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December 31, 1937 • Page Image 1

… campaign gained an important of Mr. Markson culled from dif- Hillel Foundations, Richard E. tury Ilebrew sage and scholar, were wounded. The other 28 inars and conferences held tual hospital situation in…

… this country and abroad. A graduate of the Boston University School of Medicine, with a record of a three-year apprenticeship as physician in the U. S. Public Health Service. he enlisted as a member of

… the American Joint Distribution Committee when it withdrew from that field. A consultant in the planning of the Rothschild-Haddassah Hos- pital and Hebrew University Medical School, in Jerusalem…

… Work nority status as • prerequisite ported that in communal, religious tion of direct selling to the public lines his task in Detroit as fol- ernment's approval of ghetto Universally recognized at the…

… Cleveland, in annual of the Jewish Welfare Board, these latter lines." Italy Arrests Jewish Journalist • MA LATE A. D. MARKSON ! IA also leads to a more intelligent lish universities. conclaves, honored two…

… factual data to be Singing Society. Mr. Gayman held of the administrative committees de La Rocque's French Francois dents which she assailed as de- Many Arabs Killed University, Middletown, Connecti…

… cannot build home to discover for themselves the University of Minnesota' and up trust. Perfectly obvious and the meaning of brotherly love. A National Officers and Delegates From Chicago, Cleve- the…

…A merica Ala Periodical Carter C1APION ATINUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH All Jewish News All Jewish Viewc WITHOUT BIAS and Issue Manifesto Condemning Segregation of Jews as…

… Harmful to Poland 1■ 3 ANTI-JEWISH BOYCOTT GAINS IN INTENSITY Pickets Arrested; Paderew- ski's Party Joins the Anti-Semites Palestine Jews Favor Partition; Only Choice NEW YORK. — (WNS) — The Jews of

… Palestine are for partition because they feel there is no other choice, Mrs. Samuel W. Halperin, former national president of Iladas- sah, declared on her arrival in this country for a speaking tour. Mrs…

December 24, 1937 • Page Image 1

… projected Jewish earlier than usual and the C. of Michigan state will be enlarged beyond deadline will also be advanced those envisaged in the Royal one day. All copy for the next issue will have to be in the…

… committee large stretch of land in southern for Michigan in the 10th anniver- Palestine, would remain in Brit- Orthodox Leader to Be sary celebration of the National ish possession. In the course of his…

of trod. and indus- resentative of the national execu- Sidney Hollander of Baltimore, some measure as models for oth- try. tive committee of which he is a Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver of Cleve- ers…

of Michigan on "The Position of the Jews in the Modern State" which will lea- tore the closing dinner meeting of EDITOR'S NOTE: This able analysis of the philosophy of American democracy by one of the…

… faiths that are in the majority. the record of the student Recently, the headlines of • Himelhoch was graduated with middleweetere daily shouted the The Hon. Frank Murphy, governor of Michigan (standing…

…, "We Want Friedman, We Want Fried- man." and it's being sung in a rising crescendo from New York to Ann Arbor, where the Univer- sity of Michigan is located. As this piece is being con- structed, brick…

… younger net of coaches. And that Is what Michigan Is looking for at the present moment, with no asper- sions cast at the deposed Harry Kink,, as thorough a football scholar as exists. It was only a few…

… rea- tive, who expressed satisfaction tee, announced. sonably hope to achieve the condi- with the closer approach of the Mr. Kirstein is president of the tion of universal happiness and farmers to the…

… Jewish dents of these Hebraic commun- philosophy of law in several Italian of Massachusetts, ventured into race. To effect this end they ities would be permitted to de- universities; Alfred Bottm a n, the…

December 31, 1937 • Page Image 3

…, icle. and dirigold. di•ttibetag for WRESTLING AT ARENA GAR- at the longest bar in Michigan, is guest conductor of the University world and taking motion pictures Mr. Ruthenkrg is also a De- proving to be…

