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August 11, 1939 • Page Image 1

…th aw 'milk Pala&al eater CLIFICAT ATINU1 CINCINNATI 30, MO 3-he Only Anglo-Jewish Newspaper Printed ` In Michigan REPETR01 1117 LWISIf HRONICLE All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS and THE VOL. XLI No, 12 ■ •••••= " Brilliant Story-Teller Ranked Among World's Wonder- Makers Who Made Hebrew a Living Language for Young and Old Relates How He Was Asked to Write Article for By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Atlantic Monthly World Jewry sit...…

August 11, 1939 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO PIEDnitort AKIN) a1RO2r4lCLIB and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED Mrs. Katherine Levitt, One of the SHIRTS RELIABLE II OUSE HELP. Laundresses, women for house cleaning, house maids, women No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt for part time work. By hour. day or week. Schlesinger's, Madison 2526. WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 14 ibs. D2 Pi in p Walsh QUILTS — Made or recovered from your own feathers or...…

August 11, 1939 • Page Image 3

…Wait frwisk Peddled eater CLIFTON AMU* - CINCINNATI 20, 0E20 Zhel l ierRorrkwun ThRonia4 August 11, 1939 spend Your Vacation at Michigan's Beautiful BARON'S RE SOR The Finest and Most Modern Resort in Michigan SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Completely redecorated and a new lobby added— complete in every detail of equipment and convenience. Large, airy room., elegantly furnished, with private bath and shower. Children'. dining room and governess—pla...…

August 11, 1939 • Page Image 4

…'Ater/eat .110.1101 TifElATROTTjEWISR OIRCVSIC1.8 - -- -- every power at their disposal to retain fEEDL1'ROITAWIS/1 (ARON favor in the eyes of those who do not know the truth. The obligation of the and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE democratic forces is therefore all the outitis ► eil Weekly y The Jewish tlireekle hillsides Co, be. greater to disseminate facts, to let the entered as liteeese-elase stetter Mardi I. 11111. At th. P1.1- world know what i...…

August 11, 1939 • Page Image 5

…•ticall Apish Paisilea! Cotter CLIFTON AVID11.11 • CINC/NNATI 30 r CIMIO ThEDETROfE/EMLUIffiRONICIA August 11, 1939 end TH LEGAL CHRONICLE L. A. SUMMER SPECIAL PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Mad. to Order $ 295 00 S. Auxiliary Moonlight Sunday PAGE FIVE Registration for Final Week at Council Camp arriaggs BUY WITH RADER-SHACHNOVITZ The Detroit Auxiliary of the Mr. and hire. Sam Shachno- vitz announce the marriage of Los Angeles Sanatorium ...…

August 11, 1939 • Page Image 6

…OAGE SIX • TilEPEIROMAWISfi (Mama) STORE HOURS: DAILY, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P. M. HUDSON'S August Sale of Linens, Beddings, Domestics Slabodka Yeshivah Appeal to Detroit For Building Fund Engagements Rabbi I. Boruchson, member of the faculty of the world• famous Slabodka Yeshivath Knesseth Israel, arrived in De- troit in the interest of a special Mrs. T. Bordman of Gladstone Ave. announces the engagemen of her daughter, Blanche, to Emanu...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 1

…1A‘ THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH 42nd OUR PART XXXV. NO. 12 WE DO OUR PART DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1933 JEWS ARE SEEKING REFUGE FROM OLD NUREMBERG HOMES 11 I I 1, t .j, II . 1 f Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DANGER IS SEEN Ps) (:111:1'1'1{1(: ci,iNi(: As !iNTERMYER BACK, WITH SPREAD OF AIN .‘II) IN so(:i ti, won PLEADS FOR UNITY NAZI PROPAGANDA How IN NAZI BOYCOTT Reform Temple Adopts Conservative Ritual 1.1 11 , ...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 2

…PicbgrRorrAwisnentoNne PAGE TWO and ,‘. 17 LEGAL CHRONICLE '77■•■■ •••. OBSERVE THEIR 26TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Announce Her Betrothal To Mandell Bernstein CAMP NAHELU Ortonville, Michigan — on PERRY LAKE OFFERS NOW Sunday, Aug. 13 - Sunday, Sept. 3 FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF CHILDREN, AT A REASONABLE RATE Aam i'lloNd tilt I ONVILLF: 12 Fti I. 11 , • • halm el lioston lir lied from a visit L i1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 3

