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January 14, 1966 • Page Image 23

… Mrs. Ben Silver of Hartwell Ave. The bride-elect is a graduate of Michigan State University's col- lege of education, and was af- filiated with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Her fiance is a graduate of

… at the University of Michigan, 4:15 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in Auditorium D, Angell Hail. His sub- jects for the two afternoon talks will be "Conflicting Evidence on the Conquest" and "The Conflict…

…- archs" at the Hillel Chairman of the Department of Ancient Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Tel Aviv, Prof. Yeivin was first director of an- tiquities for the government of Israel and currently…

… or participated in some 12 expeditions in the Middle and Near East, including two conducted by the University of Michigan. Active on several research and academic committees, Yeivin is also the author…

of 12 books and more than 400 articles. The Zwerdling Lecture Series is sponsored by the University of Michigan Department of Near Eastern Languages and Litera- tures, jointly with the Bnai Brith…

Hillel Foundation and the Beth Israel Congregation. It is made possible by a gift to the university from Morris, Abraham and Joseph Zwerdling in honor of their father, Osias Zwerdling of Ann Arbor, and…

… Ave., Oak Park, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Arlene Denise to Ian Bruce Hassin, son of the Sam Has- sins of Lauder Ave. The bride-elect is a junior at Eastern Michigan University and is…

…. Gertrude Steingold, social chair- and only one of 315 non-Jews. More information is available man for this function announces a from the National Tay-Sachs short movie, "The Michigan Association, 139 E. 57th…

October 14, 1966 • Page Image 26

… to Dr. Charles H. Blotner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Blotner of Knollwood Circle E., Birmingham. Miss Cohen was graduated from the University of Michigan where she was affiliated with Delta Phi Epsilon…

… Sorority. She is now doing graduate work at Wayne State Uni- versity. Her fiance was graduated from the University of Michigan, where he was affiliated with Tau Delta Phi Fraternity, and the Col- lege of

…- rachi Women, will meet noon Mon- day at Beth Hillel Synagogue. Guest speaker will be Jack Faxon, Michi- gan State representative and for- mer history teacher at Wayne State University. Hostesses for the…

…- ter of a rabbi in Des Moines, she took her BA and MA degrees in science and dra- matics at Drake University a n d married the not- ed Rabbi Max Schenk of Cong. 5.1fAz. Shaari Zedek in Mrs. Schenk…

… Ave. Miss Fishman is a graduate of Wayne State University's col- , lege of education. Mr. Brode is a graduate of Hillsdale College. A March wedding is planned. * * *. Mrs. Frieda Kolb of Curtis Ave…

…26—Friday, October 14, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cohen-Blotner Wedding Blue-Box Holders invited to JNF Women's Lunch Planned in December Mrs. Pearl Nosan, president of Women's Ow& (More Clubs…

… aft- ernoon will be Mesdames Milton Herman, Moses Wiser, Bess Rez- nick and Lil Varnen. * * * SISTERS OF ZION, Mizrachi, will meet noon Wednesday at the Beth Joseph Synagogue. Lunch will be served…

…. * * * WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of TOWN'AND COUNTRY CLUB will present a fashion show luncheon 12:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at the club. The theme will be "The New Look." * * * OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 p…

October 14, 1966 • Page Image 46

… JACOB GOLDSTEIN Announces the unveiling of a monument in his memory 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at Westwood Cem- etery, on Michigan Ave. Rabbi Kranz will offici- ate. Relatives and friends are asked to…

… Vincennes, Ind., the Jewish merchant was a came to the United States in 1901, well - known graduate of the Wharton School and was ordained a Reform rabbi of Finance of the University of at the Hebrew Union…

…46—Friday, October 14, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Shmone Esre By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX Why is the main body of prayer (the nineteen benedictions of the "Shmonc Esre") recited by the in- dividual…

… worshipers silently? ten "And thou shalt speak them (or "speak of them") (Deuteron- omy- 6:7) that only in study does one speak aloud; but in prayer one does not (Yoma 19a). The Gaonim seemed to particularly…

… insist that these prayers be said silently. The late Dr. Revel explained that the Gaonic insisted on this because the Karaites of their day insisted on chanting these prayers aloud and many customs were…

… ordained to negate the views of the Karaites. There seems to have been a differ- ence of custom at one time be- tween the Babylonian Jewish Com- munity_ where the opinion . of the Gaonim prevailed and the…

… Pales- tinian community. The latter per- sisted in offering the prayers out loud. It is possible that the threat of the Karaites was not as strong in the Palestinian community. Some later authorities…

… advise the indi- vidual worshipers to offer their prayers silently so as not to dis- turb and confuse their fellow wor- shipers who may have difficulty concentrating on their prayers due to the sounds of

… the loud prayers of other worshipers. In general, the concept of "silent prayers" in- dicated the individual character of these prayers in contradistinc- tion to the official practice of group prayer…

… angels whose duty it is to receive the prayers of man for the Almighty are called "Oznayim" (i.e. ears). If the prayers are then audible to human ears they are not acceptable to the "ears" on high. The…

October 14, 1966 • Page Image 19

… Your Best Buy Is At Northland Ford 1242 Washington Blvd. Detroit 26, Michigan. WOodward 3-6250 10 Mile at Greenfield SAM KOPPELMAN SAYS: TO SERVE YOU BETTER . WE HAVE MOVED ALL OF OUR OPERATIONS…

…:30 p.m. today. Dr. Fram will preach on "The Universal Myth of the Flood." Howard Graef, Bar Mitzva. Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Neal Levitsky and Gary Kaufman, Bnai Mitzva. CONG. BETH JOSEPH: Services 5…

…. Schwartz- man, professor of Jewish religious education at the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Re- ligion, Cincinnati. Rabbi Sch- wartzman h a s had several books published and is a frequent contri…

…- butor to various educational and scholarly journ- als. He has also served as a guest Schwartzman lecturer in child psychology and has been chairman of the execu- tive committee of the faculty of the…

… Cincinnati school and is at pre- sent a member of its academic council. He holds several important posts in the Reform movement including membership on the joint commiss- ion on Jewish education of the Union…

of American Hebrew Con- gregations and the Central Con- ference of American Rabbis; the curriculum committee of the CCAR, the religious education com- mittee and the executive commit- tee of the…

… National Association of Temple Educators. Student Rabbi Harold Jaye, soloist of the Hebrew Union Col- lege Choir, will join the Temple Beth Jacob Choir for the occasion. A reception in the social hall will…

… follow the services. CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 5:45 p.m. today and 8:40 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Halpern will speak on "The Conquest of Space: The Old Story and the New." James Schlaff, Bar Mitzva. TEMPLE…

….m. Saturday. Rabbi Kranz will speak on "Righteous—As Seen Through Relativity." Mark Gold and Howard Storchin, Bnai Mitzva. CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 5:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak…

… on "Age of Violence." THE NEW TEMPLE: Services 8:30 p.m. today at Birmingham Uni- tarian Church. Rabbi Conrad will speak on "Rediscovering Noah's Ark." YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST: Services 5:40 p…

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