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August 10, 1945 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NEWS BUY MORE WAR BONDS A Weekly Review 2114 Penobscot Bldg. VOL. 7—NO. 21 RA. 7956 Leirayl mi BUY MORE WAR BONDS of Jewish. Events Detroit, 26, Michigan, August 10, 1945 34 .1A650. 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Weizmann Asks Jewish State As 'One of the Fruits of Victory' j —Page . 5 Jewish! Sutvivors Urge Exodus to Palestine —Pages 3, 10 Elect Wineman Vice-President Of Detroit War Chest Campaign —Page 7 29...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 1

…30th Year ot Service to Detroit Jewry 'Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 10o Sio9lo Copy, $3.00 Per Year THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS VOL. 47, NO. 32 The Public Must Act; Militant Zionism Leaders Of We Have Done Our Part Is On the March Underground The Detroit Jewish Chronicle in its series of front page editorials has sought to render a service to the De- tro...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 2

…Page Two Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ BEWARE OF NIEMOELLER! THE JEWISH NEWS Inhumanity- of Anti-Seini tism By SIR WYNDHAM DEEDES " Noted - British Writer and Statesman; Former Secretary of the Britisl Administration in Palestine We may say without very much exaggeration, that Gentile governments and Gentile people have Created. certain peculiar conditions which are inimical • to normal development—and now complain because thos...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 2

…• s. Page Two Ex-Senator Gillette Heads League for Free Palestine (Continued from page 1) them to decide whether they are Hebrew nationals who want to settle in Palestine, want to re- main "stateless" or prefer to become nationals again. of Ger- many and Italy and such Axis satellites as Austria, Romania and Hungary. ,He proposed the following two steps be taken immediately to in- sure such self-determination for European Jews and to open t...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 3

…4,000 Jewish Survivors Issue Manifesto to World Weekly,Review of the News of the World (Compiled Fro'm Cables of Ind ependent Jewish Press Service) Allied Government's Failure to Take Jews into Consider- ation Cited in Plea to Be published Throughout the World; Members-of Hitler's Victims Urged to Unite . ■ Page Three THE JEWISH 'NEWS Friday, Augus+ 10, 1945 By ARON BERMAN - GENEVA, (JTA)—An appeal to "all the free peoples of the wor...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 3

…I America Avish Periodical Cotter Friday, August 10, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHkoruClt and The Legal ehronicie Weizmann Appeals to Britain For Justice in Palestine conference, hailed the attainment of peace in the American Zionist movement, declaring that he came to the conference as the leader of a re-united group that would stay (Continued from page 1) leader's support of Zionism in united until the Zio...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 4

…rage Four THE As the Editor • Views the News - - JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 10, 1945 HOUSE OF A THOUSAND SCANDALS Talmudic Tales By DAVID MORANTZ Big Three Decisions (Based upon the ancient legends and philosophy found in the Talmud and folklore of the Jewish people dating back as far as 3,000 years). The Potsdam Declaration issued by Presi- dent Truman, Prime Minister Attlee and Generalissimo Stalin declares that— "All Nazi ilaWs wh...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 4

…Friday, August 10, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle rage tour Strictly Confidential Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published 'Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Mich., Tel. CAdillac 1040 TIDBITS FROM EVERYWHERE SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES, 10c; FOREIGN, $5.00 PEE YEAR By PHINEAS J. BIRON Post office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of M...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 5

…Page Five THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 10, 1945 Weizmann Appeals to Britain, U.S. For Jewish State at Zionist Conclave Free New Year Greetings The Jewish News Renews Offer to Paid Subscribers The Jewish News continues its service of publishing the President of WZO Opens World Conference with Dramatic its cancellation will be the final New Year Greetings of paid weekly subscribers WITHOUT Plea for Britain to Adopt New Policy in Regard t...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 5

