, and you could become a target for pranksters or haters. Enter a new phrase ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 19

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 19 ed incidents ranging from dis- ruptions to virtual classrooms at the University of Southern California and a children’ s sto- rytelling hour in New Jersey. In Thousand Oaks, California, an online school board meet- ing was ended after someone shared a swastika, Nazi flag and pornographic images. On the page, ADL cautions that while some incidents can be attributed to internet trolls without malicious intentions...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…20 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Hillel Community Remembers Beloved Coach and Gym Teacher Tony Sanders, known for his contagious smile and laugh, brought a new perspective to all the students and parents he interacted with. CORRIE COLF STAFF WRITER T ony Sanders, Hillel Day School coach of many sports and gym teacher for 23 years, carried his con- tagious smile and positivity with him both on and off the court. He inspired decades worth of stud...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 21

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 21 just loved him, and he was the heart and soul of that school. ” Miller also remembers Sanders as being respectful of Hillel’ s Jewish practices. “He gladly put on a kippah during services and celebrat- ed Jewish holidays with staff and students, ” Miller said. “No matter what was asked of Coach Tony, he was willing to help and offer support. Tony always had a smile that made him the light in the halls of Hil...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…‘Best Birthday Ever’ Friends and neighbors show their love for Berkley judge recovering from brain cancer. JACKIE HEADAPOHL ASSOCIATE EDITOR I t’ s been a rough year for the Wittenberg family. Last May, 44th District Court Judge Jamie Wittenberg was diagnosed with brain cancer. His diagnosis was quickly fol- lowed by surgery and then rounds of chemotherapy and radiation at Henry Ford Hospital. Wittenberg, husband of Staci and dad o...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 23

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 23 Jews in the D Jewish Federation Furloughs 35% of Staff As the coronavirus continues to spread, JFMD says it cut jobs that can’ t easily be done from home. T he Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit has temporarily furloughed 35 percent of its staff, effective Monday, April 13. The employ- ees who were affected were notified on April 6. This decision comes a week after the Jewish Community Center of Met...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…We remember the six million and honor our father, Sandor Adler, who persevered and created a loving family. Sue & Larry Adler, Nancy & Jeff Adler and Jenifer & Mitch Rosenwasser In memory of the six million and in honor of our survivor parents and the lives they made. Sue & Sandy Birnholtz In memory of Izaak and Sonia Blechman and Samuel and Sarah Weinberger. Doris & Frederick Blechman In memory of our parents Abe and Hannah...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 25

…THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SUPPORTERS For more information about the Yom HaShoah Commemoration Broadcast, contact 248.553.2400. P R E S E N T E D I N C O O P E R A T I O N W I T H C.H.A.I.M. - Children of Holocaust-Survivors Association In Michigan Hidden Children and Child Survivors Association of Michigan Th e Shaarit Haplaytah Organization Program for Holocaust Survivors and Families, a Service of Jewish Senior Life Jews are survivors...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…26 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Moments S idney Glen of West Bloomfield celebrates his 90th birthday on April 17, 2020. A phar- macist for more than 60 years and owner of Kingsmart Drugs in Detroit, Sid is proud of his achieve- ments and the healthy lifestyle that has led him to this day. Wishing him much love and continued health is his wife, Ellie. “Virtual” hugs and happiness come from his children, Debbie and Rob Molnar, Nancy Glen and ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 27

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 27 Arts&Life TV The acclaimed TV creative discusses the Jewish response to his alternate-history drama. ANDREW LAPIN EDITOR D avid Simon is the creator of some of the most acclaimed TV series of all time, including The Wire and Treme. His new alternate-history miniseries The Plot Against America, based on the novel by Philip Roth, concludes its six-episode run on HBO April 20 (the entire series is streaming ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…28 | APRIL 16 • 2020 A manda Alberts and her husband, Dave, are both working from their Huntington Woods home while waiting out the coronavirus pandemic. Though it’ s a bit chaotic with two young children ages 6 and 3, they’ re making the best of it, starting with organizing their spaces. “We always want to do this, but never have the time, ” Alberts said. “We finally do, so we’ re trying to make good use of our nights and free time...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 29

