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March 08, 1974 • Page Image 23

… Hamantashen, Cheese a n d Wine, Hillel Purim Coffee House and'Testimonial" 9:15 p.m. Saturday at WSU Hillel, in the University Center Building. Hillel reports that "This year's humble honoree is one of Hillel

… Jewish Center what with the Purim balls Starting with a party 9 will have a full weekend of activities. The party tonight is sponsored by the Israeli Students Organization and Michigan Association of Jew…

…, •also will feature dancing to the music of Joe Miller and his orchestra, social mix- ers, prizes and hamantashen. Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at Wayne State Univer- sity will throw its "Biennial…

…And a Good Time Will Be Had by All on This Purim Weekend The fun and flavor of Pur- and carnivals scheduled for p.m. today at the 10 Mile im will linger into next week, the coming days. branch, the…

…- ish College Students. Seventh-ninth graders will attend a Shushan Social at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the 10 Mile Center. Music, dancing, sports and refreshments will be featured. One of Allied Van Lines…

… Esther's Photo Booth," set up at noon. The Apprentice Dancers Guild will present "The Story of Purim," through dance, narration and audience par- ticipation, at 2 p.m. in the Center's D e R o y Theater…

… persons closest to the actual number. Adat Shalom Synagogue will see a short play, "A Midrashic Parable of Pur- im," presented by the con- gregation's youth community, at the Shabat dinner evening today…

… Ernst Conrad will speak on "The Story of Esther." Hamantashen will be served. The religious school will have a Purim cel- ebration 11:30 a.m. Sunday at the temple. Friends are invited. Criterion Club will…

…. That's one of the reasons elearic bills are going up. You can't take electricity for granted anymore, but we'll continue to do our best to provide reliable electric service now and in the future. Author…

…-diplomat Ira Hirsch- man will address the annual Landsmanshaften Purim cel- ebration 8:15 p.m. Monday at Cong. Bnai David. Max Sosin will be honored by the Landmanshaften Societies of Metropolitan Detroit, in…

March 08, 1974 • Page Image 13

Hillel Foundation and University of Michigan Hillel Foundation. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Dropsie University, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish Occupational Council. Jewish Teachers…

… Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund MANDELL L- BERMAN, Federation President 163 Madison Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226 Beneficiaries of the DETROIT AJC-IEF DETROIT: Federation Apartments. Fresh Air…

… doctor of humane letters tne Palestinian relief agency. from Bar-Ilan University at the university's 18th anniver- Kontos said that the agency sary dinner, March 26, at Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Also to…

… has remained in school, and would be made. University of Washington he is scheduled to be grad- The U.S., which has pledged Law School had violated the uated in June. $25.000,000, is the largest con- 14…

… second Kurland of the University of $642,000 last year. time in 1971. He said that Chicago, contended: of the 150 students admitted • "The racial quota is of to the lbw school that year. particular concern…

… facilities will the university does not uge The performers are a small also allow expansion of the a quota system but rather a cross-section of Israel—kibutz day care program enabling "discretionary admissions…

…: American Association.for Jewish Education. American Jewish Committee. Ameri- can Jewish Congress. Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, B'nai [Frith National Aouth Services including Wayne State University

… Advisory Council. National Jewish Welfare Board, Synagogue Council of America. OVERSEAS: America-Israel Cultural Foundation. Hebrew University-Technion Joint :Main- tenance Appeal, Jewish Telegraphic Agency…

… Appeal, Bar Ilan University. Beersheba I:niversity. Hebrew University. Technion-lnstitute of Tech- nology. Tel Aviv universit y . UniversitIs of Haifa, and Weizmann Institute of Science). …

… raised this year's budget to $78,000,000 almost 20 per cent higher -an in 1973, said C. William Mayor Abraham D. Beame of New York City, left, Altos, deputy director of will receive an honorary degree of

March 08, 1974 • Page Image 35

…. Miss Pfeffer is a senior at Wayne State University ma- joring in sociology. Her fian- cee earned a bachelors - de- gree at the University of Michigan where he is a ead- uate student. A June wedding is…

