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July 05, 1963 • Page Image 18

…-presi- dent for four years. Mrs. Lakin has received the Hillel Key from the University of Michigan for personal serv- ice and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Na- tional Jewish Hospital at Den- ver…

… Jerusalem today through Monday. Miss Lynn Goldberg of 1260 Strathcona Dr. and her classmate from the University of Michigan, Miss Merci Giber, of Youngs- town, have left for a two-months trip to Europe and…

… bridegroom is a graduate of the University of Detroit School of Dentistry and is a member of the Alpha Omega fraternity. The bride- elect attended the University of Michigan and was graduated from Wayne State…

… pres- ident of the Harry B. Kei- Mrs. Lakin dan Chapter, president of the Greater Metro- , politan Detroit Bnai Brith Wo- men's Council. She has served on the Michigan Bnai Brith Youth Organization and…

… Israel. They will study at the University of Florence for one month. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lieberman and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore L. Shrodeck, leaders of the Labor Zionist Organization of Detroit, plan to meet…

…. Platt, Rosenbaum to Attend Student Zionist Seminar Dr. Marie Syrkin, associate professor of literature at Bran- deis University and Editor of "Jewish Frontier," along with Sholom Katz, editor of "Mid…

University College of Education. The cou- ple plan an Aug. 11 wedding. PHOTOGRAPHY by BERNARD H. INER HAL GORDON KE 1-8196 Bar Mitzvahs — Weddings "ARCHIE" MARGOLIS, Formerly of Dexter Has Merged with…

… honored at a meeting of the Sisters of Zion Mizrachi at Holiday Manor, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Glasier. Rabbi and Mrs. Richard Hertz and Rabbi and Mrs. Robert Syme are among a large group of alumni…

of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of -Religion and Jewish lay leaders participating in the dedication ceremonies of the new Hebrew Union College Biblical and Archaeological School in…

… Distribu- tion Committee hag established in France to serve Jews who fled Algeria. The Israel portion of the tour will include an all- day trip to Eilat. 3 Guest Instructors Will Hold Workshops in Music at…

July 05, 1963 • Page Image 6

… announced that they are providing copies of the Torah—the new Jewish Publi- cation Society translation of the Five Books of Moses — to 177 libraries in as many commu- nities throughout Michigan. Deeply…

… interested in the re- ligious and cultural life of the community, gifts from the Hordeses on this occasion are being made to the Chaim Green- berg Schools, Hillel Day School, Merkaz L'Inyonei Chinuch of the…

…—but not to cancer patients in need of daily transportation for treatments to prolong their lives. Will you be a volunteer driver for the Michigan Cancer Foundation? For details, call TEmple 3-0710. of the…

… Kappa honors at the Uni- versity of Michigan. His entire family shares with Hordes his interest in Jewish movements. A former president of the Jewish National Fund Council of Detroit, now chairman of the…

… ailing wife, his daughter and two friends fled. They were in hiding and with the aid of a former pupil of Hans' in the university they managed to escape to Switzerland. It is a dramatic novel and its value…

…w CD CM Austrian Acquittal of Ex-Nazi Evokes Public Demonstrations Hordes Honored on 70th Birthday with Playground in Israel, Inscription of Name on Haclassah's Wall of Healincr• tn , Donates…

… Torahs to 177 State Libraries William Hordes, for more than 40 years an active parti- cipant in Jewish movements here, has as his major objec- tive in life: to be of service to his fellow men, to' advance…

… Jew- ish cultural activities and to as- sist in the upbuilding of Israel. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, on July 3, Hordes, at a private family gathering, gave these as his credo. He did it…

… cause to which he has primarily devoted himself— the Jewish National Fund—ac- cords him the highest honor on the occasion of his hav- ing become a septuagenarian. It was announced this week from the…

… Jerusalem office of the Keren Kayemeth—Jewish National Fund—that a sports arena and a playground will be established in Israel in the names of Bella (his wife) and William Hordes. A sizable gift from the…

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