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September 16, 1988 • Page Image 90

…, 48823, (517) 332-1916. Panel Focuses On Movie • • 7.3" high, 2.7" wide and MSU Hillel Season Begins The Jewish Students Organization of Oakland University will sponsor a panel discussion on The Last…

… and Warranty Center Student Wins Doctoral Help PHIL LAYNE'S Laura Eisenberg, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, has been awarded a doctoral dissertation fellowship by the National…

… Hours Standby or 1.25 Hours Talk Time •PLUS MUCH MOREL Groups Michigan State Universi- ty's Hillel Jewish Student Center advises students scheduled to register on Yom Kippur that they can ob- tain a…

… and Sukkot din- ner and celebration. There will be a freshman barbecue and Jewish student activities fair the first week of October. For a calendar of events con- tact Hillel, 402 Linden, East Lansing…

… Temptation of Christ in the Gold Room, Oakland Center, at Oakland University at noon Monday. Panel participants include Mike Duffy, columnist, Detroit Free Press; Michael Ebaugh, Catholic chaplain, Oakland…

… In and See More of Our Selection Don't Miss This Event! SEVENTH HEAVEN / HOURS: M., Tues., Sat. 10-6 Wed.-Fri. ... Sun. 1 L' `" 0 RMIRTMVIATI11141M MILE v54 855-3777 N° ''"° crc;1 FITS IN THE…

… PALM OF YOUR HAND NOW THERE'S SOMETHING NEW THAT GOES EVERYWHERE YOU DO! Introducing the 19.1 ounce high-clarity Portable phone. This MITSUBISHI has • features not found in most full sized mobile…

… telephones yet fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. tta kt tt ? ttrt V ? O nes Fr t‘tR.k. titt es %Ow cp ,3; ,a e FEATURES $5999° 2 -04 stays alsklablea pit toustits 10.4st: tlepattgas I 014 ?i…

… form from Hillel or the registrar's office (517-355-3300) which will per- mit them to register on Mon- day and Tuesday. Hillel will hold combined Reform-Conservative Yom Kippur services as the MSU Alumni…

… Chapel at 7 p.m. Tuesday and starting at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. Orthodox services will be conducted at the Hillel Foundation. Join us for the pre Yom Kip- pur dinner at 5 p.m. Tuesday and the Break-Fast at 8…

September 16, 1988 • Page Image 16

… Joel Tauber hold a drawing of the under-construction University of Michigan Hillel. A recent reception marked the naming of the William Haber Wing at Hillel. 16 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1988 os …

… Thursday at 12:30 p.m At 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Ir- ving Herman will lead a discussion in the Press Review. I CJ Samuel Frankel, Mandell Berman, former University of Michigan president Dr. Harold Shapiro and…

… chamagne, $ 239 9 5 snacks and tuxedoed chauffeur, Call now for reservations (313) 477-1630 JR Limousine Service 40001 GRAND RIVER, NOVI, MICHIGAN 48050 • • • • • • E FIXED ERNATTIN CO ME $10…

…-American Israel Corporation, an American corporation, enables Israel to grow productively. For more information and a prospectus for any of the securities described above, call: Al Schonwetter Representative…

…, Ampal Securities Corporation (313) 547-7056 or 1-800-445-6508 Operator 903 Member NASD and SIPC This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. The offer is made only…

… CORPORATION Visiting Service Marks Its First Anniversary The Ahavas Chesed Bikur Cholim Jewish Visiting Ser- vice of Greater Detroit invites the community to a meeting on its first anniversary at Young Israel…

of Greenfield at 8 p.m. Sunday. Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash will discuss the importance of visiting the sick in "Bikur Cholim — Visiting the Sick For Your Own Benefit." Ronna Perlman and Gladys Karlin…

… will talk about visiting residents in the Lahser Hills Nursing Center; Chayala Pesis will share her experiences in the Mt. Vernon Nursing Center; and Malka Blumenfeld and Esther Getz will tell stories of

… their visits to patients at Sinai Hospital. Natalie Sunshine will give an account of home visits. Besides arranging in- dividual visits to the sick, the organization plans a range of programs for…

… hospitals and nursing homes. In the future the organiza- tion plans to include Beau- mont and Providence Hospi- tals to the list of places being visited. Newly elected to the board of directors are Ada…

September 16, 1988 • Page Image 56

… Proudly Presents , . • Iv,. : east courtyard of the Horace W. Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan, marks the site of Michigan's first Jewish cemetery. Refugees from Bohemia…

…, pre- served face down as a steppi- ing stone. The stone marked the grave of Reila Weil, who died in 1858. The fraternity members gave the gravestone to the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- tion, which then…

… because of the Rackham School's con- struction in 1935. 12th Street is now Fletcher Street. In her research, she learn- ed Michigan law prohibits building on land that has been a cemetery in the past 100…

…' 311. 30 Acre. *I February 26 - March 8, 1989 - ...... i3•• Dorpartme • ... J■ -A A unique opportunity to participate in a traveling university and to see Israel through the eyes of experts. im 7…

… TRAVEL, INC. ROYAL CAB 7115 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD, SUITE 240 WEST BLOOMFIELD, MICHIGAN 48 3 2 2 — 164 358-2400 71— 1, kJ! I! U j I ll iii."°1 1C Call us now for special rates with this ad NM 1 4r1…

… ili t) '• '..I .1 i .1 •t . I I.70-1 0 ON • ; 111",L , im77.1\ ■ M il ; Hit ■ N 1 II ORLEAN • An 1870 map of Ann Arbor shows the Jewish burial ground designated as "private cemetery…

… established the cemetery 140 years ago. Ann Arborite Helen Aminoff began a three-year search into the beginnings of the local Jewish community in 1980 after some U-M fraternity members dis- covered a gravestone…

… turned it over to Allan Kensky, then rabbi of Beth Israel Con- gregation. Kensky asked Aminoff, a member of his synagogue, to research the gravestone's past. research Aminoff's culminated in the dedication…

of the historical marker in 1983. Nearly a century-and-a- half earlier, Ann Arbor's small Jewish community was dominated for a time by the five Weil brothers. The family gradually dispersed and the…

…" between Washing- ton and Huron streets at the north end of 12th Street and a "private cemetery" between the public cemetery and In- galls Street. South Ingalls Street no longer extends to East Huron Street…

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