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July 29, 1960 • Page Image 24

… by the Bnai Brith Hillel For Schwarz will join the faculty of the University's School of Re- ligion. In addition to Iowa State, Bnai Brith sponsors chairs of Judaic study at three other campuses in the…

…, who will spend the academic term as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Berlin. Schwarz, a Harvard graduate, recently completed an 18-month assignment in South Africa for the Bnai Brith Hillel

… the leading producers for the company in Michigan. • * * JUDGE THEODORE LEVIN was re-elected a member of the board of American Friends of the Hebrew University. • * IRVING BORENSTEIN, 25, of Los Angeles…

… the Michigan student is 23.5 years number of trustees of America's old. largest university under Jewish auspices. Borman is treasurer of the For the Finest in Music A 11 i e d Jewish Campaign, a…

… United States and Canda. Dr. William Haber, national chairman of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations, said that Schwarz will occupy his Iowa post for one year, temporarily replacing Dr. Frederick P. Bargebuhr…

… Temple. Schwarz Appointed Judaic Studies Head at Iowa University Appointment of Leo W. Schwarz, noted author and lec- turer, to the chair of Judaic studies at the State University of Iowa was announced…

… to understand their environ- ment and to convey images and feelings in drawings, paintings and verbal expression. Philip M. Klutznick, president of the American Friends of the Hebrew University said…

…, chair- man of the board of Food Fair Markets, has been elected to the board of trustees of Yeshiva University, Dr. Samuel Belkin, president, announced. The average University of His election brings to 26…

…. Lipman Pike, who played for a number of major league teams in the National Associa- tion and National League, was born on May 25, 1845 in New York and died 48 years later in 1893. He began his career in…

July 08, 1960 • Page Image 18

… Segregation Case The efforts of Mrs. Ruth Ger- ber Blumrosen, a former De- troiter and graduate of the University of Michigan College of Law, have paid off in another of the ever-existing battles against…

… are students at the University of Michigan. The wedding is planned for next June. 411 1 ■ a (1.111111.0 41•1•1114 ■ •• ■ • AIM., 4111111111• CI •IIMP 01=11-04111•11kIlil∎ 11 eivry • tite-Ar Dr…

… New York City, and Dr. Marshall D. Shulman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Shul- man, of Detroit, was solemnized recently by Rabbi Maurice Zigmond, director of Harvard University Hillel Foundation, in…

…. Shulman, University of Michigan graduate, received his Ph.D. at Columbia University. He was an assistant to Secre- tary of State Dean Acheson and had befriended President Tru- man who conferred with him…

…- spices of the Northwest Hare- for-Governor Club, at 8 p.m., July 20, in the Hayim Green- berg Center, 19161 Schaefer. Hare will explain his views on Michigan unemployment and his ideas for stimulating the…

… Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Shulman, a UPI foreign correspondent, is a Wellesley College and University of Edin- burgh graduate. She was a UN correspondent and was a re- porter in the USSR and in Poland. Dr…

… County Cir- cuit Judge Wade H. McCree, Jr., and Dr. Mel J. R a v i t z, sociology professor at Wayne State University and staff mem- ber of the Detroit Housing Commission, will participate in the…

… Ilan University will be discussed by the Divi- sion's founder, Mrs. Max Stoll- man. * * * THE JEWISH HERITAGE Time: 11:30 p.m., Sunday. Station: WCAR. Feature: "Herzl—Architect of a People" will be…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 8, 1960 — 1 8 Miss. Fredaa Ti eds Dr. David Schwartz MRS. _DAVID SCHWARTZ July 3, • the date of her ma- ternal grandparents' 55th wed- ding anniversary…

… Shalom Synagogue. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Freedland, of 1400 Ardmoor Dr., Bloom- field Township. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Schwartz, of Windsor, Ont…

July 01, 1960 • Page Image 19

…. Plafkin, who made the Dean's List at Brandeis, was president of the campus Hillel Foundation and spent his junior year at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He gradu- ated cum laude with a major in history…

Michigan. They will reside in Ann Arbor. Sanders Opens 100th Store in Taylortown Fred Sanders, one of De- troit's oldest businesses, opened its 100th store Wednesday. Chairman of the Board Fred W. Sanders…

… Depart- ment of Michigan Jewish War Veterans, this week announced the following appointments of chairmen to serve during t h e coming year. 1VIesd a mes Harold Weiss and Milton R o s e, secre- ar i e s…

