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August 14, 1947 • Page Image 1

…, -msiscio ' • . - Page Two Friday, August_ 14, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS' Oust Britain From Palestine, Crosby 'Adopts' Jewish DrGirl N.Y .7ost Editorial Demands Briton Says Fear of Reprisal Keeps Refugees on Vessels Bing Crosby has become the PORT DE BOUC, France, (JTA)—Charges by the commander "father" of a girl. Parent of five sons, Bing now "adopted" 11- of the British convoy which transported the refugees from the "Exodus" to this port t...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 2

…Page Three THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, Augusf 14, 1947 Isolate Extreinisi Groups, Inter-Faith Parley Urges Labor Parties Urge Yishuv Christians Revise Teachings Manifesto Follows National Assembly's Call for Three-Hour General Strike Protesting Mass Arrests of Jewish Leaders; British Summon Agency's Political Head For Discussion of Unrest and Outbreaks in Palestine • By BERL CORALNIK JERUSALEM, (JTA)—A manifesto calling upon the Jews of Pale...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 3

…pegs Foor Baeck Speaks As the Editor Views the News C ivilization Negates Itself `Holier-Than-Thou' Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, famous for "blood, sweat and toil" appeals to the people of England during war times of crisis, saw fit, in his political attack upon the British labor government, to add confusion to the tragic problem of Palestine. "No British interest is involved in Pales- tine with our retention of the Ma...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 4

…- Page Fie. • THE JEWISH NEWS / Friday, Aiagsit 14, 1947 Grandson of Beth El Foundes- Edmund Sloman, Civic Leader, Celebrates His 65th Birthday . Scores of congratulations were received last Thursday by Ed- mund M. Sloman on the occasion'of his 65th birthday. Mr. Sloman whe resides at 18487 Prairie ave., is a distinguished .son of Detroit. Born here on Aug. 12, 1882, son of Adolph and Lottie Sloman, he is a grandson of Mark Sloman, ope o...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 5

…• • . . , . ****1..Peri******ttAter*e...1/*********t***.w.lwier.w.ave.********k***ao****** . ,1710?. tr. Friday, August 14, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS. Page Six Dean of Michigan kwry Reminisces Fred M. Butzel, 70 This Month, Ifteviews Our Community History ; V RED MAGNUS BUTZEL, lawyer and corn- ' munity leader, has been given countless tributes and awarded innumerable titles, leading up to the all-encompassing "Dean of Michigan Jewry." Law...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 6

…• • • Page Seven THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 14, 1947 More Arab Attacks Follow Murder of 4 Tel-Aviv Jews N. W. Congregation Seeks Holiday Week Named 200 Additional Members Rernernberance Period Jerusalem correspondent said that the reason - for the recent wave of bank robberies in Tel Aviv and suburbs is that the Irgun terrorists have ceased re- ceiving funds from their main source in the United States, the Bergonites. • Vita Cohen, ...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 7

…t-,stkatiomixoniont, i.,00.7*..4.101,reueOpIMMW6,4047....014.21*,04.. *NW., . . Page Eight • Aciivitiei in ()deb' Friday, August 14, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS Local Brevities August Bride 1 Gertude Kauffman Engaged to Fred Lax DETROIT STAGE, Inc., has grabbed the juiciest , star-play at- traction of the season for its fourth theatrical venture by ob- taining the services of handsome I Hollywood leading man Dare Clark to s...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 8

…Page Nine THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, . August 14, 1947 . Recent Bride divitiei in ....ociety Bridal Calendar CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jacob Farkas wishes to thank all her friends and rela- tives for the kindness and sym- Aug. 23—Shirley Zimmerman, pathy shown her during her re- sister of Mr. and Mrs. David Sil- cent bereavement. verman of Los Angeles, to Ju- lius Gold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gold, also of Los Ange- les. Both the bride and...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 9

…16, Friday, August 14, 1947 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten Mizrachi Women Open Children's-Village, School In Raanana, Palestine Engagements Heavenrich-Brown Nuptials Unite Two Old Detroit Families The marriage of Sally Carol Brown, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Lambert Brown and Douglas I. Brown, and Richard Heavenrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Heavenrich of Longfellow Ave., was solemnized at 12 noon Sun- day, Aug. 10, in the bride's home on Luce...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 10

