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April 30, 2009 • Page Image 1

…om HaZikaron • Nelson Legacy Fund • Senior Living • From Haven To Home A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $2.00 APRIL 30-MAY 6, 2009 / 6-12 IYAR 5769 Son-in-law Jonathan Aaron helps drivesition team of Davidson business network. NEWSPAPER OF 714E VF-AR ears )94 2000 ■ .. Covcring and #‘. …

April 23, 2009 • Page Image 1

…y Zedek Woman's World • JCC Jewish Film Fest DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $2.00 APRIL 23 -29, 2009 / 29 NISAN - 5 IYAR 5769 Brick by brick, the city on the dunes grew to international fame. Page A8: Cap & Gown Signup ears 1942 - 2009 …

April 16, 2009 • Page Image 1

…Hillel Leader Awaits Deportation • Shaarey Zedek's New President • Family: On The Go A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $2.00 APRIL 16-22, 2009 / 22-28 N1SAN 5769 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS t * $ ; t t 0' A: 0 ; If , . 0 A.1,10'711,4 , ? 'fr )1' er0 t d 1 f Jr v. • r lrarr ir ( 091I00i4effeirOf , 0. 0 , 00e siew , `,Je Yr'', r I, 0 r or- Three young entreprenett Cutting-edge business ex „Il i1 0 1 ,...…

April 09, 2009 • Page Image 1

…A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $2.00 APRIL 9-15, 2009 / 15-21 NISAN 5769 • Sk. II 1942 - 2009 Covering and 11111 9076 9419 9 Connecting Jewish Dctroit livery Week …

April 02, 2009 • Page Image 1

…Blessing Of The Sun • Coby's Gefilte Fish • On Campus • New Haggadot DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $2.00 APRIL 2-8, 2009 / 8-14 NISAN 5769 Nilo" Jewish Hospice & Chaplaincy Network marks first decade. protted Michiga ME1 MINVW100Rog 2008 NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR 6 , 1942 - 2009 111111 IIIIII 0 6 89076 94199 Covering and Connecting Jewish Detroit Bev" Week …

April 24, 2008 • Page Image 1

…Coca-Cola And Confiscation • Rise Of Urgent Care Centers • Eyewitness To Israeli Independence DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $1.50 APRIL 24-30, 2008 / 19-25 NISAN 5768 For a half-century, Jews have lived, worked and worshiped in Southfield. 66, 1942 - 2008 (stnering and .01111..1.111g 1 ).uuit I cy. ish txh. …

April 17, 2008 • Page Image 1

…Israel At 60 • Teen2Teen • Family Focus• DETROIT JEWISH NE A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $1.50 APRIL 17-23, 200y ,12-y3 NISAN 5768 P: - ass or the ages Report: Beyond The Blaze HEINIBRAPER OF THE YEAR 6 V!! Conering and Connecting Jew is!) Detroit ben Week Va. …

April 10, 2008 • Page Image 1

…Tamarack Keeps Kosher • Teen2Teen Extra • Willoway Marks 40 Years DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $1.50 APRIL 10-16, 2008 / 5-11 NISAN 5768 40 r 1913 - 2008 Sam Frankel: The Passing Of A Pioneer See Page A15 Inside: Business Section 66 1942 - 2008 NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR Covering and Connecting Jewish Detroit Every Week …

April 03, 2008 • Page Image 1

…DETROIT JAISH A JEWISH RENAISSANCE M $1.50 APRIL 3-9, 2008 / 27 Instilling H Doug Ross shapes a school culture that works for Detroit kids. • i :12 :208 amt (:on ,t.eing jevrisit I, PUBLICATION II-4 NISAN 5768 …

