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March 04, 1994 • Page Image 21

…11 0 kit!ktl 0,,, 71 n94 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER Local Jews Answer Killings 00kidAtt) lots - RUTH LITTMANN STAFF WRITER H arriet Drissman of Farm- ington Hills thinks the world has a double…

… stan- dard for Jews and Arabs. To prove it, she points to the in- ternational outrage over last week's massacre in Hebron. "You have at least 35 to 40 Jews who have been killed since that famous…

… Ensile-ate With Ertmlico Michigan's Largest Independent Pest Control Company For Service Throughout Southeastern Michigan Call: (313) 546-6200 Call the Jewish News Advertising Department 354-6060 CC 2…

June 04, 1999 • Page Image 14

… discrimination in hiring, education and housing. It then stood up for civil rights, the plight of oppressed Jews around the world and ecumenical movements. In the early part of this decade, it played a key role in…

…, only two of four meetings it arranged to reach out to Jews on the fringes of the Jewish community drew more than a couple dozen people. A drive announced two years ago to be part of the rebuilding of the…

… anti-Semitic incidents do happen, the Michigan Region of the Anti-Defamation League takes the call. The Council continues to court Michigan legislators and staff, but its legislative director says…

….the most important issues she tackled during this slow year in Lansing was a genet- ic testing bill that might affect Ashkenazi Jews and a bill exempting Orthodox Jews from autopsy. Lacking an urgent cause…

October 04, 1991 • Page Image 5

… championship to her credits. 24 CLOSE-UP Jews and Jewish views on animal rights issues. 51 31 BACKGROUND Did Israel cross U.S. Jews on loan guarantee issue? DEPARTMENTS PROFILE Separate But Equal AMY…

… published every Friday with additional supplements in January, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and…

… additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27676 Franklin Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 $31 per year $41 per year out of state 75' single copy Vol. C No. 6 October 4…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 4

…• I xio.M"vin data Constructive Actions, Without A Violence Factor Jews don't kill, Jews don't hate. We wish that were the sum total of the truth. But what has been even more distressing than…

… the murderous act of Dr. Baruch Goldstein is the reaction we've seen and heard from other Jews. For a rabbi, a man of God, to eulogize that one million Arabs aren't worth the fingernail of a sin- gle…

Jew, is stunning in its viciousness. For other "religious" Jews to call for the revenge of Dr. Gold- stein's death is a contradiction of the precepts of Jewish law we hold dear. Dr. Goldstein, it is…

… who see Dr. Goldstein's act as a crying out of sorts to attract attention to the killing of Jews, and to protest the peace process. Others feel he might have seen the Palestinians as Amalek, and…

… followed the lead of the Haftorah Zachor instructing Jews to destroy Amalek's peo- ple and descendants. Whatever he was thinking, Dr. Goldstein mur- dered. There is nothing that can justify his ac- tions…

… people about this peace process or not, we have to single out the haters who call themselves Jews. We can- not have a standard for anti-Semites and then look away if a Jew is racist or kills or hates…

… level of responsibility. As Jews we must show ourselves as examples of unquestionable godliness. If we don't, then the price we'll pay as a people for any sort of co-exis- tence or peace in Israel will be…

November 04, 1994 • Page Image 38

…cekdege 101111011 WEI = Exodus Of Syrian Jews Has Been Completed Stk. #D5097 • CADILLAC. CREATING A HIGHER STANDARD. • Ad price based on a 24 month GMAC Smartlease and is plus 6% Michigan use…

…- ian Chief Rabbi Avraham Ham- ra marked the end of an emigration which began in April 1992 and has brought 3,800 of Syria's 4,000 Jews out of the country. Hamra, who had been living in New York for the…

… of the roughly 230 Jews still in Syria are free to leave, and a handful are expected to arrive in New York this week, according to those involved. "Now the community in Syr- ia is gone," Rabbi Hamra…

… atmosphere in the Middle East. On the eve of his departure, more than 100 Syrian Jews gath- ered at the reception hosted by the American Jewish Joint Dis- tribution Committee. Some, like the rabbi, had only…

… which em- igration from Syria was banned, but had risked everything to es- cape. Even after Syrian President Hafez Assad permitted Jews to travel freely, and thereby tacitly permitted the community's em…

…- igration, Syrian Jews feared to rejoice publicly. Over the past years, Israeli censors banned coverage of the exodus out of fear of jeopardizing the operation, and American Jewish publications voluntarily…

… story was publicized in Israel following an announcement from Syria. In Israel, Rabbi Hamra will join 1,500 Syrian Jews who have made aliyah in the past two years after arriving in New York from Damascus…

…. That part of the exo- dus has been kept absolutely se- cret until now since in giving permission for Jews to travel in 1992, Mr. Assad specifically stip- ulated that they were not to go to Israel. More…

…, the Jewish people have to go to Israel," he said. At the reception, those whose families number among the esti- mated 230 Jews still in Syria were the most reluctant to talk SYRIA page 40 …

October 04, 1991 • Page Image 62

…NEWS Montreal Jews Rally For Syrians A life full of ease, simplicity and promises that are kept. Loosely translated. Que Vie is French tbr "That. Life." The Que Vie family promises to help you…

…,899 U. SEGAL ELECTRONIC CO. 22920 LAHSER RD. SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN 48034 (313) 355-0100 1-800-322-1948 "Compare Us To Your Broker..." Rodger Riney, President SCOTTSDALE Fidelity Schwab Olde Waterhouse…

…: Mon. Weds. and Sat. 10-7 Thurs. and Fn. 10-9 • Sun. 12-5 • 626-3362 ram COUPON -ram- Montreal (JTA) — Frigid temperatures and rain did not prevent several hundred Montreal Jews from gather- ing last…

… week at a Simchat Torah rally for Syrian Jews outside the home and office of Syria's honorary consul general, Faiz Rifai, in suburban Beaconsfield. Rabbi Martin Penn, co- chairman of the Canadian Jewish…

… Congress' Com- mittee for Jews in Arab Lands, one of several co- sponsoring _ organizations, pointed out that now is an opportune time to pressure Syria to stop mistreating its Jewish population. "While the…

… condition of Syrian Jews has always been tragic, now is the time to go public with our demands," Rabbi Penn said. "Syria is looking to enhance relations with the West," he elaborated, and "to do so, Syria…

… St. Luc suburb, said Syrian President Hafez Assad con- siders Syria's Jews to be "hostages, bargaining chips in future negotiations. "That's another reason for this demonstration, to make the status of…

