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August 18, 1961 • Page Image 21

… * * in a recent airplane crash. Dr. WILLIAM E. STIRTO Week Next Spring The memorial fund, to be vice president of the University The role of Jewry and J called the • iSen and Norma of Michigan and director…

…- gregations. for Hillel Day School * * * Rabbi. Jacob E. Segal an- MAURICE A. BETMAN of nounced this week that a spe- Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- cial Memorial Scholarship Foun- ance Company recently won a…

… dation has been set up by the all-expense paid trip to Milwa Hillel Day School of Detroit in kee for the company's annu memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ben convention. Slate Jewi Shacket, who met their deaths…

… gave their of Aleph Zadik ph, Bnai phia 962. Brith Youth Orga ation. support to Hillel Day School. Hearing Tests A lable rman to Split T lies whose heads were born in Africa and Asia as among thos…

University, was Yor bi Philip Go a member o he society's announced in New York - by Daniel G. Ross, national chair- exec 'ye council, has been n man of the board of the Ameri- ed g ral chairman of commi s…

…The. percentage of Asian and African born Israelis nearly tripled between the years 1948 and 1958. This fact was among the find- ings of a study prepared by Jacob Lestschinsky for the Institute of

… Jewish Affairs of the World Jewish Congress, which appear- ed in "Current Events in Jew- ish Life—a Quarterly Survey." Lestschinsky found that the proportion of natives of Africa and Asia has increased…

… from less than 10 per cent to 27 per cent . . . a r large immigration of Yeminite Jews to I During these 1 s the per- centage of Eur n and Ameri- can born Isr has decrease from over er cent to 36 per MRS…

…. JACK VORZIMER cent. Eve e percentage -.of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vorzimer Israelis in the Jewish are now honeymooning in Cali- State ased from fornia following th • r cen , h on Aug. 5 in ort. money at The…

… study shows hat families Hotel. of seven persons or ore are 25 ong fami- orzimer is the former times as numerous E LaBow, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Samuel LaBow of r Simch Bright! onica Ave., and her nd Band t…

August 18, 1961 • Page Image 8

…-County Bldg., Detroit 26, Michigan Director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation and head of the Department of Judaic Studies . Applications for Absentee Voter Ballots Due Sept. 3 Date RABBI ZALMAN M…

… the PCT. City of Detroit, County of Wayne, ,State of Michigan, hereby commission of acts or force and make application for an official ballot, or ballots to be voted violence to deny others their rights…

… Lifsitz. Until now Chief Engineer of the Wayne County Road Com- mission, Lifsitz has been with the commission for 36 years, since his graduation from the Univer- sity of Michigan College of Engi- neering…

…. Lowell. no. at the University of Manitoba and CANTOR MOSHE TELESHEVSKY world renowned cantor from Brooklyn, N. Y., will give a cantorial program ill Be Honored sts at a Bninch Sponsored by…

…. Kennedy bore swastikas . and the return said he was opposed to placing address of the Nazi group, Rockwell's group on the list of Yiddish newspapers in New subversive organizations because York received…

… Attorney General to take that action. Asserting that the Jus- Applications for absentee voter's ballots, for the tice Department and "all sen- -Sept. 12 Primaries, occurring on the second day of Rosh sible…

… Americans" despise -the Hashanah, must be in the hands of City Clerk Thomas Rockwell doctrines, the Attor- D. Leadbetter on or before Sept. 3. As a service to its ney General said that the Nazis readers, The…

… Jewish News is printing the text of the were being closely watched b application. It may be clipped and mailed to City Clerk that listing as subversive wo Leadbetter at once. A similar absentee .voters…

… applicatiOn give Rockwell a national to spread his " should be secured by Oakland County voters from the forum doctrines." Oakland County Election Board. ber of Sen. .Keating, - Additional application blanks…

… refusal rney General to absentee ballots by writing to County Clerk Daniel T. by the place the merican Nazi part Murphy, Court House, Pontiac, Mich. ersive list. "We ca Jolin A. Smith, acting director of

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