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March 30, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONI The only Jewish publication in the State of. Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. IL No. 15 DETROIT, MICH., MARCH 30, 1917 $1.50 per Year Single Copies…

… admin- istration and an international guar- antee. Universal Suffrage Proposed. ft is the plan of the organizers, who include representatives of every Jew= ish organization in America, that there shall be…

… a democratic election of representatives to this congress, and the right to vote for delegates, is based on the lines of universal suf- frage. Every Jewish woman of voting age is thus accorded • the…

… Women Washington Sees Solution to Treaty Questions and Status of American Jews Mrs. Nathan Straus has been elect- ed honorary president, and Mrs. Jos- e- ph Fels, the well-known single-taxer, active…

… president of the women's or- ganization for an American Jewish Congress. The date for this Congress will be definitely fixed at a conference which will be held in New York City on April 1st, and has for its…

… purpose- the solving of those problems which vitally concern the welfare of the Jewry of the world, and which have been intensified by the present world crisis. Ever since the outbreak of the war, it has…

… been felt by the Jews of this country that there should be presented to the peace conference a program for the emancipation of Jews living in lands of persecution and oppres- sion; that would secure for…

… them equal political, civic and religious rights in all countries, and national rights in such countries where the rights of national groups are recog- nized. An important part of the pro- grainwhich the…

… Jews will present to the peace conference will be the rec- ognition of the national claims and .rights of the Jews in Palestine, with the possible creation of an autono- mous settlement, with a Jewish…

… right, not only to vote for delegates to the con- gress, but to be a candidate for this :office. The Women's Organization, of which Mrs. Straus is president, is organizing all the Jewish women of the…

May 04, 1917 • Page Image 4

….—Rabbi Hillel J. Abraham, for 23 years the leader of the Oriental and Syrian Congregation in San Francisco and a devoted worker in the cause of Israel, is dead. He succumbed a couple of days ago at the ripe age…

…, and afterwards held a Rabbinate in China. Speaking of the Better Lines - M OST people know that we do the largest exclusive .01a clothing business in Michigan, but everybody dces rot know that we…

…- dren's Service and Hymnal," "Text- book of Religion and Ethics for Jew- ish Children," "Sabbath Readings" and "A Book of Prayer." The \Vest- ern University of Pennsylvania has paid him two marked honors…

…, con- ferring on him the degree of doctor of divinity in 1902 and electing him as a trustee of the university in 1904. He was also a trustee of the He- brew Union College of Cincinnati, the Transatlantic…

… Society of America iind the. Denver Jewish Itagpital for Consumptives; he was also one of the vice presidents of the Universal Peace' society and organized a peace society in Pittsburgh. He was the editor…

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 on "Hopes and Beliefs," "The Lights of the World," "Modern Society," "Judaism, Past, Present and Future," "Questions for Our Consideration," "The XIX. Century," etc. He was…

… the author of the transla- tion of "Tractate Rosh Hashana" (New, Year), the first volume of the Babylonian Talmud to appear in Eng- lish in America. He founded the Philadelphia Sterilized Milk, Ice and…

… Coal Society, and the Home of De- light, a slum settlement; and was one of the founders of the Transatlantic Society of America, an Anglo-Amen- can Society designed to promote good will among- Englishmen…

… and Ameri- cans. i n s p the tlsi e t fitrst, i time ofthe Ile lrnitetl S' tSate at the :.; 1 1-.Ainerican war and was later elect- ed chaplain of "Keenan's Brigade." Rabbi of Pittsburgh Temple. I n…

… 1901 he was elected rabbi of the Reform Congregation, Rodeph Sha- lom, at Pittsburgh, leaving Philadel- phia amid many public evidences of regret at his departure aiill of esteem for his character…

November 07, 1919 • Page Image 2

… shower was given Smilansky. of this city, at the Hotel Thursday evening, Nov. 6, by Mrs. Statler. Miss Pollock is a sister of Hillel Rosenthal, of Medbury avenue, Mrs. Harry Ash, 187 Medbury avenue. in…

…PAGE TWO THE DE1 ROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenthal, of 156 ...= Ferry avenue, entertained at dinner i... Sunday night in honor of Miss Golds - Rosenthal and her fiance, Mr. Samuel…

… - Kavanau. sunssiassisommuitainuunissmisiosisussouissussousisissiunammossuoussausisausuoisinuossississulit Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Barnett, of 2669 Miss Annette King has returned One of the most brilliant affairs…

of from a month's visit with her sister, the season was the dinner-dance ten- West Fort street, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Adele, to Mr. Mrs. Howard C. Levy, of New York d•red by Mrs…

…. Morton Silman at the David R. Porvin, of this city, Thurs- Hotel Statler ballroom to her rela- City. day, Oct. 30. tives and friends in commemoration Mr. Joseph Stifter, of 992 Brush of her fifteenth…

… wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Julius \Vartell are re- street, left last week for England. He The banquet hall was decorated with ceiving congratulations on the birth smilax and exquisite baskets of

… roses will be gone a year. of a son, Mitchell, and chrysanthemums adorned each Dr. Henry J. Goodman, who served table. Covers were laid for fifty peo- A Hallowe'en party was given by as first lieutenant…

… in the Medical Corps ple and a splendid orchestra furnished the 1'. E. P. Girls at the home of Miss during the war, has returned from music for the dancing between courses Gross, 148 Harbaugh avenue…

…, The service and has resumed his practice and at the conclusion of dinner. Ed house was very prettily decorated and Birdie Conrad, who are appear- of dentistry at 737 Oakland avenue. ing at the Temple…

… Theater this week, with Hallowe'en novelties. Mr. Sam Levin rendered several violin solos Miss Marjorie Levine, of Cleveland, provided entertainment, assisted by with Miss May Belautzoo and MiSs 0., is…

January 16, 1920 • Page Image 1

… reconvening Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland and the United Jewish Charities. ians they no longer needed their own -Attained. And finally it was shown Elizabeth. The presentation was mad , 'he body on February…

… offered to buy Lecturer in Applied Mathense s t the University of Bristol. is rapidly coming when the word poses of observation. Both he and Mr. 'Charity' will receive less hard usage, Speaking at a joint…

…'onisni today has become whether the earth or the sun is the suggestion of forces representing this agency, said Rabbi Franklin, had immovable centre of the Universe, variation. A person living on a passionate…

…' cation itself might he our subjective Protestants, meeting at the Hotel Mc- Wise, and Judge Julian W. Mack, presi- united way, I was somewhat shocked and placards in Cernowitz. the capi- of the Universe


… SHOWN IN REPORTS HEARD AT ANNUAL MEETING OF UNITED JEWISH CHARITIES Elected President of the United Jewish Solomon Hurwitz Dies of New York Charities at Twentieth Annual Meeting NOTED RABBI EDITOR OF

… sends U. S. Columbialbliversity, 'founder and editor General's Report on Pogroms of the Jewish Forum and professor of to Senate—Corroborates Pre- Hebrew and Aramaic Philology at the vious Reports. Isaac…

… Elchanan Theological Seminary, died Monday afternoon, aged 32 years, in the Beth ilospital of paralysis. BRANDS BOLSHEVISM Descended from an old rabbinical CHARGES AS FALSE family and himself a rabbi, he was…

… an industrious student and teacher of Ile - Lraic subjects. Among the ninny posi- State Department Makes Great Efforts to Obtain Information— tions he held during his brief career were Principal of the…

… Orach Chaim Sis- Admiral McCully Goes to terhood free school, librarian of the Ukraine, Says Laming. Department of Jew ish Literature at the Public Library, founder and Principal \VASIIINGT(IN —1…

January 30, 1920 • Page Image 1

… Immigrant Society of Amer- lawyers who did not wish to serve eleven substantial volumes dedicated even large volumes, in which, fol- thropic institutions," said Mr. liYar- Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, spiritual…

…. Abba Hillel Silver. the "literary test" is a nominal bar, press, which represents the Jews as Delitzsch. During these years Ehr- fresh air." but the high degree of literacy among responsible for the…

… a moment from the Already 30,000 Jews have registered universities and seminaries, but also discussion of Biblical problems. with the society asking assistance in Declaring that Wayne county's l…

… Jacob advocates the admission of Jews into ti c al but to economic conditions. The with knives in their hands. We must days. have been detained in the Adler, Chairman of the Building the universities only…


… GIVE LECTURE HERE ON MONDAY WARSAW—After a long series of protests on the part of the legal profess Because the dollar pledged for sion of Lodz, Adolph Kohn, a Jew who A Great Bible ghelar. prilanthropy…

… four years ago is worth was recently appointed Judge of the Aim 48 cent;!, the Federation for Sup- Circuit Court there, has practically been port of Jewish Philanthropic Charities compelled to resign his…

… deficit of $1,700,000, according to an announcement made yesterday Gifted Young Cleveland Rabbi Plans for Bringing Together Jew as president of a higher court have by Felix M. Warburg, Chairman of Tens of

… Thousands of Jewish kept tip a continuous agitation for Is Next Speaker in Pisgah Lodge the federation. The money is to go Kohn's dismissal. The government re- Families Separated by War. The death of Arnold B…

…. Ehrlich, Lecture Course, at Temple Beth Realizing the need of communicat- to increase the budgets of the ninety fused to accede to their request for El, February 2. Kuhn's recall, but the latter has finally…

April 09, 1920 • Page Image 1


… in the same capacities for the Res- toration Fund committee. Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY APRIL 9, 1920. VOL VII. NO. 19. Colonel von Rucktaschel, of Cas- sel, Germany…

… Harrison Many of the conservative rabbis Although hundreds of the members and Dr. Abba Hillel Silver. Rabbi Press Committee Appointed. also opposed the privilege bestowed HON. BRAM I. ELKUS of the Temple…

… Social Hour Follows cinnati, had issued an authoritative aid and food supplies can be dis- lust completed the examination of of the University of the State of New some 400,000 records in the Red Cross…

… Union ion Col- (province of Podolia). Kaminka, Grig- regular wines for the Passover, which lege at its graduating exercises in he Jews at the University of Ituda• seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and…

… professorship will bear the name Lodge may bring a lady. (Continued On Page 6.) I French University of Strasboe C. K. SANDORF, See'Y. the Sabbath. ter in their homes many of those who of the donors. were not…

…,000; Details of Campaign Planned at Thursday's Meeting. MIZRACHI ZIONISTS TO AID LOCAL COMMITTEE Rehabilitation of Palestine, Aim of Prominent Men on Na- tional Advisory Board. With Detroit's quota of the…

… Pales- tine Restoration Fund fixed at $100,- 000, those engaged in raising the sum to be used in the rehabilitation of Palestine announce that all is in readiness for the opening of the local drive, May 2…

…. This date was decided upon at a meeting of the committee held last Thursday afternoon at the Statler Hotel, called for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements. Fred M. Butzel is chairman of the…

…, treasurer of the Zionist District of Detroit, will act as treas- urer for the committee, and Philip Slomovitz and Miss Fannie Wets- man, recording and financial secre- taries of the Detroit district, will act…

April 16, 1920 • Page Image 1

… Zion TOLEDO. Commons r. Chin, hill. the se, et.o ■ of War de Attorney Long Associated With Jewish Affairs in Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY APRIL 16, 1920. VOL. VII. NO…

… has a case a great number of surgeons, ntrscs military authorities have given out a ginning of the Berlin Jewish Corn- the Act and reported to November, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver. Rabbi Mayer- only if he…