… Syrian Jews known to communities out- side our own," Mr. Nashen. said. "People aren't aware of how badly they are being treated," he added. Mr. Rifai was not at home when the demonstration started at noon…

… family but had no idea Jews were being held in Syria against their will. They were given literature by CJC communications di- rector Mike Cohen. Very few Jews live in Beaconsfield, where some local…

… waved placards calling for an end to the Damascus government's "campaign of terror" against the 4,500 Jews left in Syria. The rally was initiated by Rabbi Reuben Poupko of Congregation Beth Israel Beth…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 18

…. (Si Sat. 9.5 ABBAKA DACOR THERN lADOR MONOGRAM U S. Rep. Eric Fingerhut, a freshman legislator from Ohio, came to town to give the Detroit Jew- ish community what he consid- ered a frightening message…

… seven other Jewish organizations. "I have never felt so alarmed or that it was so necessary for Jews to be involved in politics." Rep. Fingerhut said his fear stems from a number of factors, including a…

… recent debate on the House floor. The debate was about condemning a speech by the Nation of Islam's Khalid Abdul Muhammad, who ver- bally attacked Jews, Catholics, whites and gays during a Nov. 29 speech…

… given every day on college campuses." He also mentioned last Fri- day's incident in Hebron, when a Jewish settler killed 40 Muslims. We as Jews have an obliga- tion to put this incident into con- text for…

… springboards to higher offices. It's also impor- tant to make sure Jews are in- volved with candidates of both political parties." Following Rep. Fingerhut's address, Larry Deitch, a Michi- gan Democrat, and…

… Harriet Rotter, a Michigan Republican, spoke about their parties and jokingly took stabs at the oppo- site political affiliation. But their message was the same: politi- cal party does not matter —just get…

November 04, 1994 • Page Image 58

…0 9 THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM MICHIGAN REGION rn Presents `) A Workshop Seminar Titled: Marrying In Marrying Out KEEPING THE JEWISH FAITH Featuring Keynote Speaker Rabbi…

… It All In The Jewish News Classifieds Call 354-5959 American Cardinals Good Friends Of Jews New York Roman Catholic church today," (JTA) — The said Rudin. "It shows how im- two American portant…

… Catholic-Jewish relations archbishops el- are to this pope." "It is one of the ironies of Jew- evated to the rank of cardi- ish history that a reliable friend nal by Pope that the Jewish people have in John…

…'s chief He's a mensch," said Rabbi Win- spokesman in er, using the Yiddish term for "de- the United cent man." States and con- The Synagogue Council is an sidered by umbrella group representing the Jews

… to access at the relations with Jews, Rabbi Win- Vatican. Malda er said that Archbishop Keeler His promo- tion to the College of Cardinals personally stepped in during the will only increase his access…

… Jozef Glemp of coming. There was the danger of Poland, who met with Jews here nasty confrontations" between Jewish demonstrators and the in an effort at reconciliation. In 1989, Cardinal Glemp gave nuns…

…, said Rabbi Winer. "Archbishop Keeler went the a homily in Czestochowa, in which he said that Jews control full nine yards as president of the the international media, intro- National Conference of…

… Unity, an umbrella body which community for the Religious includes the Vatican's Commis- Freedom Restoration Act, a piece sion for Relations with the Jews. of legislation considered very im- Archbishop…

…. The church opposed the legis- served as U.S. Catholics' episco- pal moderator for Catholic-Jew- lation because Catholic officials feared that a woman could use ish relations. According to Rabbi A. James…

October 04, 1996 • Page Image 22

… football fields away from the Arab • 625-3322 • arms around the court races, a mosque — and repeat the lie that good Irish name will do a candi- the 'Jews are endangering Al date well in Michigan." Right or…

…BACKED page 20 FURNITURE OUTLET History's Tragic Repetition Apparently many Jews do not understand what is painfully ob- vious to the Palestinians: The cur- rent conflict is primarily about the…

… right of Jews to have and keep a History has a way of repeating it- state of their own. In the minds of self. the Palestinians, Jerusalem is In 1929 Hebron was the scene theirs; thus, any attempt by…

… Israel of a bloody massacre. The un- to exercise sovereignty is an at- armed Jewish community was tack on their spurious territorial besieged by mobs of its Arab claims. neighbors. Sixty-seven Jews were…

… the Jews" was the cry American taxpayer continues to that came from the mufti's men fund the PLO to the tune of $500 from Jerusalem. With that total million, Israel's ability to defend assault upon the…

… aircraft peated again and again in a me- equipped army. dia either too naive or careless to see for itself is the untruth that Marc Baker the Jews are again attacking Al New Hours Birmingham Aqsa. The tunnel…

… the comment attributed to mosque. What was recently opened by Judge Hilda Gage, candidate for the Michigan Supreme Court, "I'm the government was an exit from running against a Kelly and a the Temple…

June 04, 1993 • Page Image 8

… interviewed recently by a Baltimore Sun reporter on my leaving. The toughest question he asked was, if I could have one wish for the Baltimore Jew- ish community, what would that wish be? I said that I wished…

… the Jews of Baltimore could learn to lis- ten to, and appreciate, each oth- er a bit more, from across the Great Divide of denomination- al difference. The same holds true for Detroit. In this job, I…

… could spend time with Reform Jews working tire- lessly on providing food and shelter for the homeless, then accessories and gifts... visit Sherwood, it's worth it. Our staff of professional - interior…

…, ASID 5745 W. Maple., Suite 201 West Bloomfield, Michigan ■ ■ ■ 737-3390 By Appointment LU Cf) LLJ F- C7) w LU David Biber gfiE " Cadillac .ill(cirz" Crestview Cadillac 656-9500 toll free…

… 541.4133 555 Rochester Rd. (1 Mile N. of Avon) Rochester 8 Unbeatable Price and Service Combination! GOLD • SILVER PLATINUM Michigan's MarketMakers In Coins and Bars "Sell Where the Dealers Sell…

… BARON WOLMAN LISA LAW JOHN BELLISSIMO go off and talk to a serious Con- servative feminist Judaic schol- ar, and then observe Orthodox Jews doing a wide range of mitzvah work, from visiting the sick to…

… — The Other. It's the job of a Jewish news- paper to help bridge those gaps among us, and it's our job — each of us — to try to look for the common threads that bind us as Jews rather than those that…

… the expul- sion of the Jews of Spain, Edward Mirsky and Rebeca Romero Varo of Montreal were wed in the small, or- nate Moorish-style syn- agogue, built in 1315 and closed in 1492. The local media gave…

