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July 14, 1933 • Page Image 1


July 14, 1933 • Page Image 2

…- - - EVerRotr, Awls ((mom lac PAGE TWO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE HADASSAH TAKES PART IN CONGRESS VOTING f. SHAAREY ZEDEK Y.P.S. 1 JEWISH CENTER, Y FORMAL PLANS SUMMER FOR SPLIT DUAL MEET li t r! hapter of Ilatlit , sah an- noon , - 1t, active participation in the Zioni,t eleCtion which is to le. Lo ll t hi , Sunday, .luly 16, from 111 a m la s p m , Byron- Philu One of the outstanding social 1 The "1"' all•star baseball team events of t...…

July 14, 1933 • Page Image 3

…7iE)ErRorrinastiCincorr:-.1. PAGE THREE and THE LEGAI. CHRONICLE VACATION DAYS ARE PLAY DAYS! Time for white flannels and sports attire-time to clean up and look right. Send your togs to the Forest Cleaner s and save the price of a new outfit. will make them look just as good as new and the cost is s o small you will never miss it. J. N. F. MOONLIGHT ON MONDAY NIGHT All arrangements have been completed for 010 JeWiS11 Na. 1 tiunal Fund ...…

July 14, 1933 • Page Image 4

…• ° , 3 'AS 9 'ME YkEKOEF, Einsti Ci RONICIA ■ 1.41 ■•■ M/MMIrel./... THEIATROITJEIVISH 9RON ICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE isTblished Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co„ Inc. Entered as S14'1 ■ 1:d•rta. , matter March 3, 1916, •1 the 1•.01- office at 91,, h . under the At of March 3, 1a79. General Office and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable London Ott., Address: Chronicle 14 Stratf...…

July 14, 1933 • Page Image 5

…cykimonjoisn ((IRMO/. • nd THE LEGAL CHRONKTE PALESTINE PROVES CREATIVE POWER HERZL MEMORIAL 233 ENROLLED IN OF JEWISH PEOPLE HAS NOT CEASED THE PLAY SCHOOL MEETING HERE ON TUESDAY EVENING in .ortintrekl from Page One.) rlitt.rminud to make thk•id l e.ite.d out i- 1 1 ; •Ik %. • .•rn to things Jew Ihtt in ill-id, WI.. i•. 1 , 1011- II.; k L. .L Eli, " There, e • 1111:1 I• ■ . 11 ! e111S1 . 1- ' eL . , • t• !, r, JUNG and •I, • • ma n ic or ...…

July 14, 1933 • Page Image 6

…- EVETROrlAWiSt CARONICLE i PAGE SIX . -._...... _ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE • • ■•■ •••allit. --- --- - wiwimmohn■∎ ■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■lemeesol ' L . A. S. AUXILIARY r ELECTS OFFICERS 1 2th / • I p ANNOUNCE THAT DURING 0 A July and Aufrust August stores will be closed on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m. and on Sundays at 3 p. en. 7 I 4 T6 I 0 0 0 g 0 0 members of the association are at all times willing to co•operate wi...…

July 14, 1933 • Page Image 7

…PIEDLTROIT/E1 ■ 15llefRONICLE PAGE SEVEN and THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE A PEACEFUL GARDEN Calendar of Events. By SHOLOM ASCH (Translated by I. •i :mond) ll'hen little Simon died his suns der one, Nolte, shouted into the N ,, tt ,. an d Anshel swore at his wave, "ter Will make Sri s grave that they would not forget for mother" 'Thereupon Notte's wife, on hen • their !Do ttier and that they would remember their father as long as ing this, became...…

July 14, 1933 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT EP61'ROHJEWIS/101RONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE through ItIr. Richard's rtflice, a ha- GERMAN ANTI-SEMITISM JUSTIFIED BY r recently wr o to NAZI SPOKESMEN WHO PROCLAIM JEWRY ;ni r e hnhaft e h a d TO BE LOWERED TO STATUS OF ALIENS! dueid hi.n t.t ;tin the Friends (Continued From Page One) -- Jewish firms, made in a strong appeal to them, to 'dare their orders teith Aryan traveling sales- men and boycott .Jewish travelers in o...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 1