… mer i ca was created for e d ck e University in 1900 with highest hon- ' given Tuesday and Friday nights at A the Arab attacks on the new. of cultural organization for adults. and ors in philosophy. lie…

… himself thor- d Ilerzlia group that should undertake , cation at . Columbia University, Sere- have the pride, the glory of having . day of the Jewish h . mighty conversant with the operation i 1 to conduct…

…- the dangerous task of Military Chap- ing suspended. Two Jews were killed Y1-1 tslih ue rgi. 711 tY- )i theUniversity BERLIN WILL CELEBRATE ,. 1"c'n. day, April 18, for the purpose of de- hi s pastorate…

…- of 1915," Vadelaincourt, suburb of 'Nerdtin,!day. Houses were looted. One matter of how to as United States ambassador to Tur- — most fittingly, and appointed Amram of the University of Penn- where…


… interesting that the some number of soldiers( i. e. 9,000 ""(I 14.°1" Indian.) scene Reputation Won As Assistant necessary for Constantinople and its Prosecutor Influences neiglihmhoml, and only 16,000 tor the…

… 1.11 gc armies are Rhine tiontier. Gov. Sleeper. a 1.500 mile journey, trodg.1 P e r in -loc., on foot except for a r i ve r boats, a. gums, of Persian Ji ,, ish mountaineers- has just reached…

… lernsalem. Suffering all maim, r oi hardship , and danger , in (inlet to fulfill 11,1i life desire of passing their remaitime da Vs ill Palt,Illit'. they hiked l tom . their mountain homes. do. .1latolatd…

November 19, 1920 • Page Image 6

…- tionably bring to the people of Detroit a message deeply religious and yet timely and suggestive. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. of Cleveland, Ohio. who has accepted an invitation to deliver the sermon this year…

… United Oxonians Get Busy. States are being detained in Bess- 1ncidentially, the Jewish undergrad- arabia because of their inability to tales of Oxford University, through obtain the vise of the American…

…EDLTROIVE,WIS/1 01 ROA (CHF: PAGE FOUR ThE &YrRorrkwirsit R 0 N ICU MICHIGAN'S JEWISH /ME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President…

…. Entered as second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit. Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1079. General Offices and Publication Building 206 High Street West Cable Address: Telephrmes…

… by Tuesday evening of each week, RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN Editorial Contributor The Jewish Chronicle invitee correspondence on subjects of interest to the Jewish people, but disclaim. responsibility…

… for an indorsement of the view. espressed by the writer.. NOVEMBER 19, 1920 KISLEV 8, 5681 The Community Thanksgiving Service. Among the many forward-looking undertakings which Detroit has pioneered…

… service next Thursday, will mark the nineteenth anniversary of its establishment. Today interdenominational Thanksgiving services participated in by a greater or less number of denominations have become…

… fairly gen- eral in various sections of our country. But when almost two decades ago a little band of progressive clergymen in our city undertook to meet on a common platform in a religious service at…

… religious forces of the time that in more than one pulpit it was denounced as a disruptive and destroying agency. Fortunately, as the years have passed, the service has justified itself even in the eyes of

… those who were at first most virulent in denunciation. It is fair to say that no other single agency has done so much to create among the religious forces of the community an esprit de corps, and among…

December 09, 1921 • Page Image 1

…- letter is of great enough importance and gratitude to America for what crescence on world-finance. of Washington. In that let- the Jaffa Arab daily Al Achbar, in low at the University of Michigan, , to be…

….)—At the of the Michigan Council of li'nai Banquet for Members monthly meeting of the Jewish Board a li'rith lodges which will take place in of Deputies, presided over by Sir and Friends. Flint, Sunday, Dec…

… Wash- Justice to Animals Society for the Ginsburg participated. European Capitols REPORTS FROM MICHIGAN COMMUNITIES Described in Tallci P OINT TO SUCCESS OF RELIEF APPEAL; 1 QUOTA'S OYER…

… because of illness. Pro f. Merck- wardt will address the club later in , the 'season. American Jewry's Spirit. Miles M. Goldberg, general manager of the Michigan State Appeal for Mrs. Walker gave personal…

… partial returns. Mg been raised. Escanaba came next, with a total subscription of $3,792. of their individual charm brought de- sent RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER. .; icences ' li ght ful ba's quota was $3, 000…

…- delegation to the Arms Conference, That the heart of Michigan Jewry meeting at the high school at Alma combination of unbounded egotism, Westminister Abbey, St. l'aul's Ca- Temple Organization on Educa• in…

…. Melville Welt stated that ladies auxiliary, said that the aim tions are busy at it now, with the re- there would be but one change in the Michigan community of Norway sands of children in Europe owe their…

… city, spoke of the Ian, to Speak on Topic of ANTI•ZIONIST AGITATORS in all of which he has proven a dis- convention of the Michigan Council of wards Zionism is of course, however, Goldberg, state…

… inspir- great patriarchs of old, were ignorant man who has grown rich ea !' then Harvard. get just as crazy as any poor devil Mr. Frost's presence at Michigan much) gave me a check for $100, say- of

…., who came may be prevented. the Phoenix Club. from Spain. the committee for the dance. S HELP ASSURED PALESTINE MANDATE HENRY FORD CALLED IGNORANT' Heart of Michigan Jewry Is Touched By Relief Appea l…

December 16, 1921 • Page Image 1

… HURON JEWS SUBSCRIBE $3,500 SUM Numerous O t her Michigan Cities Make Returns to Fund. Liberal contributions by students at the University of Michigan, many DR. BAER EPSTEIN Dr. Epstein, who is one…


…, as there is an emotion, a passion, a will." Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve- land, speaking at Temple Beth El Monday evening on "Palestine, Pres- ent and Future, thus explained his interest in…

… Second Nomination (Speaks at Shaarey Zedek This Monday I Also Hold of Officers. Adolph Freund Paid Tributes at State B'nai B'rith Meeting. Adolph Freund, organizer and first president of the Michigan

… college, is the outstanding fea tore of returns made this week-to the Appeal for Jewish War Relief in the state of Michigan. Under the leadership of Prof. I. Leo Sharfman, vice-chairman of the state…

… M. Goldberg, general director of the Michigan state appeal, who left Wednesday for St. Louis to direct the Missouri campaign, pointed out that, in spite of the present financial depression, most of

… returns to the fund include Cadillac, Rapids City, Charlevoix, Al- pena Onaway, Kalamazoo. The complete Michigan returns will not be in for a few weeks due to the postponement of the Appeal in a num- ber of

… leading Zionists of Wilna. About recently awarded second prize at the of Harvard law school, aide in both eight years ago he was persuaded to Michigan artists' exhibit); Gus G. speech and pen, Mr. Kagan…

… American Rabbi upon whom the distinction of repre- senting the United States in a for- eign country has been conferred. The new American minister to Per- sia is 45 years old. He graduated from the University

of Cincinnati in 1098 and from the Hebrew Union College as a duly ordained rabbi in 1899. lie further pursued his studies in Semities at the University of Chi- cago in 1905-1906 and took a post…

January 27, 1922 • Page Image 2

… the establishment of in- and that she will go far if she makes it interesting. She has plenty of poise terest in or the same enthusiasm for dustries. This is not a question of 660 Michigan Avenue the…

… general manager of the Vienna Opera rests upon its immemorial association Peter Stuyvesant. A vocal solo, Gret. ney to maintain. Feature Hillel the Neel House, engaged Mozart, the great with the Jews. Nor…

… "Ruth and Naomi" The amazing thing is that these the stage of the opera house. Arabs, will on the contrary, be highly able opportunity for those who are a heathen asks Hillel to teach him the Co…

… well known. There are today in I saw young men and women, niany guire's Kick," Mr. Grainger was most a of whom have had a university edu- delightful. They were rendered with By LILLIAN SHIMBERG FREED…

…- There is a great cultural mission to 31, Northwestern; Feb. 7, Southeast- recalled several times. jected establishment of a university be effected there, and that cultural ern; Feb. 13, Northern; Feb. 15…

… the dies' Auxiliary of the First Hun. ON SATURDAY MORNING a pretty girl. the two branches of the Semitic race built and vineyards clothing the moun- creation of the history university. garian Synagogue…

… audience to any great extent. This was fol- lowed by Liszt's "Liebestraum" and "Polonaise," E Major. In these two numbers he revealed himself to be an artist of great PALESTINE: A CASKET OF JEWELS By SIR…

… ALFRED MOND (The Quiver, an English publication of note, contains in a recent issue an article by Sir Alfred Mond, member of the British cabinet and chairman of the British Economic Council for Palestine…

…. Discussing the "Practicabil- ity of Zionism," under which title the article appears in The Quiver, Sir Alfred Mond gives his impression of his visit to Palestine. Ile Calls Pelee- tine • "Casket of Jewels…

…" which has been let down by centuries of gross neglect. We quote the following salient features of the article.—Editor's Note.) (!gab Nurniturr The most convincing way I think nobody will dispute the…

March 31, 1922 • Page Image 1

… lines. the Arab festivals, the Jerusalem cur- the remarkable discovery that the un- from the University of Michigan at- malls, yet his family is responsible genial atmosphere at the dance. tended. for one…

… pre- Mr. Oko also acquired the Eduard this country at the age of 10, settling dicted of the British mandate over Birnbaum collection of Jewish music in Michigan in 1854. In 1871 Mr. Palestine. and…

…:2 and the hall the calk fail 'with earl t, Or on ling the . In rred com- the said fling lion Cody brief ad- .sday h El, the all i the ,e an I and will done I Sil- dream last Michigan's Only…

… Jewish Newspaper Printed in English THE ETROIT LWISI -I Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Jewish Lecturer lub ilPalestine Mandate JEWISH PUBLICATION ' Noted To Address Men…

…'s C Ratification Asked SOCIETY COMPLETES 34 YEARS' EXISTENCE Zionist Conference Urges the League of Nations Speed Plans for Palestine. Holds Annual Meeting in Philadelphia to Hear Reports of Past Year…

…. SIMON MILLER AGAIN PICKED AS PRESIDENT Important Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1922. VOL. Xl. NO. 19. Publications to Be Printed by Society During Coming…

… Year. PHILADELPHIA. — The Jewish Publication Society of America, at its thirty-fourth annual meeting held here, on Sunday, March 20, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Simon Miller…

…, Philadelphia, president; Hon. Abram I. Elkus, New RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER Hon. vice-president; first Who will address the Men'. Temple York, llorace Stern, Philedalphia, j Club Monday evening at tha Phoenix…

…. Brown of Mobile and the following front Philadelphia : Hart Blumenthal, Ephraim Lederer, Alphonse B. Miller, Simon Miller, Judge William M. Leeds and Jacob Billikopf. Other trustees of the society are: Dr…

…. Cyrus Adler, Julius Rosen- Address Will Close Program wald, Judge Mayer Sulzberger, A. Leo of Men's Temple Club Weil, Julius S. Weyl, Edwin Wolf RABBI A . H. SILVER TO SPEAK MONDAY GREAT COLLECTIONS OF

March 31, 1922 • Page Image 6

… by the Alpha Epsilon Phi college sorority on Tuesday after- noon, April 11, from 2 to 5 o'clock, at the Federation clubhouse. The af- fair, which is for the benefit of the University of Michigan Woman…