April 26, 2007 • Page Image 1

…Reca kng israers War Dead Abortion Ruling Debate - BBY0 Embraces Revitalization DETROIT JEWISH NEWS YEARS .1942-2007 Covering And Coluleaing Jewish Detroit Ever,"" W.tvk New study shows CT scanner improves heart allack diagnoses. Inside: Health & Fitness 661-#d LG#S 1-7i7Z-EZC817 RAJ 413idtA10019 1S3M zunie Ot.10d 7.11A.A01-1 oLDZISO/VO 1-0EL000 CZO NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR *1 0 1 I V 0 4. 1, 4, V-44- ihk f• (4.4,f v. V.- } 7- m 1...…

April 19, 2007 • Page Image 1

…Holocaust Remembrance • Third World Literacy • Akiva's Yom HaAtzmaut Concert DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $1.25 APRIL 19 -25, 2007 /1-7 IYAR 5767 YEARS 1942-2007 Covering And Connecting Jewish Detroit Every Week Jewish Film Festival offers something for everyone. t.11,11101f4 VIII :: ersar.inuur 0 6 OF THE YEAR …

April 12, 2007 • Page Image 1

…Ann Arbor Picketers Confronted • Shoah Survivor's Journey • Adam Brody's Local Connection A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION DETROIT JEWISH N $1.25 APRIL 12-18, 2007 / 24-30 NISAN 5767 JNonlinems 1942-2007 Y jewis" Coverin \\, r • ' eshiva Beth Yehudah program grows while embracing all kinds of Jewish learners. t 6 P i t //17/1141 MIQHOAJI PRESS ASSOCIATION 9 4 1 9 9 0 2006 NEWSPAPER oF THE yEAFt …

April 05, 2007 • Page Image 1

…Israeli Educators Visit • Lofty Young Adult Event • Anti-Semitism On Campus A JEW, DETROIT JEWISH NE $1.25 APRIL SANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION 007 / 17-23 NISAN 5767 US •ng And ( oimck t inL 1942-2007 h Detroit set-% mo-et. • srael torn over Sudanese refugees: Let them stay or send them aw e nside: platinum 2006 NEWSPAPER - OF THE YEAR …

April 27, 2006 • Page Image 1

…Health & Fitness • Stock Up At Bookstock • Jewish Film Festival AJEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION DETROITJEWISH NEWS $1.25 APRIL 27-MAY 3 2006 / 29 NISAN-5 NAR 5766 r r E cf 11111111 1111 Tr Tr ► iar Illt;iffE11111 11 . . .. , 171 1T -111 -‘11 ""J --:" 111191r 7, As Israel approaches 58, a former Detroiter tells her tale of aliyah. 1942 Covering and 6 89076 94199 0 Connecting Jets isli Detroit I:very \keel: …

April 20, 2006 • Page Image 1

…The Darfur Genocide • Yom HaShoah Events • 1ET's 'Coming Of Age' AJEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION TROITJEWISH NEWS IL 20-26 2006 / 22-28 NISAN 5766 eflective Moments • Cos cring and ish Connecting I ktroit Evcr) bounty of the Pesach celebration. …

April 13, 2006 • Page Image 1

…Ex-Neo-Nazi Teaches Tolerance • The Tragedy Of Darfur • New Teen Center Slated AJEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $1.25 APRIL 13-19 2006 / 15-21 NISAN 5766 Why an increasing number of Jews are opting for cremation. mcring and ( omit, ulg/t, Donal …

April 06, 2006 • Page Image 1

…Pro-Israel Arab Speaks Out • Chocolate Pesach Desserts • Interfaith Seder Ideas DETROIT J SWISH N EWS A JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDIA PUBLICATION $1.25 APRIL 6-12, 2006 / 8-14 NISAN 5766 Detroit embraces MAZONs mission though youth, schools, synagogues. Inside: Platinum 1942 47 rs 2006 6 89076 94199 0 C,ring and Connectingjewish Detroit Every Vceek …

April 28, 2005 • Page Image 1

… $1.25 APRIL 28, 2005 / 19 NISAN 5765 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Inside: Recipes to help you enjoy Mother's Day. A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication Ending poverty is the passion of former Oak Parker Jeffrey Sachs. MHO 2004 NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR 11=1:11:11 A JN Subscription is the Gift utcu gyve-6 year-round. Cnil (248) 351 h174 to order today! - …

