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October 11, 2018 • Page Image 1

…THE BROKER OF CHOICE FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW. ÜÜÜ°*>“-̜iÀ°Vœ“UÓ{n‡n{ä‡ää{{ 2 00 Oct. 11-17, 2018 / 2-8 Cheshvan 5779 $ Medical Super-Sleuth Epidemiologist Dr. Jeffrey Band honored for lifelong work solving infectious disease outbreaks. See page 12 …

January 11, 2018 • Page Image 1

…LOW PRICE 90 DAY MEDS MAPLE 1)"3."$: .BQMF3E4UFt8FTU#MPPNýFME .* (Btw. Orchard Lake & Farmington Rd.) 248.757.2503 $2.00 Jan. 11-17, 2018 / 24 Tevet-1 Shevat 5778 $ ."1-&1)"3."$: 10 OFF QVSDIBTFPG05$ .FEJDBUJPOT7JUBNJOT NEW PATIENTS WELCOME with any new or transferred prescriptions. YEARS 1942 2 2017 2 DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY House Hunting The next wave of migration for young Jews seems to be headed east. SEE P...…

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