…Menu Magic Frozen Dishes Aid To August Meals Marriages Marian Kopnick Wears White Satin for Wedding Page Eleven • THE JEWISH NEWS FkdaY, Angest'14,, -1947 Betrothal News Told • Army Decorates Rothschild For Wartime JWB Service NEW YORK—Walter Roths- child, president of Abraham and Straus, first vice president of Federated Department Stores, chairman of the National Army and Navy Committee of the Na- tional 'Jewish Welfare Board from F...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH NEWS page Tweive ES•OF OUR TIMES RUFUS DANIEL ISAACS. LORD READING - ,_ „e- , I - • 0, ....,1 . -___ -_-• • - .--• --- 0.• f;s k. , • IP- - . ....---- p i / f/ 5( ' , I / .....- NW------ ,./1 VISITING PAUSTEN,11 NUM CONNECTED MTN JEWISAI MUM. WNW Ulf NMI MENACE MDSE TIE fOUAINVid YEARJUASUlt MIND TD Ulf POSSUMS Of THE OMAN WWI JEwS, AND PUMPED TIM CANS1 WOE TIE NOSH Of UM *.FULL ' Al a I ■•■ 4 -4 1 . '...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 12

…Page Thirteen THE 'JEWISH 'NEWS Friday, August. 14, 1947 of New Orthodox Committee S cout Delegates Creation To Help Avoid Relief Appeal Conflict Reach Antwerp Danny Raskin's 0 LISTENING By HENRY GREEN ANTWERP, Belgium—After a brief training period at Camp Kiwanis, Ill., the scouts from Region Seven (including Detroit) arrived at the beautiful city of Washington. There we visited points of interest including the Capitol, the White Hous...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 13

…Welcome, New Readers And Help Us in Our Fight The Jewish News welcomes the scores of new readers who in the past weeks have joined the large and loyal family --'of our new friends will find. The Jewish News an unrivaled source of information on the local situation. and international, national This paper has a positive policy. It stands FOR: decency and humanity; a strong Jewish life in this country; pride in our traditions; a free and indepen...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 14

…Friday, August 14, 1947 Obituaries MOSES GINSBERG, 90, of Bay City, Mich., died Aug. 7. Funer- al services were held at Vallen- der and Tenziert Chapel in Bay City, where he had lived for 55 years. is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mollie Thuner of Detroit, Mrs. Minnie Lazarus of Bay City, and Mrs. Dora Mar- kowitz of Chicago.- * • • JACOB FARKAS, 71, died in Los Angeles July 31. Services were held at Lewis' new Mem- orial Chapel, Aug. 4,...…

August 14, 1947 • Page Image 15

…• Friday, August- 14, 1947 THE, JEWISH NEWS Page Sixteen Stovies; from the jribta ibithitee Ofe,dvyl aTacti c t irig e FROM MI FIRST SOCK Of itAkitaL, *IN THE Ole JAMES AM ARIA. VERSi005.- CALLED TIC FONT •00% Of 101466 4 10sal‘a. 111441111111 :,,i r V► RT1116 AT CHAPTER IN THE 004)AY VERSION dgy AV& CieD AMP CAMERON 0 /9q3 ey MC. GA/NE.5 ALL &Roos THEN ON, KING SAut. EVEP DAVID WITH SUSPICION. ONE DAN MI5 JEALOLIel DURST BOU...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 1