April 21, 2005 • Page Image 1

… DETROIT JEWISH NEWS $1.25 APRIL 21, 2005 / 12 NISAN 5765 Inside: Jerusalem Quartet coming to Ann Arbor. E ari•e' Media Publication .01 ar. .111a • 4:1F A f Pf 1 i. . ...-!.. ' - , # .....0 ....t...," ... Ak • " .... fir" ' ,,, ,• </- , \ : . ' . - - - I . :4, ) Family tips for a perfectly pleasurable Passover. mPA MICHIGAN GRESS ASSOCIATION 2004 NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR 6 89076 94199 0 Look inside for...…

April 14, 2005 • Page Image 1

… $1.25 APRIL 14, 2005/ 5 NISAN, 5765 A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication Meet the Je h founders of the Motor City Music Conference. Inside: Akiva names new secular principal. Watch for your FREE GIFT in our Passover issue! s'r …

April 07, 2005 • Page Image 1

…JNOnline.coirts- $1.25 APRIL 7, 2005/ 27 ADAR II, 5765 DETROIT JE'WISH NEWS 'enaissance Media Publication co s t Examining the spiritual return on the financial investment. S.racKIE-11 aap,3rto The Jewish view of the Pope's legacy. JN lifestyle magazine PLATINUM Watch for your FREE GIFT in our Passover lssuel mi.M 2004 NEWSPAPER MONTAN MESS ASSOCIATION ESTtAEAR …

April 30, 2004 • Page Image 1

…DETROIT JEWISH NEWS F t a. o [Pit • tt er- "-AI ir fry I f I L t lov ft. uh, e ° It 1/41•I From a solemn memorial to a joyous "gathering of exiles," Detroiters mark Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut. Subscribe and Save: C211(248) 351-5174 …

April 23, 2004 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication k--tN\vjvk: 'k****"`'***. 5-Diait 48202 *01 0008844 09f26/05 Davil Poretriba Detroit Pub Lib/ Button Histor 5201 Woodwanl Ave Detroit Mt 48202 \ ‘ ‘1,4, …

April 16, 2004 • Page Image 1

…$1.25 APRIL 16, 2004/NISAN 25, 5764 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS enaissance Media Publication hahob.ok against hate Local Holocaust curriculum reaches students worldwide. Subscribe and Save! Call (2 8) 351-5174 …

April 09, 2004 • Page Image 1

….4t *•-• - A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication A stitch-by-stitch guide to the knitting craze that blends fashion, friendship and mitzvot. Subscribe and Save! Call (248) 351-5174 …

April 02, 2004 • Page Image 1

…'With A Strong Hand' A collector's passion for Ash Renaissance Media Publication the Passover Haggadah: medieval to Maxwell House. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: I v In this issue! JN Platinum's special garden section! …

April 25, 2003 • Page Image 1

…$1.25 APRIL 25, 2003 / NISAN 23, 5763 www.d etro itjewishnews.c om DETROIT JEWISH NEWS issance Media Publication Ann Arbor's Irene Butter evolves from silent Holocaust victim to emissary of understanding. …

April 18, 2003 • Page Image 1

… $1.25 APRIL 18, 2003 / NISAN 16, 5763 I DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • 1, , Former Detroiter Daniel Doctoroff embraces the Big Apple and an Olympic dream. 4 …

April 11, 2003 • Page Image 1

…I ..410,010,00.1#14,, r , • - r _ • , • rieviE.1,wirirj ile 1710VIeS At_ Jewisiri Filril Feti\Jeii f2) ktA11:740,130,4 Altri witow 14114§..r., 7100ortiile - - .. . • - Leadership I r-. . , Fr iirting c „, C14'5E ; . 1\111rhirPc- — J 11 ,tooelie..wlooto.,..ftworgmk.wwwlppits.A. lteptyineurffle****44401 -4146Lea" ,,..... 41 ,01Lim .' _ A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication 4-4 ******#******* 5—DIGIT 48335 t(01 0027808 ...…