… one of three in Spain re- maining from the time of the expulsion of the Jews in 1492. The other two are in Toledo. The small Cordoba syn- agogue consists of a single square room with a women's gallery…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 68

… acquaintances and strangers. And she does it in a way that never ceases to awe her friends. Last year, Rebecca Blumenfeld of Oak Park was named a Jew- ish News Mitzvah hero. She is a quiet hero and a woman of mod…

… more than twice his age with a range of good deeds, to Rae Ann Sharfman, who has been at the forefront of the Soviet emigration movement, Jews have been NOMINATION FORM: Name of person you are…

Jews and gentiles, and in hopes of having their actions inspire others to per- form similar deeds, The Jewish News will publish its sixth annu- al Mitzvah Heroes section. We invite readers to nominate a…

… ARE NOMINATING AND RETURN IT BY MARCH 4, 1994 Mitzvah Heroes The Jewish News 27676 Franklin Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 …

September 04, 1998 • Page Image 86

… sensitive about how Jews are portrayed, particularly by other Jews," Reines says. "We can't afford to be comfortable and take our position for granted." Siskel brings his presenta- tion to Michigan Tuesday…

… Siskel speaks in Detroit on Sept. 15, providing his insights on the portrayal of:Jews in the movies. per person $ 22 °° DINNER PARKING PACKAGE FOR ALL DETROIT LION'S HOME GAMES AT NEARBY SILVERDOME…

… Federation of Broward County in Florida, recently chaired an event that featured film critic Gene Siskel. His topic, "How Jews Are Portrayed in Film," hit home very quickly. While watching the movie My Giant…

… featuring Billy Crystal, she took offense at the derisive way Crystal's character spoke about Jews, the very point Siskel was making in his speech. "Gene Siskel's presentation empha- sized that Jews must be…

… Jewish filmmakers turn their religion into a joke and forge negative stereotypes, reports James D. Davis, a Florida reli- gion editor who's heard Siskel speak on the portrayal of Jews in film. Among the…

July 04, 1997 • Page Image 87

…• Fine Catering For All Occasions One of Metropolitan Detroit's Most Beautiful & Exciting Restaurants Super Jews: An Exhaustive Guide JAMES D. BESSER WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT Is Superman Jewish…

…, and is that cape thing on his back a tallis? Not a chance — but there are plenty of other Jews in comic books, that form of literary effluvia your moth- er probably threw away when you moved out of the…

… Wonder Woman comic about a "super-powered Jew" being forced to work with a Nazi U-boat cap- tain. There are Evangelistic tracts in comic form aimed at Jews, which Mr. Bergson meticulously docu- ments, and…

… serious read- ers, after all, not recreational Netsurfers interested in hot pics. There are some pics, accessible by links, and other links to some of the big comic sites on the Web. "More Jews are…

… interested to- day in the way Jews are poi flayed in all kinds of media than they have been at any time in history," Mr. Bergson said. "And in today's global village, the media has a lot more impact than it…

… ■ can spend an evening with your friends at Andiamo Italia? Only minutes off 1-696 in nearby Warren, we're very close friends. SOIlle 7096 East Fourteen Mile Road, Warren, Michigan 48902 (810) 268…

February 04, 1994 • Page Image 67

…'t see it as unusual," says Mr. Bronstein, who emphasizes that this is an island where varied groups all get along well. "There are very good rela- tions between Jews and non- Jews on the island," says Mr…

… years the Mormons were building their church, they used the syna- gogue. It is also used by the is- land's Unitarians. Jews were living in harmony with non Jews on St. Croix long before B'nai Or was…

… island of Nevis, was raised on St Croix. And it was the Jews on the island who raised money to send him to Kings College, which is now Co- lumbia University. The tombstones in the Jew- ish cemetery in…

… Christiansted attest to the existence of a Jew- ish community in the mid 19th century, says Mr. Bronstein. This community did not remain active continuously, but by the 1950s it had revived. "I. think it's a…

… 7 Days incl. air ,..-:•-• _ _ _ 7 Days Fr. $ 1299 pp Cruise Only m Royal Caribbean ©1993 RCCL Ships of Norwegian, Liberian and Bahamian Registry YOUR MICHIGAN ee Kait Travel ROYAL CARIBBEAN…

November 04, 1994 • Page Image 44

…C Don't let them use your dollars to bully you. 'Just like two years ago, Michigan's auto insurance companies are using our premium dollars to try to trick us into helping them earn bigger profits…

…. Two years ago, Michigan voters rejected their Proposal D— by almost 2-1. Now, the auto insurance companies are back, with Proposal C on the November 8 ballot. Michigan voters were not fooled two years…

…- fense of the Jewish people as a point of entry to a greater sense ofJewish spirituality. Standing up for Jews should not be the last step in one's commitment to Am Yisrael, but rather the first step…

…- tion with a slingshot. What is re- quired to touch Jewish souls is a radical reprioritization of com- munal resources and funding. At the State University of New York at Albany for example, Jew- ish…

Jews. Or so, at least, rd been told by my many friends who worship there. But only recently when I was in New York on a Friday evening did I have the chance to join them. It was thrilling to be part of a…

… success of these institutions depends not only on those who lead them, but also on the persistence of an available constituency. That con- stituency — the many American Jews who se k a serious, sub…

… invest our energies in responding to the needs of the Jews than in endless kvetching about the sorry state of our community. Or about how our enemies are still sharpening their knives. Those who indulge in…

June 04, 1999 • Page Image 90

…• A el DIANA LIEBERMAN Special to the Jewish News he best-known superhero in the Bible appears in the T coming week on the stage of the Detroit Opera House, as the Michigan Opera Theatre presents…

… operatic tradition. But, when Mark Lundberg makes his Michigan Opera Theatre debut on opening night, Samson will sing with a voice informed by Jewish litur- gy. After performing the role 22 times in venues…

… homes in A Jew At The Opera JONATHAN S. TOBIN Special to the Jewish News T here is a school of thought with deep roots in Western culture which has always viewed the Jews as the bad guys. Not because…

… any of the crimes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion would ascribe to us. There are a lot of people who have always resented the Jews because we "invented" God. More to the point, they see us as the…

… critics may have a point. It was only with the collision of the ancient Jews with the pagan soci- eties of the Eastern Mediterranean that a lot of the concepts such as the sanctity of life (i.e. no human…

… sacri- fices) and codes of sexual conduct began to spread. Think of the Jews as sort of the Christian Coalition of the ancient Middle East, and perhaps you can imagine why we were seen as such a…

