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October 04, 1929 • Page Image 48

… the medical MT. CLEMENS, MICH. tended the university of Michigan make for both mental and physical . . work of the Hadassah, the Ameri- Cass Ave. at Miller for three years. Ile was in the rest. Hotel…

March 04, 1927 • Page Image 11

… graduate of the University of Michigan Law School, his knowledge of the law has been Sunday, Mar, 6 ORCHESTRA HALL 50c to $2.00 BEETHOVEN Orchestra (90 Pieces) TRIO Vote NO On the Proposed Districting…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 7

… returned I to the University of Michigan after spending the vacation holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Vliet of Edison avenue. it II Mr. and Mrs. II. Lowenstein of Hamilton, Ohio, and Marcus…

February 04, 1921 • Page Image 3

…IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL ef A Ctt i l a l li e ttr t el l I N O fftnta:.,as r a g ai l v ue dn enT ah tor tTir e = University of Michigan, Feb. 2, at the ie... Temple Theatre by Mies Jean Rothen- berg and Nat Cohen. Other…

June 04, 1920 • Page Image 2

… entertainment on Sunday erature, Science and the Arts, at the evening, June 13, at 8 o'clock, at the University of Michigan. with the de- First Hungarian Synagogue, corner gree of Bachelor of Arts, completing…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 7

… at the Belvedere Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Judith Victor, a student at the University of Michigan, arrived Wednesday, Feb. 2, to spend the mid-semester vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Vic…

… Epsilon chap- ter at the University of Michigan. Mothers' Club Calendar Monday, Feb 14, 8 p. to.—Oakland Club. at Jewlelt Community Center, Motion picture 11104 Woodward Ake. show. TUOMIllY, Feb. IS, 1…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 9

… stone Mr. Sherman at one time served ash, University of Michigan; and will be the second feature of the vyn Douglas and Robert Young. Rabbis; Dr. Joseph Jacobs, rep- time with him thereafter in Pales…

…. Elevator. All carpeted. is intimately ac- and of Tel Aviv, On Monday, Tuesday. Wednes- person Gus Van, famous star of ler, B. S., University of Michigan. this country. The intimate Pic- Society of America…

September 04, 1964 • Page Image 80

… ad- 80 Friday. September 4, 1964 mitted she had no formal Jewish . University of Michigan put out a the Birmingham Temple, eondemns glossy brochure on services they those "patronizing parents" who In…

April 04, 1952 • Page Image 2

…. D.C. Zwerdling, 41, a graduate et try. When this industry com- tions. The Ehrlich-Alter Branch of the University of Michigan. re- pletes the expansion program ceived his law degree in 1933. A that…

February 04, 1949 • Page Image 10

… Israel Lodge of Bnai Brith at 8:30 p.m., Monday, in Mishkan Israel Synagogue, 2827 Blaine avenue. Robinson is president of the University of Michigan chapter Mrs. Ida Malek has been ap- of the United…

July 04, 1941 • Page Image 13

… community advisors to the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor's quota for the U. S. 0. is $6,000, but the sum of ! $7,200 was raised under the lead- ership of Mr. Zwerdling…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 4

… quote from this 49 years ago, educated in the valuable publication." Detroit public schools and the University of Michigan. lie grad- uated in law in 1913, and is a member of the Michigan Bar. He served…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 10

… the University of Michigan Dingell shows a number of things: in 1930, and Harvard law School first, serving his district efficiently; in 1933. Ile studied lit the Uni- second, voting intelligently on na…

December 04, 1931 • Page Image 13

…'arke street was Ane of fourteen senior women to be •Ierted to Senior Honorary sodvt, at the University of Michigan. Membershipof the society is based on scholarship and activity. Friday night, Rabbi Jerome D…

April 04, 1930 • Page Image 5

… scheduled by Detroit chapter of Hadassah fur Tuesday, April S.: at 2:15, at Hotel Statlee Pr o f. W. II. Worrell of the Semitics de- partment of the University of Michigan, will speak on The TRIBUTES PAID TO…

March 04, 1929 • Page Image 3

…. University of Michigan and Friday morning at the age of 52. STATLER HOTEL WASHING- be 3, in the form of an advertisement Cleveland is seeking a number other neighboring colleges Will TON BLVD. ENTRANCE…