…• 194 2 Astericair 'elvish Periodical Cotter croRY BUY Wing) OAT A grass' 'son s door Joni. ONDS AND AMPS CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 27th Year of Service to State and Country Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The'Legal Chronicle the 014, ague con. seen icial ;edi- •xi- ded, that to VOL. IA No. 33 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1942 Britain to Organize Regiment; Jewish Army Plan Rejected Some Zion Leaders Appro...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NEWS , VOL 1—NO. 21 of Jewish Events, A Weekly Review 34 coIrs.. 22 RA. 7956 Detroit, Michigan, August 14, 1942 2114 Penobscot Bldg. $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy 10c Britain Grants Jews Palestine Regiment Sincerinty of Vichy's `Protest' is Doubted "The free world neither understands nor approves Vichy's treatment of an unhappy people," N. Y. Herald-Tribune asserts in evaluating Petain's at- tempt to temper the Nazi persecu...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle The Jewish Sports World Patrol cruiser. "Stars"—Regulated Class N. Y. State Industrial Extravaganz a in 2nd 666 Commissioner Appeals for Week at Club Three Jobs for Loyal Aliens Of course, the new war time duties of the slickest of all racing "Star" Boats . . . A War Producer Bettie Tillyri,i0:rvgilLooeffccaes. eli craft is preventing the many re- ever, the "star" boats—those sleek, NEW ...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 14, 194 World Wide News at a Glance Brands Vichy Anti-Semitic, Doubts Sincerity of "Protest" NEW YORK (JTA)—"The free world neither understands nor approves Vichy's treatment of an unhappy people," declares the New York Herald Tribune in an editorial discussing the recent intensi- fication of anti-Jewish activity in France. It points out that "the Vichy regime is anti- Semitic. It bans Jews from man...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 3

…America s wish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 14, 1942 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The L.,ss chronicles August 14 1942 666 vern ent, second Three Mance, num. ; New Club and , atured 4 cast 1ph in outine; ;II GO onality I sing. lyric liar. ly by Lock. 1 Fou- master exotic ghligin ers i s im ef- The ghoul. color. tower. y the le fin. ganza. Is or- Id the IS a t [corn. song. Sway ;sions. swing Igical doing ...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 3

…ewish Infantry Battalion pproved as Britain Moves o Bolster Palestine Defense Arab Terrorist Arrives in Rome ZURICH (JTA) — Fauzi-ed- Din el Kauwakji, leader of the Arab rebel bands during the last -Point Program Is Announced During Stormy Debate in disturbance in Palestine, has ar- rived in Rome, it was announced Commons With Non-Jew Championing Jewish by the official Italian news agen- Army and Jew Attacking It cy this week. Fauzi Kauwakji...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 4

…"m11111111 4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle ' Detroit Jewish Chronicle 1 4, 191 It does make a difference who gores your ox. The sinking of Argentinian ships and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. by the Nazis is just a mistake, but the writing of a letter mildly criticizing the JACOB H. SCHAKNE President JACOB MARGOLIS government is such a serious offense that Publisher-Editor...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS Member of Independent Jewish Press Service, Jewish Tele- graphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious News Service, PaIcor News Agency, Bressler Cartoon Service, Wide World Photo Service. Friday, August 14, BRACING FOR THE STRIKE j The Weekl Sermonett ctt,\ The Precept of Cari for the Stranger Published every Friday by the Jewish News Publishing Co.. Inc., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Det...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 5

…• America', ,fewish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 • August 14 1942 1 4, 19 42 North End Clinic Meeting to Amend field a e the I that on t was faces When with only le of cture • sition a. his ; the This rabbi with many was :eally acetic man. par- , He that s in ous; the isn't An. for him- aces Per- aled tree the said :ins' ing. of lted of ong cuts em- igh not out ■ ks Is! uts ng led in- to of Ie- ib...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 5

…Page Five 4 Documentary Films at Center urely OM MENTARY ES AND VANDENBERG rge Seldes' usually inter- periodical "In Fact" often the common error of sus- g a person simply because nee had corresponded with ti-Semite, or because some- of the subversive clique ned to pay him a visit. re is a scare headline from atest issue before us: "Nazi aries Were Sent to See Vandenberg." The story with the exposed mission Captain Fritz Weidemann, r's per...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 6

…6 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 14 IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . . In honor of Harry Cascad e, Mrs. Jacob H. Schakne was who left for service at Cam p soloist Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mann and at a special interfaith RECENT BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Jac!: Docks a Custer, five couples entertaine d religious service held in Charle- daughter, Susan, and their niece, son, Daniel, are n at Club Three Sixes, on Sun - voix, Mich., on Sund...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 6