… things Jewish. It often celebrates the values of hedonism in a way Voltaire might have enjoyed. Yet the search for Jews at the opera often uncovers some interesting finds. Even there, our biblical heritage…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 44

…de' A funeral can take place, even without the body. uter, University of Mich A University of Michigan Medical School professor supervises the dissection of a cadaver. w w CC H- LLJ LLJ 44…

… all me morbid. Inspiration for this article came when I accompanied a medical-school friend to his gross anatomy class. The ques- tion that immediately crossed my mind was: What does Jew- ish law say…

… enough, I was happy to establish a post-mortem raison d'etre. But, days later, a co-worker informed me that my "good deed" violates Jewish law. For the most part, Halachah (Jew- ish law) forbids Jews from…

… will .come a day when the body is resurrected, and the body must be resurrected as a whole." Traditional responsa (rab- binic opinions) recommend that Jews bury accident victims with their bloodied…

January 04, 1991 • Page Image 18



… Operation Exodus will soon be replaced by an even more ambitious campaign to aid the Soviet Jews streaming into Israel. That migration is accelerating, not slowing down. At the same time, many federations are…

… having to come up with funds from their local budgets to reset- tle the 40,000 Soviet Jews who are arriving each year in the United States. "A lot of us are worried that we will meet the needs of the…

… Soviet Jewish goals and turn around and find that we've rendered insecure the domestic Jewish needs," said Mark Talisman, direc- tor of the Washington Action Office of the Council of Jew- ish Federations…

…. "But what's the answer? Not to respond to Soviet Jews? That's a ridiculous concept. It has to happen, and so does everything else." In interviews with over a dozen federation directors and financial…

… picture hasn't been as good. "Most of our leaders would be pleased just to break even, given the money need- ed for Soviet Jews," said Rick Meyer, executive direc- tor of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation…

September 04, 1998 • Page Image 29

…Editorials IN FOCUS Honoring Jewish Education group effort. The artists come from three Buy a gift-quality calendar showcasing chil- Michigan day schools (Hillel Day School of dren's drawings from…

Michigan and the Cen- Metropolitan Detroit in Farmington Hills, tral Galilee — and, in the process, show you Akiva Hebrew Day School in Lathrup Village care about Jewish education. and Hebrew Day School in…

…- thing similar about the estimated 1.5 million Jews still in Russia. For so many years, there was a Jewish urgency of sneaking prayer books to refuseniks and watching rabbis and other leading Jewish names…

… Israel. We welcomed Soviet Jews with programs and financial aid. Many of us recounted the emotions of stories of seeing ohm, immigrants, disembarking from planes at David Ben-Guri- on Airport. Under the…

July 04, 1997 • Page Image 28

… disenfranchised Jews living in 145 nursing homes all over the Detroit area shows a real strong signal of compassion from the Commis- sion on Jewish Eldercare Services. We know that the work community chaplains such…

… as Rabbi Bunny Freedman does for the Hospice of Michigan makes it clear that this sort of connection is important. Sometimes Jewish families are so discon- nected that they don't have the first notion…

… these 650 Jews at 145 nursing homes outside of the Jewish community? We're not pointing fingers here. It's just a shame that Letters Orthodoxy Being Killed the trip nor plan to use the video for its…

… Although these schools may be formation. We read The Jewish future generations from being lost ones? outstanding institutions of Jew- News for entertainment. We do Thank goodness you were found. Now, let…

… state is irrelevant to I am writing to ask that The Jew- are many other ways to solve it ish News make a correction to its than by airing his frustrations by most Americans, including Jews. The Supreme…

… Decision And Religious Freedom 28 Not since the 1991 Gulf War has an issue unit- ed so many Americans. liberals and conserva- tives, Jews and Christians and blacks and whites are joining forces to show…

… never face. assisted suicide, insider trading and sex of- As Jews, we know that these threats can fenders, RFRA stood out. That's because this quickly materialize into a harsh reality. There- act seeks to…

… adding an amendment to the Con- The fact that the Supreme Court ruling had stitution. The DLIN@aol . com "So What Do You Think ; /I Do you think it's a shame there are 650 Jews living in 145 non…

April 04, 1997 • Page Image 20

… and a large Or- thodox minority. Rabbi Herschel Finman, of Michigan Lubavitch, said, "I can- not agree with any type of a state- ment which would be so divisive among Jews." Lubavitch World Headquarters…

… Greenberg, founder of CLAL, the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, says the statement is "definitely not the consensus of the Orthodox community. I think that most modern Orthodox Jews would…

… extremists. The very de- cision to take that resolution pub- The council reiterated that any Jew born to a Jewish mother, or "converted according to the laws of our people," is a full-fledged Jew. But, the…

… our covenant with God. Although most American Jews align with the Reform and Con- servative movements, they have few counterparts in Israel, where the population is divided between a secular majority…

… in Brooklyn issued a statement last week that the im- plication that all Jews are not "le- gitimate members of the Jewish people is absolutely abhorrent and is foreign to basic principles of Ju- daism…

…!" Mr. Burg had given an im- passioned_specch about how the law would be a slap to Diaspo- ra Reform and Conservative Jews. The consequences, he warned, could be that these groups wouldhecome decided- ly…

… 'Agency's salaries and budgets," he told the Jew- ish Agency chairman. "You can't buy Judaism with mon- ey." In the end, backers of the Conversion Law won the day. By a vote of 51-32, the Knesset gave…

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 21

… Chessler JNSourceBook 1850: Bet El Society, the first Jewish congregation in Michigan, is formed. 1850s and 1860s: Jews begin to establish significant businesses and enter civic and political offices…

… Council of Jewish Women. "I see a flourishing, thriving community rich in legacies. In the fund-raising community, we Jews are known for giving disproportionately to our number. But we really do want to…

… milestones in the Detroit Jewish experience are highlighted here. They represent events and trends that had lasting impact. For more information, refer to "The Jews of Detroit" by Robert Rockaway and "Harmony…

… Community Archives; the Temple Beth El archives; Judith Levin Cantor, past president of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan; and David Gad-Harf and Allan Gale of the Jewish Community Council. Suzanne…

October 04, 1996 • Page Image 14

… for participants of the Miracle Mission for Teens is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 13, at U.S. Blades in West Bloomfield. For information, , call (810) 354-1050. 4 Furs And Cigars Michigan's Jews have a…

… long, rich history in the. state. JULIE EDGAR STAFF WRITER ews played an integral role in Michigan's early political and social history. You just have to dig for it. On Sunday, Oct. 13, the Jew- ish…