April 04, 2003 • Page Image 1

…$1.25 APRIL 4, 2003 / NISAN 2, 5763 www.detroitjewishnews.corn 0, A Jewi J\J PLL:rA±fiLLIJ • DIFFERENT Synagodie 2000's message of renewa meets with varying local success., - • • • •••.., …

April 26, 2002 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication Michigan STANDS WITH Israel Rally s-uLL)/ky , N I www. THE EADE Enthusiasm and dedication drive this group of emerging Jewish role models. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 5-DIGIT 48203 x01 0000920 03/08/03 SK 97 JEROME M ASH 1700 LINCOLNSHIRE DR DETROIT MI 48203-1411 …

April 19, 2002 • Page Image 1

…$1.25 APRIL 19, 2002 IYAR 7, 5762 Detroiters Stand Up For Israel At Washington Solidarity Rally A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication bunion JEWISH' NWg Y./ Massive outpouring of so om HaZikaron commemoration. -4 h 11"..; Hi …

April 12, 2002 • Page Image 1

…Waleoraesel011.110161101119011111111011101 111.011110 WOMININIMMININOMMOSIMMONIMil *womastwannormasumme Detroit Jewish News A Jewish Renaissance Media' Publication „_. …

April 05, 2002 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication Professor Sidney Bolk to Holo uses the Internet to give broad access survivors' oral histories. Pharaoh's slaughter of Israelites resonates for today's Israelis, and Detroit Jewry responds with prayer and public demonstrations. …

April 27, 2001 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication $1.00 APRIL 27, 2001/IYAR 4, 5761 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Inside: Community Observes Yom HaShoah Expo Promotes Safety For Kids www.detroitjewishnews.corn Psychic medium Rebecca Perelman communicates with "the other side." …

April 20, 2001 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication "Ragtime" Actor Beco=s Bar Mitzvah On Tour A Lenore Marwil Jewsurn Festival Prevjew shnews.corn Americl Germany An- P ersistence Qf Memor And The Reason and emotion collide as Jews try to reconcile modern Germany with its Holocaust past. .41 …

April 13, 2001 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication Book Explores Art Of Jewish Caregiving Barry Howard Reflects On Judicial Career - .3, MARCH OF THE LIVING TO POLAND AND ISRAEL BRINGS TOGETHER JEWS kit …

April 06, 2001 • Page Image 1

…A Jewish Renaissance Media Publication $1.00 APRIL 6, 2001/NISAN 13, 5761 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS La Difference Shifts Focus Of Menu How To Make A Family-Friendly Seder _ at the Jewish News Passover 5761 Recalling The Red Sea's Parting And Celebrating The Freedoms We Enjoy …

April 28, 2000 • Page Image 1

…$1.00 APRIL 28, 2000/NISAN 23, 5760 Holocaust Remembrance Day evolves against a backdrop of survivors and their unique stories, but the Shoah's darkest . dir …

April 21, 2000 • Page Image 1

…ar I I P aa a rob • Upcoming Tour Visits Old Jewish Detroit Federation's Campaign On A Record Course The second annual JCC Lenore Marwil Jewish, Festival ilooks at life through II a Jewish lens. …

April 14, 2000 • Page Image 1

…$1.00 APRIL 14, 2000/NISAN 9, 5760 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS It now comes in many shapes and sizes, but the seder is still at the forefront when Jews celebrate their religious freedoms during Passover. …

April 07, 2000 • Page Image 1

…DETROIT JEWISH NEWS rift. Inside: "1°. rot .e.16 West Bloomfield Schools Bond Vote Monday - 16 The Ethiopian-Detroit Connection www.detroitjewishnews.corn *EA* A Will To Survive • , • .A• oi• • it14441 , ..4 d • • V " …

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