…Arlazaroff Farband Branch Compiles War Honor List Hero of Sub Rescue Raises Big Drydock, Fools Cocky Italians .[ Arlazaroff Branch No. 137 of the Jewish National pleted by American workers, un- Workers' Alliance (Farband) is compiling a list of mem- bers and sons of members who are serving the armed forces of the United States. Among the first to enlist was Dr. David G. Morton, who has been in the service two years. Dr. Morton is now a cap...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 7

…America 'elvish Periodical Cotter •t 14, 04, August 14, 1942 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 011I0 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle • ENGAGEMENTS • [)ucks and residing 1 024 M oil. eisnia,, Il vd• have ner home a week's of West siting in Helper led ham, Mich, d laugh. are water Herd- Chicago he guest tic eting of the annual gust 16 special Ion and k place at the The :111g of 1; Mrs. Cohen, Laker have contr...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 7

…T -H E Friday, August 14, 1942 Our Own QUIZ BOX How Much Do You Know About Palestine? THE QUESTIONS 1. What is the area of Pal- estine? 2. _What is its Jewish pop-' ulation? 3. What is the Jewish Agency - for Palestine? 4. Hoy many Jews in agri ture? 5. What is the Vaad. Leu- i? 6. How many Jews in in- ustry? Identify David ben Gu- 7. on, Moshe Shertok, Arthur uppin, Isaac ben 8. What land area is in ewish possession? 9. Name 3 well -...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 8

…8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle August 19, Cantor S. Tulman Returns to Services At Temple Israel Bed Locker Hails Palestine Lou Markowitz New Regiment; Urges Greater Arena Gardens Promoter Use of Jewish Manpower 1942 TABLE TALK Many new faces have pushed, Notable Quotes of the Week LONDON (WNS)—The imme and been pushed into the pro- Friday evening, Aug. 7, Cantor diate . formation of a Palestin e motional picture at D...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eight Friday, August 14, 19 SUMMER ACTIVITIES AMONG DETROIT WOME Miss Marion Apple Named Jr. Hadassah J.N.F. Region Head Detroit Unit of Jr. Hadassah and Miss Marion Apple, second vice-president, were honored last week by the selection of Miss Apple by regional board of Jr • Hadassah as chairman of Jewish National Fund activities for the region, thereby becoming a member of the regional board. Miss Apple recently att...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 9

…• A merica ,eutish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 942 ,v„,„. 4 1942 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal CAPITOL LETTER the vet :ill. up. ion la- Lie- ce. is- nit od 41- ng tr- 0- nt le to pf :e Chronicle 9 Camp Mehia Raises MICHIGAN SYNAGOGUE CONFERENCE $72.32 for the U.S.O. QUARTERLY MEETING HELD AUG. 9 hs By CHARLES BENSON The entire "population" of Rabbis M. Levy of Phillipsburg, Pa., ...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 9

…• ▪ Friday, Augusf 14, 1942 TH-E JEWISH NEWS Page Nine SOCIAL EVENTS NEWS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Bridal Calendar where Dr. Kaufman received his commission as First Lieutenant in- the United States Army. Lt. Aug. 18 — Miss Elizabeth Brown-Liner: At 6 o'clock on Kaufman is now stationed at Sidney Kastan, daughter of Mr. Dr. and Mrs. David J. Levy and their daughter, Miss Betty Levy Sunday afternoon, July 26, at and Mrs. Albert Kastan of Woo...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 10

…10 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle RETREAT the violation of the holy tradi- tions of our faith. All who dare (Continued from Page 1) worried. On the next Sabbath morning, the Synagogue was filled to its capacity. The women's gallery, espcially, was crowded, and an unusual tenseness pervaded the assembly. When Rabbi Phillips arose to deliver his weekly sermon, a hush settled over the congregation and a straining to grasp ...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten Michigan Personality HEARD in the LOBBIES Friday, Augusf 14, -1942 .44 by David Deutsch Copyright 1942 by Independent Jewish Press Service, Inc.) DISSENTING OPINION Since he ascended from the Harvard Law School to the Su- preme Court bench, Felix Frank- furter has been subjected to many criticisms alleging falling off in liberalism, but none of these was as stinging as the rebuke admin- istered by Benjamin V....…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 11