…111F AN OFFICIAL LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR 4 Th:2nNile: WAYNE COUNTY NEW York Public Librar and Fifth YORK, N HV THE LEGAL CHRONICLE and RESOLUTION ASKS Don't Confuse The Issue! OFFICIAL PROTEST AGAINST GERMANY C. L' • lo• 1':.1<I .1t taro RECALLS PRECEDENTS TO SUPPORT HIS BILL 1: 1- 111 i I stanners, and .ts at I ht . r \\' ' : 0 1. O f , i1 , 111 at • !well I.., • o one [I • y'lt g111$ I t. litany itta...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 2

…MEY)Lintorr, PACE TWO OR M IC and THE LEGAL hietiM11 ■•■■•■■ •■ SPECIAL Offer on HADASSAII WEDNESDAY 7 3 MODELS of the famous osi ...., I. AS ;i•lilsr ' s • PHILCO • and \11 •. .1 101' \‘' \V 1111111/1 n w. re at 41.011:: last Saturday eve- n Iddior .,f the -evenly-fifth \Vineinai•s moth- ot . AL 51r. and . \II • o d ‘4, „r New York hear the splendid radio programmes just as they are PIIILCO! Do it NOW while you have the advan...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 3

…PAGE THREE ; nisi' _ et hao ICrLE pm b.......Ardf_ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE . ONE OF THE SOLOISTS , AT HALEVY'S CONCERT 1 .11' YOUR SERVICE— FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Engagements l'./1111111 1 , 111.41eIrIT St 1111Ver, 11• 111 1, i VITALIZE will bring back the original finish, lus• tre and sheen of your finest and most delicate clothes. rote has attitacttrd a wale pul.1.. n the pa-C few Neitir-, ((III mot, •Ipaie le v r-nIII-1 III II nr eight...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 4

…- TifEkrRorimmt (oNicLE ni PAGE FOUR • 111. 1 %■ .11. [Pon this occasion I t vish to express fly P, Nazi Anti-Semitic Crusade Is Directed Against All P, P, Not at East Europeans Alone; Situation P, Grows More Serious Daily. P., . t hanks to the many customers and friend: this Passover masrm MarliSCIleWitZ Mato and (Continued from .'age One.) $ and which helped to swell the S 1111, . 1 I Products program may I.• taken Uu, l, ■;...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 5

…. 111111111.. PAGE FIVE /Eh IS/191 RoN Inc and THE LEC, \ I CIIRON:CL.F. KNOLLWOOD COUNTRY CLUB'S 1933 SEASON G. t Ilt• lit u • 1 u..11/1 on .4111 J.. II • NII members and friend, lo•ginning to o , 1 , „ opening will 6,1., II :April 'L2. The by followed by a stag inin•r which :It will be attentli•il by the entire n•in- ut1.Iu lath the N,•,, b•rshin. the t'ontinunit ∎ 1 .11 ,„.,, (Hill'1111 ■1 of the club are elated of rio „.,, h ,...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 6

…1 ROIVEIVIS1 I efILLIN ICU 1 " 14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England York." . Ho. P.1 1 eat - bigotry' anti win - Sermti-rn rai,e(1 itself in tie. South ot OM , groat colintr ■ lc. • I ".14.‘v !none% iron' ing I Prof uf History of ht. rune, Temple University St Leal of Medicine, Philadelphia. I door of Medical Life, and of Medical Review of Review s , Author of "Pathfinders in Medicine," "'the Story of Medo.ile." "The Li...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 7