… captured by na- tive Americans and then ran- somed, there are less obvious but equally fascinating facts in the museum about Jews who settled in Michigan. For example, a disproportion- ate number of Jewish…

… Any Ligne Roset Order Received by October 15 4714 WOODWARD AVENUE ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN BETWEEN 13 1 /2 & 14 MILE 810 549-1221 1 -800-By ROSET OPEN MON. -THURS.-FRI. 10-9 TUES.-WED.-SAT. 10-6 SUN. 10…

… Historical Society of Michi- gan will home in on the centuries-old Jewish presence in the state when it hosts a tour of the Michigan Historical Muse- um in Lansing. . 161 '.10•1‘11RM ■ 1114.111111. • ry…

… men from Michigan — 181 fathers and sons EVERYTHING JUDAICA FOR THE JEWISH HOME (810) 932.3377 Add Beauty Dimension ... SAVE 15%* on Frameless Shower Enclosures The Michigan Historical Museum…

… make a living and fanned out throughout the whole state, taking their Jewish ways with them to all parts of Michigan." from the state's 151 Jewish fam- ilies — went off to fight in the Civil War. Some…

… of Michigan's oldest syn- agogues are on the same routes as the camps set up by lumber- men to ply their trade. Jewish peddlers followed in their path, Ms. Cantor explained, setting up FURS page 16 …

June 04, 1999 • Page Image 41

… the Israel Fest, which this year features a Kosher Food Fair. Speakers will include three mayors from Israel's Central Galilee, Michigan's Partnership 2000 sister region of Nazareth, Nazareth flit…

… Walk for Israel chairman, said the celebra- tion, in honor of Israel's Independence Day — Yom HaAtzmaut — "connects Israel to American Jews," something of signif- icance to the Israeli-born Lis…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 5

… instant wiping out of much of the inroads to- ward trust for Jews and Mus- lims were all thoughts that flashed through my mind as I desperately tried to welcome Shabbat... and I could not. There are those…

… in the Jew- ish world who called Dr. Baruch Goldstein a modern-day Mordechai. Mordechai in my studies in Megillat Esther un- derstood diplomacy under a gov- ernment that he did not personally choose…

… lives of so many Arabs and Jews. In working within one of our tradition's binding precepts, Tikkun Olam, we must all be in- volved in the search for peace and resolve that extremists on either side can…

… Tissa, I be- gan to weep and beat my breast to begin my atoning. ❑ Sharma Shapiro is Michigan area director of the American Jewish Committee. A 'Sensitive' Man Cried Out With Action RABBI ALON TOLWIN…

… venegeance and put the lives of Jews around the world in danger. It is easy for us in "comfy- cozy" America to feel sad, lib- eral and egalitarian toward our "Arab cousins." Most of us don't "live on the edge…

… the Pa- triarchs. The press went nu- clear. "An abom- ination, a holocaust." The response of the Israeli govern- ment was swift and sure: it will disarm any Jews living on the West Bank who are…

…." sion. He did what he did and And Jews throughout the where he did it because his vi- world hang their heads in sion was a free and peaceful shame and worry. land of Israel. Who did this cowardly He…

… a time of joy and celebration. Dr. Gold- stein was with his children in shul. The Megillah was read, recounting how the Jews were saved in those days. Today, yesterday and, most probably, tomorrow are…

… different. With- out a Mordechai and an Es- ther to articulate to the Jews the danger they are in, the Children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are in double jeop- ardy. Only 30 percent of the Jews in Israel…

… his weapons and cried out so that someone in the world will notice what is happening to Jews. This morning's papers printed Rabin's government response: "Weapons will be taken from the settlers and…

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 35

…'s organizations of Conservative synagogues. Mission is to perpetuate Conservative Judaism and the interpretation of its highest ideals. Michigan Coalition of Secular and Humanistic Jews 26341 Coolidge Oak Park…

…, which promotes programs that advance Reform Judaism and foster intercongregational harmony. Members work to strengthen member congregations. Michigan Board of Rabbis Jewish Community Council 6735…

… forum for rabbis to confer about community issues. JNSourceBook Facilitates cooperative programs among congregations and agencies, including Israel experiences and adult programming. Michigan Branch of…

… Contact Person: Rabbi Elliott A. Kleinman The central body of Reform Judaism in North America. Services include camps, music and book publishing, outreach to unaffiliated and intermarried Jews, education…

…-2026 Email: tshnider@aol.corn Contact Person: Tussy Shnider Includes affiliated Reform sisterhoods in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania,Tennessee and West 35 …

July 04, 1997 • Page Image 89

…UNIQUE AMONG MICHIGAN'S those who pay taxes to Uncle Sam, helped solve the problem of how to drastically cut welfare pro- grams without offending politi- cally important constituencies. The…

… was blatant discrimination and a nod to traditional American na- tivism. Money also is the pretext used by congressional Republicans who are now trying to ax the 1989 law making it easier for Jews from…

… process a momentum it lacked in earlier years — a momentum that Jew- ish leaders see as a direct threat to their own communities' inter- ests. In practical terms, the barrage of restrictive legislation…

… poses po- tenti 21 economic problems for Jew- ish groups here, and danger for Jews in other parts of the world. Jews continue to support thou- sands of Jewish immigrants, pri- marily from the former…

…- dow is closed, they believe, it will be politically difficult to reopen it — even if a turn to ultra-nation- alism or a return to Communism produces a new emergency for the 2 million Jews remaining in…

… threatened, Jews included. "Congress is playing with fire when it targets legal immigrants to take the brunt of budget cuts," said an official with one Jewish group in Washington. "It's not a fire easily…

April 04, 1997 • Page Image 24

… years the percentage ofJewish membership in cults, both religious and psychological, has been hugely dispropor- tionate to the general Jewish population. It's no secret that Jews are seekers. When the…

… for many Jews who enter cults, their re- ligious memory is of responsive readings and rather cold post bar-mitzvah experiences in con- trast to the "spirituality" offered by cults. Cults and missionary…

… disappointed in not long-term care (more than 30 seeing any mention in The Jew- days) or who are slated to go into ish News of the impending "reor- a public hospital many miles away ganization" or closure of…

… three from family (Caro, Mich.), making more public mental hospitals in visitation very difficult if not im- Michigan. One of these is Clinton possible. This restructuring also Valley Hospital in Pontiac…

… mentally ill, such It would be very gratifying if we as social workers, psychologists did not have many mentally ill and psychiatrists, do not seem to people among Jews, but the fact is have been included in…

