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April 16, 2015 • Page Image 52

…jewish@edu for college students by college students Happy Kids Michigan State Hillel students find the meaning of tikkun olam in a child's smile during spring break. Marisa Meyerson jewish…

…. On March 8, a group of 13 Michigan State University students gathered at the airport to begin our journey to Orlando, where our Alternative Spring Break trip would take place. Our final destination was…

… tikkun olam; sometimes just repairing the world of a child is more than enough. @ Marisa Meyerson of Farmington Hills is a fresh- man at Michigan State University in East Lansing. Richard Goode Sunday…

… high school youth group directors helped us plan community service programs around it. Since the beginning of our Jewish educations, we've been trained to act with the intention of repairing the world…

… the Give Kids the World (GKTW) Village, where we would spend the next four days working with children with life-threaten- ing illnesses and their families. When we signed on for the trip, we thought of

… it simply as volunteering, but by the end of our short week, we realized it was so much more — we were really helping to repair the individual worlds of hundreds of young children. GKTW has worked…

… visit any of the attractions in the central Florida area, as more than half of all children do, GKTW is contacted. Upon arriving in the Village, each family is given the utmost care and support. Families…

… stay on-site in one of 144 villas, which are fully equipped with everything they need for the week, including a car for the parents and a daily dose of magic for the kids. It's the magic and inspiration…

… bigger things in life than worrying about irrelevant things. This trip has made me realize how valuable MSU Hillel students do mitzvot on trip to Give Kids the World Village in Orlando. my friends and…

… the theme parks of their choice, the Village is a fantasy resort itself, allowing the families to be surrounded by happiness and magic for the entirety of their stay. The Village features dozens of

April 16, 2015 • Page Image 28

… Cheryl and Marc of West Michigan. Bloomfield, for his values and how he sees the world, including the perspective Jewish Work that led him to his current post. Cook's first job, even before she came The…

… left: Cheryl Cook, executive director; Steve Bocknek, director of devel- opment and communications; Sarra Alpert, national program director; and Rachel Glicksman, New York program director. heryl Cook…

… stepped into a new role in January as executive director of New York-based Federation. She had just graduated Avodah: The Jewish Service Corps. college and was headed to the Jewish The Metro Detroit native…

…. communities in the Jewish world and Her career path took her to other Jewish organizations — Hillel, Makor, beyond. As chief operating officer, she helped Hazon grow from six staff mem- New Israel Fund, JESNA…

… and Hazon. bers with a budget of $650,000 to nearly "I care really deeply about the Jewish 80 staffers with a $5 million budget over community:' she says. "I care that we the past nine years. create and…

… continue to strengthen the Having grown up hearing stories Jewish community. I want to see more about the city of Detroit even people connecting to the com- munity:' though she was raised in the suburbs…

…, Cook said that as These days, the Jewish com- munity is hard at work thinking she got older, she became acutely aware of the discon- about how people connect and nect between the city and the what issues…

… was in a lot of need:' she really relevant to the world today; said. "A lot of vacant lots, a a lot of people want to see it grow and flourish:' lot of challenges ... it really made me think a lot about…

… the division between After she accepted the job, Cook's the city and the suburbs and why it was parents got in touch to say they knew there:' someone else working at Avodah. It That's a piece of what…

… draws her to turned out to be fellow Metro Detroit Avodah, she says. native Steve Bocknek, who serves as "One of the things that's amazing to director of development and commu- me about what Avodah does…

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