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October 15, 1971 • Page Image 37

… Know." • a a By Rabbi Gerald A. Goldman, direc- ALBERT EINSTEIN CHAPTER tor of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- will meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in dation at the University of Mich- 'the Zionist Cultural Center…

…. Fisher, a .eownicrrioner ORCHESTRA oriented prograihs conducted 'by! of the HMO. Foundation, is serving Appointed to serve their respec- Bnai Brith: Hillel Foundation - Featuring oti ve councils as fund…

… selection of Wayne State University. Her fi- Cisler, chairman of the board of ance attends Lawrence Institute the Detro it Edison Co. Hudson. of Technology. ' president of the J. L. Hudson Co., A June wedding…

…-raising at ' as honorary chairman of the Great chair-. universities: the_Bnai Brith Youth. American Award dinner: and Louis VICKIE 'CARROLL m en are Selma Cohen and Harold Organization and Bnai Brith Voca…

… obligation services. Brith Council and the Bnai Brith to the Jewish youth of today—our Other agencies which' benefit Center Course. for Women Women's Council again are corn- Jewish leaders of• tomorrow and to…

…, the Bnai Brith Youth Organ- Leo N. Levi Hospital in H ot To enroll; call the Jeuish• Center; Brith agencies and philanthropies. ization, Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- Springs. Ark., and the Nation a l 341…

…-4200, ext. 137. - is $300.000. tions and Bnai Brith vocational Jewish Hospital in Denver. The drive will he launched of- i ficially 8:15 p.m. Thursday at the, traditional kickoff meeting at i . r Cong. Bnai…

… • Stone, past president of District • JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING . ON PREMISES - Located in the ContlhentaI Modiet Latest Fun and. Fashion Watches and Jewelry A'.."1 Detroit industrialist a 6, past…

… national fund-raising cam- CIVIC paign chairman and a member, leader Walker L. Cisler, a pioneer of the Supreme Lodge board of • in extending the development of electric - _power and peaceful em- governors…

…. MISS LYNN FABER ployment of atomic - energy, will ! Entertainment will be by Cantor 1 i receive t the 1971 National Bnai Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faber of Hyman Adler of Bnai David and ' Brith Great American…

October 15, 1976 • Page Image 41

…- troduced to support the News. tion; a member of the Balfour Concert prog- Michigan Association of ram of the Zionist Or- Jewish Library School Boards; a member ganization of Detroit. Proceeds of the concert…

…. which- includes Sinai, Grace, Providence and Mt. Carmel hospitals. He also was president of the Michigan Volunteer Agencies Group for Un- employment Insurance, which represents 275 Un- ited Foundation…

…- that these were geared cuse University, Mrs. for young adults age Saltzman is a member of 18-35. the Board of Control, Saginaw Valley State Col- e; alternate delegate, higan Association of verning Boards…

… wel- Women Voters, American Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, come. Association of University Mrs. Ira G. Kaufman, Dr. JLA is headed by Mae Women, Bloomfield Art Maxwell Hoffman and Dr. Weine, librarian of Cong…

…. Presented • annually since 1951, the Federa- tion award is the most prestigious honor confer- red by Detroit's Jewish community. It is given in memory of Fred M. But- zel, a Federation founder and Detroit…

… philan- thropist. Lefton is a member of the Federation board of - governors, associate chairman of Federation's capital needs committee, a member of United Jewish Charities board of directors and on its…

… fi- nance committee which is responsible for the ad- ministration of UJC in- vestments. A past president of the Detroit Service Group, Lefton is active in the Al- lied Jewish Campaign- Israel Emergency…

… Fund. He is a member of the 1976 Campaign Cabinet. In past years he has held many positions including pre- campaign chairman. He is a former presi- dent of Jewish Homd for Aged where he has held various…

… posts over the years. He also is a former Kraft Family Forest Dedicated "The Jules and Shirley Kraft. Family Forest" was dedicated recently by Shirley Kraft as a tribute to the memory of her hus- band…

…, Jules; and in honor of herself and their chil- dren, Gerald and Sandra Kraft, and grandchildren, Michael and Lynn. The forest is located in the John F. Kennedy Peace Forest near Jerusalem. The dedica…

