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December 31, 1954 • Page Image 10

… International College in Springfield, Mass., has been named director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn. He succeeds Rabbi - JOSEPH H. GUMBINER, who is leaving his Yale post…

… after five and a half years to accept the directorship of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Calif or n i a at Berkeley. • • Rabbi TZ VI H. PORATH of ,Silver Spring, Md., has been appointed to a…

… Want to Go Phone Me First! GLOBAL TRAVEL BUREAU 7501 MICHIGAN V11., 3 8500 UPC, II - G459 - The 70th birthday of Itzhak Ben Zvi, president of Israel, was celebrated in New York by the founding of

…, the Anchor. The editorial was brought to the attention of Samuel H. Him- elstein, City Attorney of Grand Rapids and a member of the Michigan Region of the Anti- Defamation League of Bnai Brith…

…- pliqued with lace medallions. She carried a cascade • Of white camelias on a lace handkerchief. Deborah Shavelson, of Stan- ford, Conn., the bride's room- mate at the University of Michi- gan, was her maid…

… and Stuart Louis David- son in matrimony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Karabelnick. Mr. Da- vidson's parents are the Leo Davidsons. The bride chose a gown of candlelight satin…

…, fashioned with a hand-faggoted neck-line, em- pire waist, long sleeves and a cathedral train. Her cap of heir- loom lace, outlined in seed pearls, held in place her finger- tip veil of illusion which was ap…

of honor, while bridesmaids were Susan Karabelnick, the bride's sister, Arlene Fineman, Mrs. Norman Katz and Enid Stein, of Chicago. Larry Davidson was his brother's best man, and ushers included…

… Ronald Barnett, cousin of the bridegroom, Walter Sing- er, Charles Tenner, Martin Wunder and Larry Bourke. Following a honeymoon to Mexico City and Acapulco, the couple will return to Detroit. They will be…

… at home after Tuesday, at 20411 Cheyenne. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Marilyn Katz acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many kind expressions of • sympathy extended by relatives…

December 31, 1954 • Page Image 2

… near Monterey. Federation is a constituent Dr. S. Kleinman body of the World ORT Union. will be the Prof. William Haber of the chairman. This University of Michigan, na- _is one of a series tional…

…; why so many of our youth terminate their studies after Bar Mitzvah; why the Hillel Foundations do not attract more of the college youth to their programs. Few of our community problems are as pressing…

… to the gap is to be found by ascertaining the power that draws these young people to the Centers, whereas others of their age can not be attracted to schools and to Hillel Foundations, as well as to…

… reasons for our young peoples' abstentions from Jewish activities, perhaps it would be well to assemble representatives of the groups we seek to enlist in educational and Hillel programs and to have them…

…. Arthur H. Compton, Zioni." He was As jailed by he the was chairman of the World will Brother- czarist police. a Jew hood organization, lead barred from admission to a Ru- manian university, went to Ger…

… traditional centers in Israel and of support- -- ing the work of religious settle- ments. A major Mizrachi func- tion is the establishment of the Bar-Ilan University at Ramat Gan in Israel. Eight buildings…

… already have been built and the university will open officially next August, when a large dele- gation of Detroiters, headed by Phillip Stollman, president of Detroit Mizrachi, is expected to participate in…

…Dr. Syngalowski, World ORT Chairman, To Address Detroit Meeting on Sunday Dr. Aron Syngalowski, chair- many to study and received his man of the World ORT Union, doctorate in law and philosophy. In…

… president of American of Yiddish pro- ORT, will greet Dr. Syngalow-; grams arranged ski at the Jan. 2 meeting here. by the Yiddish The darkening clouds of Hitler culture commit- Europe brought Dr. Syngalowski…

… tee of the Jew- to the forefront of those helping i s h Community to rescue what was salvageable. Council. The Despite. difficult and dangerous community is conditions under the Nazi occu- invited…

December 31, 1954 • Page Image 20

…, chairman of the na- tional Tercentenary music com- mittee, announced. The 47th annual convention of the University of Michigan Den- Alpha Omega fraternity, the tal School; Dr. S. G. Applegate, largest in…

… Dental School, oldest in the ter and undergraduate chapters country. Dr. Aisenberg, at this at the University of Detroit and time, received the fraternity's University of Michigan. achievement medal. 1…

…, who served as president of the AAJE for three years. Lown, who recently was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of Maine, is also chairman of the Friends of Hillel. The Am…

of the lac Hotel. The parley will run Hadassah Medical School of He- brew University in Jerusalem; through Saturday. Over 1,000 dentists and their and Dr. Isaac Schour, associate dean of postgraduate…

… studies at wives who are attending began the University of Illinois and a the convention proceedings with director of the Federation for a tour of the Parke-Davis phar- . the Israeli Dental School…

… ove: Thursday's session featured a 1 18 months of planning by more talk by Dr. Myron S. Aisenberg, than 300 workers of the fra- dean of the University of Mary- ternity's Detroit Alumni Chap- ! land…

… Convention marshal is Dr. I • Present to witness the award Fred Stein, who is assisted by were Dr. Rene Rochon, dean of Dr. Abe Pearlman, sgt-at-arms. , the University of Detroit Dental National president is…

…Oil Discovery Expected to Revolutionize Israel Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News NEW YORK—The belief that the discovery of oil "w o -ul d revolutionize Israel's economy, hastening…

… immeasurably its achievements of a self-supporting status", was expressed here by Levi Eshkol, Israeli Minister of Finance. In a statement issued at the Israel Consulate before his return to Israel, Mr. shkol…

… said that the oil search in his country has moved from the preliminary stage of purely exploratory geological and geophysical work to actual test drilling. "Cheap oil power could enhance the successful…

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