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April 14, 1916 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. I. No. $1.50 per Year DETROIT, MICH., APRIL 14, 1916 7 Singe Copies 5 Cents The Value of a Shadow By Rabbi Max Merritt, Evmsville, Ind. Do you know the story of Peter Schlemiel, the story that has given the word Schlemiel its connotation of unlucky fool for all time? The story is that l'eter Schlemiel, a peasant...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 2 And manv a man like the hero of this story yields to the lure and goes through with the bargain. I le takes what he thinks is success and parts Nvith his shadow. Yes, and many a man lives to regret the bar- gain, lives to realize that there is something more valuable and mac to be desired than money. As Jews, we are the possessors of a precious shadow for which the world has always shown itself only too willing to offe...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Hadassah By Miss Jennie F. Gordon. The taste of the Purim being still ple in the lloly Land, one of the fresh on our palates, it is indeed a most essential phases of such xyel- fit occasion to commemorate an fare work has been entirely over- event of lasting importance which looked. To add to the deplorableness and occurred on that day. On Purim of 1912, a number of Jewish women misery of the conditions, Jerusalem in Ne...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The Humorous Side of the War :\ German arnry surgeon writes from his station in Lithuania, as fol- lows: "My command was garri- soned for weeks in a little back woods town in Lithuania. From the first days of our encampment the population of the town, which is mostly Jewish, had learned that a `Deitch a doctor' was stationed at the manor. So, without any adver- tisement, 1 had a very much patron- ized office hotir around...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Quotes Letter From Colonel Dreyfus. Professor Victor Basch, of the University of Paris, now at Col- umbia University, urges all who are interested in humanity to unite in an endeavor to secure the rights of citizenship for the Russian and Polish Jews. In France today there is, he said in a recent interview, no trace of anti-semitism left. What- ever conditions may have been in the past, Professor Basch points out that tod...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 6 be an enduring source of inspiration to us to meet every call that comes to true Jews in the same splendid spirit as we have faced our Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. duty in this instance. The few individuals here and there who have not risen to the Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. plane of the larger community, are by than fact lowered in their own esteem and in the respect of their...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News Temple Beth El Ehaarey Zedek The Sabbath services at the syna- gogue will commence at 9 a. m. Rabbi A. M. Hershman will deliver a sermon. Mr. Abraham Gordon spoke to the members of the Shaarey Zedek Men's Club at their weekly meeting last Sunday morning. His address was interesting and was well re- ceived. The Men's Club meets every Sunday morning in the vestry rooms of the synagogue, and is de- vot...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 8 ORGANIZATIONS PISGAH LODGE No. 34 of I. O. B. B. HADASSAH. Jewish women of Detroit, as well as all others who appreciate the The last meeting of the lodge was splendid nature of I ladassah and held on Nlonday evening, April 10, the beauty of its ideals, will be at the chapter house at Cass and pleased to learn of the organization Warren avenues. The reports of of a local chapter of that society. the Membership Commi...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 9

…THE 9 EWISH CHRONICLE Jewish 'News of Interest Ottoman Government Honors Zionists. The attitude of the Turkish gov- ernment toward I 'alestine Jewry, and especially the Zionists, has taken a turn for the better, accord- ing to reports received by the Zion- ist organization of America. Djemal Pasha, military governor of the province, who adopted a stringent policy toward all Zionists when he arrived, has, after investi- gation, come to the ...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 1 0 School on the subject, "Happiness the holidays with their parents, are Elmer Zuckerman and Sherman 4 as a Goal." ;rosslight. Mr. Joseph Cohen, one of the di- A most interesting program was rectors of the Jewish Student Con- presented by the Woman's Auxil- gregation of the University of iary of Temple Beth El on Monday 'Michigan, 'is in the city visiting afternoon. NI iss Julia Ginsburg dis- Miss Ruth Rosenfield, frie...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mendelssohn and (laughter, Lydia, have returned from a trip to California and lawaii. The Misses Henrietta and Setta Robinson have left for a ten days' stay at French Lick Springs: Mr. Joel Gottlieb, of Glasgow, Scotland, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gottlieb, of Han- cock avenue. Miss Golda Ginsburg, who is a student at the University of Michi- gan, is at home for the holidays. :\t ...…

April 14, 1916 • Page Image 12

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 12 Spring Opening List of Donations to the Fund for the Relief of the Jews in the War Zone The following is a partial list of the contributions made at the Ar- cadia mass meeting for the bene- fit of the Jewish •War Sufferers. The list will be continued in the issue of next week. List of Subscriptions, $100 or More. $ 100.00 Dr. Chas. D. Aaron 100.00 Jerome Ackerman 100.011 Dr. Emil Amberg 100.00 Anonymous .. 200.00 A...…

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