… branch of the Jewish Wo- ONE. ONE • SIX MICIIIGAN men's European Welfare Organ- ization on Wednesday afternoon, foods and drinks. Boast- Dec. 29. For finer Michigan. A special meeting ups held to 'longest…

… afternoon, Jan. 5, at financial secretary, Benjamin Ka- national director of the Bnai Brith Make your reservations now for 1:30, at the Bnai Moshe Syna- minsky; recording secretary, Alex- I Hillel Foundations…

…'s engagement bringing with commander Bordelove. MICHIGAN — "Wells Fargo," and their wives and a number of your own feathers or wools. Pil• him a host of lilting tunes and An elaborate installation of of- invited…

Michigan Theater. On the Michi- Wednesday shower and wedding gifts. Dex- this band a huge success from of the post. Harry II. Schaffer of of the House of Shelter, A group gan stage for a gay New Year's ter…

… Ghione has built a program of or to present ly. Mrs. Bezalel Cohen of Tel music Favors hailed by the officers of the na day evening at the Beth Tefilo Harvard Universities he did post- Ihe distinguldied 17…

…, all of whom were elected At the University of Illinois he is through their support of Mizrachi German and Russian, professor of modern European and unanimously: activities in Eretz Israel. Honorary…

… CONGREGATE HERE New Year's Eve 12th and Hazelwood Mrs. Morris Ilaker was hostess at her home on Webb Ave. to STOP IN ANY TIME DURING NSEL'S the members of the North Wood- N EXT 'TO KI THE EVENING ward…

… chair- man, can be reached at Euclid 3527-W. Mrs. Schultz appeals to the public and the presidents of the various organizations and clubs to co-operate and send in the DEXTER M cOEUNG,NooD names of their…

… Detroit women who are in- SCENE FROM "GREEN FIELDS" terested in extinguishing the suf- fering of European widows and Starting Tuesday, Jan. 4, the story of the young Talmudic schol- orphans and also helping…

December 24, 1937 • Page Image 3

… the history of Shaa- at a birthday party Thursday in Rosenthal, took over the chair and FRE6 PARKING 12th and Hazelwood. will hold a son, and by Philip Slomovitz, when Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver rey Zedek…

… on formed his own company of auto- Catherine Priest, member of the Saturday night series, to be played I is no charge for the luncheon, the banquet at Lachar's on 12th St. Vr\OI: Michigan Bar…

… Morris StIserman, that Cass High School will be ob- captain of Tonle Harebell Lod. team. Schiller is now MICHIGAN — Fred MacMur- vantage of this opportunity to newly elected officers follow: M. singing…

… reputation mas week entertainment at the The Men's Club affair scheduled ing secretary; Louis Rosenberg, ning team. A gala paid-up mem- End Clinic and of various religious faiths on Michigan Theater. On the…

… critics and the general celebration committee. GREAT REVUE 11,1, 1^ public attests to the universality In conjunction with the anni- of her art. Born in Yemen, at the DORIS VINCENT versary, the alumni will…

…- given on Tuesday, Jan. 4, by the dents in Polish universities. Dur- tinian songs which the group has an extensive membership drive by UP BY CARL SCHILLER membership is composed of Catho- where, will begin…

…—Dancing—Enterfainment THEATER JAN. 2 Joseph Buloff, Bertha Ger- sten, Luba Kadison Assisting Stars Jacob Ben-Ami, well-known Yid- dish-American dramatic star, will head a cast of four of the most brilliant luminaries of the…

…'S STARTING DEC. 25 Misch and Lucy German, noted 151rs. Zweig, Ada Stern, H. Nel- stars who have a large following' son and Jack Bernard. in Detroit, are starting their cur- "A House of Glass" was pre- rent…

… appearance in Detroit this Saturday matinee in IL Kalman- aented by Mischa and Lucy ovich's "A House of Glass," a German in many communities in Play in three acts and six scenes. this country and in Europe…

… NARDI HERE ON SUNDAY With . a repertoire which repre- sense the symboh PAGE THREE. Doris Vincent's New Year Eve Show Announced Doris Vincent, "Golden Girl" of local clubs, occupies a unique spot in…

