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December 09, 1966 • Page Image 28

of Harriet Berg. The Richmond. Va. dancers will per- Miss Atkins is a graduate of the Cantor Frankel form a newly University of Michigan, where she choreographed dance sequence, was affiliated with…

… song OR II ed Rella DAIRY composed by one of the Hillel stu- • MISS ROCHELLE BERLIN • dents. Mrs. William Burk, presi- • of l\'' IDEAL FOR BRISS, PIDYON HA-BEN & ALL OCCASIONS dent. invites all friends…

of Hillel. At a recent cocktail party in /0 And • • Honored guests will be mothers their home, Mr. and Mrs. Max Paul Peskowitz and Rella Had- • COMPLETE DINNERS ALSO AVAILABLE and grandmothers of

… bride-elect is a graduate of WE DELIVER IN SOUTHFIELD! • at a board meeting noon Tuesday formed by the bride's father, who • at the home of Mrs. Phillip Rob- Michigan Lutheran College. . . is the…

… spiritual leader of Cong. : ♦ Call Her fiance is a student WE bins, 19464 Cheyenne. Co-hostes ses Beth Abraham, and co-officiating 1-9645: UN will be Mrs. Phillip Kaplan and versity of Michigan Medical School…

…•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - Shaarit Haplaytah Party Canada, Montreal; and R a h b j Shaarit Haplaytah will hear - Isaac Kaplan of Detroit, all of musical selections by the Hillel them uncles of the bride. CantorS Day School Choir at…

… Delta Phi Epsi- "Make a .Joyful Noise onto the lon Sorority. She is currently at- Lord" to the music of Leonard tending Wayne State University's Bernstein•s "The Chichester graduate school in history. Her…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28 Friday, December 9, 1966 — Susan _Mins Betrothed to Steven Allan Meyers women's Cluhs Holiday Dance Slated by Zionist Revisionists Zionist Revisionists of Detroit…

… Society to Gather for Holiday The Radomer Mutual Society of Detroit invites all newcomers to join with them in celebrating Hanuka 9 p.m. Saturday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Supper, lathes and dancing…

… to Eric Rosenow's orchestra will be featured. F o r information or tickets, call Joe Menela. LI 5-8075, or Sally Tuchklaper. VE 8-7045. NEW STUDY CLUB will hold its (More Clubs Page 27) Friends of

September 09, 1966 • Page Image 27

… originated the idea of the "To Promote Good Will" program ten years ago and who serves as its Moderator. Hillel Names Mrs. Kasle to Administrative Post •••••••••••*••••••••oss…

… and supervisory functions, it was an- nounced jointly by Rabbi Ben- jamin Gorrelick, chairman of the personnel committee, and Wolf Snyder, chairman of the education committee of Hillel. Mrs. Kasle…

… enrollment of the school, which this year exceeds 260 students, 20 per cent over last year. Mrs. Kasle is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley and has had many years of teach- ing experience in…

…Shazar Honorary Head of B-G Birthday Planners JERUSALEM (JTA) — President Zalman Shazar agreed to be honor- ary president of the committee named to organize celebrations to mark the 80th birthday of

… agreed to serve as chairman of the 80-member cele- bration committee. The only leading Israeli person- ality rejecting invitations to serve on the committee is/Mrs. Golda Meir, former foreign minister and…

… now secretary of the Mapai Party. Philatelists Parley in NY NEW YORK—The Society of Is- rael Philatelists will hold its mid- year convention at the Statler-Hil- ton Hotel Oct. 22-23. Delegates from…

…-27 activities in Society Mr. and Mrs. William Haftka of London, England, brought their son Harold to Detroit for the observance of his Bar Mitza at Cong. Bnai Moshe recently. Friends and relatives at a Raleigh…

… House recep- tion the following day came from London, Los Angeles, Baltimore and Toronto. As a special surprise for Mr. Haftka, his sister, Mrs. Seymore Weis of Kentucky Ave. brought their mother Mrs…

…. Ethel Weis from Israel. Rabbi Jack Goldman, regional representative of the Rassco Rural and Suburban Settlement Company, Ltd., of Tel Aviv has just returned from an extensive tour of Rassco investment…

