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November 07, 1969 • Page Image 29

University Press. He is a board member of the Archives of American Art; a member of the State of Michigan Higher Educa- tion Authority, and chairman of Higher Education Facilities Com- mission, by appointment…

of Gov- ernor Milliken. He is a former member of the board of governors of Wayne State University and a former chair- man of the Allied Jewish Cam- paign. Hillel Day School Will Make Awards Mel Weisz…

… development for each student and is being implemented in conjunction with the Michigan State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and per- sonnel of the Moore School for Senior Upgraded Boys. Charles…

… Detroit Adventure at its annual meeting. Gershenson is president of the board of advisers of the Wayne Wayne Michigan Building Corp. Ile is currently president of the board of advisers of the Wayne State…

…., South- field. Miss Salzberg and her fiance are students at Eastern Michigan. An Aug. 23 wedding is planned. March on Washington to Call for End to War presented in recognition of out- ' standing…

… Mrs. Max Als- pector of Fenmore Ave. Miss Papo will graduate in December from Wayne State University's college of education, where she is affiliated with Iota Alpha Pi Sorority. Mr. Alspector is a grad…

… • • • • . • Irwin I. Cohn (left) and Milton M. Weinstein (far right) were congratulated by Dr. William R. Keast, president of Wayne State University for their work at the university's Charles Grosberg Reli- gious…

…- ically-maladjusted youth from De- troit's inner city, the Jewish Oc- cupational Council reported in New York. The program is viewed as a first step in an on-going process of vo- cational -educational…

… Gershenson Heads Trustees of Detroit Adventure a transitional school-to-work schedule. The youth attend the workshop in the morning and afternoons at the school followed by full days at the workshop during…

… which the school after- noon activities will be replaced by production work on the eval- uative bench at the workshop, the JOC reported In the third phase of the project, each boy is to be employed full…

November 07, 1969 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National…

… programing. N ew Inspiration From WSU Hine! Center A concerned community shares a deep interest with the Bnai Brith and its Hillel Foundations in the dedication of the new Hillel quarters at Wayne State…

… the WSU Hil- lel Foundation must come new inspiration, first to the younger eletment and through it to all of us. This is the hope inherent in the dedication of the valued Hillel Center at Wayne State…

University. As part of the Charles Grosberg Religious Center established through the generosity of the late Charles Grosberg, the Irwin I. Cohn Hall, the Maurice Zeiger Library, the various facilities now…

… available for the WSU students offer new opportunities for extended cultural activities by and in behalf of our students at the important Detroit university. While the dedication honors the names of men who…

… dedicates valu- able university quarters, to a task of enlarg- ing the youth activities. Much is being said now regarding the in- difference that was believed to have invaded youth ranks. But if we speak of

University. Federation Apartme nts: A True Dream Our community's deep interest in the needs of the elderly citizens found expression last Sunday morning when ground was broken for the 15-story building in…

… Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager Business Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath…

…. the 27th day of Heshvan, 5730, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion. Gen. 23:1- 23:1S. Prophetical portion. I Kings 1:1-31. Rosh Ilodesh Kisler Torah…

… annual Book Fairs sponsored by the Jewish Community Center in coopera- tion with a number of leading local organiza- tions that the re-dedication to books and the cultural values that go with them provide…

November 07, 1969 • Page Image 28

Michigan. Some 250 packages were sent out to men and women of all faiths. Ann Rugin is chairman of the project. JOCELYN GEORGE GERSHWIN CHAP TER will present Rabbi Sherwin Wine 9 p.m. Thursday at the Oak…

…. Michigan's Jewish War Veterans AUXILIARY will meet 8:30 p.m. counseling sessions in synagogues. observance of Veterans' Day be- Monday at the home of Mrs. community centers and libraries. Banquet Scheduled…

….m. Nov. 16 at Cong. Beth DETROir and scholarship aids and apti- four Post of the RoYal Canadian Hillel. tude testing. Legion in Windsor. Members_ are JWV Commander Regrets Since initiation of the program…

… director of the Michigan State Pharmaceutical Association, will be guest speaker. * * LUBAVITCHER MEN'S CLUB will meet 8 p.m. Thursday at Lu- bavitcher Center to hear Dr. Michael Rosenfeld speak on physi…

