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January 14, 1966 • Page Image 23

… Mrs. Ben Silver of Hartwell Ave. The bride-elect is a graduate of Michigan State University's col- lege of education, and was af- filiated with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Her fiance is a graduate of

… at the University of Michigan, 4:15 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in Auditorium D, Angell Hail. His sub- jects for the two afternoon talks will be "Conflicting Evidence on the Conquest" and "The Conflict…

…- archs" at the Hillel Chairman of the Department of Ancient Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Tel Aviv, Prof. Yeivin was first director of an- tiquities for the government of Israel and currently…

… or participated in some 12 expeditions in the Middle and Near East, including two conducted by the University of Michigan. Active on several research and academic committees, Yeivin is also the author…

of 12 books and more than 400 articles. The Zwerdling Lecture Series is sponsored by the University of Michigan Department of Near Eastern Languages and Litera- tures, jointly with the Bnai Brith…

Hillel Foundation and the Beth Israel Congregation. It is made possible by a gift to the university from Morris, Abraham and Joseph Zwerdling in honor of their father, Osias Zwerdling of Ann Arbor, and…

… Ave., Oak Park, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Arlene Denise to Ian Bruce Hassin, son of the Sam Has- sins of Lauder Ave. The bride-elect is a junior at Eastern Michigan University and is…

…. Gertrude Steingold, social chair- and only one of 315 non-Jews. More information is available man for this function announces a from the National Tay-Sachs short movie, "The Michigan Association, 139 E. 57th…

January 21, 1966 • Page Image 22

… older residents. rector of Wayne State University Milton Weiner, president of the Hillel Foundation; Richard Loben- Detroit NASW chapter, said that thal and Mel Ehrenfreund, director Mrs. Guiney was being…

… have drawn more and more together. Dr. Chyet addressed delegates to the 27th annual Michigan Pas- tors Conference at the University of Michigan Monday. The State's Protestant ministers have been studying…

… behalf of the Michigan Committee on Immigra- tion, to receive a special citation for its committal to the belief that immigration to a free country should be under a free policy. Rev. Wolf, and his…

… Women Voters of Michigan from 1963 to 1965. She resigned to be- come chairman of the Volunteers for Cavanagh in the recent cam- paign. She is a former president of Schultz School PTA and a founder of

…. Straus Named Stollman Family Makes $1,000,000 on Relations Commission Contribution to Bar-Ilan University Bar-Ilan University, of Ramat long that the Stollman gifts will by Mayor Cavanagh Mayor Jerome…

… Columbia University. She taught social studies in a New York junior high school, was later an economic analyst for the Gan, Israel, received contributions of almost $2,500,000 at its 10th anniversary dinner…

… at the New York Hilton Sunday night. More than 450 attended the din- ner which honored Dr. Joseph H. Lookstein the university's acting president, for 40 years of service to Jewish communal life and Jew…

…- ish education throughout the world. Dr. Lookstein is spiritual leader of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva University, was guest speaker. Contributions of $1…

…,000 were also announced Sunday night. Ludwig Jesselson, industrialist, and Albert Parker, attorney, were dinner co-chairmen. Bar-Ilan University is recog- nized by the Board of Regents of the Department of

…. Benjamin J. Safir. * * * United States District Court Judge Wade H. McCree was nam- ed to receive the 19th Amity Award of the Detroit Women's Di- vision of the American Jewish Congress. The award is…

January 21, 1966 • Page Image 28

… Highland project of the Detroit Education Committee to the Detroit Grand Park College. Her fiance is a grad- Opera Association, will be pre- uate of the University of Michigan sented at the Detroit Art Insti…

… continued to grow in stature until today it is recognized as one of the best orchestras in the U.S. Hillel PTO Sponsors Annual Square Dance The Parent Teacher Organiza- tion of Hillel Day School will hold…

…- and University of Louisville's medi- tute Auditorium Feb. 4 at 8:15 p.m. cal school, where he was affiliated and Feb. 5 at 2:30 p.m. "Over- with Sigma Alpha Mu and Phi Chi ture to Opera V" is jointly…

… spon- fraternities. A March 20 wedding is planned. sored by the Detroit Grand Opera Association, Oakland University, The residents of Southfield the University Center for Adult Education, and the Detroit…

…Dr. Freehof to Retire Hessel-117endelsoh7/ Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, spirit-. Vows to Be Exchanged ual leader of Rodef Shalom Con- BREVITIES DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY, Muriel Spark's first play, which…

… has been enthusiastically received in several European productions, will be published by Knopf on Feb. 14. Miss Spark is the author of a Collection of short stories and eight hovels, among them 'Memento…

… Mori," "The Girls of Slender Means" and "The Mandelbaum Gate." * * v: • DAVID SARNOFF, chairman of the board of the Radio Corpora. tion of America, and BENNETT CERF, chairman of the board of Random House…

…, Inc., announced an agreement in principle for the acquisition of Random House by RCA. The agreement is subject to approval by the boards of direc- tors of the two companies and by the shareholders of R…

… a nd o m House. If the agreement is ap- proved, the publishing company will become a wholly owned sub- sidiary of RCA. It is contemplated that Random House will continue to function as a separate…

… entity with complete editorial autonomy in the hands of its own board of directors and no changes in its present personnel and manage- ment. * * When the CINCINNATI SYM- PHONY ORCHESTRA performs at Detroit…

January 21, 1966 • Page Image 27

…People Make News MAURICE A. BETMAN, of Northwestern Mutual, was second in sales throughout Southeastern Michigan for the month of Decem- ber with $357,000 sales on 17 lives. The Rev. JOHN MASON…

