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July 05, 1935 • Page Image 5

… very capable eluded in the admission price. AT ANY TIME will provide the campers with a ion of the principle that the producer of the line, promises a r MICHIGAN THEATER aomplete range of activities in…

… Nahelu, Perry Lake, Orton- question of whether German pub- roe (wish I were 10 years young- ress Exposition in Chicago Jean- Rachel and Sonia and Mickey ville, Michigan. A descriptive book. lic opinion…

…' en and tolerance by conferring truth of rumors that there are agenda of the conference, de- ward Lazansky, Carl Sherman, In such times as these consider- Yiddish, from Palestine, Poland, ha Hillel

… featured the next to the closing „ AMBRIDGE, Mass. (WNS)— Drive and Willow Beach. All man of the United Jewish Ap- Daghestan. Hymn books for the Deputies of British Jews; and rvard University once more moral…

University of a schol- Campaign, told the convention that matters. Call Hogarth 9751. married an Eskimo girl. An au- oral support unparalleled among Minister of Finance from January 1 to July 1 the arship…

… National School of which 1 A. teriology at the University of„Tole. cently raided by the police. It is to a voucher, but when they ques- Lawton is principal. C. and for investments in other NEW, ENTIRELY…

… Players Theater PAGE THREE Nahelu's Expansion Program Completed "Bitter Sweet" Next Opera Presentation REICH COURT AIDS BOYCOTT OF JEWS Tonight! Appropriate ceremonies marked the completion, last week…

…, of the In Detroit's Only new structures added to Camp Na- helu for the current season. These BERLIN—The Superior Court The presentation of "After Night life in Detroit becomes This Saturday, July 6…

…, will see include a new girls' camp, a sepa - at Marienwerder, in East Prus- more and more interesting these Dark" at the Players' Theater, the opening of the week's en- days, despite the unusually warm…

July 05, 1935 • Page Image 3

of patronizing Jewish MICHIGAN THEATER aomplete range of activities most unique bit of work in the in all business firms deeply violates the William Powell and Virginia fields. newel stionei Tit. 1…

… other inter- berg to the presidency of the Zion- on the end of this road." keep our own community healthy to Explore Amazon ist Organization of America, the refitter in State of Michigan, president of the…

… May, Rabbi Bar- Yiddish, from Palestine, Poland, nounces as "intolerable" the ha Hillel Silver, Abe Goldberg, D ' eel Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann, ation for the preservation of Jewry general…

of British Jews; and Drive and Willow Beach. All man of the United Jewish Ap- Daghestan. Hymn books for the session of the 38th annual conven- Harvard University once more moral disintegration and…

… or business was responsible for the rejection secution as a refuge and as a peditions to the Arctic where he Greece Names Jew Vice a by ne l arvard University of • schol- Harvard Campaign, told the…

… Con- teriology at the University of„Tole- cently raided by the police. It is to • voucher, but when they ques- National School of which I. A. C. and for investments in other NEW. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT were…

… COURT AIDS "Bitter Sweet" Next BOYCOTT OF JEWS! Opera Presentation "After Dark" Goes Into 4th Week 0 Tonight! Appropriate ceremonies marked the completion, last week , of the In Detroit's Only new…

… structures added to Ca mp Na- helu for the current seaso BERLIN—The Superior Court Night life in Detroit becomes The presentation of "After This Saturday, July 6, will see include a new girls' camp, n. a These…

… ee pa _ ; at Marienwerder, in East Prus- more and more interesting these Dark" at the Players' Theater, the opening of the week's en- rate girls' dining room, a I ahas G itistrdishonorable a wi t a…

… days, despite the unusually warm 3321 East Jefferson Ave., goes gagement of "Bitter Sweet", Noel vial hall over-looking t la k7, fora German to with weather which sort of hit us all into its fourth week…

July 05, 1935 • Page Image 1

… and • DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1935 Jew Named Military Governor in Italy ROME. (WNS) — General Umberto Emanuel Pugliese, one of the most prominent heroes of the World War and a leading…

… justice and 11- spoofing It proponents is spoofing; but fun be- tensive mail campaign in which gan, "Perish Jews." One of t be Rabbis b Hillel by uprooting religion, conies obscene ribaldry when the he has…

… hearings which werld Zionist organization which derives from the great prevent its propagation." stability of universally deplored. The Inter- Althcaigh many delegates favored I to Gen ', recommendations…

…America latish Perievlical eater CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ewe Your been ench, lore(' early who e of ye. ound rvice re. rho!, • Per. Pub- 1901 rorm eisin t of All Jewish News All…


… member of the Jew- ish cam munit y, has been named military governer of one of the five military prey- inc. into which Premier Mus- solini has divided Italy. Gen- eral Pugliese was recently named chairman…

of the gov- ernment commission for naval construction. Previously he had served as director of the state shipbuilding and wharf construction bureaus. TELEPHONE , CADILLAC 1-040 Per Year, $3.00; Per…

… to Author's Article in Liberty COMES TO AN END TWIST DISCOVERED Zion ist Pre sident in Spite of Rabbis' Resolution Adopts George Bernard Shaw's repeat- is true that Jews, like every de- eat advice to…

… Jews to int r e marry cently self-respecting peopl e, received a deserved rebuke from have willed to live and not to Dr. Stephen S. Wise who called die. Protestant League Secretary' New Attitude of the…

… against the Ger- __ CONFERENCE ENDORSES ADVOCATE VIOLENCE Putsch Organized by Group of Disgruntled Wise's reply to Sha'e's mans," even Hitler, to say noth- ROOSEVELT TAX PLAN "nonsense," as published in lab…

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