… St. TilMTHEEHMEcEMISUERNEEM Among the University of Michigan students taking part in the Junior Girls' play in Ann Arbor on Thursday evening last is Ruth Arie of Detroit. Miss Kay Brauns, a…

… Bernice Kahn, hall. On Monday evening, April 3, at 0:30, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver will address the Men's Club at the month- ly dinner meeting of the Phoenix Club. Rabbi Silver's fame as an ora- tor is…

…. ing his stay in the city. Miss Isabelle Wolfson of Cincin- Mrs. Albert Kahn and Mrs. William nati, who is a student at the Uni- Brown were hostesses at a beauti- versity of Michigan, was a guest of

…MCIULTKOHji,MiSileiltONIcLr, PAGE SIX jecial .an i d The first of summer in this shipment of Qrsorta ; Scotch ginghams ill Shepherd Plaids Prominent among the notable wed- dings of the past…

… week was the mar- riage of Miss Hortense Krolik, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Day Krolik, to Walter Lillienfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lillienfeld of Wilmette, Ill., which was solemnized on Mon- day…

… afternoon, March 27, at 5 o'clock at the home of her parents on Ro. wena street, in the presence of the immediate family. The drawing room in which the ceremony was performed by Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, was a…

April 07, 1922 • Page Image 6

…, are in I Krolik and Sally Lambert attended Chicago, where they will spend ■ in the ballroom of the Michigan Union at Prom the University of Michigan. month visiting with Mrs. Krolik'' the Soph Friday…

… Temple Beth El, when the afternoon, April 3, in the auditorium Rev. John Haynes Holmes, the noted of Temple Beth El, when Rabbi Abbe pastor of the Comniunity Church of Hillel Silver, rabbi of The Temple…

University of Stiehl- ' ation noon, clubhouse. April 11, at 2:30, at the Feder- The playlet is for gat; Miss Jennie Dembinski of Sagi- naw and Earl Spiesberger of Jack- young and old and is under Brown the di…

… brought them to America. A most cordial invitation to call is extended to all Detroit women who appreciate beauti- ful evening wear. 33 c).. 65University Bldg. 6th Main 8563 72 Detroit , Michigan Madame…

… communicated to tat ofRee N o'clock sad Wedneaday afternoon in order lo appear in the current week's chronick by Phone Glendale $316, Society 'Ater. Mail notice. m u to be received an woos Our highly…

… specialized Children's Shoe Depart , ment is now open under the supervision of Mr. C. E. HORNUNO Children's Shoe Specialist AlfredfRuBY.Inc Adjoining the "Statler' on Washington Detroit i ; I I ist…

… agreeable to the world at large.—The Talmud. Mayer Sulzberger, Mrs. Walter Ilea- W. Va. are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph •venrich and Mrs. Monroe Rosenfield Selling Of Hotel Addison. Mr. and were in the receiving…

… line welcoming Mrs. Selling were by accompanied home from Wheeling their daughter, the guests of the afternoon. Follow- ing the meeting, a reception was held holiday Miss Louise Selling, who spent the…

… vacation in that city. in the parlors of the temple and re- freshments were served. Mrs. Charles Levy, the newly elected vice-president of the State The playlet in three scenes entitled Federation of Temple…

… Sisterhoods, "Dolls" will be presented for the and Mrs. Nathan Spiesberger of Bay Children's Day program of the Jew- City; Miss Carolyn Levy, who is a ish Woman's Club on Tuesday after- student at the…

April 28, 1922 • Page Image 4

… which they had need of adequate housing for the stu- sity. Taken as a whole, the people of Beth El may look back with "Because," said Hillel promptly, there. We heard the universal come. So when these…

… result is that they have given ageously to break away from the old traditions in this regard Yiddish, and English, but in every ing to comprehend his duty as a hu- The Patience of Hillel. man being favored…

… considerable sneering on the part of its sister worth while written by or about the Hillel was one of the greatest and a tremendous thrill of joy. Jews. No branch of Jewish learning wisest of the rabbis. lie was…

… concerning the Jews of appreciation, these people who stood more or less on the out- year 1700. There are 34 volumes to great distinction Hillel had reached. Egypt in Ptolmey's reign, from 309 246 B. C. E. In…

…. If Bible is 1450. Think what that Hillel angry. Twenty talents of sil- Legend surrounds this great literary ever that statement were absolutely disproved, it has been in had been set for Friday, June 2…

… exception young men, in some instances Schools learned that this date was co-incident with the Jewish out of Spain, and America was dis- only laughed. "You will never make tianity. Hillel impatient!" he…

… Field Day for one week, an act is visited by scholars and writers, little house of Hillel just at the twi- those times. artists and lovers of Jewish learning. light hour on the day before the Sab- that…

…- bath. At this time, he had found out, CONFER D. D. DEGREE ON loyally and effectively in and for the days that are to come. pedia was made, and the "History of Hillel would be preparing for the RABBI…

… ing upon the activities of the synagogue, the attention of many have been debarred from participation in an event that to them Hebrew Encyclopedia. The visitors of his work (for Hillel worked all SALT…

… official statement: on the board of officers of the Congregation, an attest of the fact ent groups of pupils in the schools. When therefore such con- do the work that makes them famous. ing moment. Hillel

June 16, 1922 • Page Image 6

…. Beginning at the University of Michigan, where ing that it was his duty to inaugurate ing of the League of Nations. every educational means that will de- General Offices and Publication Building 850 High…

… enhance, And men with beards and turbans had been preparing for Hillel and the peerage will make little differ- the name "Jew" and the creation of "The Reform Church of their religious srevices during the…

… another supper for Hillel. which Mr. Bernheim has just addressed to Rabbi Stephen S. and the rabbis to speak as one of our fellow editors habitually be known everywhere as "Intruder." The rabbi returned at…

… die, she had given away Hillel's supper tirely out of place. The fact that Out of the hundreds who heard Mr. Bernheim, perhaps not session will be an especially profitable one to the rabbis in why…

Hillel, controversy in accordance with the fine tradition I thank God that he has given Dr. Wise is not a defense of his own proposition—though one ever, that the organization is, as its name implies, a…

… Jews in pits have always been free; yes, so free that it did not seem Max David Davidson, a graduate The Wife of Hillel. Eastern Galicia, on the basis of the necessary to label them with the title of

… approve of Great Britain what made Hillel such a great man. ical organization there. Miss Schrag- unanimous vote of confidence in the enheim is being sent by lladassah, not to New York but to some of the…

… congregations in this great NEW YORK.—The Jewish Theo- turning over Palestine to the Jews. Now I'll tell you a story about Hillel's the women's Zionist Organization in Committee of Jewish Delegations The…

… vention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which ready for them. are always ready with the meal, only students in the university. In the ab- "Poison!" he exclaimed. "And will tonight you are far…

… him. What Mr. Bernheim contends in this letter is that of papers and reports and the discussions that follow them, polite however, to tell him what they RIDDLE BOX liated with the university. The same…

August 25, 1922 • Page Image 3

… ever seen, and whether you have $10.00 or $10,000 to invest it is a sale that will prove incomparable. Con- venient credit terms for all who wish them. Michigan Ave. at Washington Blvd. The Buds of

… at Elizabeth Lake for a Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver, president period of three weeks. Sidney Lo- of the central committee, Palestine pate of the Defenders of the White Development Leagues, who from the…

… season will be in just as good taste next year! stg • aerdlereckairmshiver7licesOmhineclatOur Without a doubt Finsterwald's Au- gust Sale of Fur- niture is backed by one of the largest stocks you have…

… Judaea Saturday evening celebrated the club's third anniversary celebration with a gath- ering held at the home of Miss Lillian Rabinowitz, 534 Frederick. Eda Greenberg acted as chairman of the evening…

…. Esther Jacobson, one of the char- ter members of the club, read the history of the Buds of Judaea, cover- ing the activities of the past three years. She was followed by Miss Ra- binowitz, who read…

… prophecies of club members. A short talk was given by P. Slomovitz. Mass singing was a feature of the evening, which was concluded with dancing and the serv- ing of refreshments. Miss Faye Cashdan is leader of

… the club. Judaean Camp. PAGE THREE, MAKES APPEAL FOR DENVER HOME FOR JEWISH CHILDREN Now! The Last Week! William J. Greenstein, representa- tive of the Denver Sheltering Home for Jewish Children…

…, is in Detroit in the interests of his organization, so- liciting funds and urging support of the only institution that takes care of the children of the parents in the consumptive home in Denver. Mr…

…. Contributions may be sent in to The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and will then be forwarded to the home in Denver . Mr. Greenstein announces that in his absence from the city to attend to his duties in other liana of

… the state, a substitute representative will be in charge of the collections for the home. AMERICAS FINEST FURNITU RABBI SILVER TOURING FOR RUTENBERG SCHEME Eight Detroit Judaeans Tuesday struck camp…

November 10, 1922 • Page Image 14

…. g OurAmbition—Ideal Telephone Servitor for Michigan MICHIGAN STATETELEPHONE CO. 416) -- e "ivgit'iliCe ti of *WTI firifalifzeafil FATIMA / CIGARETTES now for TWENTY There is no other…

… president of the Cracow University felt himself obliged to yield pillars of the portico, in smaller eine , to the persistent demands of anti-Semitic students, permitting them to standing against the…

… make of Palestine a hotbed of Redfield, Isadore Rosengarten and radicalism. We make the point that Dr. B. D. Welling. this leer has theolutely no foundation. Without and within the new A local physician…

… who just returned Temple Beth El, the union of the from Germany likes to relate his meet- symbolism of faith, the grand Greek young Jewish doctor in Berlin ing a (From cables of Jewish Correspondence…

… Bureau and Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) traditions of art and the wonders of whom he calls the finest and most in- The death in announced from Petrograd of David Eisman, Russian Jew- modern engineering can…

… be discerned teresting personality he has met —so unified that the supreme pur- abroad. The doctor in question was ish author, at the age of 53. • • • • orphaned by the war, but managed pose of the…

… Temple as a place of de- to continue his studies and get his A monument of gratitude to the United States for aiding in the libera- votion is the paramount impression. degree. Ile is now connected with a…

… tion of Poland will be unveiled in London in the presence of government Along the lofty stone coping of the hospital in Berlin, receiving the mag- representatives from Warsaw. Gladstone avenue side of

… the build- • • • • nificent sum of 150 marks a month. ing. runs an inscription in heroic let- Rich relatives from Boston, on a visit A conference of Arab representatives from Syria and Palestine has…

… been ters: "My house shall be a house of to Germany, offered the young man called for Dee. 15 at Cairo. It is expected that demands will be formulated payer for all people." the opportunity of coming to…

January 19, 1923 • Page Image 1

… strong Jewish state and that ment numbers. have been arranged and Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver of which is advisable in the face or th .e day evening of the entire Shaarey Ze- where the opinion as a whole has…

…. Of recent years he has been Middle West in the interest of junior would rally to the support of the Holy sor B. Bernstein of the University of Nathan Isaac of the University of woj party to the Jewish…

…A lfieri- CM Awish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON MIMI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 923 Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English bETROIT LWISR. R-RO1ICL. Telephone GLENDALE 9-3-0-0 MICHIGAN


… Rabbi to Occupy Temple Pulpit Advocates Absolute Pacifism in Address Before Men's Temple Club. Minkowsky Describes Terrible State of Affairs Exist- ing in Russia. REFORM JEWS WILL CELEBRATE GOLDEN…

