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June 08, 1945 • Page Image 2

… Palestinian dances. U. of M. Hillel To Present Awards Jews Chief Victims Of Atrocities, Says Congressional Report The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion, University of Michigan, will hold its annual installation…

… and award supper this Sunday eve- ning, at the Fundation. The awards supper is to honor outstanding Hillel members and citizens. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, di- rector of the Foundation, will serve as…

… toastmaster and will de- liver the principal address. The highlight of the evening will be the installation of the Hillel student council and officers. Betty Korash of Detroit is the new president. Judith…

… program. CAIRO (WNS). — The propa- Miss Janet Weiss of Michigan ganda activities of Soviet au- State and Wayne will be drama- thorities have recently increased tic director. in the Arab countries, it was…

…Page Twelve Zionists to Hold World Parley JERUSALEM (WNS) — The executive of the World Zionist Organization, meeting in session here last week, voted to call a World Zionist conference. The…

… conference, to be held in London in July, will be the first world Zionist parley since the outbreak of the war. The conference, whose deci- sions will serve as a guide for Zionist political activities until…

… holding of the World Zionist Congress, is expected to be at- tended by all members of the Zionist Actions Committee resid- ing in Palestine, Europe, the United States and in other coun- tries. Severe…

… criticism of the political policies of the Jewish Agency executive was voiced this week at a session of the Small Zionist Actions Committee. A demand was made by some members that the Agency enlarge and…

… director of the Hias-Ica Emigration Association. Dr Bernstein, who arrived from Paris, said that "in prin- ciple the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has agreed to the return to France of all former…

of Ro- mania he said that emigration from that country was not yet possible. He disclosed that, be- cause of the contradictory de- crees concerning the restitution of property and other Jewish rights…

June 08, 1945 • Page Image 11

… ago violinist Na- retary; Louis Levin, treasurer; University of Michigan in Ann who (lanced around the bonfire. than Milstein acquired a Stradi- Isadore Cohen, chairman of the Arbor last Sunday awarded…

… recently published Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelernter, U. of M. Hillel eon will be served and an after- removed the furniture to the book. "Surrender on Demand". president; Rabbi H. N. Carle- Awards Honor Keys street…

… and burned it, to the de- MUSICAL NOTES: The Hillel Foundation at the noon of games will follow. bach of the Yeshivah staff, sec- The shower is for the benefit light of hundreds of hoodlums Sonic years…

… cent in enrollment was HOgarth 4060 - UNIversIty 2-1936 the apartment, under a court or- looking forward to giving it its reported during the year. Income Hillel Student Council president By Appolntmet…

… Be Toastmaster Survivors in Greece N.W. Cong. Dinner NEW YORK.—The first list of At 3,300 Jews in Greece who sur- Building to House 15o Pupils Is Given to Beth Yehudah Yeshivah Anti-Semitic Outbreaks…

… In France Worry Jewish Leaders The new board of directors of donations, $35,000; synagogues, PARIS (WNS).—Considerable Aaron Rosenberg will officiate vived the German occupation was Yeshivath Beth…

… Yehudah, at its $10,000; annual functions, $12,- anxiety is felt here among Jew- as master of ceremonies at the received by the Joint Distribution 000, and Jewish Welfare Federa- ish leaders over the recent…

… anti- first donor dinner of the North- Committee, it was announced by first meeting last Monday, re- tion, $1,875. A deficit of $2,866 Jewish demonstrations in Paris, west Hebrew Congregation and Dr…

…. Joseph C. Hyman, executive ceived a report that the various was incurred. The budget for Marseilles and Lyons. A particu- vice chairman. departments of the school will 1945-46 is $134,00. larly painful…

… impression on the Center, to be held at the Jewish be provided with additional class During the first five months of Community Center on Sunday Jewish population here was made 1945 he Joint Distribution Com…

June 08, 1945 • Page Image 17

… Board and examiner for the Michigan State Civil Service Commission, member of the ex- ecutive committee of the Detroit Council for the Physically Han- dicapped, consultant to re-em- ployment section of

University and the College of the City of New York. He did graduate work in per- sonnel administration, vocational guidance and social work at Co- lumbia University. He is a mem- ber of Phi Beta Kappa and Zeta…

… 'the Psychological Aspect of a Prison'; Ask That They Be Released. selves and families in an on- rushing world." In Washington, Dillon Meyer of the War Relocation Authority, when asked to comment on the…

…, secretary four were placed in mental in- stitutions since establishment of of Hammond-Standish Co., meat packers, • vice-president of Con- the shelter last August." gregation Shaarey Zedek, was selected a…

… member of the nine- man committee to gather facts on, Detroit's food shortage for presentation in a report to Wash- ington. Detroiter Pleads To Our Statesmen Article by Sgt. Saul Josephs Appeals for…

… Prevention of Another War In the Detention Times, an overseas paper, published in Marseilles, France, which ap- peared on June 3, Sgt. Saul Josephs, brother of Mrs. Ber- nard Lachs, 224 W. Grand River Ave…

…., writes- a masterful plea to our statesmen to make this world a better place in which to live. He points out that the Allies are losing sight of the most important factor in peace, that is, the mutual trust…

…- Officially May 30 tion of many vital enemy mili- tary objectives." His first mis- Announcement has been made sion took place on D-Day. On his 28th and final trip his plane of the appointment of Lt. Alan was…

… had been versity hurdler, be won the na- taken, only a few days before, tional 110 and 220 yard hurdle title in 1937 and recently com- by the Canadians. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. peted in the west…

… coast relays in Sidney L. Alexander of 11534 Fresno, Cal. Tolmich's time of Byron Ave. A brother, Maj. 8.4 for the 65 meter high hurdles Martin Alexander, is stationed set in 1939, is the Amateur Ath- as…

