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October 09, 1970 • Page Image 29

…- Michigan State University is again other Airline." If time permits, holding Rosh Hashana and Yom there will be a preview of a new Kippur services on campus. Histadrut film, "We Are the New On Yom Kippur, 7…

… medal bears the signature of Prime Minister Golds Mein Rabbi Fram, dean of the Detroit and Michigan rabbinate, is presi- dent of the Michigan Association of Reform Rabbis and chairman of the Rabbinical…

… as president of the Goodfellowship club room. Guests KE 4-5980 Detroit Library Commission, is are welcome. chairman of the Michigan Fair Elections Commission, vice presi- -Y…

… board of the Jewish Welfare Federation, honorary pres ident of the Michigan Council of EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS the American Jewish Congress, FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZVA? member of the Mayor…

… financial results of the 1969-70 De- troit Israel Histadrut Campaign. Reuven Goldstein, district sales manager of El Al Israel Airlines, Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at will speak on "El Al—Not Just An…

… will take place 8 Americans of the achievements, purposes and problems of Israel p.m. Monday. MSU Hillel Holds Holy Day Services NEW YEAR'S SALE! SPECIAL HOURS: A.h,A, TO 6 P.M.! Every Pant Dress…

…Eban to Address Dinner Honoring Dr. ham Dr. Leon Fram, founder of Tem- ple Israel, will be honored on his 75th birthday and his 50 years in the rabbinate at a testimonial din- ner, Nov. 10, in…

… Raleigh House. It will be the second annual dinner on behalf of Israel Bonds spon- sored by the Detroit Federation of Reform Synagogues, it was an- nounced by Leslie Schmier, the dinner chairman. Israel…

… Foreign Minister Abba Eban will present Dr. Fram with the Prime Minister's Medal in rec- ognition of his lifelong dedication to a Jewish homeland and "for service in the cause of Israel's development," The…

… Commission of Detroit, composed of all the rab- bis in the Detroit area—Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. He came to Detroit in 1925 to PH DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 9, 1970-29 Have An Affair to…

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