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 188

…'s publication. How- ever, space limitations may delay publi- cation. For more information please see the sample announcement forms in this chapter, or call (248) 354-6060. Obituaries are submitted to the Jew

… subscribers to sup- port advertisers that appear in theJew- ish News. To become a retail advertiser, or for advertising rates and information, please call Kristen Komlen at (248) 354- 6060 ext. 209…

… *Denotes Box Location ANN ARBOR Borders Books & Music 612 E. Liberty Barnes & Noble 3245 Washtenaw Michigan Union Bookstore 530 S. State St. Nicola's Books A Little Professor Books Co. 2513 Jackson…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 1

… Hall. Local Jews express sorrow. RUTH LITIMANN STAFF WRITER ALAN HITSKY ASSOCIATE EDITOR he Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit last week contracted with an independent nursing- home operator…

Michigan, will buy Mount Vernon Nursing Center in Southfield. Mount Vernon is a 170-bed skilled nursing facility located on Greenfield, south of 11 Mile Road. Frank Wronski, the owner of MediLodge, has…

… Detroit area interfaith groups were in- undated with sympathetic calls from Jews in the wake of last weekend's massacre of Arab wor- shipers in Hebron. The local leaders were encouraged by the outpouring of…

… Conference of Christians and Jews. The Sunday night meeting was post- poned because many religious leaders were unavailable and Muslims were at- tending services to break the daily fast of Ramadan. The Round…

September 04, 1998 • Page Image 77

… silver 5-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11; 11 a.m.-9 p.m.'Satur- day, Sept. 12; and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 13. Novi Road at 1-96. $6/free under 12. (248) 348- 5600. TheJewish Genealogical Society of Michigan

… offers a tour of the historic Elmwood Cemetery and Michigan's oldest Jewish cemetery, the Champlain Street Cemetery of Temple Beth El, with historian/tour guide Chauncey P. Miller 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday…

… Center for Cre- Central Europe. Probing the complex relationship between non-Jewish Germans and their relationship with the past, as well as with Jews now living among them, Serotta includes anecdotes and…

…, Sept. 8: Ed Serotta speaks about his book and exhibition, followed by a tour with Jimmy Bittker of his photo exhibit. Reception follows. .7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. – 9: BI Michigan Region Special Agent…

… of my trip" with explanations of their contents based on research and interviews. The gallery's main level displays documentary photojournalist Edward Serotta's "Jews Germany Memory: A Contemporary…

November 04, 1994 • Page Image 34

… Franklin GettlesonfTreasurer Joel Serlin/Finance Chairman ELECTA FIGHTER YOU CAN TRUST... Endorsed by the Police Officers Association of Michigan and the Deputy Sheriffs Association of Michigan Attorney…

… political parties. Election Outcome No Cause For Worry Paid for by the Frank J. Kelley Committee, One Michigan Avenue, Suite 900, Lansing, MI 48933 CD CC w Vienna (JTA) — Right-wing par- ties scored…

… Jacques Parizeau emerged vic- torious in the widely watched provincial elections here, the Jew- ish community expressed little worry that the vote would lead to Quebec's secession from the rest of Canada…

…. When the PQ first won a Que- bec provincial election in 1976, panic over a possible secession abounded, prompting a mass ex- odus of Jews from the capital of Quebec. Many Jews here feel that the…

… separatist movement promotes a nationalist agenda that would work against the interest of the Jews. As a result of that exodus, Toronto surpassed Montreal as the nation's major Jewish popu- lation center. But…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 22

….m. Rackham East Lecture Room 313.764.2538 UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY of the University of Michigan • Made possible by a gift from .1;1( .( Burton Memorial Tower Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1270 )54( )11's…

Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Next time you feed your face, think about your heart. Go easy on your heart and start cutting back on foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol…

… lines of communication be- tween Jews and other groups. That's why both sprang into action after the bridge between the Jewish and Arab corn- munities was shaken by the Feb. 25 killing of Muslim…

… information out there," said JCCouncil President Jeannie Sharona Shapiro, Michigan Weiner, who was ,interviewed area director for the AJCom- on several area television and mittee. . radio stations that…

… afternoon "This act was done by an ex- and night. tremist, but people rationalize "It was very important that and lump everything together, we issue a quick and immedi- saying this is how Jews are re- ate…

April 04, 1997 • Page Image 3

…'s volunteer ac- tivities have increased in recent Fs years. Whether it is soliciting funds r, for the Michigan Chapter of the Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces or serving as president of a group of Jewish…

… Spielberg makes his rounds as a volunteer, delivering kosher food for Meals on Wheels. than he is." In May, Mr. Spielberg will join seven other individuals being honored by Jew- the many," he said. ish…

… individuals who affiliate as Re- form and Conservative Jews. Ralti Hirsh Ginsberg of Brooklyn, the acting chairman of the UORUSC, said the notion that Jews who follow Reform and Conservative doctrine are not…

Jews "is most ridiculous — any person born by a Jewish mother is a Jew. We only said that the Reform and Conserva- tive doctrines, that their Ju- daism is not Judaism, because there is only one Judaism…

December 04, 1992 • Page Image 30

…-Shirts - Valet Parking - Singalongs Simulcasts - Slide Shows & Much More Please Shop our Quality, Service, & Prices. Marc Schechter 29 LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT MICHIGAN AND OHIO INCLUDING Madison Heights Rochester…

… could still be thrown out by a lower court, triggering a new round to a legal battle that has dragged on for years. Mr. Touvier was head of the Milice in Lyon, a paramilitary militia that rounded up Jews

…. He was a close aide to Klaus Barbie, the Lyon Gestapo chief, who was known for his brutality toward Jews and Resistance figures. After the war, Mr. Touvier twice received death sentences in absentia…

… longer be tried for war crimes, espe- cially if they were com- mitted under orders. That ruling was met with strong protest throughout France, from Jews and non- Jews alike. It was regarded as a whitewash…

…. Touvier to the Court of Versailles. It will now have to investigate Mr. Touvier's responsibility for rounding up the seven Jews who were shot in July 1944 in Rillieux-le-Pape, near Lyon, in retaliation for…

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 29

…. I do everything else," she says, laughing. It takes a lot time and I love it." In small communities that dot the Michigan coastline or inhabit the wilderness regions of the state, Jews band together…

…'Shevat gatherings. But for Burack, this late spring morning is spent trying to organize a farewell party for the recent Jewish graduates of Technological Michigan University. As president of the 116-year- old Temple…

