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November 23, 1945 • Page Image 1

… complete the record of Detroit Jews in service by filling in and return- ing the questionnaire appear- ing on Page 3. Hillel Helps Hebrew U. A Yale and Hebrew University Fund to furnish the Hebrew…

University in Jerusalem with copies of all important scholarly works published by the Yale University Press has been created by the Bnai Brith ,Hillel Foundation at Yale University. Shown at the presentation…

…THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review VOL. 8—NO. 10 2114 Penobscot Bldg. RA, 7956 VICTORY LOAN of Jewish Events Detroit, 26, Michigan, November 23, 1945 34 .(14S1 ■ 1. 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single…

… are: (left to right), the Rev. Sidney Lovett, chaplain of Yale Uni- versity; Charles E. Bloom, vice-president of Yale . Hillel Foundation; Prof. Edwin R. Good- enough, world-renowned Semitics scholar…

University of Maryland. First Ladies: MRS. HARRY S. TRUMAN is shown buying a Victory bond at the White, House from BESS MYERSON, the first beauty of the land, Miss America of 1945. Later in the day, the…

… Copy, 10c U.S., Palestine Jewry Join Fight Against Britain's Latest Policy Bevin's Statement Called 'Insult' And Betrayal of Party Pledge; Drs. Wise, Silver Urge Action —Page 18 Gewerkshaften to…

… great humanitarian effort in behalf of the survivors. Saying goodbye to DR. JOSEPH C. HYMAN, executive vice-chairman of the JDC, (third from right) are M. J. JOSLOW, Springfield, Mass.; SELMA BENDREMER…

… and REBECCA KOPELSHON, of New York; MILDRED KRONICJ of Canada; Dr. Hyman; F. C. WHITE of, Los Angeles, and FLORA LEVINE, also of New York. Of the nearly 10,000 Detroit Jews serving in the armed…

… forces of our country, 180 have made the supreme sacri- 20,000 Books are being shipped to camps in Ger- many and Austria for - displaced persons by the JDC. Photo shows (left to right) ABRAHAM HOROWITZ…

March 23, 1945 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review VOL 7—NO. 1 2114 Penobscot Bldg. RA. 7956 3 of Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan, March 23, 1945 , 34. 22 $3.00 Per Year; Singles Copy, 10c FDR Reaffirms…

… Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation. onstrates proper seed culture to American Red Cross workers, Ruth Lowe and Marjorie Fish, at the Farm School of WIZO (Women's Interna- tional Zionist Organization), near…

…- Seder: Students representing more than a dozen different religions at Ohio State University annually participate in an inter-faith Seder on the third night" of Passover, held under the auspices of the…

… Pleased with Jewish Committee Plan, —Page 5 GI Wedding in M. J. Holland- CAPT. GOLDMAN of New York, one of the Jewish Chaplains attached to the Ninth Air Force, is shown (below) of- ficiatng at the first…

… marriage in the synagogue at Maastricht, Holland, after the city's libera- tion from the Nazis by the Allied forces. The bridegroom is PVT. SOL KERNER of New York. The bride is CLARA VAN FRANK, daughter of a…

… local Dutch-Jewish family. Overseas marriages of servicemen must receive the approval of the corn- manding officer. Questions: Just JWB returned mission to from check a on religious needs of Jewish…

… servicemen over- seas, Rabbi" Philip S. Bernstein (hatless), is besieged by anxious parents of servicemen all with the same question, "Did you see my boy?" young Jewish girl Expert:A student (above) dem…

… Tel Aviv, Palestine. This is one of the Jewish agricultural colonies visited by American soldiers on Red Cross tours, as described in George Korson's new book, "At His Side: The Story of the American…

June 08, 1945 • Page Image 1

… Council Names To Speak Here Feiler President As President of A I: Iei LS . a. n Wise, is pres ic d of D .h ( S , tephen Bnai Brith Coun- In Trusteeship cil The held Michigan on- Jewish Council its annual…

… session. Delegates dis- cussed plans regarding war serv- ice, ADL, Hillel, membership, . con- servation, youth groups and other activities of Bnai Brith which is known as the largest Jewish service…

of the U. S., department of Michigan, are forming a new post in De- troit in honor of the late Lt. Raymond Zussman, the only Jew- i h ldi • i ional war to e v the Congressional Medal of Hon- FREED…

… In Its 30th Year VOL. 47, NO. 23 Founded in 1915 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1945 Parley Adopts State Bnai Brith Nominate Droock Stephen S. Wise Arab Proposal…

… meeting at ent SAN FRANCISCO (WNS) the Hotel Webster Hall on Sun- —The trusteeship commit- day, June 3. Representatives from tee of the United Nations Conference adopted this week, without a dissenting…