…Friday, August 10, 1945 Pa • • Five DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The La al Chronicle 5,500 Jews Out Of 200,000 Left In Cracow Area Vaad Hatzala Ambulance-Synagogues Minister to Spiritual and Physical Needs of Jews in Liberated Areas Arthur Mager Wins 2 Jewish Fliers Commission in Army Reported Killed MOSCOW (WNS) — A special committee has been set up by the Polish Government to aid and re- habilitate the surviving Jews in the Cracow dist...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE JEWISH NEWS, The Epigrams and Wit of ISRAEL ZANGWILL By JUDAH GILEADI I SRAEL ZANGWILL'S WRIT- ings reflect the soul of his people. He was one of the great interpreters of Jewish traditions to the vast audience of his readers—Jews and non-Jews alike. - He was also one of the _.great humorists of his day. All of his works are replete with anecdotes and with humorous stories. Even the most serious of his novels abound in wit a...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 6

…Page Six In the Realm of Local Society Engaged Lieut. (j.g.) Morrie C. Bonin, Pfc. Jack Rodell of the Medical Squadron, Dover Air Base, visited has returned from the Pacific his friend T/4 Herbert Totten in area and is visiting with his wife - and son, Bruce Michael, who are Atlantic City, last week end. living with Mrs. Borin's parents, Mrs. Roy Stewart of 3352 Pa- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaletsky, sadena, has as her house guest, of Webb Avenu...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 7

…Friday, Ateguif 10, 1945 Wineman Vice-President f War Chest Campaign 'Jewish Community Leader Re-Elected to Post He Held Last Year; Anderson, Kanzler, McNamara, Pierce, Webber and Mrs. Shelden to Guide 1945 Drive Henry Wineman, president of People's Outfitting Co., a top officer in each of the three previous War Chest drives, will again serve as vice-president of this year's War Chest campaign, to be held from Oct. 3 to 31. Edwin J. Ander...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 7

…A merica 9ewith Periodical eater Friday, August 10, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Milton B. Shaber IN THE REALM OF SOC ig:Tv "— " Heads New Vet Mr. andMrs. Jacob Schlossberg and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weitz (Anna chlossberg) of Calvert svenue, were hosts at a topey- turveY open house on Sunday, ,noring their sons, Lt. Marvin llossberg, who returned last eek, after being a prisoner in Germany for 16 months and Radioman First Class...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE JEWISH. .NEWS ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY To ' Wed Serviceman Friday, August-10, 1146 Engagements Morris Krause? Mrs. Ella Velick of Pingree Ave. announces the engagement GoidenWeddinf Mrs. Ted Goodman, Mrs. Jack Olshansky and Mrs. Phil D'Amato were hostesses at a social gathering given in behalf of the Russian War Relief, on July 23, at the home of Mrs. M. of her daughter, Lorraine Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Krause Malin on Bl...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 8

…11111111111, rage Eight Friday, August 10, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Le al Chronicle Plain Talk1 It was springtime and he was enjoying the right of being a free man just by taking a long walk in the sunlight with another soldier. Along this particular road there was no evidence at all of the evil man had wrought but • By AL SEGAL only the glory of God. God was in the trees that were burgeon- Sgt. Joseph Nudell called at Hungar...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 9

…Friday; August i 0,.:t 945 Immediate Admission Of 20,000 Children Palestine's Goal LONDON, (Palcor)—J e w i s h Palestine is preparing for a large scale youth immigration and has plans in readiness for the im- mediate absorption of .20,000 children from Europe, George Landauer, treasurer of the Youth Aliy a h (Youth Immigration) Bureau of the Jewish Agency of Palestine, stated at a reception given at Dorchester House here for Youth Aliyah re...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 9

…America', 'elvish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO . kiddy, August 10, 1945 DETROIT'JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Lae Chronicle Silver Seeks Open Door Policy make available increased services in their respective fields of spe- cialized functions, Jews in Austria Aided by JDC; 3,000 Go to Italy s. ' Pag. Nine bring. these people back to them- selves." Two Offices in Austria Another feature presented at (Continued fr...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE JEWISH NEWS Survivors of Nazi Camps Plan Exodus from Europe Pack, Poultry Expert, flies to Palestine Representatives of 46,000 Jews in 32 Concentration Camps, in Conference in Hitler's Beer Hall, Vote to Urge European Jewry to Resettle in Palestine •, . 'lay L. flODES• / Michael Pack of Cranbury, N. J., one of this country's out- standing . authorities on the poultry industry, left for Pales- • • . LONDON, (JPS-Palcor)-4...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal -:-CENTER ACTIVITIES-:- 12th Street Center Camp in 8th Week land, Ethel Ravine, Harry Stern- berg, Sylvia Weiss, and Sol Wick- strom. Refreshments will be served. Climaxing a successful summer Dancing till 12:30. season, the 12th Street Council Center Day Camp, 12th at Blaine, will begin its eighth week of Cyril Wezemael Camp Monday, Aug. 13. Sponsor- To Give Recital ed by the Jewish Communit...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 11