…) Cohen, 18, was asked these and other questions by second and third grade students at Hillel • Dr. Maury Seldin has been Day School on his tour of / named resident director of the program. Professor and…

… director of the urban de- velopment program at The -rican University, he suc- .s Dr. Harvey Lieber. • The university offers un- / dergraduate students 40 col- lege credits during an 11- month academic year…

… Ressler, daughter of the late Mr. Marvin Ressler, is a senior in Wayne State University's college of edu- cation. Her fiance is a junior at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. A July wedding is planned…

…, Curious About Israel of jack 11-1. Shields June Wedding Set Gail Ressler to Ired By HEIDI PRESS Yael and Moti said stu- for Fran Pfeffer DavidAlan Amster "How come there are only dents in the black and…

…, Aviva BAR MITZVA Schachner and Ilan Glanz, all of Israel, were in Detroit last week visiting schools under the auspices of the Is- WILL BE rael Foreign Ministry. Their visit here was arranged by the…

… problem in Israel? When do you start dating? and What kind of music do you like?" "I enjoyed every minute in the black schools," Yael said. "In the white schools, I had to talk for five min- utes before…

… anyone asked a question. In the black schools, hands went up right away." She said black students asked the kind of questions that trouble them—questions on crime, drugs, racial preju- dice and religion…

… "objective" about the Arab-Israeli situation. "How can I be objective when I am an Israeli?" he replied. Moti found the students at Hillel Day School particular. ly nice. "I felt as if I was in Israel. The…

… the soldiers. She also helped package food. Asked their reactions to America, Yael remarked on the vastness of the country. "There is a lot in front of you to see. You can travel and cross (state…

March 08, 1974 • Page Image 33

…'s American ORT, will have an art auction 9 p.m. Saturday at Hillel Day School. There will be a champagne preview at 8. * * * Proceeds will benefit the JEWISH WOMEN EURO- ORT School • of Engineering PEAN…

… 25 and 26. More than 100 Michigan artists and craftsmen will ex- hibit a variety of art works and craft items. Fair planners include Mes- dames Norman Ross, sister- hood president; Mrs. David Zeff…

… professor of management and organiza- tion sciences in Wayne State University's school of busi- ness administration. Panelists include Dennis Wholey, TV personality; Dr. Louis Klein, consulting psychologist…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS omens Club activities BETH SHALOM SISTER- Covensky, professor of his- HOOD will hear Dr. Milton tory at Wayne State Univer- sity, 10:30 a.m. Monday at the synagogue…

… Julius Har- wood, past president of the BUY DIRECT synagogue. There is a FROM THE charge. For reservations, call IMPORTER Sophie Pearlstein, 352-0483, or the synagogue office, LI SEYMOUR. 7…

…-7970. • *•* KAPLAN- BNAI MOSHE SISTER- arid. Co_ HOOD will hear Rabbi Gil- IMPORTER AND CUTTERS bert Kollin of Cong. Bnai OF FINE DIAMONDS Israel, Flint, discuss "The 30555 Southfield, Suite 100 Rights and Rites of

… Women" 645-9200 at a meeting noon Monday at the synagogue. A gradu- ate of the Jewish Theological Seminary and chaplain major .:1 . • 41- With Spring Coming, now's the time for that new look. Call for…

… an appt. Evenigs too! till 6:30 p.m. Mon., Thurs., Fri. 352-7077 28821 Southfield Rd. 11 ,.7nc. S. of 12 Milo Latlirup Village in the Air Force Reserve, Rabbi Kollin was chaplain- general of the…

… World Boy Scout Jamboree in 1967 and 1969 and is former national president of the Student Zionist Organization. * * * 24th Art and Artisans Fair to Bring 100 Craftsmen to Temple Israel baum, associate…

… WELFARE ORGANI- in Israel. * ZATION will meet noon CLUB' ONE, Pioneer Wom- Monday at the home of Shir- en, will have a Purim lunch- ley Diem, 20192 Ward. Plans eon noon Tuesday, at the for the spring…

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