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June 04, 1937 • Page Image 7

…. Miss a graduate of the University of Michigan and is a is GrabowskY member of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. Dr. Beckerman attended the University of Michigan and is a graduate of the Metropolitan…

… schools you'll equal be. June 9, at 10:30 a. m., at the to the elbow, and from there a cadet sergeant. Music will be furnished by Al ller. ,ar:1;,:-,1,„7,! . in At the University of Michigan, fitted tightly…

September 04, 1936 • Page Image 7

… Boston and Mr. Kaufmann was graduated from the University of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adler of Chicsgo Blvd. announce the engagement of their daughter, Rose Helen, to Martin J. Fleishman, son of Mr…

University of Michigan in June, 1931, after which she at- tended the Ray School of Adver- tising in Chicago. Mr. Fox is a graduate of the University of Cali- fornia, where he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau…

October 04, 1935 • Page Image 6

… began his second year in the the Maccabee Bldg. Oil Burner of Saginew spent last week-end University of Michigan L a w Dr. Merman Kanter announces with their children, Mr. and Mrs. School. Ile is residing…

University of Michigan. perin of West Grand Ave. No B'NAI MOSHE NOTES cards. A fashion show, luncheon and Miss Ruth Altschuler enter- Daily Hebrew School of 1.011. Services at the Temple will begin Fri- Dr…

November 04, 1932 • Page Image 7

… Sharfman, head of Jewish poet; Leon Kay, II. H. Steinberg of Chicago. An interest- the economics department of the University of Michigan, delivered ing feature of the mass meeting (Continued from Page One…

… graduate of the University of Michigan. Adolph Finsterwald, honorary chairman of the diamond jubilee celebration, has an interesting message for all. Mr. Finsterwald is a past president of Pisgah Lodge and…

September 04, 1936 • Page Image 8

…. Preston Slosson of the University of Michigan. 26—Bicur Cholem Jrs. Yom Kippur night dance, at General Motors ballroom. Sept. 30—Detroit League of National Home for Jewish Children at Denver. Oct. 6.—Eva…

April 04, 1930 • Page Image 6

… Dresses at $10.00 , ing the University of Michigan. turtevant av enue left for o'clock. 8444 Linwood Aver. at West Philadelphia near Oriole Thr.t•r aye visit to Muskogee, Okla. ' Miss Anne Probof has…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 7

… at the Belvedere Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Judith Victor, a student at the University of Michigan, arrived Wednesday, Feb. 2, to spend the mid-semester vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Vic…

… Epsilon chap- ter at the University of Michigan. Mothers' Club Calendar Monday, Feb 14, 8 p. to.—Oakland Club. at Jewlelt Community Center, Motion picture 11104 Woodward Ake. show. TUOMIllY, Feb. IS, 1…

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 9

… stone Mr. Sherman at one time served ash, University of Michigan; and will be the second feature of the vyn Douglas and Robert Young. Rabbis; Dr. Joseph Jacobs, rep- time with him thereafter in Pales…

…. Elevator. All carpeted. is intimately ac- and of Tel Aviv, On Monday, Tuesday. Wednes- person Gus Van, famous star of ler, B. S., University of Michigan. this country. The intimate Pic- Society of America…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 4

… quote from this 49 years ago, educated in the valuable publication." Detroit public schools and the University of Michigan. lie grad- uated in law in 1913, and is a member of the Michigan Bar. He served…

November 04, 1938 • Page Image 10

… the University of Michigan Dingell shows a number of things: in 1930, and Harvard law School first, serving his district efficiently; in 1933. Ile studied lit the Uni- second, voting intelligently on na…

December 04, 1931 • Page Image 13

…'arke street was Ane of fourteen senior women to be •Ierted to Senior Honorary sodvt, at the University of Michigan. Membershipof the society is based on scholarship and activity. Friday night, Rabbi Jerome D…

April 04, 1930 • Page Image 5

… scheduled by Detroit chapter of Hadassah fur Tuesday, April S.: at 2:15, at Hotel Statlee Pr o f. W. II. Worrell of the Semitics de- partment of the University of Michigan, will speak on The TRIBUTES PAID TO…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 11

… luncheon will be served at tion of our people. In the purchase Joseph cipal speakers of the evening. Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenthal the University of Michigan, were provinces occupied by the Spanish 1…

January 04, 1935 • Page Image 9

of Michigan student. home with their par- ents for the holldaY nreson. Mr. and Ma. Frank Ackerman of Cleveland announce the engagement of their daughter Lenh to Jerome Glass, SOO of Mr. and Mrs…

…. Meinmed of Philadelphia Is visiting fler son-In•law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Inter Solomon. Two New Erwin Simon, Robert Remes, Robert Koeltchek, Abe Marlon and Bernard Weintraub are among the University

November 04, 1932 • Page Image 2

… William H. Worrell 1 in numerous recitals both abroad J. W. E. W. 0. will give a lunch- entertain- of the University of Michigan ed The Great and Lakes Club with members escorts a Hal- and in this country…

November 04, 1932 • Page Image 8

… activities of the the ":." ob 41,:7'1,0 IT„, Ja c The board of the North End University of Michigan graudates three-act play, with a prologue, is Kvutzah for the new season. An Id stein, Sau Birnkrant and Also…

March 04, 1932 • Page Image 1

… title. ment of the a here of the University of Michigan; a son, estin development, the executive ppearance gational Church, the ninety-sev- able glance to the Reich's consti of Rabbi Fram will take up the…

February 04, 1938 • Page Image 1

of Michigan. Dr. Heller has chosen as his subject, "Judea Stoops to Con- quer," and in his address will analyze some salient features of the . present world-wide Jewish situ- Services begin, Si usual…

… Temple Pulpit Next Friday The sermon at the Sabbath Eve nervier) at Temple Friday evening, Feb. 11, will be preached by Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University

June 04, 1937 • Page Image 4

…• 1537. S.. Art. Feature Syndicate) Director, Hillel Foundation, University of Michigan him; I like to laugh at Jews, a of AMerica; and charges by a writer in ish rights in Palestine, and emphasizing…

September 04, 1936 • Page Image 10

… certain principles of action he tions from Christians. He writes on insisted upon. While in Pales- University of Michigan, where h Trust gate to the national convention tine, through his earnest efforts…

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