…Friday, August- 10, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Reads Jewish News, Learns Brother-Elected British MP 29 Jews Elected to British Parliament in Labor Party's Landslide; Prime Minister Attlee Appoints Two Jews to High Cabinet Positions One of the most interesting calls to come to the office of The Jewish News was received last Friday noon—shortly after the Aug. 3 issue had reached our readers. Harry Perin of 2944 Burlin- game informed The Jewish New...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 11

…Axericam 'elvish Periodical Cotter Friday, August 10, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle CLASSIFIED OBITUARY ACUUMS REPAIRED, Rebuilt FOR RENT - Room for either EMIL BLOCK or Exchanged. Called for and employed couple, lady or man. delivered. American Vacuum of 202 W. Grand, died August 6 Kitchen privileges, telephone, Cleaner Co. TRinity 2-8000. convenient transportation. 2309 at th...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS- Inaugurate Cartoon Class tPfc. Dan Hoffer Center Cooperates With Jewish News in Project Ben Yomen Named Consultant of Class to Start Oct. 7; Louis G. Redstone Heads Sub-Committee in Charge of Community Plan; Cartoonists to Get Prizes A pioneering venture in art Center where he acquired his work will be inaugurated during initial training in art work. the coming season at the Jew- Louis G. Redstone, a member i...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 12

…Friday, August 10, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Twelve ORT Sends 2d Shipment of Tools and Machines to Polish Jewry Cong. Bnai David Announces Plans For High Holidays Jewish People's Bloc 'Says Bilbo Must Go Flies to Palestine The following statement on Senator Theodore Bilbo was is- Congregation Bnai David, Elm- used by the Jewish Peoples Com- hurst at 14th Streets, announces mittee: The American people mus...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 13

…Friday, August 10, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS World Zionist Conference (Continued from Page 5) which will not be acceptable to local Arab leaders. "Any solution for Palestine which will not provide for Arab demands, or which will not be acceptable to the' Arab popula- tion, will aggravate the situation and will threaten the peace of Palestine," says the message. Polish Government Won't Bar Jewish Emigration LONDON, (JPS — Palcor) — Concern in Zi...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 14

…▪ Page Fourteen THE JEWISH NEWS Congregational Activities Bnai David Starts Dr. Mann's 'Joseph' Seat Sale Aug.12 Makes Radio Debut N. W. Synagogue's Holyday Services At Bagley School Famous Series of Biblical Stories to Be Broadcast on 'Eternal Light' Program High Holy Day services of the Special Services Are Planned Northwest Hebrew Congregation for Children of Memters The first radio presentation and Center will be held ,at the and N...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 15

…Augus+ THE,-JEWISH NEWS 1145 Jewish Youth's LISTENING By Danny Raskin wx..4,4 ON _Patrol duty • in Gerniany, Pfc. George Ingher, with Patton Third 'Army, ran into . a -difficult situation . A German farmer wanted him to be "midwife. . . . Came run- ning up to_ him yelling that hii wife was bearing a child . . George - that that he would get a doctor . . . the farmer . said„."No, I want you!" . This.went on for about an hour.. . . He fin...…

August 10, 1945 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE JEWISH Christian Chaplain Reads Services Over Shangri-La for Jewish WAC FAR EAST AIR SERVICE COMMAND, Southwest Pacific— In an earlier account of the burial services for members of this Command who perished in the crash in the hidden valley of Shangri La, no mention was made of the prayers of the Jewish faith having been said. The services were conducted from a plane flying over the valley, and as there was no rabbi availab...…

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