… JUBILEE THIS WEEK BERLIN.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, on being questioned con- Convention to be Held in New cerning the reports current last week Campaign For $150,000 For A. R. A. Replies to Charges of

… that he laid down office as president York City During Jan. Ludwig Lewisohn, associate editor Cantor Pinellas Minkowsky, great Palestine to Last for of the World Zionist Organization, of the Nation…

…, author of "Up Institutions' Neglect in 22 to 26. declared at the semi-annual meet- composer of Jewish synagogual mu- One Week. Stream," in an address delivered on the Ukraine. ing of the Greater Actions…

… Commit- sic, who conducted the services at the Monday evening at the dinner-meet- tee of the Zionist Organization there new Talmud Torah on Friday even- ing of the Men's Club of Temple Beth RECORD…

… GATHERING OF ignntod n get ir tepor t ha .h ing and Saturday morning, and sang SENATOR SPENCER WILL El on "America and the New Na- JEWISH LEADERS CALLIrweass 2,000 PEOPLE EXPECTED - at a concert on Sunday…

January 26, 1923 • Page Image 1

…, Brooklyn. Finstcrwald, Rabbi M At the Carnegie )tall meeting, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland rs. Samue Bernard Ginsburg, ish question in a fresh light. There have been pogroms in the last few' in his…

… material 1 838 both, national and universal, in the eyes of the religious Jews, is 1,064 relief individuals). The report out impartial justice to the quarreling dress the lodge at the meeting on turned…

… time next summer bringing in this recommendation pro- lion Concerning Campaign. and will read from his poetry in Ile- lasting for a period of six weeks. posed also that separate action by University of

…v 41ffericam Palish periodical Carter CLIFTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OM 9 23 wow% Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English II- EbETROIT LWISR. HRONICLE Telephone GLENDALE 9…


… in Zionism With Dr. Ilerzl Passes at the Age of 74. 75 Is Symbol of Goodness Personified 1 Hebrew Is Barred In Soviet Russia News Correspondent Says Jews Forbidden to Teach Chil- dren Religion…

…. Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents PRESIDENT HARDING GREETS U. A. H. C.; NEW YORK RELIGIOUS DEMONSTRATIONS FEATURE GOLDEN JUBILEE CONVENTION Revival of Sincere Conception of Personal Relationship of

… God to Man and Man to God Is Urged in Message Received F. A. Mackenzie, staff correspond- ant of the Detroit News and the Chi. from President Harding cage Daily News, writing from Kiev Monday. His…

… wife, his daughter under date of Dec. 10, states that the ' Masa, and his friend and physician, Jews are hated in Russia "with a vire- BANISHING OF IGNORANCE FROM MIDST OF JEWRY, Dr. Alexander Nlannoreck…

…, were at lence difficult to describe," and that BUILDING OF MORE ADEQUATE SCHOOLS IS URGED I his bedside. Dr. Nordau was 74 years the Jew is held responsible for the TO CENTRALIZE HOPE revolution. Under…

March 23, 1923 • Page Image 2

of the University of glory and courage." Michigan. During 18 years of active prac- tice in Detroit has taken part in $ PUPILS EXEMPTED FROM many important cases, including WRITING ON SATURDAY the Ford…

… elsewhere. DETROIT MICHIGAN 1 man insists he is an indignant Chris- acting generally good and the whole at the Board of Commerce was en- , tian) for outraging public decency by production contains enough of

… and lec- O turer on Jewish education in the .• Jewish Institute of Religion. Religion O A Among the characters dealt with in the book are Hillel, Jochanan ben Zakkai, Akiba, Bar Cochba, Jehuda t Ilalevi…

…Tit Et)ETROIVEWISM PAGE TWO Our New York Letter Gross Heads Big Brother Movement A Comedy of Names: Jew Held by Jewish ( 1) Magistrate For Displaying Christian's Painting Offensive To Christians…

…— Chairman of New Organiza- The Outraged Public and Ash's "God of Ven- Lion; Meeting held geance"—"Anathema" at the Yiddish at B. of C. ' Art Theater and the Coming of At a luncheon meeting held at the Sackler…

…'s New Play. dent and general manager of the Fed. oral Bond and Mortgage Company, was elected chairman. He is a splen- did °tsar ized and under his super- vision the new Big Brother organiza- tion should…

… flourish. Mr. Gross is planning a supper meeting next month. OVRYN AND HIS ART B oar d of fC Commerce Thursday, March By MARIE TROMMER 15, plans were carefully set by many By; ,GERSHON AGRONSKY of Detrit…

…'s.most prominent Jews for No one but a man deeply sensitive the organization of a Big Brother and possessing a soul responding to Club. (Copyright, 1923, Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) every cry of pain, no matter…

… how dis- The Big Brother movement, which tant, could reproduce the horrors of An "indignant Christian" made a geance" offends because it is too real has made great headway the length a pogrom without…

… actually having painting showing William Jennings in its symbolism (a Sefer Torah is a and breadth of the continent, in all witnessed one. It was Benjamin Bryan, with the approval of William mighty concrete…

April 20, 1923 • Page Image 1

Of.refialliffegiOrd/Wdieataida CLIFTON /MANUA - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO LWISII filtONICL Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Telephone GLENDALE 9-3-0-0 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME…

….) — Zionists dress the concluding session. Among in Poland be held as hostages and LONDON.— .r— nival and bazaar of the Michigan Fed- came on earth again now, he would cuss the policy of hte organization…

…, proceeds of which Jews, but by Christians." Hebrew Congregations in January (Turn to Page Two) The Zionist executive is under. Rabbis Abbe, Hillel Silver and Solo- Affairs that he is not aware of any are to…

… representatives in now 1 rflowing chancellor; Albert M. Mark, editor of e- ing tool ofe-the invader and by the every corner of the land came to New the Johns Hopkins University, will Warsaw to facilitate the return…

… pointed Franday evening. at the University this country he won the first prize that the great majority of the poor trained in a manner that will be of held in Washington, there will be !soil was the…

… PUBLICATION DR. WEIZMANN WILL SPEAK TO DETROIT JEWRY ON JUNE 3 v S tl a Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Copts DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 VOL. XIII, NO. 21 East and West Meet In New…

… Organization JEWS TO PROTEST POGROM BY STRIKE. Protest Meetings Called in Warsaw •and Other Polish Cities. TO HOLD SOcial Conference EXODUS OF POLISH SEE ANTI-SEMITISM SCHOOLS ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Program Arranged…

… FUGITIVES LIKENED IN ENCYCLOPAEDIA TO WAR EVACUATION ARTICLE ON POLAND Dri e of Local Talmud Torahs to Open Early in May. Secretary of Labor Davis to Ad- dress Community Center Tlu. United Hebrew Schools…

of lie- Secretaries. ' WARSAW.-1.1. T. A.)—A strike ) trait announce that the annual mem- to protest the anti-Jewish disturb . , Expulsion Order Involved Num. bership drive . for the , maintenance of

… flues last week, resulting in the in- Views of Geoffrey Drage in the 'the Talmud Torahs w ill be held early gouge Newspapermen Will Address Mass Meeting bar Estimated Between WASHINGTON. — Man y Problems…

April 20, 1923 • Page Image 4

… the overseers voted for unrestric- How weary he is, Hillel ed the he reason for this On the twenty-sixth of this month, the Jewish Chautauqua How hard and wearisome of mind, and received the fol- the…

… more efficient. This man afterwards named his s.;. Ukraine, an uprising against the gov- Shalt thou know tears, after Hillel. But its work has been carried far beyond the domain of the ernment was marked…

… interceding in his behalf for clemency if he to the university is a tridmph for 850 High Street West group of Jews who may tie called "mil- is guilty of the crime with which he happens to be charged. Cable…

… course of study you may pre- their university students be divided Awake from thy sleep! Jewish people as a whole that the tendency on the part of a few proportionately scribe," among-the various col- RABBI…

…- The new song of Zion. NAHALAL great universities, the Soctety has interpreted the teachings of which he prized most highly. That tance fro mNazareth and one hour der condition never before existed in…

… reports, the Board of Overseers of Har- vard University unanimously voted on April 9th that in the ad- ministration of rules for admission to Harvard College, the tra- ditional policy of freedom from…

… Governing Boards "principles and methods for more effective sifting of candidates for admission to the University." We trust that this report is accurate in every particular and that the decision of the Board…

…PAGE FOUR PIED El' ROITJEWIS SI ORON1CLE EIROY 7 EWI THE ILAl Cif RONICIA and teacher of his people. While at the time that this editorial is written, there is no official verification of the…

June 15, 1923 • Page Image 1


of $500, very beginning and became its first craved his B. A. degree from the Uni- Ode, tickets are being distributed mayor when it was recognized as a varsity of Michigan in 1919. 11,• en- only as…

… on Hillel, Clarence William Hamlin followed Bishop Gal- 4 members of an anti-Semitic is I Representing he loph do one and Nettie Ba- Zy The Evolution of Judaism, "So- near a high school building…

… the con- ferring of the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of Detroit upon Dr. Franklin, and the Men's Club of Temple Beth El was the host to the 300 men and women who came to honor the…

… organizations are nearly all of , people. . The arrival of Mayor DizengofT has , ant plc inj, day morning,June of the university established by the :them federated into national organiz-1 created quite a stir in…

… government. John P. McNichols, president of the not when Dr. Cyrus Adler, acting presi• Club, about 15 miles from the city, organize- l'rofessor Ashkenazy offered his res- University of Detroit, Rev, John A…

of a number of alleged terror- er educational institutions in the York University) of Elizabeth, N. J. take place 3, when the convention city of 1924 influence of friends he secured admit- spect and…

universities is due to the the first city to enter the race for the of Cincinnati in October, 1875. While eral political election to make it Fos- many fresh arrests are expected in a shown, and naturally…

… displayed par- desire of students to make their way , and in the University ticular interest in, the Rothschild Institute of the seminary. Diplomas ! convention next year. The conven- studying there days. I…

…. Dr. Adler said that with the acqui - nominations will be o n th e program from the University of Cincinnati - - the vinced that this principle accounts for Information leading to P a l ti urope sou E…

August 10, 1923 • Page Image 4

…, Hillel, Maimonides and interview (anti we will abide by his judgment) whether Mr. Spinoza. He glowed with genuine warmth when he repeated Ford merits even the slightest consideration on the part of the the…

… distinctively Yiddish literature, with love and care, into robust, splen- the poor.—The Talmud. of the Jerusalem University and Li- drama and art are. created by the Sons of Israel to hold its brary, contribute…

… that should prove stronger than any other con- ceivable weapon in combatting anti- Semitism. The publication of the "Scripta" will offer an opportunity for the Hebrew University of Jeru- salem to enter…

…TneDerRondeasm(Aftoricul PAGE FOUR I people of the United States think they want? (2) What do they really want? (3) What is wrong with the country, any- way? A few days later the interview was held…

…. Mr. Ford had 11. iLINting prepared answers for all the important questions Mr. Wood MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION wanted answered. Mr. Ford had also prepared a Platform. The 1111dt'3 Published…

… Act of March 3, 1879. tions. the Ship Subsidy, the Soldiers' Bonus, Agriculture, the Railroads, Prohibition, l'eace." "Here are my opinions on these The World War has placed a gee at issrausrauromoassn…

