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January 01, 1993 • Page Image 55

…-1=1-14 Our Instructor Lauren Vander, exercise physiologist • • • • • B.B.A., University of Michigan, business administration M.S., University of Michigan, exercise physiology certified by the American…

January 01, 1960 • Page Image 18

… Kendra L. Eskola Joan C. Gerds Lawrence J. Girling University of Michigan Lawrence Institute of Technology Wayne State University Adrian College Marygrove College Albion College Massachusetts Institute…

… University of Detroit Francis L. Little, Jr Eastern Michigan College Janell V. Luebs University of Michigan Norman A. Lurie Sally Anne Lystrup......Eastern Michigan College Franklin G. Manning.... Michigan…

January 01, 1982 • Page Image 38

… Dollar, Dean William Haber, economics professor at the University of Michigan. Dr. Geltner received a PhD degree in educa- tional administration from the University of Michigan, where she also earned a…

… urban sociology, social prob- lems, race relations and ecology as a faculty member at Wayne State University, the University of Michigan and other area universities. Lobenthal is a member of the Michigan…

January 01, 2015 • Page Image 19

University of Michigan and Columbia University, where he earned a PhD in Jewish History. Currently, Lupovitch serves as associate professor of History and director of the Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies…

January 01, 2015 • Page Image 42

… under- graduate studies and the University of Michigan Dental School, graduating Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Yoffee began his dental career as a U.S. Navy lieutenant in the Admiralty Islands in the South Pacific…

… be at Beth El Memorial Park Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the University of Michigan School of Dentistry Scholarship Fund, 540 E. Liberty, Suite 204, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, www.dent. umich…

January 01, 1988 • Page Image 34

…-6922 :;) Certified Gemologist (AZS JANUARY FUR SELL-A-BRATION EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Michigan. ALL '87 FURS MUST BE SOLD. "The concept of the…

… on the ski team, and he was a ski instructor in • 1978. Lewis took a year off to ski in Aspen. "It was fun for a short time," reflects Lewis. At the University of Michigan Lewis played intramural…

January 01, 1988 • Page Image 41

… their futures. Jimmy Zelch, a third-year student at the University of Michigan Medical School, said he came to meet new peo- ple. "I'm always looking for Jewish girls to date." At- torney Wendy Eichenhorn…

January 01, 1999 • Page Image 9

…- school together in ninth grade. The University of Michigan. and second-choice colleges." class of 1997, also 10 students, shrank One of those students who left the The principal of Akiva, Rabbi from a…

… year at yeshiva in Israel, then attend four-year universities. The 1997 graduates are currently enrolled at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (3), U-M Dearborn (1), Wayne State University (3) Brandeis…

January 01, 1965 • Page Image 23

…, American branch. was Jewish Legion of World War I, Miss Stein is a senior at the elected president of the American "Hagdud Haivri League," re-elected University of Michigan. Her fiance Jewish Public…

… Relations Society at JUDAH L A P S O N as national attends the University of Michigan the annual meeting of the group commander at its annual election in New York. He succeeds Morris meeting. Lapson has…

January 01, 2015 • Page Image 8

… in Europe, a German passport can make life a lot easier. Richard Aaron, who teaches cello at the University of Michigan and the Juilliard School in New York, reclaimed the German citizenship his mother…

January 01, 2015 • Page Image 23

… graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan. While many of his classmates were getting jobs among the big three automakers or landing military or defense j p i…

January 01, 2009 • Page Image 17

… in Farmington Hills and University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. "With funds, we would also fix the elevator, make the synagogue handicap accessible, install new lighting, put a bike rack out front and…

January 01, 1999 • Page Image 10

…'t hurt me as much as other people. The University of Michigan and other competitive universities recom- mend that prospective students com- plete at least two laboratory science courses and three years of…

January 01, 1993 • Page Image 1

…'s a shock," said Ms. Siegel, who holds an MBA from the University of Michigan. "You hear about this kind of thing happening, but you never expect it to happen to you." Like many unemployed middle- level…

January 01, 1993 • Page Image 32

… NO ---- 313-427-1630 Judith Laikin Elkin Michigan Jewish movements and the sponsor- ship of the University of Michigan, Therefore, the emphasis given in this jour- nal gains new credit for…

January 01, 1993 • Page Image 54

…., a pediatric trauma spe- cialist at the University of Michigan Medical Center. Among young children, the majority of injury deaths are the result of bicycle and car accidents, drowning and fire, while…

January 01, 1993 • Page Image 68

University of Michigan pharmacy Pro- fessor Leslie A. Shrimp. "Almost 12 percent of the U.S. population is over age 65 and approximately 90 percent of this age group uses one or more prescription medications…

January 01, 1993 • Page Image 95

…ATTENTION FENBY STEIN U-M Hillel Sets Events ENTERTAINMENT • AGENCY • The Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan will host the following events. Shabbat Services Jan. 8 at Hillel begin…

January 01, 1988 • Page Image 87

… studying philosophy of psychology and the no- tion of the self for nearly 20 years. He earned a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Michigan in 1971, and began teaching at Eastern while a graduate…

January 01, 1965 • Page Image 18

… at the University of Michigan, where he is a member of Phi Sigma Delta fraternity. A June 20 wedding is planned. 341-0269 UN 4-5323 CHICAGO BRAND STRICTLY `IV HOT DOGS or KNOCKS `;.:7 ::5` KRAFT…