March 04, 1929 • Page Image 4

… absolute integrity," according to James 0. Murfin, former Cir- cuit Court Judge, now Regent of the University of Michigan. "I believe that James Cleary, who has been associated with me for 11 years in the…

March 04, 1927 • Page Image 4

… theater bene- tended the University of Michigan. fit to be held on Sunday. March 27. from which he was graduated with a at the Bonstelle Playhouse. The pro- Arts. He was degree of Bachelor of ceeds of this…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 6

… pillow. His Mrs. Samuel Wetsman of 1496 the University of Michigan. sister, Mildred Goldsmith, who was Harding avenue entertained at he r the flower girl, wore a white organdie home Sunday evening in honor…

May 04, 1923 • Page Image 10

… House, the splendid dormitory for girls at the University of Michigan, in recognition of at- tainments on the campus. Miss Er- mann will attend the educational con- ference of Ohio State University to be…

October 04, 1918 • Page Image 1

University of Michigan law de- of the Sabbath School Board. deserved to hear. SWISS PROFESSOR partment in 1879. served on the historical committee Jews, and it is encumbent upon the ist movement. "President…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 11

… luncheon will be served at tion of our people. In the purchase Joseph cipal speakers of the evening. Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenthal the University of Michigan, were provinces occupied by the Spanish 1…

January 04, 1935 • Page Image 9

of Michigan student. home with their par- ents for the holldaY nreson. Mr. and Ma. Frank Ackerman of Cleveland announce the engagement of their daughter Lenh to Jerome Glass, SOO of Mr. and Mrs…

…. Meinmed of Philadelphia Is visiting fler son-In•law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Inter Solomon. Two New Erwin Simon, Robert Remes, Robert Koeltchek, Abe Marlon and Bernard Weintraub are among the University

November 04, 1932 • Page Image 2

… William H. Worrell 1 in numerous recitals both abroad J. W. E. W. 0. will give a lunch- entertain- of the University of Michigan ed The Great and Lakes Club with members escorts a Hal- and in this country…

November 04, 1932 • Page Image 8

… activities of the the ":." ob 41,:7'1,0 IT„, Ja c The board of the North End University of Michigan graudates three-act play, with a prologue, is Kvutzah for the new season. An Id stein, Sau Birnkrant and Also…

March 04, 1932 • Page Image 1

… title. ment of the a here of the University of Michigan; a son, estin development, the executive ppearance gational Church, the ninety-sev- able glance to the Reich's consti of Rabbi Fram will take up the…

March 04, 1929 • Page Image 11

…„tr, vin. of Emilie Xlolnar's Judges in such comets, moreover, the University of Michigan Law hough '1" some "I. the funniest livid. replesentatives of the press, most famous comedy-tirania, " would he…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 9

… that he has opened office at 8701 'Twelfth street, an where he will attend to the needs of his patients. Dr. Goldstick is a grad- uate of the University of Michigan and is ran hed among the successful…

November 04, 1921 • Page Image 10

…. Cabin worker in affairs of charity, will be armament Sunday." University of Michigan I. Z. A. than- for $125.00 $145.00 in Detroit during December. The leaflets bear the following ap- ter, mainly through…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 1

of Michigan. Dr. Heller has chosen as his subject, "Judea Stoops to Con- quer," and in his address will analyze some salient features of the . present world-wide Jewish situ- Services begin, Si usual…

… Temple Pulpit Next Friday The sermon at the Sabbath Eve nervier) at Temple Friday evening, Feb. 11, will be preached by Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 4

…• 1537. S.. Art. Feature Syndicate) Director, Hillel Foundation, University of Michigan him; I like to laugh at Jews, a of AMerica; and charges by a writer in ish rights in Palestine, and emphasizing…

September 04, 1936 • Page Image 10

… certain principles of action he tions from Christians. He writes on insisted upon. While in Pales- University of Michigan, where h Trust gate to the national convention tine, through his earnest efforts…

February 04, 1921 • Page Image 1

University of Michigan in the e to in ., cance to him as a Jew. the cam ity spirit and to assist in the Sociology. department, will address America on 155'0 days' notice, and is furtherance of a plan for a…

February 04, 1921 • Page Image 4

…. Stephen S. Wise and Prof. Hobbs of which is to be dealt with by itself. the University of Michigan, account, of which have occupied the front He was high in his praises of the pages of 'the newspapers this…

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