… vote, the proposal of the Egyptian delegates provid- ing for joint trusteeships over certain territories by more than one state. III Should the Egyptian amend- ment be approved by the general session…

of the conference it would mean that Egypt, or any other Arab state, would later have the right to petition the world security organization to allow it to participate in the trusteeship over Palestine…

… with Great Britain. Russia's insistence on the elim- ination of the so-called "Pales- tine clause" from the trusteeship proposals continued to hold the attention of the Soviet, Ameri- can and British…

… delegations. But the hope was held out that a compromise would be reached on the wording of the amendment. Russian opposition to paragraph JESS FEILER five of the trusteeship proposals, the so-called Palestine…

… clause, is 12 lodges in Michigan and seven said to be based on the conten- lodges in Detroit attended the tion that it might be interpreted seven morning clinics and the See TRUSTEESHIP—Page 12 afternoon…

August 31, 1945 • Page Image 1

…30th Year of Service to Detroit Jewry 'Detroit Jewish Chronicle 4.- and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 31, 1945 VOL. 47, NO. 35 Synagogs Plan AuxiliaryHigh Holiday Rites…

… Citizens Committee which includes Isaac Franck, executive director of the Detroit Jewish Community Coun- cil; Mrs. Isaac Gilbert, also of Detroit, and Rabbi Harry Kaplan, director of the Hillel Foundation at…

… Ohio State University. The mayor, Robert Bridge, issued the following statement: "An extremely regrettable inci- dent unparalleled in the history of Charlevoix occurred here last Thursday. It is hightly…

University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., to accept a pro- fessorship at Vassar College. Dr. Weitz, accompanied by his wife and son, left for Poughkeepsie, N. Y., to begin teaching philos- ophy at Vassar…

… supplement- ary services for the High Holy Days this year. These congregations are re- sponding to the recommendations made by the Synagogue Commit- tee of the Jewish Community Council. These supplementary ser…

…- vices will make it unnecessary for any people to attend services at mushroom synagogues which have been condemned as commercial exploitation of religion, and as offensive to the proper observ- ance of the…

… Holy Days. Congregation Bnai Moshe, Dex- ter and Lawrence, has already announced that it will conduct supplementary services in the so- cial hall of the synagogue. The other congregations which are…

… Community Council's Syn- agogue Committee urges all those (Continued on page 12) LONDON (WNS)—Prime Minister Attlee declared before the House of Com- mons that the United Na- tions, under the San Fran- cisco…

… Charter, has the au- thority to take disciplinary . action against any state which may be persecuting its Jewish nationals. Pogrom Terror Reigns in Poland, Says Tenenbaum Iinai Brith Sets Goal of 10…

…,000 Members Here Jewish Children Found In Nazi Camps 1 Avrunin Named As Consultant To Federations p Send Copy Early All copy for the Rosh Ha- shonah issue must be in by 3 p.m. Tuesday. Because of the High…

August 24, 1945 • Page Image 1

…. 4. 31,280 Bnai Brith Members In Armed Forces; 491 Killed WASHINGTON, D. C.—Of the 31,280 members of Bnai Brith and its youth affiliates — the Baal Brith Youth Organization and the Bnai Brith Hillel

…. Services conducted under such into the curriculum of the Col- lege of Liberal Arts at Wayne auspices cannot be carried on in University beginning with the fall a proper dignified atmosphere, the Council…

…A merica ,eirish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 30th Year of Service to Detroit Jewry Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle VOL. 47, NO. 34 Jewish State…

… Immediately, Zionists Say LONDON (Palcor)—The World Zionist Conference served on the British Gov- ernment its demand for the official designation of Pales- tine as a Jewish state, and for the immediate…

… admission Zionists Adopt $24,000,000 Budget for Year LONDON — A budget of $24,000,000 for the coming year 5706 has been adopted by the World Zionist Con- ference. This is double the previous budget, and has…

… been adopted because of the expected mass immigration into Palestine, agricultural and industrial development, and resettlement of veter- ans. of one million Jews to Pal- estine, and defeated a pro…

… finished a year of activities. Reports given in the recent an- nual membership meeting reveal- ed that thousands of pounds of clothing were collected and ship- ped to Europe through the UN- RRA and the…

… Selfhelp. A collection for the liberation of Jews in the concentration camp at Theresienstadt, arranged in cooperation with the Congre- gation Gemilut Chassodim, yield- ed over $7,000. Since the Self- help…

… has practically no adminis- (Continued on page 12) Wife Gets News Husband Missing During V-J Week On V-J week, while the world was rejoicing at the end of the war, Mrs, Lillian Latzer, 9274…

… Indianapolis, which was sunk by a Jap torpedo on July 30 with the loss of 880 lives. Seaman Latzer enlisted Feb. 25, 1941. In April, 1944, he went overseas on the Indianapolis, par- ticipating in the cruiser…

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