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April 28, 1933 • Page Image 1


… y ors Public 4^5,-/ 42 nd At And Libe Airy NEW yolzr „Ifth n, y VOL. XXXIV. NO. 49 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, GRANT VISAS FOR RELIEF CAMPAIGN Will Direct Emergency HEADED BY DEROY, Relief Drive…

… June 4 -14 5,500 ADDITIONAL WINEMAN, S I Aaron DeRoy To Be the General Chairman of Allied Drive. Important Relief and Edu• rational Agencies To Be Beneficiaries. Campaign To Settle German Jews in…

… 1011,11a Idled It\ -1, t a of sd, wino I, o ,la, .1 t,n, lit Is . t .L1 1 10,, Razen , pub - ot, Jews ,! DAN FROHMAN rt 1. nt tin otos mon out L1 • mot bade 11L I . and teeth mteee II I…

Jews. AI i-u i I ones 11 d • 1, t ll,t1.1n 0,I ,,f iirrinnn pe110on:1r 'mho.. Detroit iou. in character, are called 10.,ihrr 101 this 1,1,1— a ail ❑a, I Ot of ,nod t t .1 \I , II. I…

…, I/I (Inc of the -I., okils, in as speech declared that the Aral is want en- eperation with the Jews from whom they have learni . ol much, parti•u- larly in the field of agriculture. In replying, Sir…

…. Orthodox Jews Organize Council at a Mass Meeting. 1 Cents 300,000 German Jews Reported Ready To Leave the Country; Hitler Willing To Permit Them To Leave Provided They Do Not Return. r who s i-ited s…

April 28, 1933 • Page Image 7

…ykritorripusnORONICLE and THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE HALEVY HAZOMIR'S CONCERT ON SUNDAY A JEW TRANSPLANTED Get Our Estimate And Save! (Continued from preceding page.) I --- 11101 , 111)1 111t .1…

…,, 11111,1 flood. ot IF,, , 1 ,1- IA 11.. I , .1 l'\\ 1 , 11 \, \I' ',11Iy i• M" ? " I" \\ MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. ' I. I-rd. : Nlikwch the >1 1. tile 1.11 , ' 1 A. I I. (-X…

… this soioicct ,111.111: the Jews I1.1 et. r 'id. ttorlol feund, for example. tla , • • lI'll ICtI or hooked Ilioe • , hy only It small minority I - •• 1 thi that adult male .levcs • • randoni in…

… and II,it man Ill , I"k , th So although we are '.' i,, •>•• toe I 11 It 11 (Ile 1110111'1T , k.h . 1 , , •. , o l from the .1 ew of had III It and of tho' matter in Aid II > and s,t, trom the Jew

April 28, 1933 • Page Image 5

… Study Club. Slay 3, 2 p. in.--'louse of Shelter. May 3, 11 p. in.--Slothers and km:liters supper of the Eva Prenzlaucr Citing, and Eurio SValfaie and Northwestern Branch of Jew- ish (11,1 Folks' Home. May…

… — ..—. — - LI d - - - 0 ID C 0 6 DETROIT RIVER 0 i,„, rinwissd-Clairmount Irv ,. i l A i -_, j 1 - Aos Michigan-Eighteenth Grand River-Fourteenth `-:-.-- " ., BELLE ,-__... ISLE I Ai , . I. I…

…. The ■ I ,osh War ,Iterar.-...- , 1 1.1cf II ' 1 OLD FOLKS' HOME'S BRIDGE TEA MAY 23 Palk, . .Anna hp, hill C.... I good noodle BLAINE Michigan Theater. ' 111iIII• 111,111 MRS. SAMUEL K…

… folk's Home. Slay 2-1 Auxiliary of United Hebrew Schools. Slay 2:1 League of Jew bit in 1Vomen's hirgatirgations—lun ch 1, 13, V1 .1 Raalemb Co •' Theodor, Herz!. so Slay 11- IViiman's Auxiliat ■ It…

… 1111111 uilltirlcc III clitil•mc HI., th, • Li 11111,1 . .. c , Group Day. May 11- Iladits , ah Michigan Regional Conferenin , and MI of the .101I1 Itit•I 111COlitIM W.E.W.O. BRANCH 3 WOMEN'S GROUPS…

…■ Put-in-Bay, the boat leav- large numbers III German Joys Flood of applt, sh• street in Palestine. foot .,r only a thousand i • - I's' --• p. n). been granted by Two Jews Killed. govrirnment. I.I. T. Ad…

… WIESBADEN. Two new Jewidh deaths, resulting Jews Ask Muasolini Aid. from raid- upon their homes by ROME. - The Italian Ilehrma Mohel Specialist "unidentified persons" were re- Union preso•nted to Premier NIti…

April 28, 1933 • Page Image 4

… of regret .01 regret that inoffrosive in ..ere not German national.. into their • •' ..•.• r all. the will ”f ahort-lisetl, and • • s: tit "• •: It on a.. 3 whole• ,] great Jews in : ■ ••• ..a…

… !. -1 , ll • • 1- .\'. 11111111 1 . als tor the nest .1e,- k 111, 111Ch April 27, 1, t, t, tl, •t0,I , I3 ish 1 t meeting were ,i1 1011 1nowned , " all, :d1•117 of the Jew- I a SIZEilie…

… ■ , t: t net iountnes. is going , ing 111 1.11 it h c‘, t pull. 1 i• How long will the taxpayers of this state stand for this discrimination? MICHIGAN RAILROADS' ASSOCIATIO' e9 …

April 28, 1933 • Page Image 2

…. NeWs p.1,1-, the 1,1,1e ). Ginsburg, president it, welcomed the 1:13 and a tour of as elinntaxrd by .1 Ilittory! The truth about the trlige(IN of the JEWS in Geriiiiim . ! 1A)6111 ANSEL 111()WIt…

… MERCHANDISE FOR 53 YEARS" GRINNELL BROS. St einway Representatives 1515-21 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT Michigan, Ohio, Ontario and Detroit Branches _ "ee"'h4t ' a Special Lunch . . . 25c Chronicle Want Ads…

… comma,. with hi, policy of !„ pre, ! annihilat our follow-Jew. err - Cononth . and spiritual boy„ +•- ,' ea ,tine i s planned for I - Realizing the f neees•ity all ;raver , and workers for unity of…

… all rman hooks that fn'.' • •.!.. will be served. Cols, to Council Fund. , Farr been written by Jews. ,,nnual picnic will be held "1.14 .1i.ver•h youth of the moonlight will trod not idly by. but add g…

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