… 851-4666 4230 Middlebelt Rd. West Bloomfield Township Visit MICHIGAN'S finest MERCHANDISE SHOWROOM of Nationally Advertised Products importers - Wholesalers • Distributors DIAMONDS RINGS JEWELRY…

… WALTHAM. Mass.—An academic Goldberg and child welfare chair- I.ichtenstein, 537-3094, chair in music has been establish- man Mrs. Pauline Weintraub. ed at Brandeis University through The presentation of

… resort, Fine, for 12 years professor of music at Brandeis and chairman Between 1950 and 1965, accord- presented a television set to sol- diers in a front line unit of the of the university's creative arts…

… Pam. for himself.—Goethe. eXchwthes Representatives of all Jewish War Veterans posts and auxiliaries join in the project of "Packages to Vietnam Servicemen" under the auspices of the Department of

… Park Community Center. He will speak on "The Future of Israel." Friends are invited, and refresh- ments will be served. • • • GALILEE CHAPTER will pre- • sent Dr. Haim Ginott, author and lecturer, 8 p…

… Teens in Small Town - - MUSIC IN THE FASHION OF WILD GYPSY PASSION And Her Gypsies 4 to 20 Men Available 474-7638 MOVING TO SOUTHFIELD gitish 3.cupv2 Photographers FOR MOVIES UN 4-8785 FRUIT…

November 07, 1969 • Page Image 24

…True Sisters Present Gift of -Life INSTALLED JUNE 1W11.1 1952 Officers of 'Detroit Lodge 41, United Order True Sisters, Inc. who presented a $3,000 check to Charles E. Monahan for the Michigan

…- morial Hospital and the Michigan Cancer Foundation. The organiza- tion has also given thousands of dollars for research and equipment at Detroit area hospitals. Kozielski-ll'Olock Vows to Be Said in…

… Cong. Beth Hillel, it was announc- -e eked by Mrs. Sam- uel Bicoll, chair- 'man of the event. ), Mrs. Bicoll is president of the Fannie Gluck Chapter of Miz- rachi Women, one of f our groups joining in…

Michigan residents dying when there is a way to save them through the artificial kidney, the United Order True Sisters, Inc., Detroit Lodge 41 presented one of the lifesaving devices to the Michi- gan Kidney…

… Foundation last week at Northland Auditorium. Mrs. Nathan Oleshansky present- ed a check for the $3,000 kidney machine to Charles E. Monahan, president of the Michigan Kidney Foundation. Mizrachi Woman to…

…, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wolock of Marlow Ave., Oak Park. The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Detroit and is doing graduate work at Wayne Party and Meeting Set by Single Parents Club A…

… discrepancy in State University. The prospective bridegroom is a graduate of Wayne State University law school. A Dec. 21 wedding is planned. Just cook the spaghetti, add the heated sauce, top with the zippy…

… would be used for the founda- tion's kidney loan closet, set op to provide the expensive devices to those who need them for sur- vival but do not have the funds to obtain them. Among the officers of

… or- ganization, has 220 members in Detroit and suburbs. During the Detroit lodge's 17-year history, its members have donated hundreds of hours of service at William Beaumont Hospital, Detroit Me…

… December Italian Dairy Spaghetti Dinner with meatless mushroom sauce and grated cheese. Mr. and Mrs. John Kozielski of Sussex Ave., announce the engage- ment of their daughter Rosemary to David Wolock…

November 07, 1969 • Page Image 23

… With Israel" will feature Mrs. David J. Cohen and two of the synagogue's Kalt Scholarship winners, Evelyn Naftalie and Andrew Heider. Spon- sor hostesses for the afternoon will be Mesdames Morris Heider…

… Kahn. Mrs. Martha Winet is program chair- man of the day. * * * RADOMER AID SOCIETY has scheduled a full-course chicken dinner fund-raiser for 7 p.m. Tues- day at the Workmen's Circle Cen- ter. An…

…—RIB KNITS BY garland PANT AND SWEATER SET MICHIGAN BANKARD • SECURITY CHARGE The year's great long-and-lean knits by Garland hug you in a 4: t PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB will meet 8 p.m. Monday at…

… Cong. Beth Hillel, President Mrs. Sam Nadek announces. Mrs. Larry Shapiro, donor chairman, will give a progress report on the donor luncheon to be held Nov. 18 at the Raleigh House. Entertain- ment is…

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