… General Offices and Publication Building responsibility on the shoulders of t he subjects," Mr. Ford answered. 850 High Street West But Mr. Wood was very indiscreet. He should not have Jews of America…

…. Destroy as it it id t. Yetta Stays After School to Teelphone: C.h!. Address: asked Mr. Ford any questions for which Mr. William Cameron the finest Jewish cultural and spiri ual centers of Europe, the Unite…

… Water the Plants. Glendale 9300 Chronicle t Ford's editor) had not prepared a written answer. Anyone at States became, by force of circun LONDON OFFICE all acquainted with Mr. Ford and his answers to…

… questions in stances, the heir of European Jew ry 14 STRATFORD PLACE fladassalti the Tribune trial knows that Mr. Ford did NOT prepare his for the upkeep and guidance of Je LONDON, W. I, ENGLAND traditions…

August 24, 1923 • Page Image 4

… most important item on the agenda of the Thirteenth felt and appreciated. seems to have been given two names, sions at the school, Hillel was hidden- Zionist Congress, held at Karlsbad, was the proposal…

… from the treasuries of corporations States and the whole world! We fear great Hillel in the Sanhedrion of owners here. —A DAUGHTER OF JUDAH. Judah. If the government persists in this 'this new spirit…

…- of heroism, He was a student of the and expect. Certain it is that this is tending a welcome hand to newcomers University of Cincinnati and Hebrew American ideals of law, liberty and to become American…

… the rabbinical school ence.) Signs of Reaction. . promise required. Not content to Hauptmann, Hirsehbein, Ibsen, l'in- )—Deputy Noah Prilutzki has Mr. e and the University of Cincinnati. H brought an…

…jilt Pawn: imusn (ii RON ICIX, PAGE FOUR Tim kuiorr i /mat et RON 1CLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Jacob H. Schakne, Business…

… M aaaaaa Jeseeph J. Cummins, President entered as Record class matter March 3, 1918, at the Postoffice at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. General Offices and Publication Building 850…

…'s candidacy as a 'joke' are themselves the joke. Ford is not the ridiculous person that his enemies would have the public beieve. On the other hand, he has had little if any of the training that our other…

… ,'residents had. Yet his training has been better than Grant's. Of course, Grant was not great President. Yet the country did not collapse." ■ The country has survived earthquakes, floods, tornados, the great…

… war, influenza epidemic and countless other catastrophies and calamities and did not collapse. We are almost collapse- proof. Yet we doubt whether we could survive the catastrophy of Ford as president…

… with a cabinet of Bensons, Russets, et al., who no doubt would be rewarded with portfolios in the cabinet as a reward for excellent service rendered their candidate. Don't think for one moment that…

September 07, 1923 • Page Image 22

… A. R. Campbell, Vice-President He could not imagine his absence be- By HARRY HILLEL BERNSTEIN David Oppenheim, Treasurer The most interesting institution of was not designated toastmaster of the…

… the East Side was tottering. banquet to be held in honor of Koppel CIIRISTIE-OPPENHEIM CO., Inc. Adjusters of Fire Losses for the Insured 1919 Dime Bank Building, Detroit Licensed by the Michigan

… accepted as a matter of course, as basic and elemental, even, as the universally recognized necessity for food and shelter. With the formation of this attitude came the lessening of — AND — awe that…

… State Insurance Department. FraIlli Mu I! ')Ily Takes This Means of Wishing His Many Jewish Friends His Most Sincere Wishes — FOR — el Hapyy and Prosperous New Year 5684-1923 be his excuse? There…

… 011 hand to en- joy his own funeral. About 7 P, M., as he was trudging sadly past the house Of the rabbi of the town, sumo one called to him. Ile turned quickly and SAW the rabbi de- scend the steps…

… institution was tottering. other institutions, which is always a For it was a blow delivered with remarkable thing to do. It maintain- much cruelty. Beryl was the man re- ed no staff of experts in scientific…

… drick had been elected he mimed his that "your case will be investigated as brother-in-law as toastmaster of the won't you wait about ten minutes, un- banquet of triumph, merely because noun as our…

… ultimately reach superior voting intelligence. And a message. Beryl—the man who had actually cre- your case." "Rush this to New York," he The office of the most interesting in- ated a demand for Mendrick as a…

… invitation to be livered eloquent addresses, liked gos- be something about the coming ban- sip, and in many other respects acted quet, with conspicuous mention of the toastmaster at Koppel Mendnck ban- fact…

…, "Beryl Minkelthah the "it") had many of the weaknesses Beryl Minkenthal Was not to preside. Tuesday the sun shone, but not for The toastmaster did not read this inherent in beings intensely human. 13eryl…

November 02, 1923 • Page Image 8

…. the election to the highest office in the Glows world-wide welcome; her FAMOUS JEWISH MEN AND WOMEN HILLEL FOUNDATION IS ORGANIZED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Headquarters of the Hillell Found a- a…

…, and the pro- sity of Illinois campus. Tables for gram for the Foundation. reading, writing or study have been It is the hope of the Hillel Founda- provided for the comfort of the stu- tion that as time…

… ment of this sort. One of the leading will find magazines and periodaclals. Jews of the Twin Cities community The Hillel Foundation Is a new has said of the Hillel Foundation; movement in Jewish life…

… has arisen a movement poses. The name "Hillel" is taken anteing our future leading citizens from the name of the renowned rabbi which will bring them into harmony who lived in the first century before…

… with one another and which will pre- the Christian era and to whom is as- pare them to serve their coinntunities cribed one of the formulations of the as better citizens. The Hillel Foun- Golden Rule…

… foundation. been educated for their profession ready been said about the "many The management of the Hillel Foun- rather than merely grown up in it. thousands" of Jews who have asked dation is vested in a…

… Germany's her heart, a bronze tablet has been sidered to be modern, the ideas of so- economic misery." German anti- fleeced inside the pedestal the cial justice and of universal peace, are Semites have…

university district AO that these rooms committee. The duties of the Student may serve as the headquarters for Council are the consideration of the every Jewish student on the Univer- budget, general policies…

… being initia- "The good that it is accomplishing is ted at the University of Illinois. It is already being felt in our neighbor- the first organized Jewish movement hood. It should Ice of the utmost sig…

… one of the chief purposes is to promote among the Jewish students attending the university the desire for lay lead- ership and to develop talent and desire for congregational activity. JERUSALEM (J. T…

December 14, 1923 • Page Image 9

… was pro- commenced to sing. marched stiffly into the room. 6339 MICHIGAN AVE. of Miles to Find a School. ,; , , ! Nothing else broke the strange quiet I "'Ere you are," she said cheerfully sacred books…

… PERSIAN PAPER HILLEL FOUNDATION OF U. OF ILLINOIS REPORTS PROGRESS AUTO TOPS 11 '0 11 rimming C. L. Livinggood over the pale light; reverent y s e commenced the blessing. Rebecca stood in the doorway…

… forgot- violently she cursed Rivkah flung with her- all dents. Nov. 10 was Dad's day at the penalties noted out to those who had The editorial which appeared in the university and a number of parents oeen…

… Service Mrs. a sturdy who I Rebecca longed to get away—to university presides at the ethics class. playe, New York City, to bring educa- natural resources of the country, and came to keep the few scraps of

of • whole season in Chicago and }fa- other in New York and was originally Russia where Jewish education has produced by Sam II. Harris with town forbidden all along, a rumor was her feeble fingers…

…. Rebecca made no George Sidney, famous comedian, in spread at Kiev Chedarim Hebrew the leading role. It is one of the most attempt to draw away. she whispered Charles Shohl, president of the human stories…

… ever written and tells "Rivkah! schools) had been permitted to reopen. Union of American Hebrew Congre- the story of a sweet-minded man who hoarsely. "When did you light the This intelligence spread like…

… wildfire -- gations is in receipt of an editorial village Shobhas lights? They have never two through the Jewish settlements in gees to a small New England III.—With of his from a Boston newspaper praising…

… re acti ■ ity past the hundreds of towns all through the Rabbi Joseph S. Kornfeld, for his and is thrown out on account i winGii N i Rebecca glanced at her grand- gone Suddenly out before. Rebecca…

… threw back her tve(e-7kilsA oliii'ilA exceptional faith. The play is one of l" of the Ilillel Foundation for Itivkah long-standing oil ! "Rivkah land it Bent a thrill through the heartc efforts in…

December 28, 1923 • Page Image 3

…v ista/Cam Pinsk periodical Cotter CLUTON ATINTJ1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO pitigntprriensnyonynco N MI JEWISH STUDENTS OF N. Y. ORGANIZED ?ne of to o•ve rag held rhy c r p.. Hillel Foundation…

… Rothen- ber• and Maurice Samuel, laid down plans for the strengthening of the intercollegiate Zionist groups in Co- lumbia University, Hunter College, N • York University, Adelplu Col- lege, the Jewish…

… this fall at the munity. He Was met at the Pennsyl- University of Illinois at Champaign, vania station by the Mayor's commit- III., according to a statement by the tee, whence he was escorted to the…

… general facing only ing by the co-operation of university a battery of cameras as he emerged students and instructors and promi- from the Mayor's chamber. Several nent Chicago and Champaign and Ur- hundred…

… jour- nal as quoted, together ith a signed statement by three professors of the school of agriculture at ( ambridge University, favoring shechita, at the meeting of the board of deputies. Several…

…- ances in the universities of Central and Eastern Europe, was among those debated at the third session of the League of Nations Commission for In- tellectual Co-operation. The final session closed after…

… Expected to Become An Intercollegiate Organization. .11 usl to C0111- is directed by Rabbi Benjamin M. Frankel. The foundation hopes to promul- gate the spirit of Rabbi Hind and to foster his zeal for…

… charge of services. Three classes ore being given for Jewish students by the foundation—one in history and development of the Bible, another a training course for reli- gious school teachers and the thirst…

… a class in applied Jewish ethics. NEC YORK.--(J. T. A.)—Eighty students of the various colleges of Now York City met at the Jeiwsh Theological Seminary and after lis- te ning to addresses by Morris…

… Theological Seminary and other institutions of higher learn- HALLER RECEIVED BY ing in New York City. ACTING MAYOR OF N. Y. The students enrolled for Zionist work outside of the colleges, in ad- dition to the…

January 11, 1924 • Page Image 1

…A merica larisk periodical eater CLIFTON AV1NUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Telephone GLENDALE 1924 DETROIT LWISit of en . t and ; ! for t ad. I in Y ex. Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper…

… Printed in English THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Pageant .f ',he lead- dl he the and on tures such and • of the I wated Xyandatte, , Bay City, anti, Adri- • attend ussded make un…

…- . cepted, will be "Is the Ku Klux Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve- ALEXANDRIA, Egypt. — (J. T. Ad- and meeting rooms. Another floor Detroit is sch o'clock, at' Fundamentally Right or Wrong and PARIS.—(J. T…

University of Detroit School of Commerce; Judge Charles C. migration rstriction is the ideology i status of Palestine. the drive will be definitely prepared World War broke out, and he re- Simons, former…


… STATUS AGAIN UNCERTAIN France Demands Safeguarding of Alliance Israelite Schools. PARIS.—(J. T. A.)—The political status of Palestine once more be- comes uncertain due to the new de- Measure Attacked As…

… mands formulated by France asking Johnson for their fulfillment before ratifying Unjust by Marshall, Wise the Treaty of Lausanne. and Others. France will insist, firstly, that an ig nn rm ween an er li…