June 08, 1945 • Page Image 8

… and Germany. He was country, will utilize the additional ment of industry and business in president of the U. of Michigan capital of a new $1,500,000 issue Palestine, has had a part in the Hillel

… native of Michigan and the first U. S. general to make contact with the Russian army in Germany) pinned the Bronze Star on Pfc. Feuerman. Pfc. Feuerman, attached to he medical corps, was cited "for he…

… program should 12th St. Center Marcella Steuben To Open Day Camp Heads Bnai Brith State Women's Council Lewis B. Daniels, chairman The Women's Michigan Coun- cil of Bnai Brith, at its annual meeting last…

… student council and at- of common stock for a post-war development of Jewish Palestine tended the University of Michi- program to develop industry and which reflects credit upon its gan where he was a pre…

… Detroit. Miss Elizabeth Edmonson, Wayne University student, was the speaker. Miss Edmonson spoke on racial problems. Pfc. George Feuerman, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Feuerman, 18994 Fairfield Ave., has…

…Frdlay, Jun. 8, DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle Pegs Six - Pfc Albert M. Cohen Depicts How Nazis Had to Clean Temple - — Pfc. Albert M. Cohen of De- troit, who is serving with…

… the U. S. Seventh Army in Germany, in a letter to his mother, Mrs. R. Cohen, now living in Wind- sor, describes the cleansing of a Temple for victory services. He writes: "We have arranged to have the…

… local temple cleaned for our services. The place was used us the school for Hitler Jugend. And who should have the pleas- ure of cleaning it out but the Storm Troopers. "And so with the Polish slave…

… dedicated to the victory of the Seventh Army in receiving the capitulation of the German army group oppos- ing us. It was the first service held there in 10 years, and I think we woke up the neighbors with…

… our singing. It is a remark- of the Zionist Organization of able building, probably the most Dr. Israel Goldstein (right), president America, purchasing the first share in the new $1,500,000 issue of

June 08, 1945 • Page Image 3

… Feiler President As President of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president Bnai Brith Coun- In Trusteeship cil The held Michigan of the American Jewish Con- fo Revive UJA Jewish Council its annual meeting at Aaron…

… mark the of funds to be collected in 1945. 12 lodges in Michigan and seven mann will continue to serve as official launching of the Business The reported settlement pro- lodges in Detroit attended the a…

… announced children's nu sing home in Eng- is the magnificent Rothschild delegates, 70 of them from this week that it had inaugurated land in Dr. Goldstein's honor. Hadassah University Hospital on America…

… DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1945 10c Single Copy, $3.00 Per Year Parley Adopts State Bnai Brith Nominate Droock Stephen S. Wise Hint JDC, UPA Arab Proposal Council Names To Speak Here Reach Accord…

… Droock, vice president gress ' will address an inaugural NEW YORK (WNS),- of the Jewish Community Coun- luncheon of the Business and An agreement on the revi- cil and chairman of its Discrimi- val of the…

… United Jewish nation Committee, will be nomi- Appeal has been reached nated for the presidency of the between the Joint Distribu- Jewish Community Council 31' tion Committee, the United Detroit at the…

… said the offices of president, three official confirmation of the vice presidents, secretary and treasurer. In addition, 12 mem- accord will be made when bers of the executive committee, the contract is…

… signed. one-third of the entire body, are Joseph Hyman, executive vice to be named for three-year terms. president of the JDC, admitted Lawrence W. Crohn, Rabbi that negotiations leading to a Leon Frain…

… Board brought Ellmann Declines about the accord when all other James I. Ellmann, president of efforts to mediate or arbitrate the Council since October, 1941. the differences failed. DR. STEPHEN S. WISE…

June 08, 1945 • Page Image 1

… Council Names To Speak Here Feiler President As President of A I: Iei LS . a. n Wise, is pres ic d of D .h ( S , tephen Bnai Brith Coun- In Trusteeship cil The held Michigan on- Jewish Council its annual…

… session. Delegates dis- cussed plans regarding war serv- ice, ADL, Hillel, membership, . con- servation, youth groups and other activities of Bnai Brith which is known as the largest Jewish service…

of the U. S., department of Michigan, are forming a new post in De- troit in honor of the late Lt. Raymond Zussman, the only Jew- i h ldi • i ional war to e v the Congressional Medal of Hon- FREED…

… In Its 30th Year VOL. 47, NO. 23 Founded in 1915 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1945 Parley Adopts State Bnai Brith Nominate Droock Stephen S. Wise Arab Proposal…

… meeting at ent SAN FRANCISCO (WNS) the Hotel Webster Hall on Sun- —The trusteeship commit- day, June 3. Representatives from tee of the United Nations Conference adopted this week, without a dissenting…

… vote, the proposal of the Egyptian delegates provid- ing for joint trusteeships over certain territories by more than one state. III Should the Egyptian amend- ment be approved by the general session…

of the conference it would mean that Egypt, or any other Arab state, would later have the right to petition the world security organization to allow it to participate in the trusteeship over Palestine…

… with Great Britain. Russia's insistence on the elim- ination of the so-called "Pales- tine clause" from the trusteeship proposals continued to hold the attention of the Soviet, Ameri- can and British…

… delegations. But the hope was held out that a compromise would be reached on the wording of the amendment. Russian opposition to paragraph JESS FEILER five of the trusteeship proposals, the so-called Palestine…

… clause, is 12 lodges in Michigan and seven said to be based on the conten- lodges in Detroit attended the tion that it might be interpreted seven morning clinics and the See TRUSTEESHIP—Page 12 afternoon…

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