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June 10, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 18

… increase in the Middle East. Groups participating were the Jewish Community Relations Council/American Jewish Committee (JCRC/AJC), the Zionist Organization of America-Michigan Region (ZOA-MI), ADL…

Michigan, Hadassah Greater Detroit Chapter and the National Council of Jewish Women-Michigan Region (NCJW- MI). “We stand together against antisem- itism, and we stand together against hatred,” said…

… Rabbi Asher Lopatin, the executive director of JCRC/AJC, noting that although all the sponsoring groups do not agree on many issues, they are united in their desire to defend Jews. “ All the groups…

… here have passions for Israel and so many other things that are central to our lives. “This rally is about stopping Jew hatred, stopping antisemitism,” Lopatin said. “Before the Holocaust, there was…

… not enough protest against antisemitism,” said Kobi Erez, executive director of ZOA-MI. “Jews were discriminated against. Their stores were boycotted. They were attacked in the streets. People…

…, including some Jews, thought it would pass if they just stayed silent. “In the face of hate, in the face of antisemitism, the worst thing we can do is stay silent. We are here. We are proud to be Jewish…

…. We are proud of our non-Jew- ish allies who showed up to support us today. “We stand up against hate against of any group, and we are standing up against hate against the Jewish people,” Erez said…

…. ZOA-MI President Sheldon Freilich, added, “Since the 1930s, we have not seen this kind of hatred, Jews attacked on the streets and graffiti defacing buildings. I’m a child of Holocaust survivors…

…, and I’m scared of what’s going on in our United States of America. As Americans, we need to stand up and not accept this. “Many antisemites today view Israel as a reason to attack Jews. This is…

… antisemitism.” ‘ALL HATRED IS INTOLERABLE’ Seth Gould, president of JCRC/AJC, said, “We stand together against antisemitism and hatred of any kind — hatred against Jews, hatred against Muslims, hatred…

June 10, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…. Following the 11-day conflict between Israel and Hamas, acts of hatred toward American Jews — mainly online but also with physical attacks — have risen globally by 438%, accord- ing to the British Jewish…

…AgainstAntiSemitism online campaign and held an online rally May 27 to provide the public with information. Carolyn Normandin, director of ADL Michigan region, said in the 10 days of the 11-day conflict, 14 incidents…

… of hatred against Jews were filed to her local office. They include: • At a May 22 anti-Israel protest in Flint, a demonstrator held a sign demonizing Zionists that read, in part, “being pro…

… was right” as a rationale to call for the end of the existence of the Jewish state. She urges anyone who has received or viewed hateful online messages about Jews or any minority group to contact…

… the ADL and file a report. “It’s this vicious kind of ubiq- uitous blame that right now is troubling, ” Normandin said. “We have seen tremendous blame of Jews for all Israel’s policies. They are…

… getting violent responses because they posted a statement in support of Israel or have been asked to leave online groups because they are Jewish. ” Locally, Jews say they have seen an increase of anti…

…-Is- rael and anti-Jewish posts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. The hateful rhetoric against Jews and Israel support- ers lately has inundated every facet of life and is impacting all generations…

…. ANTI-ISRAEL ACTION IN ANN ARBOR At the University of Michigan, student Ben Moss of Bloomfield Hills serves on the Michigan Hillel governing board as communica- tions officer and is charged with…

June 10, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 19

…JUNE 10 • 2021 | 19 star. We stand here today as proud Jews. “Hate against any one of us is hate against all of us,” Gould said. “The Jewish people know what it means to be silent to crimes…

… against us. Today we say, we will not be silent. We will not bow to ter- ror. Never again!” Carolyn Normandin, regional director of ADL Michigan said, “My office is get- ting incident after incident…

…- lege campuses and places of worship. “For 130 years, NCJW Michigan has been fighting against hate on behalf of people of many different racial, ethnic, national, religious and cultural back- grounds…

… there. “Statistics show we’re in a particularly dangerous time,” Rubenstein told the JN. “I think it’s important for Jews to be together and to speak out and bring in other allies to speak against…

… that read “Stop Jew Hatred” and “Proud to Be Jewish.” Rabbi Asher Lopatin of JCRC/AJC says, “We stand together.” ZOA-MI board member Charles Greenberg and Executive Director Kobi Erez. Hadassah…

June 10, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 17

… America-Michigan, said that in the past it was easier to visibly stand up for Israel and that there always have been undercurrents of antisemitism domestically and globally. The ZOA blames the silence…

… in the media as well as political lead- ers and fear of “cancel culture” for not taking a stronger stand against hatred geared toward Jews and Israel. “Everyone is afraid of being canceled…

… support for Israel. The ‘woke’ culture is against Israel so, sadly, the Jewish lead- ership is afraid to speak up for it. ” To train others on how to counter hatred toward Jews and Israel, ZOA will be…

Jews trying to counter-protest at the many planned pro-Palestinian rallies happening in Dearborn and across the region. “Though it is our right and often our responsibility to counter an unfair…

… anti-Israel rally, at this time, we cannot, in good conscience, put anyone’s life at risk, ” Erez said. “Jews are being assaulted all over the world right now. Hate crimes against Jews in London…

… Bloomfield said he was alarmed at the social discourse and distorted and inaccu- rate information about Jews, Zionism and Israel in the form of memes and infographics appearing on his social media feeds…

… think and research things before people hastily share them on social media. “Jews, who have our own conflicted feelings about the conflict, don’t owe others a pref- aced opinion nor should we be…

June 10, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 16

… Palestinians and Jews. “The group is generally respectful of all cultures, but, lately, like everywhere, there have been many posts from Palestinian members voicing their valid concerns about the…

…. ” Public school teacher Brooke Leiberman, 40, of Farmington Hills said she believes she and other Jewish teachers were kicked out of a pri- vate Facebook group of Michigan educators called MI Core…

… that alleged that millions of dollars were being siphoned from Michigan classrooms to buy weapons for Israel to kill Palestinians. The infographic content, which alleged that $96 million that…

… could have been going to use in Michigan schools were instead being diverted to fund the Israeli military, was created by U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. “The Palestinian movement is putting…

… hatred against Jews in “Act Against Antisemitism,” a global online rally. The event was coordi- nated by a partnership of the ADL, AJC, Hadassah, the Jewish Federations of North America and the…

June 10, 2021 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 43

…- rooms and showers, and they also want to know if you can swim at that beach. A couple may want to know if a beach has surfing, snorkeling or vol- leyball. ” Kaplan, 52, a University of Michigan (U…

…. Anchors to Michigan include establishing the U-M Julia Eder Dean’s Scholarship, which honors his grandmother, a “102½- year- old” still in the Metro Detroit area, and benefits students who have lived…

… Lembeck, 72. His father, Harvey Lembeck (1923- 1982), was a talented come- dic actor (Sgt. Bilko). Michael, a practicing Jew, began as an actor. He had a big recur- ring role (Max Hovath) on the 1970s…

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