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October 05, 1973 • Page Image 3

… regular passbook savings in Michigan. NORTHLAND (Lot G) EASTLAND (LOT 3) Special Sale of 2 in 1 ALL WEATHER COATS Worth Much More ray 99 ALL SIZES 6 to 18 All With ZIP-IN Acrylic Pile LINING…

… resulting from a growth at the base of the brain, which presses upon the auditory nerve. The Hebrew University's hearing laboratory is the only place in Israel where it is possible to set up hearing tests…

…'s medical faculty. This is believed to be the first laboratory to carry out such tests using only external electrodes. Dr. Harvey Sheldon Sohmer, senior lecturer in physiology at the faculty, and Hillel Pratt…

…, PhD candidate in neurobiology, have developed a device which, by means of electrocochleography (re- cording of electric activity from the inner ear), can re- cord electric reactions in humans to vocal…

… stimuli. - like previous devices record nervous reac- tions, their instrument does not require the insertion of an electrode into the inner ear or hearing area of the subject's brain. Instead, it uses a set…

of external elec- trodes which receive ex- tremely accurate nerve reac. tions, exactly as though the electrode were inside the ear. The device consists of a set of earphones, through which the subject…

… hears sounds of graduated inten- sity; a set of electrodes which are attached to the earlobe, the nose and the upper part of the head (vertex), and which monitor the reactions of the inner ear and the…

… base of the brain to the sounds emitted from the earphones; and a small computer ("averaging computer") which operates on-line during the examina- tion. The computer isolates the reaction to the vocal…

… stimulus from outside inter- ference or internal disturb- ances. A graph describing the re- action of the auditory nerve and that of the four "nuclei" in the base of the brain (which constitute the "audi…

…. There are four general categories of people whose hearing can be better tested by the new device than by traditional methods. These include infants whose moth- ers contracted rubella (Ger- man measles) or…

October 05, 1973 • Page Image 32

… free, is open to the public. "The Michigan chapter of the Juvenile Diabetic Foun- dation, formed last May, aims to secure funds for re- search," Guttentag said. "It is a volunteer organization comprised…

…. Rubenstein, gen- eral chairman of the golden anniversary d i n n e r, an- nounced that Dr. Alfred Jospe, international director of Hillel, will be principal speaker. For tickets, call • Bnai Brith, 354…

… Max Kapus- * little boy is frightened and tin's 25th year as director bruised every time she sees My mother is 80 years old, of Wayne State University's him. She is very upset and has a bad heart…

… emeritus at Wayne State University. Principal speaker at Cri- terion Club's "open house," Prof. Levin will give his analysis of "What's Happen- ed to Government Since the First World War?" The public will be…

… Cleaners Open Again Dr. HARRY MAISEL has been promoted from assistant to associate dean for cur- ricular affairs at Wayne State University's school of medicine. Professor of anat- omy at WSU since 1967, Dr…

…, a yearly grant sponsored by the English Speaking Union of the United States. The first musician to receive this honor, she will live in England and perform there for several months prior to her debut…

… in London. Allan Zumberg of Parklawn Ave., Oak Park, was recently honored by family and friends at a surprise party at the Balmoral Apts. club house on the occasion of be- coming a certified public…

… accountant. The party was given by his wife, Eileen. Dr. Martin Moss, an oral surgeon who practices in Huntington Woods, is the newly president of the Oakland County Dental Society. Dr. Moss is the president…

…-elect of the Detroit Academy of Oral Surgery. The Jewish News has launched a new service for its readers, an advice column which will attempt to answer many of the personal questions that crop up in…

…, other resources will be called upon as problems arise in other areas. Identity of the ques- tioner will be kept confidential. Please address all queries to "Advise Me," care of The Jewish News, 17515 W…

October 05, 1973 • Page Image 46

… Council of Cooperative Nur- sing Schools and a past secretary of the Michigan Association of Cooperative Nursing Schools. She also was active with the American Association of University Women and a past…

… Association and a member of the Michigan Pharmaceutical Association and Cong. Shaarey Zedek. He leaves his wife, Bette; three sons, Bruce, Kenneth and Gary; two brothers, Aaron and David; two sis- ters, Mrs…

