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April 06, 1945 • Page Image 6

… Musical Program; Schaver and Schumer to Submit Their Reports Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan will present Prof. Wesley Maurer of the University journalism de- partment in a…

…P19* Six THEJEW1SH NEWS Jews Propose Compromise Over Jerusalem Mayoralty Ask First Appointee Should. Be a Jew, the Christian to Be An Englishman and Tenure of Office to Be 2 Years; Arabs Oppose…

… Lord Gort's Rotation Plan . JERUSALEM, (JTA)—A compromise solution of the contro- wrsy over the Jerusalem mayorality was proposed by Jewish mem- bers of the city's municipal council in an official…

… Arab minority twice as much representation as the Jewish majority;" and 3— The tenure of office should be two years instead of the one year proposed. The councillors stressed that the above arrangements…

… was an extraordinary departure from normal procedure and could apply only to Jerusalem in view of its special religious character for all three religions. They also emphasized that it was a temporary…

… arrangement until "a further stage in the development of local self- government is reached." (The Arabs are opposing High Commissioner Gort's proposal and insist that the mayor of Jerusalem should always be an…

… Group, next Thursday at the Center, Woodward at Holbrook. Meetings of the B & P Group are held in the Adult Lounge, and are open to the public. * * * Intermediates' "Jive Junction" on Saturday Featuring…

… the music of Cy Savin and his orchestra, the Romulette's Intermediate Coun- cil's 'Jive Junction" will be held this Saturday at 9 p. m. The pro- gram is the first in a series of bi-weekly dances…

… sponsored by groups in the intermediate di- :vision. Hal Brode is chairman of the program. Members of the com- mittee include: Jerry Gordon, Phyliss Labowitch, Ester Ruth, Hal Greenhut, Avery Joseph, Dotty…

… Street Coun- cil Center's variety show on Sat- urday, April 21, and the Stiff°lla dance on May 5. * * * Mothers' Clubs Discuss FEPC and Federal Bill Mothers' Clubs are occupied with the passage of the F…

April 06, 1945 • Page Image 5

… African Parliament Jews Should Have Their Historic Home Weisman to Address Joint Major Representative Detroit Zionist Body Urges Recall Meeting With Zionist of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver to Active Leadership…

… formally have urged the U. S. Government to take appropriate measures now to open the gates of Palestine and reconstitute that country as a Jewish Common- wealth. The 31 states including Michigan represent…

… is sweating countries in which Jews have blood over this question." He lived throughout the centuries. said that what is needed is a new It includes music of the syna- universal declaration affirming…

…," the Shaarey Zedek social hall, Prime Minister Jan Christian Smuts told Parliament that he arranged by Detroit Hadassah was confident that provisions covering the treatment of minorities would be…

… national home, to where those of their people who are unwelcome in `other countries can go. This :seems a natural solution. Here is the old historic home of the newish people. Why shouldn't they have it back…

… coast-to-coast as a are unwelcome. They are wel- most unique cultural and enter- come in South Africa, welcome taining program, the original by peoples possessing a large "Cavalcade of Jewish Music" human…

… Detroit on Sunday evening, April sides. I have, therefore, for 22, at the Jewish Center. many years been an advocate This is the final program in of a Jewish national home in this year's Yiddish Culture Se…

…- order that some solution may ries sponsored by the Joint Yid- be found for this most terrible of dish Culture Committee of the all minority questions. We are Community Council and Center. pledged to…

… certain things. Wheth- The Cavalcade of Jewish Music er they will be carried out, time as presented by Miss Michael alone can tell." and Mr. Friedman, is now in the Replying to a query by nation- midst of

… its sixth annual tour alist deputy Eric Louw as to with a schedule of appearances whether he was speaking for in more than 100 cities, to many the British Government, Smuts of which they have made more…

July 06, 1945 • Page Image 13

… massacres it was announced here by the Michigan is a member of the of Jews during the period of Postmaster General. He pointed Executive Council of the Am- 4 ,„It is not too late to become civil war in the…

… damage dress of her relative, Sam Fried- value • today in view_ of current Hillel Silver, for an all-round was done, the murders were com- developments. The author, an em- agreement on future policies of

…Mahon of Chicago Mrs. Leonard Meyers as matron said that his organization's plan in a free World." for solution of the Jewish prob- There will be agreement with UPA, which already have been University, Dr…

… Leader Says, If ate Remittances Made to William Henry Chamberlin Plan Is Offered Again • Speed Programs foreign correspondent of the • Outstanding Clergymen and Scientists Address Ses- sions in Princeton…

… A distinguished group of the Christian Science Monitor, was LONDON (JTA)—Terming the for 12 years a resident of Russia nation's leading educators, poli- NEW YORK—A total of $4,- rejection of the 1937…

… partition tical analysts, journalists, clergy- as his newspaper's representative 200,000 in cash was received by plan for Palestine "one of the men and civic leaders convene As a result of his many years the…

… United Jewish Appeal for worst mistakes of Zionism," experiences, he has been hailed Refugees, Overseas Needs and from all parts of the country. Harry Sacher, prominent British as an authority on Russian…

… af- Palestine during the first three for the two day National Am- Zionist, told a conferent e of fairs and has written several weeks following its reconstitu- erican Christian Palestine Com- American…

… body for the Joint Distribu- should be a new offer of parti- has been the champion of anti- tion Committee, the United Pal- and Tuesday. - tion, the mistake will not be re- Soviet elements. He has been…

… estine Appeal and the National Rev. George E. Drew and peated." George F. Pierrot were the De- in the front ranks of the oppon- Refugee Service, it was announ- "If we had a sovereign Jewish ents of

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