… City and Midland, the area Jews banded together to form Am Yachad, a religious community that pools its money to pay the salary of a shared clergyman, Rabbi Robert M. Scott. After his salary, there isn…

… of Jews once lived, the Jewish with her husband, Julius, upon his population has dwindled to a current communities where folks give their time out of passion or desire under the guidance of paid…

… professionals; these Jews in outlying areas volunteer as a matter of survival. They do it because they must. For several decades, Ann Wepman has been a consistent figure at Congregation Ahavas Israel in Grand…

December 04, 1992 • Page Image 52

Michigan's Leader In Mortgage Lending LU C.) CC F- LU 1.11 52 1533 North Woodward, Suite 140 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 New York (JTA) — Enraged at the recent discovery that an apartment…

… Athra Kadisha, the Society for the Preservation of Jew- ish Holy Sites, and a mem- ber of the President's Corn- mission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, the delegation in- cluded Rabbi…

…, Chasidic Jews from around the world took part in protests on the site of the ancient burial ground, some physically halting con- struction by chaining them- selves to bulldozers. Negotiations with the con…

… republics. "Unfortunately this is becoming a serious problem in Belarus and Eastern Europe," said Rabbi Frankel. "With freedom sometimes comes irrespon- sibility." But Rabbi Frankel be- lieves that Jews will…

… not allow the desecration to con- tinue. He points to the large numbers of American Jews whose ancestors are from Pinsk. "We hope they will all get involved to stop this terrible desecration," he said…

October 04, 1991 • Page Image 22

… JEWELRY 528 NORTH WOODWARD AVENUE, BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN THE BICYCLE DOCTOR 4:7 471.3060 Tired of wrenching your back, scratching your car or bicycle trying to fit it into that small trunk of your car…

…. 19TH Gift Baskets & Trays Our Specialty 737-8088 33020 NORTHWESTERN • W. BLOOMFIELD mom Outside Of Michigan - =Km' 611=1. 1-800-752-'2133 Special Candy & Sugarfree Available • Local & Nationwide…

…- ference on Security and Co- operation in Europe, the Soviets have agreed to set up a five-member commission of experts to review the cases of Jews who have been refused permission to emigrate for more than…

… Soviet Jew- ish advocacy groups in the West expressed concern that the bill contained a number of loopholes that would allow Soviet authorities to con- tinue denying emigration visas to Jews for such ar…

…- bitrary reasons as access to state secrets or financial responsibility to "poor relatives." More than 200 Soviet Jew- ish families have been de- nied permission to emigrate, according to recent esti- mates…

September 04, 1992 • Page Image 35

…BACKGR• Flurry After The Storm Jews around the country are hurrying to help those hurt by Hurricane Andrew. JAY LECHTMAN Special to The Jewish News F or many Jews in the hurricane…

… dwell in tem- porary shelters came Aug. 24, when their permanent homes were destroyed by Hurricane Andrew. Jews throughout Florida and the rest of the nation have come to their aid so that come Oct. 11…

… population. Two Jew- ish housing facilities for the elderly were damaged in the storm, and the federation has been serving 4,000 meals a day to seniors at shelters in the area, as well as sending volunteers…

… Davis. "We're smil- ing." ❑ A sailboat sits on the Rickenbacker Causeway between Miami and Key Biscayne. Michigan Jewish Groups To Aid Hurricane Victims KIMBERLY LIFTON Staff Writer T he board at…

… Federation, which is providing relief to those affected by the hur- ricane. The Council of Jew- ish Federations, meanwhile, is coordinating with Jewish officials in Miami to assess damage to the Jewish com…

… delivery system for distribution of food, sup- plies, warehousing and refrigeration, said Irving Cramer, Mazon's executive director. "We also have talked to rabbis to find out what specific needs Jews have…

January 04, 1991 • Page Image 6

…, escalating U.S.-Israel tensions are a guarantee. Finally, the economic crunch Israel faces as the result of the continuing massive aliyah of Soviet Jews is so enormous that experts cannot agree on how many…

… conclusion seems inescapable. For Jews, our best hope of attaining a mea- sure of the comfort we require to face the unknown lies in acts that link us to a con- tinuum that tradition says is 5751 years old…

…-trap. Please, Jewish News, don't discard our history. Don't en- danger the lives of our people. Respect the heritage of our Jewish people. Call it Judea-Samaria. Hymie Cutler Michigan. Committee for a Safe…

May 04, 1990 • Page Image 2

… share with every Jew, than I am proud of the civic courage displayed by the government in adopting a decision that was un- popular, but also wise, ad- vantageous and well- founded, and which will stand in…

… PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at…

… Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75' single copy…

… Vol. XCVII No. 10 2 May 4, 1990 FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1990 train Arab farmers, providing the necessary skills. Hadassah is the health saver in Israel not for Jews alone. Time and again the news media of…

… the world have reported about Arabs treated in the Hadassah medical centers on a par with Jews. Prejudice will not be found in the Hadassah dictionary. Hadassah directors and nurses are dedicated to…

… applied to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Mention of Jews from Russia establishing residence there and sharing in pro- viding the humanism that is engendered in the causes that are Zionist in origin and…

… to recognize the justice of the health providing movement in the capital of Israel that operates with compassion for Arabs as often if not more, than for Jews. Therefore Hadassah found it necessary to…

… creation of new bar- riers in united Jerusalem. President Bush must recognize that Jews everywhere stand as one on the principle that a united Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, shall never again be divided…

…. For Hadassah, as for every Jew, Jerusalem has a special place. Here we opened our first medical station in 1913. Here stand Hadassah's Medical Center, the great healing institution of the Middle East…

October 04, 1996 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH NEWS UP FRONT This Week's T o p Stories E yes closed, dreaming of a place where Jews recog- nize an obligation of to- getherness. That place: Jerusalem. This is what Young Is- rael of…

…, according EDITOR to Rabbi Goldberg. There was, instead, a much bigger picture for Jews to see. At nearby Shaarey Zedek, uni- ty was also the message of Rab- bi Irwin Groner: the need to continue to give the…

… sermonize that ed over for Mecca. An obli gation. the Palestinian police Islam has always violated both the let- looked toward the ter and the spirit of Jew. Mohammed, the Oslo Accords and though, was never…

… Agu- tanyahu will choose to move for- ward in the peace process. He can MESSAGE page 24 New Name In Town The Anti-Defamation League picks a former Detroiter to head the Michigan Region. ALAN HITSKY…