January 01, 1971 • Page Image 25

… embarked on a campaign to discredit it. FRUIT BASKETS ... for ALL occasions! Miss Koenig received bachelor and masters degrees in education from the University of Michigan. Mr. Lindemann is a graduate of…

… the University of Michigan and attends the University of Detroit's school of dentistry. A May wed ding is planned. GM %Voir "With Sympathy" "C.oeitratulations" "With Lave "Best Wishes" "Soo Voyage…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 8

… has returned tel with Mrs. Heitman as hostess. Hughes Potiker, Charles Roth. Joseph T. Robinson. year, by the women of the Sho- to the University of Michigan to lom Aleichem Reading Circles Miss Sylvia…

… Rothstein of Morgan Park Military School in Chicago and Mrs. Samuel Kavanau of Cal- are spending their holiday vaca- vert Ave., who is a student at the University of Michigan is spend- tion with their parents…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 10

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 8 Yiddish Classic To Feature Nine Jewish Stars at Liftman's Jackie Heller Stars At Club San Diego Len Pensler Plays at University of Michigan

… and Chaver David Wertheim of the only by individual stars. "God, New Year's engagement at the theater audiences helped start on Man and Devil" was first pro- Jewish National Workers' Alli- University of

Michigan. the road to fame, heads the big Women's Auxiliary of duced in the United States al- ance addressed the new Detroit Following Len's policy of fea- New Year's week floor show at Hebrew Schools Annual…

January 01, 1999 • Page Image 71

…. Porgy and Bess: An American Voice, co-produced by University of Michigan Professor James Standifer, will be shown at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- day, Jan. 14. The professor will con- duct a question…

January 01, 1988 • Page Image 66

…, registration fee, 831-2870. MUSIC HALL CENTER 350 Madison Ave., Detroit, Les Ballets Trockadero De Monte Carlo, 8 p.m. today and Saturday, admission. 963-7622. MISC. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUSEUM Kelsey Museum…

January 01, 1982 • Page Image 34

… the engagement of their daughter, Maureen De- borah, to Marvin Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richardson of Charlotte, N.C. Miss Stahl was graduated from the University of Michigan and earned an…

January 01, 1960 • Page Image 17

… the University of Michigan, where she was affili- ated with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Dr. Goode is a graduate of the U. of M. school of dentistry, where he was a member of Alpha Omega fraternity. A…

January 01, 2015 • Page Image 30

… honors 28th year with chef of 12 gold medals won in world competitions .... Crave in Dearborn not a Japanese restau- rant but biggie sellers are sushi and sake. FEBRUARY ... New president at University of

Michigan is Mark Schlissel, closely named with local community stal- wart Mark Schlussel ... Both are attorneys ... Maya Kuchersky knows plenty about food but a lot more about skin at her Maya's Skincare…

January 01, 2009 • Page Image 58

…. Betzalel ("Buzzy") attended Israel. the University of Michigan and became Dave Dombey of Southfield, a close a language expert — at one time, dur- friend, recalls the rabbi's interest in base- ing the…

January 01, 1960 • Page Image 16

… their daugh- ter, Linda Sue, to Samuel L. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Davis, of Oak Park. The -bride-elect attended the University of Vienna and is now a senior at the University of Michigan

January 01, 1954 • Page Image 9

…, Mr. and Mrs. David Arkin, of Oak Dr. The bride-elect is a senior at the University of Michigan. Her fiance attends the U. of M. Med- ical School. A June wedding is planned. DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-9…

January 01, 1965 • Page Image 30

… Monument should be made in an unhurried and careful manner of the University of Michigan Give us the opportunity to serve you better . . . ORDER NOW school of music, She was a mem- ber of the Founders…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 9

… Wilshire, and Mrs. Helfman will serve as hostess. Stanley Winkelman, a senior at the University of Michigan, is spending the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Winkelman, 17206 Fairfield…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 14

… campuses in Chicago, Michigan, Wayne, Pittsburgh, Western Reserve, Ohio State and Philadelphia. There will be a delegation of '10 from Wayne University and nine from the University of Michigan. this week by…

January 01, 1926 • Page Image 11

…--Nicely furnished room establish a Jewish Student Organiza- , at 11, the women's group 6, the central in private home for one or two gen- tion at the University of Michigan. The group 4, the Zionist revisionists 2…

January 01, 1937 • Page Image 6

… be the Boston Blvd. left Tuesday for St. guests of the Nathan Sloss family Louis, Mo., where he will repre- over the New Year week-end. sent the University of Michigan chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, na…

January 01, 1926 • Page Image 9

…, who 1.iberal Terms. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Silk (Gertrude is spending his vacation from the Cor. Plosive Ave. University of Michigan with his par- Nurko) of 11331 Dexter boulevard NM. are receiving…

January 01, 1937 • Page Image 1

….1 Col- of the University of Michigan. anions. The services will begin as usual I extend the class to include sandal summer of school 1935 due to lack of j funds. The is reopening lege s second series…

January 01, 1937 • Page Image 3

… opportunities for religious and cultural development intended as preparation for leader- ship in Jewish communal activities. Bnai Brith !fillet Foundations now exist at University of Michigan, Penn State…

January 01, 1926 • Page Image 1

… Deutelbaum an- ties; ways and means of carrying on solution, says Lewisohn, but it checks will riding, bathing and winter sports. the University of Michigan, will pos- have been woven about other trans- sibly…

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