…Mr. Edward Leon Plafkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Plafkin, of 1252 Ealem, S.E., Grand Rapids, received a bachelor of arts degree at the recent commencement exercises of Brandeis University. Mr…

… received a bachelor of science degree in general business from the University of Detroit on June 16. While at U. of D., Himelhoch was president of Phi Sigma Delta fraternity, and was a member of the fencing…

… team. Mrs. Samuel Block, 3421 W. Chicago Blvd., will be host to her niece, Joanne Alberstein of University City, Mo., who will spend a two-week vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Levin, 19161 Meyers…

…. Mr. Paul E. Himelhoch, son of H. W. Himelhoch of 828 S. Woodward, was recently commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force. A 1956 graduate of Mumford High School, Himelhoch…

…, will leave Sept. 15 to make their home in North Hollywood, Calif., joining their sons Morrie and Milton. Mrs. Levin has been an active member of the Labor Zionists through the Pioneer Women. The Levins…

… have lived in Detroit since 1915. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Rosenberg, of 23941 Westhampton, Oak Park, was celebrated at a dinner party for 125 guests on Tuesday, at Rainbow…

… active in business, is head of the Rosenberg Waste Material Co. He has served for 30 years as president of Cong. Beth Shmul, is a founder of the Bereznitzer Aid Society, a board member of the Hebrew…

July 01, 1960 • Page Image 12

… South Haven, Michigan On the Ocean • 67th Street The Israeli shipping executive Cyprus, Italy and France. The miarni Beach addition of this ship will enable Luxurious Brand New Rooms • called attention to…

… new trans- in a mar- i Atlantic luxury liner of about • Luxurious living ere ... • 7 acre estate overlooking nificent atmo 23,000 gross tons for the New Lake Michigan soft lavender decor with a New…

… illustrated brochure mudic studies at Yeshiva University in New York, Rabbi Gravenhurst, Ontario — Phone Gravenhurst MUrray 7-2228 Cyperstein Rabbi Cyper- stein is chairman of the Ameri- can Committee for Mifal…

…12 Growth of Zim Israel Lines Aired by Dr. Wydra on Shipping Firm's 15th Anniversary THE DETRO IT JEWIS H NEWS — Friday, July 1, 1960 -- The growth of the Zim Israel Navigation Company, Ltd., of

… Haifa from a single 2,500-ton ship on the Mediterranean in 1945 to a globe-girdling fleet of commanded by a Britisher and 33 passenger and cargo liners the Zim Lines now own one of direction every third…

… week. manned by a crew of mixed na- the most modern fleets in the While the Zim Lines have totalling 189,000 tons, was re- tionality. Today, he said, Zim's world, with 78 percent of its ves- been…

… concerned primarily with viewed here by Dr. N. Wydra, sea - going personnel numbers managing director of the Israeli sels being built during the last the development of Israel's ship- five years. Only three…

… are more ping industry, Dr. Wydra noted, 500 officers and 1500 seamen, shipping firm . 99 percent of them Israeli. Dr. Wydra, in the United than 10-years-old and will be re- the company was willing and…

… Academy modernization of the fleet was legs." t h e occasion STOCKHOLM, (JTA) — Pro- made possible by the Bonn- He recalled that in 1957 the fessor Ragnar Josephson has of the 15th "co— , n ,.. Israel…

… reparations agreement Zim Lines entered into partner- Owned by anniversary of C'®) Mr. and Mr, been elected to the Swedish under which 27 ships of all ship with the West African Re- Eichenbaurn Academy, an 18…

July 29, 1960 • Page Image 26

…. Henry Oringer of Oak Park. The bride-elect is a student at the University of Michigan. Her fiance is a student at the University of Michigan College of Dentistry. He is a member of Alpha. Epsilon Pi…

… the Hillel Founda- tion at the University of Chicago. Before taking off, the group participated in a two-day semi- nar on current German poli- tical, social and human rela- tions problems led by West…

of the youth services; Sherwin M. Goldman, past international sec- retary of AZA; Rabbi Harry Kaplan, director of IF .el Foun- dation at Ohio State University; and Rabbi Maurice Pekarsky, director of

… Wednesday a demand from As ti sistant Corporation Counsel P.; Clark King for an immediate ca hearing on the prosecution de- mand that George Lincoln Rock- well, self-anointed leader of the "American Nazi…

… Party," be to given a sanity examination. Rockwell was in court again Wednesday on disorderly con- duct charges growing out of his 1:0 latest "rally", last Sunday, in the nation's capital. He had Lz4…