… to Complete At one of the largest and best at- Organization for Cam- tended meetings of the season, gath- Mme. Pierre Ponafidine, prominent ered for the purpose of selecting of- in diplomatic and…

January 18, 1924 • Page Image 1


… send a student to the School of Journalism of the Univeraity of Michigan every year. The students will be sent by the Jew- ish Chronicle Scholarship Fund, which has been created for the benefit of men…

… in this issue. • • • RABBI SILVER'S ADDRESS BEFORE MEN'S TEMPLE CLUB: At a well attended dinner meeting of the Men's Temple Club, held at Temple Beth El Saturday evening, Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver of

of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and took post-graduate work in medi- cine in Vienna. He also was a fellow of the Royal Medical Society, Lon- don, and the author of several books on medicine…

…A meriam Jewish Perithical Cotter CLIFTON AVINUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1924 Dea f T. A. Hotel I Rap- A. will id has 1; eve- session to give he eve. Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in…

…. NO. 8 PALESTINE WORK IS Chronicle Scholarship HENRY WINEMAN IS URGED AS DUTY OF In Journalism Created ELECTED PRESIDENT OF LOCAL CHARITIES ALL DETROIT JEWS Hayesod Campaign to Open at Banquet on Sun…

…- day, January 27. Keren Move That Will Eventually Result in Establishment of a Bar in Jour- nalism Lauded by Notables. 1 Workers Meet Sunday, Detroit Jewish Chronicle and its Scholarship Board to…

February 01, 1924 • Page Image 6

… or worthy for election to the presidency confession for years; he spent his "Kraut Strudel" struggled for sal Which bore an angel throng. Jewry. of the University of Michigan chapter. macy. money on a…

… displeasure is manifestly due to passing mention from the Jewish "Ach, yes, this life is a vale of sor- 850 High Street West the fact that hundreds came to hear Rabbi Abba Hillel press. Regardless of the Jewish…

of our best universities. We cannot be per- every man. of impatience and flung himself int Now that he no longer plays an important role in t the classical Hebrew learning will unfit Association is…

… 31,1. /PS is that Menorah is dead! 1 have in from a former my possession a letter president of the University of Michi- Menorah, who did his utmost to gan revive the movement during its dying days. I…

… hanged man experience as Judge in the Federal Courts. ENIN'S death deserves more than A GOY IN THE GOOD PLACE lies?" cried Anton, in horror. General Offices and Publication Building The cause of her…

…: _ Silver speak on "Is Progress a Myth?", and these same tude rewar let regime; whatever Jews may think poor man a cup of coffee and a bun," 14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England hundreds failed to attend…

… the meeting where from her of the Russian workers' republic, one I. and the priest sighed, and undid the $3.00 Per Year That The first they knew of it in town point of view the concrete vital, present…

… question of thing must be borne in mind: middle button of his coat, which drew Subscription, in Advance during the darkest war and p was through Lottchen Schmidt, who an uncomfortable crease after meals…

… evening of each week. The old man expostulated and en- We may agree that many like to be amused, and Hell where the Jew was secure was and Soy- and came home with a sock in her treated in vain. The Detroit…

… Jewivh amulet. Invites correspondence on subjects of mutton iet Russia. del not need fear pogroms emotionally edified, which may account for the failure hand. "Put thy trust in Cod, my son, and respo…

March 21, 1924 • Page Image 2

… Jews have co be able to find a market, due to the in the home. DETROIT MICHIGAN about 3,500 have left, makint distance from the market, to lack of room.. Developing Agriculture. Jewish population of

… if only the slightest understanding of tensive farming was universally carefully by the opportunity afforded Jewish life that a repetition of what veloped, would find itself I me through my visit…

….Making Club, who always tried clam walk solemnly to her seat. how he became the chancellor of the to "show off." The rival clubs had "Really, girls," went on kind-heart- University of London. The Prince of

…. "Yes, but she was so nice about it," the University of London this after- proudly to the door and paid his way, it," declared Dora, "But, of course, we and there day after day he sat listen- declared…

… robes ticed a lark light. It pro ed to be poor 11010, al- NOW OPEN AND READY TO SERVE YOU! of a Chancellor of the university, went forth from the palace into a waiting most frozen r, death. They took him…

… ques- vice-chancellor, followed by the con- greatest teachers ever known. ferring of the chancellorship of the tion the finest of its kind in the university upon the young prince. country! The action was…

… characterized by the rich pomp and circumstance in Here you may choose from the keeping with the traditional pageant- products of America's finest manu- ry by which the chancellorship of the university of London…

… ceremony came to an A 1902 end. Satisfied that there was no long- ROSENBERG BROS. er any question as to his right to the 1127.1129 FARMER STREET KOSHER MEAT MARKET title of chancellor of the university. Deli…

… lack raw materials, a standard of life equal to or slig but a study of what that country pro- higher than that of the count duces and the labor conditions under from which Jews are coming. The whole of I…

…'alestine, no le which it works, as well as a study of its standard of living, would convince than a small county in one of (Continued from Page 1) even the ordinary layman who had large states in America, even…

September 26, 1924 • Page Image 47

… a second Dayton flood, the Constantinople fire, junction with the Americanization Hillel Foundation at the University members. In Europe and the Orient the long in the same city. T he next year saw…

… which includes; First, list of institutions maintained by the lar foundation at the University of the teaching of English, civics and more, and in six years the B'nai to the recent Japanese earthquake…

… government in sup- rescue of victims of persecution; to large amount of material concerning porting. the universal protest against Provide for, protect and assist the the accomplishments of Jews in all the…


…, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 V91.. XVI. NO. 18 Section Four World-Wide Work In Jewish Idealism --- The Story of the B'nai B'rith Achievement By LEON L. LEWIS, Editor, B'nai B'rith News t41 LL LIZ ;, alls and to…

… Jew is h life, history, literature, ethics, h city w i Dons within te - I R abbis, the U nion of American Ile g facilit les philos ophy and ninny pertinent sub- rg Relief in Emeencies. number of years…

… ago, while the phi- r ov lite suitable housin brew Congregations, the Council o pet s. Man y of its contributors are ant hropic anal social features have l The order has done I chef work in Jewish Women…

… and the Zionist Or- and sailleient ground for small gar- leading authorities, both Jewish and dens for recent immigrants to Pales- grown far beyond the hounds of the every great emergency from the Chi…

…- ganization of America. min-Jewish. The order also publishes founders' most exaggerated dreams. ' cago fire on through the Charleston In its Americanization work the tine. eight journals in English, German…

…, Endowed Billet Foundation. B'rith co-operates with the De- The original lodge grew so quickly. earthquake, the Galveston tidal wave, French and Ilebrew which publish of- The most recent undertaking of

December 12, 1924 • Page Image 1

… ATTACK ON SAPIRO Community Near Grosse Pointe Organizes Worship Center and a Day School. Co-operative Marketing Expert Will File Suit in Courts of Michigan. CONGREGATION NOW HAS 75 MEMBERS SPONSORS…

… Pointe section, num- "We are going to make the Dear- Bernstein's letter, which is dated litss ' the rural districts of Michigan. an emergency had arisen. Burry- Degree Team. born Independent prove in the…

…,,:v In by the same author, Queen woh e i m i na p l aee j h er d a District scribes Work of Hillel Foundation. The evoinzt,iotiin l Insists the Movement Involves Accepted Modern Methods of

… Jefferson 10:45 o'clock, at Temple Beth El. A of the farmers was warned that his the University of Illinois wished to be and supporters. e special program of music will be ten- charges were a mass of lies and…

university campus that will re- ational educ i worshp a f- tljo'r'e I cent r o Rabbi J. B. Grossman to foundation for a new and significant quire an expend it are of $5tiossiti. rapidly grow- , ich thnd rich…

… Delitzsch in connection with the ing the ptirents home, I g,tt into my und wh work aro Big Educational Program era in American farming." And what is true of the University of 1 publication in Dutch of lie…

… Synagogue he will ment is an augury. e universities of Ant- need be, ght ill this country last week for t,,,i .. was the. principal . arrived . t, . ymegen lactrintly iers I lip in . a propose E"b"" the…

… in- . 1Mai •t`i (f i ' 1 e . . ted by the degree team of Flint Lodite, life to the development of the Jewish , University stated: "I regret that a r n.` •l suture and tint it is net a political ess non…

March 20, 1925 • Page Image 4

… Tit Insure publication. all ••ening of each week. office by Tuesday March 20, 1925 Adar 24, 5685 Where Are We Drifting? The Hillel Foundation. body. primarily relig- The purpose of the foundation…

… course them and to receive them on ferins of moments of doubt and depression, to the credit of the 11'ntii Writh and the Hillel the charge, but resorts to a piece of specious reasoning he failed. t kin…

… as a lew arming my ancestors, add s . yc . l turn 'i D e o t n in nYet the crime would not be so great. though I should hesitate to make any of our degradation of the democratic creed. Michigan. negate…

… not know if there lkorja P "If '3.11e choir of Jewish history and Rae- founding of a Billet Foundation at the University of ophancy' and monarchial worship to the list :h t it is and by whom it is being…

… the earth. The fm. on account of the ugly attitude of the anti-Semitic made my first acqaintance with the in their predictions of failure from the very outset quotes ty of the old University of Salamare…

…tillIPCTIttitl; PSIS/ I PI PAGE FOUR' eeee v 1114„, 4.6 4. rar the Russian masses had no part in the creation of Bob • IIROINICLE shevism. The peasants. as a matter of fact, consistent- ly…

…. Jacob H. Schakne, General Manager Postofile• at Detroit. The rancors and hatreds have had their string re- ch t, 1911, at the Entered as Second-clam, matter Mar 7 . turn. under tits Act of Mash 1, 11…

… ___-- moved among the people themselves. Only the pro- —_— and Publication Building fessional fomenter of turmoil and the exasperated General Offices frustrated fanatics feel that exploded theories trans 850…

… In Spain THE DIGEST EMIT BWISII By DR. ANGEL PULIDO, Ex•Vice-President of the Spanish Senate. JOHNSON. PANKEN DEBATE B. Albin in his weekly review of Jewils affa:ts in the they of Feb. 28 discus…

… es the debate on immigration NOV York held in the TOWII Hall of on Thursday, Feb. 25, between ( 011- gr•seman Albert Johnson, chairman of the House committee on immigra- lion, and the Socialist…

March 20, 1925 • Page Image 5

…. looked to in the emer- C Jacob II. Sarasohn, a p ioneer rest the entertaimnent committee. i dent of Michigan who settled in gency, — I Traverse City ahnost a half-century sound, economic LARGE PROSPERITY…

…Americo ffewisk periodical Carter PAGE FIVE ent011,11_1 11 S1, 011to VI E L 0e5-1-1T5 University Opens On Mount of Olives gg mili 111111111i nsimulm i i mmin l…

… llospitztl of Ness ,,,I, . , „ build the medical ,.01104, and r nutn God, but I r There are many persons who think they are even greate hospital of the university. Ten acres have yet to meet one who really is…

… Palestine. was flora Lower Schools Too. enormous income for a profess ional West Indies and passed his boyhtlOii in ' „ I he Hebrew University stands at I of humble Jewish parents in the man at that time…

university, draws , -----::----- 'sec (10 per cent of its financial sup- A member of the intelligentiza, a lady standing, sends the first two volumes of the Nobel prize-winning book, ''The . ort from American…