…-famous research institute. This substance is now avail- able in suppository or ointment form called Prepeeration R. At all drug counters. OP Jaycees Name Allen Zemmol as Man of the Year among them the Michigan

of European and Asiatic affairs. Appeal - Bnai Brith Hillel Attorney Allen Zemmol has been Foundations. Dr. named Outstanding Young Man Simon, son of of the Year by the Oak Park Professor Ernst Junior…

… NCCJ president, Dr. Sterling W. Brown. * * DR. DUN CAN P. THOMAS, assis- tant professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, and director of the Vascular Labora- tory at Lemuel Shattuck…

… arrive in this coun- try Feb. 6 for an extended lecture tour of Eastern and Midwestern universities, to address student and faculty groups under the auspices of the United Jewish To Set Up Scholarship…

… Harman, a son of the ambassador, who thanked Bnai Zion for the honor bestowed upon his father. * * DR. MAX MARK, professor of political science at Wayne State University, will begin a series of eight…

… biblical troit law firm of Dingell, Hylton literature at Bar- Ilan University and Zemmol. in Ramat - Gan. Born in Jerusalem He will be honored by the Oak in 1929, he spent a year on a kib- butz before coming…

… 1962 joined in obtaining and keeping their the faculty of Bar-Ilan University. civil privileges and rights. This past summer, Zemmol was instru- * * * mental in obtaining the effective MRS. HARRY L…

… COON- EY, head of the Fairmount Presby- terian Church of Califon, NJ, has been appointed director of inter- religious programming of the Na- tional Conference of Christians and Jews, it was announced by…

… Hospital, Boston, was the visiting chief at Sinai Hospital Thursday. * * * AMNON BARNESS, Israeli-born vice president of the Brandeis In- stitute here which is training lay leaders for the American Jewish…

January 28, 1966 • Page Image 30

… plans to attend the University of Michigan, where he will take a _pre-med cur- riculum. Larry has distinguished himself in placing high on the Michigan Mathematics Test, and he has done equally well in…

… enroll at the Univer- sity of Michigan- where she plans to major in psychology. Larry, who is a National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rubens of Warrington Dr. He also…

… ath- letics. He is a letterman an the Mumford football team. Principal speakers at the award dinner were the Right Reverend Richard S. Emrich, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, who talked…

…, chairman of the Jewish Agency executive in New York, awarded prizes here Sunday to the winners of the first Abba Hillel Silver Memorial Essay Competi- tition. The first prize in the contest went to Tel Aviv…

…Lahav to Take Over Ahavas Achim Service Shabbat Nalloar, the. annual Sabbath on which members of the synagogue's youth contingent take over the complete morning ser- vice, will be observed by Cong…

…. Ahavas Achim this Saturday. Sanford Gorden, president of the congregation, has announced that Larry Boxer, president of Lahav United Synagogue Youth group of the congregation, will de- liver the- sermon…

… be Steven Belen, Jeffrey Dworin, Richard Gartner, Louis Glazier, Mark Hel- ler, Melvin Kaufman, David Mash, Sanford Olshansky and Sheldon Weintrob. Preparation of the participants has been arranged by…

…-Hilton Hotel. Award winners are chosen on the basis of character; scholarship, loyalty, leadership, citizenship and reliability. Rita, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ordin of Hartwell Ave., is presently…

… business man- ager of the Capri, Mumford's yearbook. She has served on Student Council as senator and recording secretary and is a vet- eran member of the Mustang cheerleading squad. Next fall she will…

… about duty, and Chrys- ler Vice President William S. Blakeslee, who told the honorees that each of them "has the respon- Essays on U.S. Jews Win Prizes in Israel • TEL AVIV (JTA)—Dr. Emanuel Neumann…

January 28, 1966 • Page Image 26

… degrees Similar projects will be under- from the Massachusetts Institute taken in Haifa and Acre. of Technology, where he was pres- ident of the Hillel Society, and Northwestern University, is a can- didate…

… TWIN LAKES • LEWISTON, MICHIGAN HEAR OUR VOICE Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday Station: WCAR Feature: Cantor David Bagley, formerly of Cong. Beth Aaron and now chief cantor of Mexico City, will be heard in…

… to Hear Lecture opments, including the Universal on 8th Century Scholar Declaration of Human Rights. Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president The 8th Century scholar Be- of the World Jewish Congress, paid hayah…

…, Director of the Division of Human Rights of the UN (center) and Dr. Jacob Robinson (right) inter- national authority on the European Jewish tragedy, toasting Dr. Maurice L. Perlzweig (left) on his 70th…

… birthday. * * * The role of the World Jewish Congress in furthering the pro- tection of human rights has won warm praise from a United Na- tions expert. Dr. John P. Hum- By Ski Shmarak phrey, director of the…

… UN's Divi- sion of Human Rights, coupled his One of Detroit's newest motels, praise for the organization with COLONIAL INN MOTEL, located a 70th birthday tribute to Dr. at 18850 Woodward, near 7 Mile…

… Maurice L. Perlzweig, the WJC's Rd., is offering special week- permanent representative at the end `simcha' rates, with free use UN and director of the WJC de- of the hospitality room which has partment of

… international affairs. bar, refrigerator and coffee. For Describing Dr. Perlzweig as "the information, call 883-1970. best, the most persuasive, the most * * * effective speaker" he had heard Ed Kasperian, of

… NORTHLAND in 20 years' debate on human rights FORD on Greenfield and 10 Mile at the UN, Dr. Humphrey added: Rd., is a perfect example of some- "The extent of Dr. Perlzweig's contributions to the international…

… one who came up through the protection of human rights will ranks. From a salesman years ago, never be known because people to used car salesman and manager, dealing in such matters must be he is now…

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