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December 04, 1936 • Page Image 11

… economics at the University of YEARS OF SERVICE" Mrs. Etta Beckman, over the week- women at a supper party and CONTINUOUS Michigan, will address the Temple "6 ment, Mr. Altman stated: "I have instructing them…

… luncheon will be served at tion of our people. In the purchase Joseph cipal speakers of the evening. Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenthal the University of Michigan, were provinces occupied by the Spanish 1…

… by com- United Hebrew Schools. Feb. 8—Joint meeting of Jewish Woolen's Organization. municating with Harry Cherniak, Feb. 10—Address by Dr. A. L. Sachar, director of the Hillel phone Windsor 4…

… the blouse of Shelter and gave his president of the Michigan Federa- Modern type 21 ants,, cently celebrated its third anni- C. Markle before each ceremony. wholehearted cooperation towards tion of

…- Homer Warren & Co. stein and Mac Silverman, mem- other Michigan cities and in To- tion finds Sir. Altman a busy man compared to the historic visit of indeed. Not wishing to be partial Benjamin Franklin to…

… Altman is at once the impartial Governor-elect of Michigan; lion. Service: Sabbath Eve services, Sirs. Esther Giberman of Ottawa, program planned for the next arbiter and the severe critic. If it Patrick O…

…, Secretary Michigan Federa- Notice An unusually important meeting The next meeting of the Young day, Nov. 22, and answered many clothed, disregarding that person's lion of Labor. WINDSOR, ONTARIO including…

… Young People's WARD 4 ployees of the Galperin organ- Jewish leaders in Argentina are Mrs. Saul Birnitrant is in New Michigan, were: David Kahn, Nan- correspondent declared that Gen- Temple Club will…

… the Shear Hashomayim Synagogue Chicago, professor of music at Northwestern University, in a piano recital and lecture before Men's Club of Shaarey Zedek; in Windsor. In keeping with the assisted by…

…'s Clubs of all De- be particularly applied to the lodge's efforts to establish scholar- troit synagogues. Dec. 21—Address by Rabbi Philip Bernstein of Rochester, ships at Western University in 1 N. Y…

December 18, 1936 • Page Image 11

… Incompatible?" Feb. 10—Address by Dr. A. L. Sachar, director of the'Hillel Foundations, before Men's Club of Shaarey Zedek. Feb. 13—Young People's Temple Club formal dance at the • Book-Cadillac. Feb. 13…

…, and these Hebrew Ladies Aid Society short space of one year it has be-, Michigan Workmen's Compensa- are precisely the questions which place this Saturday, Dec. 19. It in particular will come recognized…

… Columbia University, before Men's Club of Shaarey Zedek. ATTENTION! ART SALE COMMUNITY COUNCIL PLAN OUTLINED Last Days—Sale of the Late Willard P. Emery Art Collection Going on Now DR. JOSEPH JACOBS…

…Llvorrlotisn LARor tat YEA En SALE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Purity Chapter No. 369, 0. E. 1 S., held its 29th installation of officers Monday evening, Dec. 14, at the Eastern Star Temple. Es- ther Cohen, retiring…

…. 26% NET on $40,000 investment clear of all expense, Wes, int. on $36,000 ten yr. 5% mtg. En- tire prrlce $76,000. Modern 42-apt. with lobby, beauty in choice location. Normal $200,- 000 sales value…

…. Profit difference. 45% NET on $11,000 investment clear of all expense, taxes, interest on bal. owing. Large 31-apt 3 and 4 rooms, lobby, private porches insul- ated tiled roof. Out- standing corner. Fore…

…- closed price $65,000. Normal $175,000. $5,000 DOWN THERESA R. KLEIN escorted by her own corps of of- ficers and her husband, Ilerman P. Cohen, under a bower of roses. She was ably assisted by Cora…

… Jacoby, who acted as mistress of ceremonies, and the past ma- trons and past patrons. Rose 14 apts. all 4 rooms. New Frigidaires. New steam boiler, with spe- cial hot water Excelso. Prominent N. Wood…

…- ward tor. with a fut- ure. Foreclosed $30,- 000. Bal. easy 5% int. Normal $65,000. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dec. 21—Address by Rabbi Philip Bernstein of Rochester, N. Y., before Men's Club of Shaarey Zedek…

…. the Dec. 24—Tea-dance of Young People's Temple Club, in social hall of Temple Beth El. Dec. 27—Card party of Hebrew Ladies Aid Society, at the Bnai Moshe. Dec. 31—New Year's Eve party at Congregation…