… properties in the state of Israel. The rabbi and his wife, Cherrylawn Ave. resi- dents, visited Rassco industrial plants, commercial centers, housing developments, plantations, rock quarries and construction…

September 09, 1966 • Page Image 24

… Re- ligious School Teachers' Institute will be held at Cong. Shaarey Ze- dek, Lansing, Sunday. The all-day meeting of faculties and school committees representing 18 tem- ples from Michigan and Windsor…

… will be sponsored jointly by Dis- trict 11 of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods and the Michigan Association of Reform Rabbis. Greetings to the audience will be extended by Rabbi Philip…

… recognized by Hillel Day School of Detroit. The school's calendar for the coming year takes note of the new spelling, which includes the elim- ination of the confusing "eh" in such words as Hanuka and the…

… three series of lecture discussions b e g i n n i n g Oct. 2. Series A, dealing with Israeli and Jewish identity and conscious- ness, will be held 2-4 p.m. Sundays. Series B, "Universal Themes in Jewish…

…. 119 Lecture Series A five-session leadership training course for selected women in the Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation begins 9:45 a.m. Sept. 19 at the Jewish Center. Mrs. Norman H…

…. Rosenfeld, chair- man of the training course pro- gram, has set up a series of five weekly meetings which will give the women a deeper picture of the work of the Federation and its agencies. William Avrunin…

…, Federation ex- ecutive director, will open the Block-Levin Nuptials Held at Adas Shalom series with an explanation of "The Federation Idea." Samuel Lerner, director of the Jewish Family and Children's Serv…

…- ice. and Irwin Shaw, director of the Center, will explain the work of their agencies. A trip to Camp Tamarack in Brighton and examination of the program of the Fresh Air Society is scheduled for Sept…

…. 26. On Oct. 3, the group will visit Sinai - Hospital, Shiffman Clinic and have lunch at the United He- brew Schools. A tour of the Jewish Home for Aged and its Borman Hall branch will be held Oct. 10…

…. The final training class, Oct. 17, will be held at the Fred M. Butzel Memorial Building, headquarters of Federation, Jewish Vocational Service and Jewish Community Council. The women will also take a…

December 09, 1966 • Page Image 35

… from State University a clean sweep in Livernois Avenue 19492 the English teachers in Michigan. the the statewide event. Linda was one of the 17 from to Learning' Brenner and Miss Robinson leave , UN 2…

… meeting of the It is the exfra "Little Professional Talent jhr in the Michigan Inter-Collegiate actions committee opening here Things" we give which i" for Any Occasion 1* Speech League final competition at…

… weekly. "Youth Newsletter." of the First Presbyterian Church 64-63, in favor of Groves. Last Send $2 to P.O. Box 1734, Ann Arbor, Michigan of Farmington. Edited by Arveh Kawer and Zev Friday's game against…


…- will be an original play on the presented by the Temple Ema- Wayne State University. struments. The community is invited plight of Soviet Jewry, star- I nu-El youth group; and a play, Wayne State…

…, in compe_ I though they will not have voting Carnival," was a huge success. tition with speakers from all major rights. Greg Herbage, Linda Appleblatt THE NEWEST Michigan colleges and universities. The…

… the Jewish Center Saturday evening as part of the city-wide Jewish Youth Planning Committee Hanuka Program. The parade will start at 7 p.m., continuing down Schae- fer to Clarita, Clarita to Outer Dr…

…., Outer Dr. to Curtis, and finally_ reaching the Center, where a program will begin at 8. Highlights of the program i groups; a Havdala service ed by the New Haskalah from invited to bring their own in…

… • Hillel also will ring actors from various youth , ,"The Investigation," present- participate in the program, as at a nominal charge. will groups from the entire 1 Youth News The Center's Young Danc- ers…

… Guild, members of Habo- nim, Hashomer Hatzair and Jewish Parents Institute Teen --...-. --:-...,- ----z---s--- %—z*---z7.7'nnm7 -'-'7E' ...- .................. --..... - -............ - - . . , ' Group…

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