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June 07, 1935 • Page Image 1

… and Fez"; Evelyn munity Fund at ■ meeting of ties on the part of Jewish gro- of the University of Michigan. they are ■ minority be justified. cers." Clarence H. Enggass, Dr. David June Ross…

Michigan campus and in th e kin, international president of POLISH CONSUL LAUDS the Jewish National Fund, the COMMITTEE'S EFFORTS press that Jews are responsibl e land-purchasing PRIVATE CAPITAL IN Only 450…

… the Communist vote standing Jewish leader, wasgranted I to Great Britain as the forth no more expulsion of Jewish in Michigan, New Jersey and awarded the honorary degree of ish parent but who were con…

… Chief Rabbi Berman to nist vote in Michigan out of a Agency, in which he declares lead the cases of the affd as Christians of converted Jew- ecte total population of 4,842,325, of that "the introduction…

… the war per- New Jersey than in Michigan, admissible size of Jewish immi- prestige in the Western world, had interview that I had with him During his stay in Lille, Mr. The Jewish population of New ceed…

… times that and economic distress from which the HIAS intervention because he, of Michigan, but the percentage however, the process of Jewish tacks upon the Jews in various place to place and in collecting…

… phenome- Michigan, that many of them are lic and to explain away the eruption to power. The children produced Jewish outrages might have been non. A far-reaching change in HE CONVERSATION took below the…

… Significance of Tracing the history of minor- of Michigan. those thieves. I defy you to ice Freud and Rose Buchhalter. thal, Isaac Shetzer, Harry M. Shul- Consecration." The play "Unfinished Picture" Mr…

… Bourassa, Spiritual Leader of The Canadian Anti-Semites, Recants AUTHOR OF HILLEL PLAY WINS PRIZE Physicians Group Elects Dr. Kohn …

…, University for His Hu- interviews with the French min- these are Christians, since the for their June session, by the ister of the interior and other secured from foremen of auto- mane Services figures do not…

June 07, 1935 • Page Image 10

of Michigan, devoted ists; and, more important than most of his life to social service, all, perhaps, are the mediating primarily in the Jewish field. lie factors, represented by the Cen- has served as…

… racial portant and ultimately the most tine." The letter also contains purity poison the minds of men effective assurance of universal criticism of "the unlawful influx" against their fellow-men. The exig…

…, through • moral and ethical moti- wartime slogan, the right of self- vation. Universal peace is one of determination of nations,' are now upon the traditional guaranties of man's highest spiritul…

… the life of the cy, serving human needs. This people, and are known as Mix- university acknowledges with rachis; others, the Histadroth, gratitude the faithful services press the social economic element…

…; others, impatient with the slow- of • distinguished citizen." At attorney by profession, Mr. ness of the colonizing and other Butzel, who is a graduate of the efforts, insist on being Revision- University

…,000 PALESTINE EFFORT (CONCLUDED TROY PAGE 1) (CONCLUDED TROY PAGE 11 (CONCLUDED CRON PAGE ONE) aces CoNCLUDED PALE 1 I character and extent of the muni- tions industry and of the interlock- ing relations…

… between the purvey- this, it is said, is not biological, of 300,000, which constitutes 25 per cent of the total population; ors of death provide one of the but entirely social. The Central Union of German…

… that the Palestine Government has saddest commentaries upon our highly touted civilization. Men Jews has also compiled figures _ a surplus of 14,000,000 ($20 ,- peddle the instruments of destruc- showing…

… that there are only 450, 000,000) derived from the pros- tion with the full knowledge of and 000 Jews now left in Germany ' perity brouht to the country by even with the cooperation of their who…

…, together with the 250,00 Jewish immiration; that the Jcws own governments to countries non-Aryans among ■ populatio of the world contributed for na- which tomorrow may be their ene- of .65…

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