…when you give way to intoler- ance, to totalitarianism impuls- es, that train always leaves the station — it’ s never late. If you’ re metastasizing intolerance, Jew- hate is going to come along for the ride. But in fairness, the allegory for today’ s moment is black and brown people and Muslims and immigrants. Those are the people who are being othered; those are the people who are being brutalized at the Southern border, those are...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…30 | APRIL 16 • 2020 NATE BLOOM COLUMNIST BROADCAST AND STREAMING CHOICES The NBC series Indebted has its first season finale on Thursday, April 16, at 9:30 p.m. Basic series plot: Deb (Fran Drescher, 62) and Stew (Steven Weber, 59) make some bad financial decisions and have to move in with their son, Dave (Adam Pally, 38) and his wife, Rebecca (Abby Elliott). I was really rooting for this series: All four lead characters are supp...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 31

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 31 On The Go virtual events | learnings STAYING CONNECTED At this time of social dis- tancing, the Jewish News will try to bring awareness to events/learning situations offered online by syna- gogues, temples and com- munity organizations. TEEN QUEST APRIL 12-29 4 pm EDT. IAC@Home, the Tzofim and BBYO are calling all Jewish and Israeli-American teens 13-18 nationwide to participate. Free event in English. Go to On...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…32 | APRIL 16 • 2020 sports HIGHlights NMLS#2289 brought to you in partnership with BY STEVE STEIN quick hits This was the 59th season for the Brotherhood-Eddie Jacobson B’ nai B’ rith bowling league. It was the 45th season for the B’ nai B’ rith basketball league. Each league experienced a first last month when its season ended earlier than planned. Blame the COVID-19 public health scare and resulting social-distancing measure...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 33

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 33 The secret is finally out. Ryan Krauthamer will appear in the 7 p.m., May 1, episode of the American Ninja Warrior Junior television show on the Universal Kids cable network. The 14-year-old West Bloomfield High School freshman competed last summer on the American Ninja Warrior Junior obstacle course in Los Angeles in the ages 13-14 division, but his TV time wasn’ t announced until this month. Krauthamer isn’ t al...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…34 | APRIL 16 • 2020 sports HIGHlights continued from page 33 T he Brotherhood-Eddie Jacobson B’ nai B’ rith bowling league and B’ nai B’ rith basketball league each ended earlier than planned last month because of COVID-19 social-distancing mea- sures. Here are the leagues’ final stats: BOWLING Team standings Note: First-half team champions were NeinandTenn (Red Wings Division), Mix-N-Match (Lions Division), Dream Team (Tigers Di...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 35

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 35 W ith schools closed for the remainder of the year due to the coronavirus, many students are coping with the stressors of being home every day, not inter- acting with fellow classmates or teachers and dealing with the feelings of isolation. Two siblings, Jack and Sammy Pollack, were inspired by their mom, Nicole, a social worker at Beaumont, to recre- ate the benefits of social work through an online forum. ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…36 | April 16  2020 HEALTHCARE Facility/ in home care CNA cert. Grooming, feeding, meds, blood sugar & vitals. Selena 248.747.1083 Wonderful Caregiver Available. She took such good care of my mom. Call Maria Direct at: 248.785.8564 or contact me, gail.physed@ for a reference. A1A CAREGIVER/COMPANION. Experienced, excellent references. 248-991-4944 Always Show’ guarantee. Experienced, mature and caring individua...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 37

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 37 Soul of blessed memory IRENE ASTREIN, 92, formerly of Huntington Woods, died April 7, 2020. Irene (Duci) and the beloved late Cyril Astrein were married for 46 years. She was born in Akron, Ohio, grew up in Detroit and was raised like a sister with her beloved cousin, Dolly Weinstein. Irene will be lovingly remem- bered by many other cousins and family members. She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-l...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 38

…38 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Soul of blessed memory “doll” Gitty. He retired in 1982, and they moved from Detroit to Florida to spend many happy years. Mr. Dater was a devoted family man, always so proud of his children and grandchildren. He is survived by his daughters, Dr. Marcy Dater Weiss and Cheryl Dater; grandchildren; Ryan Weiss, Kevin Weiss, Dr. Elizabeth Katz, Dr. Alexis Katz and Shoshana Katz; loving sisters; Clarice (Bruce) Simo...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 39