… ASSOCIATE EDITOR on Cohen returns to De- troit with a new name and a new job. The 37-year-old direc- tor of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Dayton, Ohio, will replace Richard Lobenthal as Michigan

… meet- ing of Michigan ADL. `They asked me to come in for the meeting, and the next thing I know I'm the main speaker," Mr. Cohen joked. He grew up in Detroit as Don Rogers, graduating from South- field…

… High School in 1977 and the University of Michigan in 1981. D His father, the Don Cohen: late Jerry Rogers, New name, new job. was a founder of the Detroit Com- mittee for Soviet Jewry and an ac- tive…

…-federated communities in Michigan, UJA Midwest cam- pus coordinator, and associate at the San Anto- nio Jewish Fed- eration for 2 112 years. It was in San Antonio that he met his wife Keri, now a staff writer with the…

March 04, 1994 • Page Image 66

…, the Jew- ish Students Organization/Hil- lel of Oakland University will present a lecture on psychic phenomena. On March 20, Metro Hillel will bowl from 7 to 9 p.m. at Langan's Nor-west Lanes, Farmington…

… Hills. For ticket in- formation, call Neil Gottheil, 577-3459. At noon, March 22, the Jew- ish Student Association/Hillel of Oakland Community College will present Rabbi Avraham Ja- cobovitz in room J-250…

… opening keynote address. Pre-Passover Lunch At U-M Machon L'Torah, the Jewish Learning Network of Michigan, will hold a pre-Passover pro- gram at the University of Michigan Law School at noon March 9 in…

… Find It All In The Jewish News Classifieds Call 354-5959 B'nai Moshe Dinner At U-M Congregation B'nai Moshe will host a free deli dinner for its col- lege students who attend the University of Michigan

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 61

… (248) 559-1500 Ext. 200 Working with Hospice of Michigan and hospices throughout the community. A SAMPLING OF PROGRAMS: Detroit Initiative Task Force Contact Person: Jeanette M. Brownstein…

… Implements projects to support Detroit's revitalization and strengthen bond between Detroit's Jews and city residents. Volunteer opportunities link Jewish individuals and institutions with city residents…

… Detroit Section 26400 Lahser Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 (248) 355-3300 Fax: (248) 355-9951 I 1471111 v i g - Antieefamation League® Keeping Watch. Taking Action. * Fighting Anti…

… Education * Supporting Israel and Peace * Fighting Terrorism * A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE anti-bias training Michigan Regional Office 4000 Town Center, Suite 420 Southfield, MI 48075-1402 www.adLorg (248) 355…

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 201

… 35 35 ofWomen's League for Michigan Coalition of Secular and Humanistic Jews Temple Sisterhoods 174, 175* 35 176* 35 United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 176* 35 Society for…

… Fifi's & Fido's Pet Pickup Pet Pickup RabbisNaad Harabonim Michigan Branch 173*, 174 Temple Israel (Bay City) 83 Temple Israel Nursery School and Kindergarten 129*, 130 Raydiance 124*, 130…

… Photography 130* Photography ofWest Bloomfield 173*, 174 Create Video Photography Regent Street Michigan Board of Rabbis 174* Belland Photography Classic Photography 83 43 Grosse Pointe Jewish…

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 23

… the Holocaust Memorial Center; historians Sidney Bolkosky and the late Leonard Simons; former and current Federation archivists Sharon Alterman and Heidi Christein; and Judy Cantor of the Michigan

… 1999: Sinai I Hospital closes, merged by DMC into ; Sinai-Grace. 1987:Three planeloads of Detroit Jews attend Washington rally to free Soviet Jews. 1979: Carl Levin is elected U.S. senator. 1976…

…: University of Michigan offers Jewish studies program. 1988: Jewish population reaches 96,000. 23 …

September 04, 1999 • Page Image 59

… on behalf of Jews in Detroit, Israel and worldwide. Funds support local agencies and are channeled overseas through the United Jewish Appeal Federation Campaign for United Jewish Communities. American…

… of Abraham!' All who support these views are welcome. The AJC protects the rights and freedoms of Jews the world over, works for the security of Israel, advocates democratic values in public policy…

… and education. Investigates alleged discrimination, hate crimes, hate groups and provides victim support. Conducts "AWORLD OF DIFFERENCE INSTITUTE" anti-bias programs. B'nai B'rith Michigan 31600 W…

… Thirteen Mile Road, Suite 120 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 855-8580 FAX (248) 855-8761 Anti-Defamation League (ADL)* Michigan Region Email: 4000 Town Center, Suite 420 Southfield…

April 04, 1997 • Page Image 12

…Coming Together orating way to keep our eyes on the prize of the eradication of racism and anti-Semitism." Mr. Sahn is president of the Michigan ADL board. "Seder means 'order,' and our coming…

…." The Passover theme of freedom brings blacks and Jews together. LYNNE MEREDITH COHN STAFF WRITER ombining common histories of oppression with common goals for the future, African C Americans and Jews

… many things dividing us, this event is a meaningful and invig- ❑ The Jewish News will honor Michigan's brightest Jewish high- school seniors in our "College Bound" supplement May 16. Dead- line for…

September 04, 1992 • Page Image 27

… center for the region." native Detroiter, Eric Gordon received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Wayne State University and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University, specializing in educational…

… who provide program evaluation services, as well as information manage- ment systems and promotional activities. Clients include Chrysler, Ford, General Motors and the State of Michigan Department of…

… believe we need to identify as Jews, and I see Lubavitch reaching out to our college youth, helping them establish and maintain their Jewish identities." His wife Sarah, a child of Holocaust survivors…

…, supports these efforts. She, too, believes fervently in Jewish preservation. A "When Jews intermarry, they disappear. The Lubavitch are helping ensure that our Jewish children grow up to have Jewish…

October 04, 1991 • Page Image 35

…- antee request. In doing so, NCSJ proved to a skeptical Jewish com- munity that it was prepared to stay vital as long as Soviet Jews are not fully absorbed into Israeli society. Union of American Heb- rew…

… appeal to the Jew- ish mainstream even more difficult. Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith: ADL moved to the fore when the loan guarantee issue exploded. When most pro-Israel groups were pushing for an…

… LUXURY 280 N. Woodward Downtown Birmingham (Across From jacobson's Children's Shop) 433-1150 National Bank of Detroit 5.00 Manufacturers 4.75 Comerica 4.75 Michigan National 4.90 Standard…

… Federal First Federal of Michigan 5.10 First of America 4.75 5.10 • Based on $5,000 deposit. Some minimum deposit requirements may be lower. Higher rates may be available for larger deposits. FIVE…

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