…, Ann Arbor, died Sunday at age 37. Mrs. Perlman, a native of Chicago and 1958 graduate of the University of Wiscon- sin, lived in Ann Arbor for nine years. She was past president of the Huron Valley…

… POOL 354-4290 Insurance Estimates Given Call CHRIS BIRCHALL 543-8692 55-MISCELLANEOUS A Complete Range of Alexander Dolls and Doll Clothes NOW AVAILABLE at the "Don Hospital" A rare selection…

of gifts for boys and girls age 3-13. Featuring Houses and Furniture, Puppets. English Prams, Castles, Forts, Miniatures, Corgi, Cars etc. 3947 12 Mile, Berkley LI 3-3115 53-A-ENTERTAINMENT SINGING…

…, light weight, baby blue, like new. $139. Call Ben 557-1025 or 557-9709 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act. of Aug. 12, 1970; Section 3685. Title 39. United States Code) 1. TITLE OF

… PUBLICATION: The Jewish News Publishing Company. 2. DATE OF FILING: Oct. 5, 1973. 3. FREQUENCY OF ISSUE: Weekly. 4. LOCATION OF KNOWN OF- FICE OF PUBLICATION: 17515 West Nine Mile Road, Suite 865, Southfield…


…- field, Mich. 48075. Carmi M. Slomovitz, 23350 Twining Dr., Southfield, Mich. 48075. 8. KNOWN BONDHOLDERS, MORTGAGES, AND OTHER SECURITY HOLDERS OWN- ING OR HOLDING 1 PER- CENT OR MORE OF TOTAL AMOUNT OF

… BONDS, MORT- GAGES OR OTHER SECURI- TIES: None. (In the followihg tabulation first column of figures is "Aver- age No. Copies Each Issue Dur- ing Predecing 12 Months;" second column is "Actual Number of

October 05, 1979 • Page Image 28

… South Africa he was educated and later taught at London's Cam- bridge University. His political connections to Israel first came when he was sent to Jerusalem during World•War II as liaison officer of

…28 Friday, October 5, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Eight-Day Sukkot Festival Commences Tonight Sukkot, the Festival of Booths, will be marked by area Jews at services be- ginning at sundown today…

… GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION • Homecoming Day Sun., Nov. 11 • Banquet Mon., Nov. 12 other events (afternoon) Phone your name and address to (519) 253-2352 For Program of Events — No Obligation 115 Giles…

… Blvd. E., Windsor, Ont. N9A 4C1 liturgy. CONG. BAIS CHABAD OF FARMINGTON HILLS: Rabbi Chaim Bergstein will conduct Sukkot services 9:15 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Rabbi Bergstein invites the public to…

… his sukka located at 32276 Tareyton, Far- mington Hills. CONG. BAIS CHABAD OF WEST BLOOM- FIELD: Sukkot services will be held 9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Services will be conducted at Ealy Elementary…

… School by Rabbi Elimelech Silber- berg. CONG. BETH AB- RAHAM HILLEL MOSES: Sukkot services will take place 6 p.m. today, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sun- day. Rabbis Israel I. Halpern…

… and A. Irving Schnipper will officiate. Cantor Shab- Mail Warning The Jewish News dead- line for local news and display advertising to appear in the issue of Oct. 12 is noon Monday, Oct. 8. However…

…, and Cantor Louis liturgy, assisted by Associ- Klein will chant the liturgy. ate Cantor Israel Fuchs. CHABAD HOUSE OF CONG. BETH ANN ARBOR: Erev Suk- CHALOM: Erev Sukkot kot services will be held…

… services will be held 6 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Saturday and today, followed by the sis- Sunday. Rabbi Aaron terhood and men's club an- Goldstein will officiate. nual Sukkot-Shabat dinner. CHABAD HOUSE OF At 9 a…

….m. Sukkot services WESTERN MICHIGAN: Saturday, new students will Rabbi Yosef Weingarten be consecrated. Rabbi David will conduct services 9:30 A. Nelson will speak on a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday "Beginning to…

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