…IliEVEtitorripqmt(iIRONIcLE PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE An Exquisite Dress Save HUINED!--- To 50c Engagements II•.r„'ht Sitlit,n 1.011 1r - a etair left 1,4 Thursday , ■ het e \ he 1,, ill In. the guest of Dr, and \los. T. II l'untpeer. \ -- ..„] Nlr. and NIrs Lows and son, JF1111I RI, III. left Sat to , !op for A t lant N. 11tH', %a. to they 141811 11 nil the re h under 40 c \It l'OUlt (. t It11 1, ,\Is v.iiilto...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 4

…//IF. Pi:FICOIT, V15/i l and THE LEE.A1.T jitED E nto r rjEwisnaiRov ic m and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE find eviden•e of commendable open-mind- Published Weekly by The'lew•sh Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. •..r ■ To Insure le11•11 , reach Nil n Whe When ',Adieu 1••,•1 - - The Detroit J • .1 •• J • e1e , i1. 1e trivially understanding. , In "I Pa• Sunday. Visitor, - ;i Catholto 1,, f . klY, i'iirrt 1, P"mit'llt asks the (Itivt•liPtl: ...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 5

…filtyleimorrimisn(flgorial. ■ nd THE L GAL CHRONICLE SAMUEL AND SNELL PROF. BRODETSKY FINDS BURDENS FOR ARRIVE IN QUEBEC JEWS IN $10,000,000 PALESTINE LOAN •tt. rug, OIN• i ARE JEWS PROVING POOR IN DEFENSE? I('ontinued from Page One.) TAX SERVICE of land 1 it 11..0. 1 ten t I' . \\ 0 1 III tit , hii. ■ Hit 1111111 • ~ tl tt lrnp'nt /ilk /H ew 3 A p I A l I/I' tIN 1111 Gel 8110.V100 (sack of ■ a cpital Oil of cheap .i ee...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 6

…OR[rilatE PAGE SIX r I EYATKOLrkWISii • nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE UNTERMYER BACK, PLEADS FOR UNITY IN NAZI BOYCOTT MCIAIRER QUITS JEWISH CALENDAR 5094./933 Yields to Nazi Demands in Order To Save Jewish (Continued from i'ioz• One I ture, crueir, are berm! 1 , •' • these , • • the t, r whit h th , ••• 1.! After th, 1:1r. Isnr.r,r,,,, , .• , • 11 1 111 r,, for LONDOS MANAGER OF NEW COUNTRY CLUB Journalist. 1 e, I 9 , 9 I odrer 1 9 S...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 7

…lilEVETWITILNISfidiROAICLE PAGE SEVEN - and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Children's Corner PHILIP ROSENTHAL, PIONEER MICHIGAN RESIDENT, IS DEAD Heti Iy d, Resent ha; t..t Sable. Mr. .A0 nick ;11111r, ' here on .oetel1 I ■ -, 1111 1 Zit the inZrr 11 . 11,11 ate hi. of II 1 s 1 1,, M. V, all ,,' SABBATH HYMN • I,, \ • • 1 \I',11 ',I , I d I .\ nnual Voni 1:In• dunce ,of Birur l'ho• NATHAN D. METZGER I N COUNCIL RACE Attorney Anno...…

August 11, 1933 • Page Image 8

…I PAGE EIGH4 litty)igo trrintisitaiRONICLE ' ,. 4 • ' i and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE JEWS ARE SEEKING PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC AS AN AID IN SOCIAL WORK REFUGE FROM OLD OPEN EPISTLE TO JEHOVAH NUREMBERG HOMES ''' ' hi- (Continued 111. from rage One.1 ' • Ono, d , Ise tic-61md: triad , t, y,.char twill(' the w. ik of the 11,4 5 11. I , , In 1924. COUNCIL KITCHEN GETS MANY GIFTS Remove Heine Statue; Wilhelm Is Reproved Conn •i! it . I...…

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