October 15, 1971 • Page Image 18

… chosen by a panel of elec- congresswoman how she justified SOUTHFIELD. MICHIGAN 48075 • 354-3300 Jewish settlement would be built tors appointed. by the religious support of Israel to the New Left while…

of the colleges the remnants, found at Stissia. were ing-an Israeli trade mission to visit AND NEXT ONE in the City University system, - was part of a once-large synagogue that three-- East African FOR…

…18—Friday, October 1S, 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Kollek Issues Protest Over Appointment of New Religious Council Danes Destroy. Nazi Park,; Monument COPENHAGEN (JTA) —A com- munique issued by…

… relations" between Israel and the the gift had been "quite unnec- Shapiro over what the , mayor the town of Als in Jutland._ - Republic of South Africa will soon essary." called• the appointment without be…

… resumed. He said that South African proper procedure_of a new reli- Mrs. Abzug: Military Aid The South African government Jewry had felt very hurt by it and gious council here by Dr. Zerach recently lifted…

… the ban on the regarded it as an indiscretion on. Warhaftig, minister for religous to "fsrael Differs From transfer of funds it imposed-after Assistance to VIetnam the part of the Israel government…

…. affairs. the Israel government had made Religious councils are responsi- NEW YORK (JTA) -- Congress- a gift, through the United Na- ble for the purveying of Jewish re- woman Bella Abzug (D.,. N.Y.) tions…

…, of about $2,800 ,.to the Mayor_ Jaabari Angered ligious services to their local popu- said here that military help for Organization of African Unity. by Requisition of Land lations. Israel is totally…

… different from The South African government, JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Sheikh The councils are appointed by which regards the OAU as an or- Mohammed Ali Jaabari, mayor of. the religious affairs minister, but…

… military aid to Vietnam. • Helping Israel means-aiding that ganization advocating terrorism Hebron, has lodged a formal pro- should reflect the wishes of the against the republic's apartheid test with the…

October 15, 1971 • Page Image 28

…- Rabbi Joel E.- Poupko, associate p.m. Saturday`at the home of Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, 17331 Goldwin,_ signs of the decade." director of Mkt Foundation at the =University of Michigan; Bar- Southfield…

… ented CIAL AID CLUB will give a ben.; by Beffi-Sheva Laikin efit luncheon 12:30 p.m. Oct. 25 at • • • ceeig: Beth - -HilleL Proceeds will CITY OF HOPE CANCER ge"- to aid hinificafied children in FIGHTERS…

… House Apart- ments Clubhouse. TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD and .Couples Club plan --jOint pri- vate showing of "Fiddler. On the Reof"--• 8:3E p.m. Nov. - IL at -the Northland Theater. Non-Members are Welcome…

…. For information; call ihe temple 466, 8634708. -* BRANDELS CHAPTER,, Pioneer Women, will Meet 12:30 p.m. Mon day at the - home of Mrs. Peril Bloom, 21981 ,Ringedale; Oak Park: Luncheon T will be served…

…...Mrs: Fanny "Yagoda, :president . and Mrs. Fannie Weiner; dues_ chair- Man, will report on the national Pioneer Women's - convention - held in St. Louis. Guests are welcome. * * * DETROIT LEAGUE OF CARTH…

… Mrs. Ted Mandell are arrange _ ments chairmen. -The pre- sidium is headed by Mrs. Louis Zuckerman and Mrs. George Bare- haL Tickets are available for the group's cancer research benefit performance - of

… "Fiddler on the Roof," Nov. 11 at the Northland Theater. • * • - _'ANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, Mizrachi Wtmen, will meet noon - Monday at the Zionist Cultural Center. "Stones of Zion" by Gerald Green will be…

… year were discussed at a re- cent board meeting, with cultural programs planned by Ruth Gos- man and Frances Driker. W. HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (JTA):L - The Tri-Town Section if the Na- tional Council of Jewish…

… Women has donated a Sefer • Torah to the chapel at Ft. Sam House; Ter., -to provide- for the religious needs of Jewish servicemen and their families at that military post. The donation was made in re…

… . IMPORTER SIEVASCITIR. KAPLAN - arid Co. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS GREENFIELD - S CH A EFER 3055S Sothfield, Sults IN GROUP, - .711adassah, will meet 4454206 12:15 Tuesday at - Hadassah House…

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