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February 22, 1929 • Page Image 8

… to the Hillel Foundation, the American Jewish Committee, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and a large number of national organizations which in one way or another are per- forming services either to…

… . ERNEST W. OWEN, Manager, Eaton Tower, 30th Floor, Detroit, Michigan I , • Mineral Wealth in Dead Sea Is $4,000,000,000. lw The mineral wealth of the Dead Sea, the reputed bed of Sodom and Gomorrah…

of forming new chapters in those col- leges and universities where there is as yet no Avukah group, and he plans to meet with Jewish stu- dents in the universities in order to work out with them a more…

…, together with further provision for foreign relief, which will be necessary, although in decreasing amounts. A subsidy for the Hebrew University is sought for the first time and a renewal of our subscription…

… is his first active participation in Jewish af- fairs since his withdrawal some years ago from his studies for the rabbinate. Since that time, he has written a number of books the last of which, "Jews…

… Are Like That," published under the pseudonym of Analyticus, is arousing wide- spread discussion in Jewish and literary circles. The Avukah's purpose is to fur- ther the endeavors of the Jewish people…

… which it is the representative of the Zionist movement. In taking over the Avukah work, Mr. Wise will not only direct the or campaign and fund- raising activities, but will also help to edit publications…

…, including a l'alestine Anthology anti Zionist Text Book, which have already been undertaken and which con- stitute a large part of the cultural work of the movement. Mr. Wise will also take part in the work…

… in- tensive as well as broader program of Jewish cultural activities. Judge Theodore J. RICHTER (Continued From Page One). B'rith lodge at Union Hall, East Lansing. A sum apprusimating $1,000 was…

… residents now in Florida and California. In an interesting letter received by Mr. Blumenthal this week from Robert Marwil, the latter writes in part as follows, front Jerusalem. "As the representative of De…

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