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October 15, 2004 • Page Image 67

… Center/ Wayne State University Oct. 20 Wednesday, 7 p.m. Hillel of Metro Detroit Graduates and Professional 21+ "Detroit Financial Planning 101 — Getting and Staying Out of Debt!" At Creative Collections…

…. Happminp For college age through 30-something. Send information to Oct. 15 Friday, 7:30 p.m. Hillel of Metro Detroit Shabbat Dinner with the Simpsons. Adam Sofer will discuss the…

… Simpsons and Judaism. Cost: $12 in advance of Shabbat. Shabbat hous- ing available upon request. Contact Karen Urman, (313) 577-3459 or r. William Hig inAtham Oct. 17 Sunday, 11 a.m.-3 p…

…Severe should not prevent you from doing what you want to do. Joints are an integral part of keeping our bodies in motion. But when a joint causes pain, everything suffers...participating in…

….m. Ruach Hadassh Gift Bazaar at Hadassah House, 5030 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield. For informa- tion, contact Beth, (248) 544-6433 or Oct. 17 Sunday, 3 p.m. MSU Hillel football…

…/guest relations Oct. 19 Tuesday, 6 p.m. MSU Hillel Israeli cooking with Ellery Diem and Lindsay Miller. RSVP by Oct. 18 to A comprehensive healthcare team that includes surgeons, nurses, physical…

… therapists and physician assistants Joint replacement is an orthopaedic success story, enabling hundreds of thousands of people to live fuller, more active lives. Using metal alloys, high-grade plastics and…

… the design, construction and implantation of artificial hip joints, resulting in a high percentage of successful long-term outcomes. Sinai-Grace Hospital is dedicated to providing quality surgical care…

…- certified orthopaedic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience. He was recently named one of Metro Detroit's Top Docs by Hour Detroit Magazine. We strive to make your surgery and recovery, comfortable…

… and convenient with the goal of achieving a patient's successful return to an active lifestyle. Postoperative care, including physical therapy and home care Sinai-Grace Hospital Detroit Medical…

October 15, 2004 • Page Image 18

… that I would be a rabbi today without my experience in the Jewish Studies Program at MSU," he said. Now assistant director of the University of Michigan Hillel in Ann Arbor, Rabbi Miller was "yearning…

… positions while waiting for an outside community to endow two other positions. . Michigan State University did this and more for its Jewish studies program, says Michael Serling of Orchard Lake, chair of the…

… Attract Jewish Students D r. Kenneth Waltzer, director of Michigan State University's Jewish Studies Program, is cer- tain that more Jewish high school stu- dents would consider attending MSU if they knew…

…Focus on Israel MSU moves forward on professorship and contemplates study abroad. DIANA LIEBERMAN Special to the Jewish News East Lansing of many universities would agree to fund two new faculty…

… studies in the United States. Waltzer said that it "makes Israel a large and very real commitment within the university." Serling has been a longtime supporter of his alma mater, where his two daugh- ters…

…- mittee that would lift this Elaine and Michael Serling ban as of the 2005-06 school year. Whether or "The [United States] State not the university agrees to sponsor Department warning does not prevent…

… policies have become more varied. students who want to study in Israel and Some universities, especially those on who will sign a waiver absolving the the East Coast, have adopted waiver university of

… active member of the university's Jewish Studies Advisory Board. After the presentations, high-schoolers and their families will be able to speak individually with Waltzer and others about campus life…

… studying for a Ph.D. in Russian and Jewish history at the University of Chicago. "Professor Waltzer was an excellent mentor while I was at MSU," she said. "He was espe- cially helpful in finding other…

…'s Jewish Studies Program now has two dozen professors from other MSU col- leges and departments, each devoting time to Jewish studies. Students can choose any variety of courses as electives, or add a…

October 15, 2004 • Page Image 3

… Israel on Rosh Hashanah. We also made 500 available to Temple Beth Emeth and gave them to the Jewish Community Center [of Washtenaw County] and [University of Michigan] Hillel. They are intended to be worn…

… Berman wear their "Support Israel-Support Peace" pins. "Once we decided on a message, we ran it by Jeff Levin [Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County executive direc- tor]. He was our sounding board and…

… also responsible for the design of the pins and the technical details, like where to buy them." How have you been circulating 2,000 pins? "We started by placing a basket of them on a table at Beth…

… in public places." How do you feel when you're wearing one? "Walking past the protesters with their signs that say, "Zionism Equals Nazism," is especially frustrating for me as the son of Holocaust…

…, knowing they are making a statement in a peaceful manner." ❑ —Shelli Leibman Dorfman, staff writer /REPORT A DOER... Know a Doer — someone of any age doing interesting, meaningful things in their life…

… outside of their job? Share suggestions with Keri Guten Cohen, story development editor at (248) 351-5144 or e-mail: , r rh p $ 1 004 c Newspaper iVu ri www…

… News (USPS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in March, September, October and November at 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical Postage Paid at…

… Southfield, Michigan, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, MI 48034. E-mail: barb Web: www…

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