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December 16, 1938 • Page Image 16

… Boston Blvd. Bert Hyman, a student at Sir. and Sirs. Abraham Fine- the University of Michigan, is al- berg of 2788 Tyler Ave. an- ready home for his holiday va- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their cation. son…

…. Pare" arta"? HEINZ Cream of Celery Soup Miss Bebbette Berg is home at Theodore Engelman of Phila- 2924 Burlingame Ave. from the delphia Ave. will return Sunday University of Michigan to spend from a…

… Dreams" ("And the Lord said let there be light") and continu- ing with the dreams of Israel, Abraham, Moses, the Prophets, Ezra, Maccabees, Hillel, the Dream of Exile and the Dream of Zion. DOU YOU KNOW…

…, removes unwanted hair, Safety, Pain- lessly, Permanent- ly. Guaranteed. 630 Michigan Theatre nig. RA. 8433. II a treatment lers Saturday. Dec. 10. Martin L. Strauss of Chicago Miss Betty Gail Lichtig, a…

… was the week-end guest of Nathan Gross of Parker Ave. student at University of Illinois, is spending the holiday vacation The approaching marriage, on with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dec. 25, of Miss…

… gave a Ind. hostess shower for 16 friends. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Yarrows of Haz- Miss Barbara Hyman, who is 1elwood Ave. were at home on Sat- attending Columbia University in I urday evening, Dec. 3, to a…

… Miami Beach, Fla. Miss Louise Margolis of the University of Pittsburgh will Mrs. Harold Barker of Indiana spend the holiday vacation with Harbor is visiting her parents, Mr. her uncle and aunt. Mr. and…

… Room Sunday, Dec. 18. Arden Park returned home Fri- A group of girls met Thursday day from the University of Michi- gan to spend the holidays with at the home of Shurly Fredricks, 10209 McQuade Ave., and…

September 16, 1938 • Page Image 3

… sponsored during the week and admission will be free to fresh- The Hillel Foundation of. Bnai Brith at the University of Michi- gan announces that a special or- ientation program for new and old students…

… assistant rabbi of the congregation, will be in charge of this department. HILLEL ORIENTATION WEEK AT U. M. Friday evening services, to be followed by a social, will be held on Sept.23. A dunce will be…

…- versity of Michigan are urged to participate in the orientation week program. SERIES OF ARTICLES ON PALESTINE BY KNICKERBOCKER WILL START IN THE DETROIT TIMES NEXT MONDAY 1,000 YOUTHS BACK IN TEMPLE SCHOOL…

…. at 8•Mile Rd. Open Eves. Till 9 During his stay here, Rabbi lywood. CAdillac Blumenkrantz can be reached at Emanuel Rosman writes the The Council of Mothers' Clubs MICHIGAN--Janet Gaynor and is co…

…Americo( ffewish Pei** eater CLIP•TON AFENU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PE)entorKir.wisn et RON ICLE September 16, 1938 PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SALE of 10,000 Fine DINNER SETS It's the…

… most outstanding sale of dinnerware in years and just in time to meet your needs. 10,000 beautiful sets of china, porcelain and earthenware at a saving of half and close to half. 35 to 42 PIECE DINNER…

…. design Is a riot of colorful germs of deep tangerine, a I , P I e green, golden yellow, and Jet bin. k. It to truly whert modern service at n new re, ord low or'. e Our 'Se- lo, 15.95 Slade! Sair Price…

…) Bleeding flowers blu11111 full rl. h Registration at Shaarey Zedek Sunday School Registration for the Shaarey Zedek Sunday School will con- tinue this Sunday looming, Sept. 18, from 9 to 12:30. Parents of

… children who have not yet regis- tered are requested te do so as registration will close on that date. The first session of the school will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2. Rabbi Morris Adler, re- cently elected…

… will be conducted from Sept, 20 through Sept. 24. Open house will be conducted daily ut the Hillel House at Ann Arbor and tea will be served every afternoon. Merl. All Jewish students at the Uni…

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