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April 20, 1923 • Page Image 1

Of.refialliffegiOrd/Wdieataida CLIFTON /MANUA - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO LWISII filtONICL Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Telephone GLENDALE 9-3-0-0 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME…

….) — Zionists dress the concluding session. Among in Poland be held as hostages and LONDON.— .r— nival and bazaar of the Michigan Fed- came on earth again now, he would cuss the policy of hte organization…

…, proceeds of which Jews, but by Christians." Hebrew Congregations in January (Turn to Page Two) The Zionist executive is under. Rabbis Abbe, Hillel Silver and Solo- Affairs that he is not aware of any are to…

… representatives in now 1 rflowing chancellor; Albert M. Mark, editor of e- ing tool ofe-the invader and by the every corner of the land came to New the Johns Hopkins University, will Warsaw to facilitate the return…

… pointed Franday evening. at the University this country he won the first prize that the great majority of the poor trained in a manner that will be of held in Washington, there will be !soil was the…

… PUBLICATION DR. WEIZMANN WILL SPEAK TO DETROIT JEWRY ON JUNE 3 v S tl a Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Copts DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 VOL. XIII, NO. 21 East and West Meet In New…

… Organization JEWS TO PROTEST POGROM BY STRIKE. Protest Meetings Called in Warsaw •and Other Polish Cities. TO HOLD SOcial Conference EXODUS OF POLISH SEE ANTI-SEMITISM SCHOOLS ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Program Arranged…

… FUGITIVES LIKENED IN ENCYCLOPAEDIA TO WAR EVACUATION ARTICLE ON POLAND Dri e of Local Talmud Torahs to Open Early in May. Secretary of Labor Davis to Ad- dress Community Center Tlu. United Hebrew Schools…

of lie- Secretaries. ' WARSAW.-1.1. T. A.)—A strike ) trait announce that the annual mem- to protest the anti-Jewish disturb . , Expulsion Order Involved Num. bership drive . for the , maintenance of

… flues last week, resulting in the in- Views of Geoffrey Drage in the 'the Talmud Torahs w ill be held early gouge Newspapermen Will Address Mass Meeting bar Estimated Between WASHINGTON. — Man y Problems…

April 20, 1923 • Page Image 4

… the overseers voted for unrestric- How weary he is, Hillel ed the he reason for this On the twenty-sixth of this month, the Jewish Chautauqua How hard and wearisome of mind, and received the fol- the…

… more efficient. This man afterwards named his s.;. Ukraine, an uprising against the gov- Shalt thou know tears, after Hillel. But its work has been carried far beyond the domain of the ernment was marked…

… interceding in his behalf for clemency if he to the university is a tridmph for 850 High Street West group of Jews who may tie called "mil- is guilty of the crime with which he happens to be charged. Cable…

… course of study you may pre- their university students be divided Awake from thy sleep! Jewish people as a whole that the tendency on the part of a few proportionately scribe," among-the various col- RABBI…

…- The new song of Zion. NAHALAL great universities, the Soctety has interpreted the teachings of which he prized most highly. That tance fro mNazareth and one hour der condition never before existed in…

… reports, the Board of Overseers of Har- vard University unanimously voted on April 9th that in the ad- ministration of rules for admission to Harvard College, the tra- ditional policy of freedom from…

… Governing Boards "principles and methods for more effective sifting of candidates for admission to the University." We trust that this report is accurate in every particular and that the decision of the Board…

…PAGE FOUR PIED El' ROITJEWIS SI ORON1CLE EIROY 7 EWI THE ILAl Cif RONICIA and teacher of his people. While at the time that this editorial is written, there is no official verification of the…

March 20, 1925 • Page Image 4

… Tit Insure publication. all ••ening of each week. office by Tuesday March 20, 1925 Adar 24, 5685 Where Are We Drifting? The Hillel Foundation. body. primarily relig- The purpose of the foundation…

… course them and to receive them on ferins of moments of doubt and depression, to the credit of the 11'ntii Writh and the Hillel the charge, but resorts to a piece of specious reasoning he failed. t kin…

… as a lew arming my ancestors, add s . yc . l turn 'i D e o t n in nYet the crime would not be so great. though I should hesitate to make any of our degradation of the democratic creed. Michigan. negate…

… not know if there lkorja P "If '3.11e choir of Jewish history and Rae- founding of a Billet Foundation at the University of ophancy' and monarchial worship to the list :h t it is and by whom it is being…

… the earth. The fm. on account of the ugly attitude of the anti-Semitic made my first acqaintance with the in their predictions of failure from the very outset quotes ty of the old University of Salamare…

