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June 11, 2004 • Page Image 5

…) and Jason gram, as well as the Ohr Somayach and Aish HaTorah Miller (University of Michigan Hillel) as important young lunch-and-learn sessions, is a tribute to that foresight. additions to our Michigan

… roots what they thought. Studies at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. Both impressed me with their clarity of thought. Dr. Sarna gave the sermon at the Hebrew Youthful Wisdom Union College…

…EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK jarc Shabbat Sparks Cincinnati "Do not worry about who sits where," Dr Sarna told the n intellectual giant among Jewish professors told Class of 2004. "Do not worry about honor…

… and status. the newest class of Reform rabbis that the inex- Instead, like our first and greatest rabbi, Moses, strive for orable breakup of a caste system within the day when all Jews, men and women…

… alike, may stand American Judaism did not come at the expense fully equal to one another: as priests and as prophets, as of tradition. rabbis and as teachers, without heed to wealth or to ances- Rather…

…, it was an outgrowth of the changing Jewish experi- try — and above all, as Jews united in the quest for Jewish ence from the American Revolution onward, said Jonathan learning and for Jewish living…

…." Sarna, the Joseph H. and Belle Braun Professor of American That's no small order for a young rabbi. So I asked the Jewish History and past chair of Near Eastern and Judaic two class graduates with Detroit…

…-Jewish Institute of Religion Class of 2004 ordainment ceremony held Rabbi Jennifer Tisdale Kroll splits her time between Temple last Shabbat at the historic Plum Street Israel in West Bloomfield and the Southfield…

…-based Jewish Temple in downtown Cincinnati. This Hospice and Chaplaincy Network. Rabbi Aaron Starr joins Cincinnati-based class of 12 included seven Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg at Shir Tikvah in Troy. women and five…

… men. Equality of the individual is at the center of their world. Dr. Sarna tapped into this 350th As Reform rabbis, they say, Halachah (Jewish law) guides anniversary year of American Jewish life to…

June 11, 2004 • Page Image 17

… unmediated discussion of viewpoints would have been unproductive and likely end in several hasty exits. However, the mod- erated discussion at the University of Michigan Hillel created a space for many persons…

… brought to the table. Even with these 10 perspectives, the crowd of almost 300 taking part in "A Jewish Community Conversation on Israel" June 6 was still speckled with hands waitinab to add more ideas and…

… to share their thoughts and experiences. "When I work with a community like this that wants to help Israel, one of the ways you can help is by learn- ing about respecting each other, respecting your…

… differences and mak- ing people who have differences feel they're part of the same community," said Mark Gerzon, president of the Massachusetts-based Mediators Foundation. "That is the challenge in Israel and…

… that's the challenge of Israel and Palestine. Can people who are differ- ent and want different things, have different beliefs, learn to respect each other? That's the same thing that's happening here…

…." He added that he hopes the event empowered participants to seek more creative and constructive ways to deal with differences and lay the ground- work for a "more thoughtful and coherent way of dealing…

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…,000 per year. 20c per mile excess. Lessee has option to purchase at lease end for pre-determined amount. To get total payments, multiply by the number of months. Non-GM Employee must be, eligible for either…

… $17,809** L-11 I 11<.: THE SPIRIT OF AMERICAN STYLE CHARLIE WARSHAW TaIMBROFF BUICK Wheels & Sound Package, Full Power #153798 Plus tax, title. destination, plates. Must qualify…

… for GMS pricing and GM Retiree Certificate. All rebates to dealer. Sale ends on 06-13-04. 248-353-1300 6/11 28585 Telegraph 2004 South of 12 Mile • Southfield 17 …

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