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 39 the late Stanley Engel; mother of the late Ellen Judy Engel; sister of the late Hilda Kaplan and the late Irene Goose. Interment was held at Machpelah Cemetery in Ferndale. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel. ELAINE FRIEDMAN, 89 passed away peace- fully April 1, 2020. She was a strong, determined woman in a worldwide fam- ily. Elaine had many wonderful ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…40 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Soul of blessed memory popular textbook on hyperten- sion (Clinical Hypertension) and more than 500 scientific publi- cations. He worked for social justice in many areas and generously sup- ported Democratic causes, opera, chamber music and theater. He loved travel, good food and wine, and his home in Santa Fe. Dr. Kaplan was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Audrey; his brothers, Sol and David; sister, Sy...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 41

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 41 Lytes; many other loving fam- ily members and friends. Mrs. Ross was the daugh- ter of the late Alex and the late Sally Rovin; sister of the late Mark Rovin and the late Terry Arnkoff. Contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association or to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel. FRANCES SCHNEIDER, 89, of Farmington Hil...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…Soul of blessed memory 42 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Shaenboen; mother of the late Michael Shaenboen and the late Marsha Shaenboen; mother-in- law of the late Theresa Matzura; sister-in-law of the late Sol Rubin and the late Jane Weiner. Interment was held at Fairview Cemetery in Westfield, N.J. Contributions may be made to Yad Ezra. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel. PATRICIA SHANBOM, 81, of West Bloomfield, died April 9, 2020. She is sur...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 43

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 43 IRIS SMITH, 95, of Southfield, died April 1, 2020. She spent her life in the Detroit area. She loved her family and her engaging spirit will be missed. Mrs. Smith is survived by her children, Todd and Roberta, and Andrew and Donna; grandchildren, Ric, Micah and Espie, and Alexander; and the newest love of her life, great-grand- daughter, Maitea. Contributions may be made to a charity of one’ s choice. Arran...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…44 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Soul of blessed memory continued from page 43 grandchildren, Zachary Edgar, Andrea and Scott Unger, Robert and Rachel Edgar, Hadas and Thomas Benhamou, and Samuel Corey; great-grandchildren, Casey, Brandon and Tessa Unger, and Quinn Benhamou; brother and sister-in-law, Clifford and Marilyn Weisberg; brother-in-law, Dr. Melvyn Rubenfire; many loving nieces and nephews. Mr. Weisberg was the loving twin bro...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 45

… APRIL 16 • 2020 | 45 Pepino’ s still pleases as it celebrates 36 years. the best of everything Raskin A Dining Favorite A lthough he was very highly thought of as the former executive chef for Henry Ford II and Lee Iacocca, Joe Bernardi and his wife, Helma, wanted to have their own restaurant. After taking a small, run-down location in Walled Lake, little did they realize it would one day be named on a State of Michigan be...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…46 | APRIL 16 • 2020 Looking Back From the William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History accessible at A Look Back at a Homegrown Fascist Y ou may have been watching The Plot Against America on HBO and reading JN Editor Andrew Lapin’ s columns about the series online. Plot is based upon a fictional situation — thank God — where fascism has become the ruling political force in America. There is a ...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 47

… APRIL 9 • 2020 | 29 Dear valued reader, Let’s get right to it. During these very difficult times, why does the Jewish News matter more than ever? • It connects us when we feel separated and surrounded by chaos. With the Jewish News, we are not alone. We are all in this together as a community. • It is our trusted, distinctive news source. With fake news, conspiracy theories and half truths rampant, the Jewish News provides us wi...…

April 16, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…2075 E. West Maple Road Suite B208 Commerce Township, MI 48390 7035 Orchard Lake Road Suite 800 West Bloomfield, MI 48322 248-669-9500 Text Hotline 248-274-4334 or Email: Are you or a loved one: Struggling with anxiety, irritability, sadness? Having difficulty parenting your young children or teenagers? Experiencing relationship issues? Coping with grief or loss? Is pregnancy harder than, ...…

April 16, 2015 • Page Image 1

…Thursday, April 23 MEET THE DESIGNER AND SHOP TO SUPPORT voriefft" siotply IS. clloovhss" CARE House NINA.MCLEMORE See ad on page 17 for details of Oulthend County $2.00 APRIL 16-22, 2015 / 27 NISAN -3 IYAR 5775 A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION >> Spring Cleanup Local organization spearheads sprucing of historic B'nai David Cemetery. See page 10. >> Counting The Omer A primer about counting the days between ...…

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