December 31, 1937 • Page Image 6

…'s Henry Monsky will be the next president of Bnai Brith Peo- ple who ought to know are saying that Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver of Cleveland and Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan have both refused invita- tions to…

…, the American Committee Pt Reli- gious Rights and Minorities and the ap- peal signed by 179 educators among whom are presidents of universities, including Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven of the Univer- sity of

… totalitarianism which has engulfed the German and Italian universities. Time must naturally elapse before we can expect to note the effect of such • protest— it is really more an appeal than a protest—on government…

… United States with their 6-year-old daugh- ter, Barbara Bebe, until next sum- mer. • Judging from the volume of fan mail, Kent Taylor, Universal star, is Iowa's favorite son, George Jessel's favorite dish…

… belief of Kent bands with Leon Blum." They talked for a minute Taylor (Louis Weiss), Universal of two. As Maglione look leave, Illum remarked, "I featured actor, The handsome don't suppose I may dare to…

…•clase metier Mar. 8, Lill, at the Peet- office at Detroit. Mich, tender the Ast of Marsh 11, ISM General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue T.lookout: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address' Chronicle…

… Tue.. evening of each week. Pam mailing notices, kindly see one side of tan are ad,. the Detroit Jew!. Chronicle Inuit.. mare.poulermie os ealls WO. of Interest to the Jewleh people, but tlieeleiras…

… responds Milt, for an indorse.. of the flews gyp ..... by the writers Sabbath Scriptural Portions Pentateuchal portion—Ex. 6:2-9:35. Prophetical portion—Ezek. 28:25-29:21. Rosh Chedesh Sheet Reading of the…

… Torah, Monday, Jan. 3 Num, 28:1-15. December 31, 1937 Tebet 27, 5698 The Late Newton D. Baker The death of Newton D. Baker removes from the scene one of the most important figures in the movement for…

… better Chris- tian-Jewish relations, Since the founding of the National Conference of Jews and Christians, he has served as general chait- man of the movement that is about to ob- serve its 10th…

December 31, 1937 • Page Image 4

… Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland and Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan have both refused invita- tions to accept the presidency of the Jewish Institute of Religion when Stephen S. Wise retires ... Rabbi…

…, the American Committee on Reli- gious Rights and Minorities and the ap- peal signed by 179 educators among whom are presidents of universities, including Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven of the Univer- sity of

… Intellectual totalitarianism which has engulfed the German and Italian universities. Time must naturally elapse before we can expect to note the effect of such ■ protest— it is really more an appeal than a…

… this country, this vol- mer. ume emerges as an even greater work than before. Judging from the volume of fan It is natural that this work should begin with mail, Kent Taylor, Universal star, Hitler. The…

… I. 1914, at the Pe.. office at Doer°It. Mich, •oder the Aot of Mar. a, Mt. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone Cedilla* 1040 Cable Address: Lowlem emcee…

…, Chronicle • 14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England Subscription, in Advance__ ........ —...$3.00 Per Year To Iona.. publication, all correspond.. and new. meta nest reach this office by Tu..y evening of

… sash neek. When mailing notices. kindly tas• one tit of the DUNI Only. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Invites •oremponieues es sib- lean of Interest to the Jewleh people, but disclaims renponsi. Billy for…

… an Indorsement of the Ocoee ere ..... 4 by the writers Sabbath Scriptural Portions Pentateuchal portiOn—Ex. 6:2-9:35, Prophetical portion—Ezek, 28:25-29:21. Rosh Chodesh Shoat Reading of the Torah…

…, Monday, Jan. 3 Num. 28:1-15. December 31, 1937 Tebet 27, 5698 The Late Newton D. Baker The death of Newton D. Baker removes from the scene one of the most important figures in the movement for better…

… Chris- tian-Jewish relations. Since the founding of the National Conference of Jews and Christians, he has served as general chair- man of the movement that is about to ob- serve its 10th anniversary of

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