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January 13, 1950 • Page Image 19

…THE JEWISH NEWS-19 Friday, January 13, 1950 Justice Hugo Black To Address 43rd AJC, Policy Meet Measures the American Jew- ish Committee should take in 1950 to help establish long-range programs for bettering inter- group relations in the United States will be considered dur- ing the 43rd annual . meeting of the organiz- ation, Jan. 20 to 22, at Hotel Pla- za, New York, it was announced by Jacob Blatt- stein, AJC na- tional president. .Blau...…

January 13, 1950 • Page Image 20

…Unity, Where Art Thou? Rifts in U. S. Jewry Exposed Michigan ADL Elects Officers; Gets State Reports By Jewish News Special Correspondent NEW YORK—Who said there staff. Thus moves the news and is unity in Jewish ranks? Take its distributing agency. UJA a n d Chicago : Is the a hurried glance at the national UJA in real trouble, in view of _ .e organizatiOns, examine the rift that has been perpetuated in Zionist ranks, listen in :on dis...…

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