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May 01, 1925 • Page Image 1


… leaders of the Michigan principal speaker. Other addresses to the dictates of Jewish religious April 22. cultural marketing organizations hers to throw in their lot with the Federation for Ukrainian Jewish…

… Dr. Bramson, who is one of the Eu• house, 89 Rowena street. Hillel Foundations. Reports Given on Immigration, Hillel Foundation, Migra- tion to Mexico. ICE 1-0-4-0 Conduct 'UKRAINIAN JEWS TO SAPIRO…

…-moving description of the plight eveni ng they will be honor since the of East Europ of the work at the two Hillel Foun- h eld I ■ guestss oat a banq uet in the din ing room Ai, claims he composed dations during the…

… Committee. He pointed out that the at Kirby Center last Tuesday eve, the Michigan Federation for Ukrain- common-law rights ill the song (he wax re-elected Jewish students at each of Marshall Brown of

…, intoxicated by chauvinism, has , ram, H. Glass life he may assume intellige - i large number of cases by the Jewish cruel, discrimi-' Auxiliary of the Michigan Federation ership for, after all, interest in Jew…

…' Selling University Mag- seines. - Dr. Motzkin, Dr. Kohn, Rabbi That every Jew in Detroit enroll Eisenstadt to Spend May Henry Ford and the Dearborn Pub- as a participant in the activities of 1.4 in Detroit…

… Eisen- cinnati and for the last 21 years has campaign for the National Hospital resolution Of the Agudath on the Jew- and contends that his standing with the Ilebrew University on Mount stadt, formerly…

…. Niego of Con- memorating the opening of the Ile- Adolph Finsterwald and others. d y The annual meeting of the Jewish Agenc should engage in cultural an i .„., brew University in Jerusalem was a…

April 01, 1927 • Page Image 6

… looking forward to many Jewish concerts by this group. •C YG 37C .):C. S Y .YeY= D :%"1:74:?.? The Hillel Debate. Hillel Foundation teams representing the Univer- sity of Michigan and the University

… candidate was de- feated by a majority that revealed the temper of the community. The election of John Smith as mayor of Detroit and of Fred Green as governor of Michigan was an earnest of fair, unprejudiced…

… conduct of public af- fairs. The threat of the Klan in Michigan has been effectively removed and these appointments show that the attitude of the governor is not a passive one. It is gratifying to Detroit…

… nations decide to become belli- cose, or when they would discriminate against an alien group within their own borders. The Hillel Foundations of the B'nai B'rith in focuss- ing attention upon these…

… authorities, this state- ment was completely disproved. Many of the foreign of the groups. especially the Jewish, were far noble Nordic groups. In the college and universities a reading of the Phi Kappa Beta…

… College Its Work for Jewish Learning In America. By ZVI COHEN (Copyright, 1927, Jewish Tele- graphic Agency. From all parts of the United States, from the various universities and colleges of this…

… European universities come to the college. The student body consists of men and women who desire to prosecute their Jewish studies and to enrich Jewish scholarship. By means of fel- lowships students are…

… in touch with the free minds of other lands, Through his books he communed with the greatest spirits of an time, and was not the whole starry universe his intimate companion? What could his powerful…

… they. Im- potent to force hint into submission, they tried to silence hint by bribery. The Elector Palatine Karl Ludwig of- fered him a life-post as professor at the University of Heidelberg at a gen…

… JACOB MARGOLIS JACOB H. SCHAKNE Presiaent Editor General Manager Intered as...gond-class matter March 3, Mg. •1 the Postollice at Detroit, Math. under the At of March 3, len General Offices and…

April 01, 1927 • Page Image 12

…-Operative Marketing De. upon the witness. Let them the Universities of Michigan and Illi- j hems that have arisen. First Clash. pertinent of the American Farm lin. never cease in this devotion, utilizing, nois last…

… Walton Peteet, former (firm. ator's questioning seemed to reflect rank and file as well as the leaders, i are laboring to meet the great prob.! debaters of the Hillel Foundations of for of the Co…

… puperman and author of the book en- the Independent to Ford agents. This estine must be maintained and ex- grees from universities in Vienna and . tilled, "The Amazing Success of Ilenry witness also…

… borne fruit is the formation of a He- As a further indication that the he w as an d good will, an effectiv ej brew University in Jerusalem, which I k l . ag nvers- r ee trial from now on will have smooth…

… grin i n sp ite of self. i Thirty-eighth Field Artillery. I the commission is to be of a charac- will act as chairman. No admission Featuring Home Cooked Meals ter that will command universal re- fee is…

