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July 29, 1932 • Page Image 5

… Pade- mer resident obstetrician and director of the Detroit Y.W.H.A., rewsky, with the National High gynecologist at Detroit Woman's includes Miss Sarah Hillel, head School Orchestra, at the Interloc…

…- - 40 ,IP pinperierjewisiifficaricui cad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE RESTAURANT EARNED AND LUNCH Woodward and Lamed DE ROY OPTIMISTIC OVER FUTURE TRADE The Most Reasonable Prices in Detroit

… Complete Lunch including SouP.30 c Choc. of Meats and Choke of Drinks In the Heart of Downtown One-hall Boiled Spring Chicken CHICKEN I SANDWICHES ••••••• OC 3 0C Aaron DeRoy, Detroit capitalist and…

…. Detroit section of the National and comfort are not overreached, and nation is debt-ridden with ob- essay "The Way of Lifel." I n his fare; but in Pharaoh's court retary. Trinity 2-2 114 ali contains a cot…

… express their genuine con- Dr. Burnstine has been a resident staff, all kitchen and garden work is weight or perhaps lose it. "-If you're thin you grow fatter. victions that reduction of war I of Detroit

… since graduatim7 in the automobile ous schedule may choose as heav way that world trade and com- from the Detroit College of Medi- business having ily or as lightly as they wish fro m merce can ever be…

… means a fur- tal and the department of surgery was for a number 7:30-setting-up ...rein!, a- break ther delay in revival in our for- at Grace Hospital, Detroit. of years connect. The Meet Captivating…

… drafted as a Re- ever produced. One must take a here are outlets for every ture of the motor industry, Mn, publican candidate to represent the ride in this fine car to really ap- Detroit'. Fovorite MOHEL…

… most aggressive and daring have saving of over $7,000,000 a year urges his friends and clients to skit programs provide openings survived. Detroit is really the to the taxpayers of Wayne County visit him…

… supervisors. He recently the of Dwissht street Mrs. Abe "The Michigan Plan," also Buckner feel herself left out. Weinstein end little daughter, Arlene, up. Detroit will be on its feet and drafted ALOWANCES ON…

July 01, 1932 • Page Image 8

… RUSSIA M. A. PEREIRA. Kosher Caterer-En- gagements, weddings, parties and bans sues. We eater in all leading hotels for the pa. at years. Detroit Catering Co. Longfellow 6654. Aaron Kurland, chairman of…

… Chaim Nachman Malik, famous Hebrew poet, J. L. Goldberg and Ben Zion Katz, to submit to a court in Tel Aviv, Pal- estine, on the charges of having suppressed news regarding the so- The Detroit Alumni Club…

… and despair by unreasonable, not well founded, criticism of what they tried to do for Palestine." Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver of Cleve- land was the guest of honor at the banquet. In his address, Rabbi…

July 08, 1932 • Page Image 1

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DR. ADLER RENEWS iReform Rabbis to Convene PICK ROTHENBERG Jewish Children Honor Washington; OPEN CALL ISSUED HIS ATTACK UPON In…

Detroit WaS "We will not permit ourselves work published in the nineteenth elected a member of the national Congress. Boomed for Governor to be driven into a pale of settle- Century," will be commemorated…

… Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, the American Jewish Congress is present political campaigns, where- of Cleveland, Ohio. Zionist efforts was adopted amidst ternative to the proposal to keep as more fundamental…

… Page Five.) I lansky is editor, took place in Gan- Governor Blackwood made pub. SUPPORT FOR HILLEL Yavneh, a newly estsblihed colony ,, • lie, through the Jewish Telegraph- FOUNDATIONS ASKED r, of…

… , 'ceremonies be featured by a ing address and al l the Detroit will versity st for the appointment of Prof Felix , las Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti tithe. I floression with the Scrolls of the rabbis will…

… the oldest contestation in Detroit mer Governor Alvin T. Fuller, who fiver Wendell Holmes, retired , tine. vent discrimination against Jews , appeal for participating in the tree members of the…

July 01, 1932 • Page Image 1


…-quota immi- with power to formulate them European Jews, who entered after Israel. lie also happens to be a personal methods. who are legally here, but who are individuals from Detroit officially grants. August…

…, Rabbi appeal from the order of denial. ■ bored at the time of his death, in , sons. a daughter, Anna, and two War Veterans of the United defamation of the Jews. He attended the Zionist Con- Abba Hillel

… and eight times was than five years after the original general stock market decline, it has farticularly, the Kvutzah lerit .h, Zionist Organization was referred Fresh Alr Camp skingroup of Detroit

… , The inventory showed that Mr. 'Detroit tional Fund, In whose behalf he name by Mr. Warburg and his summer, most of the registrants t izaelrf oEfdw;arydorP. Miuklerzongre et y, n my Jewish comrades fall…

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