…, naturally I expected to .ineentgor the university, a , l_ .)AvLs,nia,tintaid,ju and I was not disappointed. It is (if course asking too much of human nature "" hr""c i hn sponsored to estab- , t i wit h his…

… you who have read Helen Martin's books defiling with know the Possible to secure. While the university is planned pr;- my against those folk. I grom orphans in the Ukraine, was Jewish community of

… Copenhagen, ejudiced pr been st have the as a research university where mintl when I finished Pennsy lvania Dutch must urged at a meeting of prominent writing h ad on were present. preju the greatest Jewish…

… Western a! research university the lea de rs were Dedicated Sunday: suffering Jewish population of Soviet Paris, the attache of the Britis h t ni It will be a matter of interest to world his idea of the…

… 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i i i i imiumusiimmussussusimmi .,..... a n 0-1AS. I+. JOSEPH- - Through the work of the station to. 'MCC° cultivation on a large scale has By Chas. II .10,..0. / (copetsiiint, 1921. been…

April 03, 1925 • Page Image 9

… and poor Jews the comfort and con- ]and highly appreciated piece of equip- t he B'nai Writh Hillel Foundation at PHONE NORTHWAY 3861 an hospital steriliz- the University of Illinois is aiding…

of Michigan who attended ord because of the desire of many . I members to be present at the derisive ' East Palmer avenue. were the Misses Julia Ruth att l e. Ilarriet Levy, Eleanor Scher, Pauline b…

of the stone avenue will be hostess at a I Edwards concerning the recent meet- Mh Kart of the Michigan Council at Flint. ng AND HIS b, will be held Saturday evening, bridge tea Sunday afternoon, April…

… services of Al I in teaching ballroom a his "Michiganers retaty; Mrs. S. Kali, treasurer; Mrs. Art Strauss and and Mrs. R. Burstein, give instruction in vocal training to well known collegiate orchestra. The…

… opening of the liebrew University in Jerusalem, to be held at the Kirby • Center Sunday evening, April 12. Master Shur will translate his talk ' into English for the benefit of those who do not understand…

… them to New York. The last meeting of the B'nos Ra- chel was held 'Tuesday evening, Mar. 91, at the home of Sophie RushewskY, 623 Englewood avenue. A discus- sion of the opening of the university on the…

… will he held • the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority.lness meeting of the lodge will prob- i Among the sorority girls from the ably establish a new attendance rec. at the home of Florence Gross, 429 University

… venience of a modest hotel. t ! men Through it. the service the clinic .1ewish boys and girls, graduates o I .o.anmmoigIRPIL . is is able to render has been greatly ex- the university, to secure employment…

… necessary in which Owing to the Wednesday evening. ) ar e graduates of various colleges end begins of dra, . universities throughout the country.. I this 0 order to get the most out April 8, the officers of

… SPEECH WI Nathan Shur, as the representative United f the children attending the Ultra Modish New Frocks birthday cake. A glorious array of all that is new and smart for Spring. Models for every…

May 01, 1925 • Page Image 1


… leaders of the Michigan principal speaker. Other addresses to the dictates of Jewish religious April 22. cultural marketing organizations hers to throw in their lot with the Federation for Ukrainian Jewish…

… Dr. Bramson, who is one of the Eu• house, 89 Rowena street. Hillel Foundations. Reports Given on Immigration, Hillel Foundation, Migra- tion to Mexico. ICE 1-0-4-0 Conduct 'UKRAINIAN JEWS TO SAPIRO…

…-moving description of the plight eveni ng they will be honor since the of East Europ of the work at the two Hillel Foun- h eld I ■ guestss oat a banq uet in the din ing room Ai, claims he composed dations during the…

… Committee. He pointed out that the at Kirby Center last Tuesday eve, the Michigan Federation for Ukrain- common-law rights ill the song (he wax re-elected Jewish students at each of Marshall Brown of

…, intoxicated by chauvinism, has , ram, H. Glass life he may assume intellige - i large number of cases by the Jewish cruel, discrimi-' Auxiliary of the Michigan Federation ership for, after all, interest in Jew…

…' Selling University Mag- seines. - Dr. Motzkin, Dr. Kohn, Rabbi That every Jew in Detroit enroll Eisenstadt to Spend May Henry Ford and the Dearborn Pub- as a participant in the activities of 1.4 in Detroit…

… Eisen- cinnati and for the last 21 years has campaign for the National Hospital resolution Of the Agudath on the Jew- and contends that his standing with the Ilebrew University on Mount stadt, formerly…

…. Niego of Con- memorating the opening of the Ile- Adolph Finsterwald and others. d y The annual meeting of the Jewish Agenc should engage in cultural an i .„., brew University in Jerusalem was a…

May 22, 1925 • Page Image 5

… the devil's doctrine and that doome ever Jewish for the Hon. William GIVEN is Hillel Foundation teams of the Uni- FUNDS WILL BE a hellish belie f mind that opens itself to receive such versities of

…. Located at Michigan Avenue and Shelby Street, the Humidor specializes in the Beak-Cadillac brand of clear Cadillac cigarettes, Havana cigars, the high grade Book , and Book-Cadillac smoking tobaccos. 1…

… ---/ -- , rwin Huxley CHICAGO.—Two university debar , be used to fight Da Europeans. lte, ing teams composed exclusively of bone of an ass is going to .Phfil or of the h i ou d o is former boy oral The jaw s. the…

…- ' " - = solved, That a in Jewish University be the Submitted by Kahn, Rosen, =- tiZn7agme millions stake than this law passed by the illiterates of the State Established America," with y thing mwoerettealmat…

… = Brown and Others. • • of Tennessee prohibiting the teaching of evolution in the public schools of maintenance University of Illinois supporting the = — Much more important is the . that intellectual…

… "miracle" city. Leonard Cohen of Chicago, Bernard , ing this campaign will also be used romance of the Holy Land will not of sanitation , were selected: University of Illinois, I for urgent problems u ( ii…

… annual event. occupation open to him was Founded at the of II- committee and University at University of the the executive evening of May 14, at which mil- and met a Jew except in the larger cities. • the…

… describing conditions in let me remind you of what Elbert Hubbard once told me he was raking is country i o his t s .s, gradually extended to other universe- were submitted. The chairman rend- up some back…

…. The Passion Play has done I since enough harm in creating prejudice without the addition of others of the [ dation at the University of Illinois. the war period. It is cor 1 An interesting phase of the…

… splendid programs. build a university there at the present I. Midgets have a brand mental processes are out of joint. You ean The D. J. sage of so long as our nations, Bok Billy peace plans, churches, radios…

June 19, 1925 • Page Image 9

… On our own club we have x Jewish boy named Sant Bohm., who four bed- 1521 MICHIGAN AVENUE Rabbis. Dr. David Philipson of Cin-,(salt „ director is in charge to make In the meantime the TO RENT…

… Virginia Park, be- i renberg of Boston the National (ler the name of Hillel Foundation Charles A. Comiskey, presioler of t Vo I I tween Wilson and Twelfth Ste. n,,euss - . , of American baseba . who vcrec…

… Eu- , declared. would be conducive his name was not changed by the officials of the' club but by himself. ing carried on to bring the Jewish elan, ho clid 00114-W. • university student the spiritual…

… ever; leading American university. has (luring the last year established i Cincinnati Proud of Sam Bohne. August Herrmann, president of the Cincinnati Baseball Club, is very I the capital to $400…

… Western Wall, common- cial activities for Jeuffsh students was of the University of Pennsylvania. eniphatic in his stand against discrimination accusations. His ui t lemen. Near two car lines. Call…

… final (frith is perers will sustain The directors of the trust comnany , Phone Hemlock 1092-M. - ---- 1 fell of St. Louis, the National Feder- forming at the University of Illinois ' are: George R…

…. Andrews, George L. Players Judged on Merit . Ch' i ' ation lof Temple Sisterhoods; Fred and the University of Wisconsin un- tle White Sox the grand old man Bahl, Clarent•e H. Booth, George D. FOR RENT-1629…

… upper I on the university our e it of doubtful characters, writes a short and strong comnient. ri 'l i ' l 'ililitf Detroit, Felix ' i ; VraT '. 1.1)er(.1(Ir. el(to fi Dewey, George NI. Holley, Frank J. S…

… major sistant cashier of the Federal Reserve] Our product is not only "Easy to look Cambridge, the Union of Orthodox a larger number of universities. In pire 2598. We comb the minor leagues very…

… attend. er favor. — , merly manager of the Nlichigan buni- difference and if we should find a Jewish boy who had the ability RENT--Pingree 2280, near La Intelligentsia Most Lead. In universities located at…

June 19, 1925 • Page Image 10

… modification, Hebrew may be Harry used as the language of instruction in the schools maintained by the Jewish Phillips. Rabbi Alibis Hillel Silver of 1 Electrician Cleveland, one of the leading rabbis…

… fort lack of a home- made the dramatization and so accu- HocknellKnowlson Co., 2445 Michigan—Glendale 9888 h xeression in the statement referring ially the the Jewish espec t e land for people. The paper…

…, practice and ideals which have been the corner stone of Dodge Brothers success. Palais de Dance censored. Highest Standard Michigan Paper Stock Co. 0 Monuments THOMAS J DOYLE MAIN 1491 SPIRINK…

… conferred for the first time upon a ! non-Jew, at the recent graduation ex -. I l ercises of the Hebrew Union College. Professor George Foote Moore of Har- I take NO cams to the Courts. I yard University, a…

of at the University of Heidelberg. Your Table. the Central government. Contributions to Library. EGGS • • • FRESH COUNTRY He told of a journey made by Dr. OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS Thirty persons received…

…•,— • , -- • •••,'"` — r turned from Madison, Wis., where cation with her parents, Mr. and Mr: she is a student at the University of Adolph Greenebaum. of Novobichoff, District of Mohileff, White Russia, according to…

… Professor I greatest of its kind, was purchased .. a gift of Mrs. Morris L. Beh- in I wi with M. N. Densmore, professor of Biblical literature at Chicago University, an article published in the June isue of

… towards the The universities and colleges of Vienna which were closed following I ted approximately $3Th scholarship fund. sum repre- Strictly anti-Semitic riots by Ilakenkreuzler students, were re…

…-opened recently by order of the minister of education. The order to close the universities and , cents 11 scholarships donated by in- anti-Jewish riots started by the anti- dividual sisterhoods, varying from' a…

… will I Call I Mayor DixengotT has resigned his post as mayor of Tel Aviv owing I to disputes with local labor leaders, according to an announcement issued I H. M. KOFFMAN 912 E. HANCOCK ST. Residence…

July 10, 1925 • Page Image 5

… humanity, by co- for the solution of the man a New York, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver problems affecting Palestine and the now, therefore, he it logists and the skilled physicians and surgeons. man o future of

Hillel Silver, Cleveland• . Alfred Partisan the leadership of Louis Marshall, at st att concerning the extension of the Jew- -- 0 . ondon, and Dr. Scnmarya which steps were taken to invite Jew- London…

… their faith in r t fi ation at the recent o enin gii,s0at mann Conheim, Jacob Fishman, be e the Presence of God and His constant willingness to aid man, will li.h rew university 0lia Blount 1 raham…

…A liferkalf larish Mailed Carta mirror; AVINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE FIVE iittnerr.oi rjoosa aiRoNICLE was referred to the na. provision of the mandate above 141S011 Olf,tri5 9)( quot…