… pending a hearing growing out ti of a previous trial at which King had originally asked for O a sanity hearing. That trial had E-4 been postponed until Aug. 10, ;A • A when court appointed Attorney Robb…

… the hearing began Wednesday morning on the sanity issue. One of the wit- nesses who testified before the noon recess was Henry C. Bor- chard, Jr., reporter for the North Virginia Sun of Arling- ton, Va…

… Jews." Lt. Walter Lange, of the Cap- ital Park Police, testified he had been on duty at a number of Rockwell rallies and that he had heard Rockwell preach ex- termination of the Jews. Rockwell, who…

… .faces charges of disorderly conduct at his Ju- ly 3 rally, appeared before Judge Neilson on Monday and asked for additional time to prepare for his defense, claim- ing he had difficulty getting…

… psychiatric advice. Judge Neil- son suggested •that he go to D. C. General Hospital, where he could be observed as an out- patient free of charge. How- ever, the hospital authorities said this could not be…

July 29, 1960 • Page Image 9

… Department of of the convention, the opening the AFL-CIO; National Associa- prayer was given by Dr. Abba tion for the Advancement of Hillel Silver, of Cleveland. Colored People; National Coun- Benjamin Burdick…

… Fund, Inc.; the Michigan delegation and in- Transport Workers Union of dicated determination to adhere America; United Automobile to the strongest possible civil. Workers of America; United rights…

… has been acquiesced in, if Burdick, mem- not condoned by our Govern- b er of the ment." board of gov- Among the 34 sponsors of I. H. Burdick ern or s of the plank are the American Wayne State University

…Views on Middle East " Are Presented to UN's Human Rights Commission 411 Republican Parley by Jewish Groups Will Get Anti-Semitism Data in '60 CHICAGO, (JTA) — Repre- sentatives of Jewish groups…

… submitted statements on the Middle East to the subcommit- tee on foreign policy of the Republican Platform Commit- tee prior to the official opening of the Republican National Con- vention here. Speaking for…

…-Arab peace ne, gotiations; 2. Economic aid to both Arabs and Israelis; 3. Guarantees to preserve the sovereignty and continued in- dependence of the states of the area; 4. Resettlement of the Arab refugees in…

… Arab countries. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee also urged the Republican Convention to refuse to condone or surrender to boycotts and other acts of economic warfare such as the Suez Canal…

… American citi- zens on the basis of religious faith, or which require some Americans because of their re- ligion to take special actions to safeguard their United States citizenship; 2. America "will do…

… everything within its diplomatic capabilities to make clear, as a matter of policy," that the United States "objects to and repudiates the ideological com- mitment of present Israeli na- tionalism to Zionism…

…." Members of the foreign policy subcommittee of the Republican Platform C o m - mittee raised questions as to whether pro-Israel sentiments or the anti-Israel stand of the American Council for St costs less…

July 22, 1960 • Page Image 4

…Whither Goest Thou? THE 'JEWISH NEWS 1951 Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of Jury 20, Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers. Michigan Press…

… Schechter, Harry A. Wolfson, Abba Hillel Silver, Maurice Samuel, and dozens of others . . . " An interesting essay that should prove a guide to adults seeking to extend their Jewish knowledge is "Adult Jewish…

… satisfaction by the official Jewish com- munity, as an outstanding and heart-warming expression in practice of Jewish ethical values, is woefully mistaken. On the contrary, it is almost universally viewed with…

… to the position that Yahweh alone was God. With them mono- latry blossomed into monotheism, nationalism into universalism, and religion became a matter of the heart and of righteous living rather than…

… second class matter Aug. 6. 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager QUO VADIS? CARMI M…

…. SLOMOVITZ Circulation Manager Sabbath Scriotural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-eighth day of Ta mmuz, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Jer. 2:4-28; 3…

… African Jewry The Jews of South Africa are in a more serious in the latter, and that much more serious dilemma than the apartheid carries with it graver dangers Jews in the South of the United States. than…

… segregation. It is more difficult for the Jews in Traditionally motivated by principles of social justice and of equality for all peo- South Africa than for our fellow-Jews in ples, regardless of their race or…

… creed or our Southern states; While anti-Semitism the color of their skins, both suffer from also has been injected in the battle for pressures that inevitably pursue them in desegregation, Jews are free…

… to express the environment in which they live. But their views in our land, whereas they face in our South the conditions are heavenly torture and torment in South Africa. A typical example of the…

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