…A men- cam 9ewish Periodical Carter August 14, 1942 1942 1) Y. He Pro- es to was to be f the 01 at erred such of a Beth ' the his 1r his f re. Youth f Dr. the Beth idles, also tuber I as. . 17. 11 n of the oun- ional g to rsky, and sup. lying said: !ially ■■ of he man. once with e it to arch 'em- end. and our cone ices into CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Boake Carter Convert...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 11

…Friday, August 14, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eleven Congregational and Other Religious News i mill Extend Synagogue 'Activities in Michigan Rabbi Lymon Gets Smaller Communities to Get Aid; Rabbi Levi Named Execu- tive Director of Vaad Hayeshivoth; Dr. Auerback to Make Outstate Survey The quarterly meeting of the Michigan Synagogue Conference, held Sunday at Congregation Beth Abraham, was attended by members of the Detroit Congregation, ...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 12

…12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle BRITAIN (Continued from Page 1) Free" Belgian Paper Stresses Friendship Masaryk Says Free Peo plea Must Never Forget The it Obligations to the Jew August 14, 1 , / 42 LIBERTY (Continued from Page 1) J.D.C. (Continued from Page 1) taken to strengthen Palestine's Between Belgians, Jews LONDON. (WNS) —Jan Alas- days many lands were open to the JDC authorized local Jewish defenses. Th...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 12

…Ma• MA.,... ■■ •••• ■ •••• ■ ••• ■ •.••• ■ •• ■ •• ■ ••• ■■ ,1 , • ■ • THE•JEWISH Page Twelve Our CHILDREN'S CORNER Our Own Friday, August 14, 1942 SEWS MASS MURDER ON. THE MARCH QUIZ BOX THE ANSWERS To Questions on Page 7 1. 10,429 square miles. 2. According to unofficial estimates, '584,000. 3. League-recognized s u- preme representative of the Jewish people. 4. 142,000 earn a livelihood from the soil. 5. Jewish National Coun- cil...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 13

…Friday, August 14, 1942 Jewish Youth's Page Thirteen THE JEWISH NEWS Jewish Children Mobilized for aScrap Salvctge Drive to Help Defeat Axis LISTENING POST McFarland Heads Convention.- Panel on Discrimination Featuring the afternoon session of a state-wide conference of the Civil Rights Federation, to be held August 13 in the Book-Cad- illac hotel, will be a panel on the subject, "The Fifth Column Attacks Racial, National and Re- ligiou...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 14

…▪ THE JEWISH NEWS Page Fourteen Battalion Soldier Tolmich Knows the Score Popular Detroit Track and Field ' Man Relates Experiences In Japan By AL LURIE • IJ.P.S. Sports Editor • Every once in a while a Jew- ish athlete now serving with Uncle Sam talks to the sports reporters about himself and his attitude toward the war. Invari- ably the athlete, if he is an ama- teur track-and-field - 'man like Allan Tolmich, remembers the days when...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH NEWS Bnai Brith Wartime Job-Guidance in Action Strictly Confidential LONDON (JPS) --Julius treicher, one of Germany's rime Jew-haters and Hitler ony, whose whereabouts have n a mystery, is back to writ- ng anti-Semitic articles in the 'olently anti-Jewish Der Stuer- er, it was stated by BBC, in a rman-language broadcast. Streicher, who is said to have n in an insane asylum for a ong time, wrote in the Nazi eet: "This second Worl...…

August 14, 1942 • Page Image 16

…■•■ ••• ■■ *, S Needs A Home of. F JEWISH MOTHERS OF DETROIT: • You are concerned about doing something to help in these times. • You ARE doing something: • You are taking care of children—yours. • But there is still more to be done. • How can you help? • There are other children who need homes babies, three-year-olds, brothers and sisters, older boys and girls. ORTUNATELY there are Jewish families in the community who consi...…

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