…ll:EVLTROIVENTS/1 tlf RON ICU OUR LETTER 110X HITLER CHALLENGE RESOLUTION ASKS THE JEW IN MEDICINE— FROM MOSES TO HITLER IS HURLED AT U. S. OFFICIAL PROTEST • PROTEST MOVEMENT AGAINST GERMANY C ntinued from Preceding Page) f Ih. .■ ,1,1 1. :11 !Continued from 1 .. 1110E 11.11 • L e t 0 0 1 I RIDA1 NI( .11 I SA I VHDAY \ DAY 1.\F NINC, APRIL fade One.) Nliiy• I. t- '.111 1111,m of :1, , and Fvening), 14, 15. 16 SECOND BIG WEE...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 8

…EDurRorrliyisri el RON ICU. PAW: Eli;II• and THE CEGALCHRONICLE7 CLASSIFIED Calendar of Events. EXPERT Hat Renovating I INe same ' 11 M I 11 0 A N T I OTAEN D 0 TSR0DRITA sE/OEXTE1 1u4s50, E D 2E have it by 5 P. M. 1 FISCHER, EXECUTION CLERK UNDER FOUR SHERIFFS, IS DEAD Itu hy [ • 1••I, I 111 . 1 111 EAGLE Suits and Topcoats Are Mc talk of the coon- ', r y in the better clothe% field! It ,• N 1 .6 I 1 [ 111111 , N fr1...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 9

…111 ■1 , ".."'" eVEnton: /rwtsft (A tun iat PAGE NINE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 116: Fir.1 1.11'15, I IN IS A 1)11.1.. %Hornet., Jere It•r • ion, Tower o Srn1E OF M17•1110.11, Wa)rtf Y. hud Peddt. before Hon Hoy, 9: hae, a Circuit • milt Chin...her for said rutin, ■ S Itut , Vt.. N utun A.. SA11101011, 13,1J, II Powell defendant rind that del etai•ht tahliot V to .1 I by a111•I,, , 1,0 said dOr it. •: 141 •,, , 7, .., (111. thirt 191 .7.•...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 10

…PIEVEIROIVEWISH r4143L PAGE TEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE -- - - Dt111.TS T WUhTl.c Warm, i1 ante Bldg. i•p. CHANCERY s.A7 I virtue of • dr County of W al' Chancery. mods seventh dal s• cause there, 1 , C s , Mutual I :'.• sells 100 1 raIrtroom In the CIO, of Detrott, on the it Is further ordered that • copy of th.. rM ,%. •• •••10 • 11.1(C.,1111Ve mehteenth 1M, of February In the year one crder be published three 1, 1,00.0 to titld time...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 11

…- I and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE la 1.1 M M • 1 ,111 •. ot sold and dos he, et, d • .1 due and Incubi.. Co , . c,re is at the • 1 01 be dm. ami .1 • •.• .ve the slim .•1 .1• 1 IICNI/RED SIN :0 ••••.1 1 , FIFTY-111111F' ,• plaintif!. ye alcodt I 7, 1 11 'I'll III 1.1 ,, • • • id DAY ol , noon 1 • • P 1 • 0,A1 6 40 •' A I. 11,1 Stem, 1933. h I Iimidc g in the t d county, Aldlogan • t • toldtng Cdorrit Court m • sent mort•a...…

April 14, 1933 • Page Image 12

…▪ Prritotrip 'sit KONICIC PRIDAY, APRIL and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 5.11:0 ■1 1k11.0\IANIMONMIIIMAM\\ ■■■•■•\■■■ Ip flt ■N THIRTEENTH INSERTION LEGAL NOTICE SECTION Moor,. 200 Ilmod sr, tri it a MI I III II /MIN Continued from Previous Page ■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■•■ NOLNIMINWZ ,W1100.1011 1 0 11 1NSCR - OHIO !Oen,. I MI I I III INSERTION \ IN1 I itviil I • 1 1.411 i,TI IN utnne, ou t1. 1 N. 1' 1 Fra1 11• 10-1 titerer . 1 ...…

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