… HEAD I kn almost That final steps have been taken to i equal battle was con- • i, the non-Zionist branch of 1 rgan • • ducted on the question of equal suf- „ S CONVENTION i ' AT P P. S. I (rage for…

… by the cum- Leonard Stein, political seeretary of l meat and expressing confidence in mittee wished the Zionist Organize-' the World Zionist Organization, who , ' tion of America to ''CO on record in…

… • read a letter from Louis Marshall, his leadership. favor of equal suffrage for men and during the discussion on the matter of By Chas. H. JosePh•/ (Cocrw•isht, 1921. Praise Sir Herbert Samuel. I women in…

… the Jewish National As- 'the Jewish Agency. ., A (ter hsr nil, du duly considered the Abother resolution of great import-1 semblY in Palestine," intended to i Last week I invited the Jew sh Science…

… group to use this column to make i , j Hs an strengthenthe Progressive wing a statement regarding the meaning and purpose of Jewish Science. H abbi lance adopted by the convention I I i representative…

… , Sir Herbert Samuel, retirin, thus Clifton Herby Levy, the leader of the movement, has very kindly re '.'"` h to Commissioner of Palestine. The of th e Plestine Jewish National As- subject, t am now -ed…

September 04, 1925 • Page Image 3

… matters. A resolution calls Sigma Lambda Sorority on Tuesday, president of the Michigan Store Fix-I foran increase in the membership of i I the Zionist Actions Committee to ' Sept. 1, when the following…

Hillel Silver of Cleve- land. As alternatives were elected Meyer W. We;sgal, Max Conheim, William Lief, Archibald Silverman of Providence, R. I., Dr. David J. Ku- liski and S. J. Weinstein. A man who is…

… Palestine Jewish national assem- d . will hold its first meeting of the fall hl). H•shaeltr Camp. A meeting of Ilashachar Camp, No. term on Sunday evening, Sept. 6, at Freedom of Instruction at University

… the freedom of in- brew meeting of the Northwestern struction in the Hebrew University. Women's League of the United Ile- During the vote on the resolution urg- brew Schools was held last Tuesday . ing…

… the freedom of instruction in the evening at the Philadelphia and Ily- DAVID CHATLIN eon Talmud Torah, when plans were The sudden death of David Chatl in, ' Hebrew University, delegates of the discussed…

…A merica ffewith Periodical Cotter CLIPTON AMISS - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE '111RE ■ THEPerRondmsti (if BONICLB WEIZMANN, SOKOLOW RE-ELECETD AS HEADS OF WORLD ZIONISTS "graternal anb Cub 1otc5…

… 0 (('ontinued from page 2.) Madison Athletic Club. Ocean Girls. Miss Sara Bursky of 1969 Glit,i_ Th, Madison A thletic Club will stone avenue was hostess at the last hold it: annual Labor Day party…

… next meeting of the Orean Girls, on Thurs. Monday at its cottage at Cass Lake. day, Aug. 27, when plans for a card Michael Grusakin is chairman Of the party were discussed. The next meet. dance to be…

… given Sept. '20 ut the ing will be held at the home of the Arena Gardens, for which tickets are Misses Fannie and Etta Riegel of being sold by all members. The Cass Lake Rialto Orchestra will play. •1417…

… West Euclid avenue. are to have proportionate representa- tion in the .lepartment of labor and' immigration of the Zionist Executiver and in the Palestine commissions with regard to the distribution of

November 27, 1925 • Page Image 1

…, considered the Relation Between the Conservative ganization and the Hebrew University is ire; Mr. Raszkiewicz, Minister of launch the United Jewish Campaign eel the Reform Jews of Detroit a Fund, nder the am…

…A merico Par ish periodical Carta rer -' New Location: 0 ir 525 w 00 w AR o CLIFTON Arms - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO REDETROIT w1 R 1-0-4-0 THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per…


…, Roaenau and Israel _ A. NI. Congregation of Chicago, will , United Drive States Send Statement to Brown, Had Been in United lecture at Temple Beth El on Fri- New York's East Side. day, Dec. 1, at e o…

…'clock on the sub- Marshall and Lipsky. Since Last July and Helped , NEW YORK.—Nahum Sokolow First in History of New Poland chairman of the executive committee Organize Drive. is the third and last of a…

… series of Formed by Polish-Jewish , t Organization s NEW YORK:—(n. T. A.)—The of the World Zioni three lectures which :table Freehof WOULD HAVE UNITED Pact Instigator. outstanding leader in the Zionis t…

… registration of aliens was ad von has been delivering at Beth El un- DRIVE FOR $20,000,000 movement for a generation, will at- by Secretary of Labor James Davis PREPARES FOR LAND der the general subject…

… the Brooklyn have heard Dr. Freehots former Expression Voiced on Eve of Nov. 29, at the head of a delegation IN CABINET UNLIKELY lectures are certain to conic again. of Commerce. Bills to this effect…

… ses- of well-known European Zionists. Mr. will be introduced at the coming Work Includes Surveying, Set- Those who have missed the first Conference for United Sokolow, well known to Jewish com-I they…

… declared. . Reich Unofficially Promises two lectures are urged to avail i sion of Congress, naturalizatio n system! fling Groups and Collec- Palestine Appeal. munitiee throughout the United( the in oppor…

January 08, 1926 • Page Image 11

… lars. Write Jewish Chronicle, Box alone who has a good home to of- brought forward as a justification for oneness of God, the immortality of Hillel and of his other Jewish teach- 160. fer? Call Empire…

… Harvard University, to? If in truth, the ethical teachings s - The book of almost 200 pages deals bravely, but with th e care and the is not merely untruth but sacrilege, all profe a llel columns of the…

… come down Herbert H. Gardner, Vice-President and Trust Officer B. Mus. Columbia University. Christian religion? Up to the time of name shall be One." May that time to us through the ages. To consider…

…, the dis- Privet. Instruction Only. William A. Mayberry, Assistant Secretary Endorsed by Prominent Musicians. centuries, was Professor Emil Schurer cussion of which by Dr. Stephen S. of the University of

Universe." But the records of his writings and of his 168,96420 Interest Earned, But Not Collected sayings correctly — originated noth- when the Christian adopted this as 72,229.50 Customers' Liability Under…

…A ll/dealt fforisk Periodical Carter CAMON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 30, 01110 PAGE ELEVEN Thl ikritorrjEwisti ei HON ICIZ Vii•niWIEWMIWM, king of the Jews. Moreover, the set- mulgated the theory that…

… Jesus was a of Jesus or of his deity or of the va- Ling up of a new sect in his name myth and that other non-Jews in lidity of the superclaims which some was the work of his disciples, of which other…

… countries did the same. of his followers have made for him, The theory has seldom, if ever, are as indifferent in their relation to he himself had not the slightest ink- • been put forward by a Jew of recog…

…- an appreciation of the influence which ing. As to the lack of originality on the nixed scholarship. We have always in the course of the ages he has exert- the historical character of ed upon…

… civilization and culture as— part of Jesus and the Jewish charac- conceded Jesus. We have denied his deity. On of to quote Dr. Lake—is the beauty ter of his teachings, this has a been num., that ground which…

January 15, 1926 • Page Image 1

… URGE COOLIDGE TO SUPPORT LIBERAL IMMIGRATION BILL Per DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1926 VOL. XIX. NO. 8 President of Social Service Institution) Wedgewood to Talk on Palestine Jews…

… been a member of NEW YORK. — (J. T. A.) — The Michigan; Illinois and Indiana, has Parliament for 20 years. He has al- demand that Dr. Stephen S. Wise re- NEW YORK.— Allocation of the come here to…

… has Jewish Theological Seminary. Dr. sidered from the standpoint of human- service, Friday evening, Jan. 22. rt given the best that is in him to the !1Y, in the spirit of President Cool- C. E. Hillel

… they are no arranged jeopardized. We live in a country Cadillac Hotel. brew University Fund's allocation of 1 tressman Perlman's bill in the House The conference has been described David Brown and Other…

… rabbinics at the tion. Detroit but in the United States, for tine, that we Jews should create a University of Denver) or his ors. Jewish Members Interested. years has studied the trends in pri- Jewish…


… PALESTINE I TELEPHOLNIE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 Year, $3.00• Per Copy, 10 Cents on Palestine 1 At Meeting Monday , Michigan United Jewish Cam- paign Delegates Will Meet Jan. 31. ZIONIST LEADERS DISCUSS EFFECT…

January 15, 1926 • Page Image 3

…'S SERMON TO AID PALESTINE Jan. 31. Michigan United Jewish Cam- paign Delegates Will Meet Speak of 30 Years Service in Cause of Palestine and Judaism. Stephen S. Wise, Chairman, David A. Brown, national…

…. Quota Bills. Englishman and has been a member of NEW YORK.— (J, T. A.) — The Michigan; Illinois and Indiana, has Parliament for 20 years. He has al- demand that Dr. Stephen S. Wise re- NEW YORK…

… country and parents, which is proposed by Con- Wisconsin, Missouri and Oklahoma. Cadillac Hotel. brew University Fund's allocation of Notables that students registering for the FOC- where religion is…

… rabbinics at the Detroit but in the United States, for tine, that we Jews should create a University of Denver) or his ors. Jewish Members Interested. years has studied the trends in psi- Jewish question? It…


April 02, 1926 • Page Image 1

… the proposal to establish a Hillel undation at the University 0 MASSMEETING AT ARENA GARDENS AND BANQUET number of MAKES NO COMMENT ON F M oichi gan, Ann Arbor. AT HOTEL STATLER IS PROGRAM FOR GALA DAY…

… at University Labor Secretary Recommends Relief for Separated Im. A feature of the next meeting of migrant Families. Pisgah Lodge will be a discussion of 200 LAWYERS EXPECTED TO SERVE AS SPEAKERS…

… illel Foundations, which are ' Within Quota, preparations been made now functioning at the Universities Nevhe history of Detroit Jewry have s in connection with the visit of Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio…

university. Op- concrete recommendation to relieve Coolidge's the hard- he tone, !al' the '! 1 be o. enth- onie. aloe 4,1nc. RABBIS MAKE PLEAS FOR STARVING JEWS ' OF EASTERN EUROPE Franklin, Fischer…

… first pulpit, Rabbi Levin came to this the Recorder's Court anal lecturer in sociology at the University of Mich,• in the civic and social However, I feel as every clear minded en of 510,000 for the…

… the following suasiveness of Dr. Stephen S. Wise. for Palestine to Institute CHICAGO.-0. T. A.)—Contend- ligious education at Temple Beth El, Inst University of such opposite i comments—some crit• could…

… • group of Christian minis- Cadillac 2350. University in Des Moines, Iowa. respectfully declined, the paper 1 New Haven, Rabbi Levin was celled ed the judge to annul his marriage. • great deal toward the…

…v 4mericalt 'Wok Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVINU1 - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 26, 1926 and Isaiah concert was ' the Lechein h Ida 1• 01i is vice-presid en t surer. :ASES • —An alarm. se of suicides r…


… FAVORED S. WISE, SCHMARYA LEVIN HERE FOR UNITED PALESTINE APPEAL ON APRIL 7 Pisgah Lodge is Planning Or. BY JAMES J. DAVIS, Detroit Jewry Mourns Loss of Rabbi Judah L. Levin, Scholar and Sage gani2ation…

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