December 04, 1936 • Page Image 2

… Chestnuts article. plishments of the Hillel Founda- decline. Widespread anti-Jewish declared that on many occasions stressed the need for the improve- cific terms it could be expressed tion at Ann Arbor in…

…- Mortgage Bank. Ile added that With the rise of Flitter to Royal at sity of Michigan chapter. and deprived her of the op- large public security expenditures joins Beth Alpha, a very pros- collapsed, burying…

…, A. Heller, D. Trager, II. music at Northwestern University, precarious position of Jews immigrants who have built up through questions directed at Mr. ment of Arabs by Jewish nettle- nently fix Jewish…

…December 4, 1936 p A puntorr/Evasn ORM ICLE a"..Tut_ i-AGE TWO 1 THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME Deluxe eLu px . eFandly Service d Handkerchief s Fl at Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed…

… Local Chanter Mrs. Max Dushtin of 1626 Vir- ginia Park, will be hostess to the members of Hadassah at the next British statesmen was not merely Pounds to offer a refuge to persecuted Oneg Shabbat on…

… Landau, president heard in camera. The new tes- and the status of being in Pales- of the chapter, will discuss "High- timony also took more than two tine as of right and not on suf- lights of the…

… Convention." Current and a half hours. It is believed ferance.' Dr. Weizmann, who topics will be presented by Mrs. No matter what you pay, that the world Jewish leader dis- was the head of the British Chem…

…- Perry Burnstine. cussed the fundamental causes of ical Laboratories during the war, no laundry The Iladassah dramatic group the disturbances which started described discussions that had is being formed by…

…- before the Balfour Declaration asked to call Townsend 6-1992. titude taken by the Palestine ad- was issued on Nov. 2, 1917. The last Roll of Honor rally will ministration before and during Taking issue…

… with the claims 9, at the riots. He also continued his de- of the Arab Nationalists who be held Wednesday, Dec. 2:30 p. m. u U scription of the tragic plight of point to wartime pledges made by Detroiter…

December 25, 1936 • Page Image 2

… Abysinnian Jews who front of the city hall on Thursday Beck Says J•w I s h Emigration memory of Mina Plotler. 0-Address by Dr. A. L. Sachar, director of the Hillel WW 1 , Mmantement DePL Problem Oue for All…

… Pro-Falasha Commit. Michigan. Feb. 2 1-Twelfth annual immigrants." Foreign Minister Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Matridsohn.1 concert of Detroit Ilalevy to Hold Donor Luncheon sef Beck told the foreign affairs…

…I- AGE TWO Pit entorr EWISA and SELECT PERSONNEL OF 3 COMMITTEES OF SERVICE GROUP'IsilIZRACHI THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service I Pounds F1•1 Piece s and Handkerchiefs Neatly…

… PIECES Per I'md IOC Minimum Charge, $1.50 A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION Ws Call for aad Deliver to All Parts of the City 911/412ff ■ Thirme ....-.. LA NDItY CO. T S PHONE CADILLAC 7423 - - YOU CAN BUT…

… Scholarship Fund of United Hebrew Schools The United Hebrew Schools ac- The 25th anniversary celebra- cept with thanks contributions to organization-Rabbi A. 91. Ashin- the scholarship fund from the fol- tion…

of the Mizrachi Organization sky. lowing: of Detroit, which will take place In addition to the pioneer work on Sunday evening, Jan. 31, at a Mr. and Mrs. Sans Miller of 9242 in behalf of Mizrachi in…

… Detroit, Sturtevant Ave., one scholarship in Rabbi Ashinsky has become na- honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their tionally prominent in Mizrachi son, Leonard. Zionism and idorthodox Jude- Mr. and Mrs. Irving…

… Lippitt of sm. He is ationa nl vice- pres of l'ifizrachi and a leader inident 2915 Calvert Ave., one scholarship the in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of World Jewish Congress movement, their sons, Alvin and…

… Calvin. having been a delegate to the Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Kowalsky Geneva Congress. of 3203 Cortland Ave., one and Elaborate preparations are be- ng made for the semi-jubilee one-half scholarships. Mr…

…. and Mrs. Joseph Frisco] of elebration here, ding to accor abbi L. Eichenstein, formerly of 4004 Pingree Ave., two scholar- ships, one in honor of the Bar C zechoslovakia, now field worker Mitzvah of

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