…_ . EDITOR CAMERON DENIES AND EVADES ON WITNESS STAND (Continued from page 1.) connection with these prominent men. In spite of Cameron's insistent de- nials that he had any extensive con…

…- versation with Henry Ford relating to the editorial policy of the Dearborn Independent, Gallagher tried time after time to prove, through Came- ron, that Ford really guided the poli- cies of the magazine…

…. Naturally, every question directed along this line was immediately objected to by Stewart Ilanley, Ford attorney. It is significant in this connection that 'about 75 per cent of the questions ,Gallagher asked…

… the trial, it was concluded here that the trial would be little more than an economic discussion of the Eat For Health and Strength Physical Culture Foods are pure and wholesome, natural foods…

… EUROPE AFTER LONG VISIT country's agricultural problems. But retary to Mr. Ford, as well as vice- with the aiding of one witness Gal- president of his publishing company, Iogher dispelled the foregoing…

July 01, 1927 • Page Image 5

… forthcmoing trial of Shalom delegation of rabbis. Many former along the lines of the Hillel Foun- years of service as deans of the year passed all his subjects. What the Boston all-scholastic teams in knee…

… that vanity of Michigan where thei r Gross, rabbi of Union Temple, and Company in "A Pontomime Acro- we may be as fortunate as to have daughter, Cecelia , who was among Rabbi Harry Weiss, accompanied I…

… have been encouraged to AS far away as Jassy, Roumania. be discourteous to them and to dis- quility in the University of Vi- endorsing the new immigration enna can be restored only if con- plans upon…

… Gentile interne who received memorandum to the university sen- and other countries. renewed activity of the anti-Semi- the case walked away, saying: 'So, ate in which it states that it can The conference…

… Allegations! In Letter To Prince BY MAYOR WALKER Austrian Lodges Are Carrying On Worthy Work Among Barbu Stirbey. Documents Reviews LRoumanian Trouble 4 LONDON.—(J. T. A.)—A col- lection of documents…

… relating to the situation of the Jewish population in Roumania was published here under the auspices Of the Joint For- eign Committee, the agency acting on behalf Of the Board of Jewish Deputies and the Ang…

…,lo-Jewish as- sm•iation. The book was edited by Lucien Wolf, se'c'retary of the Joint For- eign committee, and contains the text of correspondence between the committee and the Roumanian gov- ernment concerning…

… the Roumanian Jewish problem. It also contains a chronology of events in Roumania, photographs and press reports, mainly emanating from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency service. The publication also…

… contains a letter addressed by Lumen Wolf to Prince Barba Stirbey, the new Roumanian Prime Minister. The letter is in the nature of a reply to the allegations of the former Roil- manaian minister of foreign…

… af- fairs, Mitilineu. Mitilineu stated that the reports of the anti-Jewish excesses were exaggerated and that the incidents referred to were of negligible importance and were al- ways dealt with by the…

February 01, 1924 • Page Image 6

… or worthy for election to the presidency confession for years; he spent his "Kraut Strudel" struggled for sal Which bore an angel throng. Jewry. of the University of Michigan chapter. macy. money on a…

… displeasure is manifestly due to passing mention from the Jewish "Ach, yes, this life is a vale of sor- 850 High Street West the fact that hundreds came to hear Rabbi Abba Hillel press. Regardless of the Jewish…

of our best universities. We cannot be per- every man. of impatience and flung himself int Now that he no longer plays an important role in t the classical Hebrew learning will unfit Association is…

… 31,1. /PS is that Menorah is dead! 1 have in from a former my possession a letter president of the University of Michi- Menorah, who did his utmost to gan revive the movement during its dying days. I…

… hanged man experience as Judge in the Federal Courts. ENIN'S death deserves more than A GOY IN THE GOOD PLACE lies?" cried Anton, in horror. General Offices and Publication Building The cause of her…

…: _ Silver speak on "Is Progress a Myth?", and these same tude rewar let regime; whatever Jews may think poor man a cup of coffee and a bun," 14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England hundreds failed to attend…

… the meeting where from her of the Russian workers' republic, one I. and the priest sighed, and undid the $3.00 Per Year That The first they knew of it in town point of view the concrete vital, present…

… question of thing must be borne in mind: middle button of his coat, which drew Subscription, in Advance during the darkest war and p was through Lottchen Schmidt, who an uncomfortable crease after meals…

… evening of each week. The old man expostulated and en- We may agree that many like to be amused, and Hell where the Jew was secure was and Soy- and came home with a sock in her treated in vain. The Detroit…

… Jewivh amulet. Invites correspondence on subjects of mutton iet Russia. del not need fear pogroms emotionally edified, which may account for the failure hand. "Put thy trust in Cod, my son, and respo…

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