…tillIPCTIttitl; PSIS/ I PI PAGE FOUR' eeee v 1114„, 4.6 4. rar the Russian masses had no part in the creation of Bob • IIROINICLE shevism. The peasants. as a matter of fact, consistent- ly…

…. Jacob H. Schakne, General Manager Postofile• at Detroit. The rancors and hatreds have had their string re- ch t, 1911, at the Entered as Second-clam, matter Mar 7 . turn. under tits Act of Mash 1, 11…

… ___-- moved among the people themselves. Only the pro- —_— and Publication Building fessional fomenter of turmoil and the exasperated General Offices frustrated fanatics feel that exploded theories trans 850…

… In Spain THE DIGEST EMIT BWISII By DR. ANGEL PULIDO, Ex•Vice-President of the Spanish Senate. JOHNSON. PANKEN DEBATE B. Albin in his weekly review of Jewils affa:ts in the they of Feb. 28 discus…

… es the debate on immigration NOV York held in the TOWII Hall of on Thursday, Feb. 25, between ( 011- gr•seman Albert Johnson, chairman of the House committee on immigra- lion, and the Socialist…

March 20, 1925 • Page Image 5

…. looked to in the emer- C Jacob II. Sarasohn, a p ioneer rest the entertaimnent committee. i dent of Michigan who settled in gency, — I Traverse City ahnost a half-century sound, economic LARGE PROSPERITY…

…Americo ffewisk periodical Carter PAGE FIVE ent011,11_1 11 S1, 011to VI E L 0e5-1-1T5 University Opens On Mount of Olives gg mili 111111111i nsimulm i i mmin l…

… llospitztl of Ness ,,,I, . , „ build the medical ,.01104, and r nutn God, but I r There are many persons who think they are even greate hospital of the university. Ten acres have yet to meet one who really is…

… Palestine. was flora Lower Schools Too. enormous income for a profess ional West Indies and passed his boyhtlOii in ' „ I he Hebrew University stands at I of humble Jewish parents in the man at that time…

university, draws , -----::----- 'sec (10 per cent of its financial sup- A member of the intelligentiza, a lady standing, sends the first two volumes of the Nobel prize-winning book, ''The . ort from American…

…, naturally I expected to .ineentgor the university, a , l_ .)AvLs,nia,tintaid,ju and I was not disappointed. It is (if course asking too much of human nature "" hr""c i hn sponsored to estab- , t i wit h his…

… you who have read Helen Martin's books defiling with know the Possible to secure. While the university is planned pr;- my against those folk. I grom orphans in the Ukraine, was Jewish community of

… Copenhagen, ejudiced pr been st have the as a research university where mintl when I finished Pennsy lvania Dutch must urged at a meeting of prominent writing h ad on were present. preju the greatest Jewish…

… Western a! research university the lea de rs were Dedicated Sunday: suffering Jewish population of Soviet Paris, the attache of the Britis h t ni It will be a matter of interest to world his idea of the…

… 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i i i i imiumusiimmussussusimmi .,..... a n 0-1AS. I+. JOSEPH- - Through the work of the station to. 'MCC° cultivation on a large scale has By Chas. II .10,..0. / (copetsiiint, 1921. been…

May 20, 1927 • Page Image 2

… Hall Sunday Vienna Soccer Eleven Will Play Picked Michigan Team at De- troit Stadium. Milton M. Alexander Is Chairman of Large Reception Committee. Mayor Sends Representative. Leaders Plead to…

… will play at the Uni- versity of Detroit stadium against a ! picked Michigan soccer team. A representative of Mayor John W. I Smith will be present to welcome the all-Jewish eleven to Detroit. Milton M…

Hillel Silver of Cleveland, Rab- tended that concert remembered the great deal of expectation to point the 'hart's Stolarsky, Irving Wartell, a salary of 81.000 a year for the tions do prevail. But…

… reconstruction of Palestine as The discussions on this question were Replying to the addresses, Mr. well, will all have to be immediately stitutions of the University of Cali- considered as the introductory phase…

… the munal banquets. burg stated that its achievements University of California; as horticul- Formal announcement was made were not only in the fact that it turist, Knowles Ryerson, late of the at the…

… convention of the purchase of I brought assistance to European Jew- University of California, horticul- a site upon which the United Syna- I also in the fact that it re- tural advisor to the government of

… education in the United State.: well condemn all universities becauso expenses and WO for publicity. This ers of America. if music when occasion will come. some boys have died from over-study.' taining the…


…. Alexander is chairman of the re- I cepion committee which will greet the players and Jacob S. Pearlstien and' Meyer Blatt of the J. C. A. are in charge of arrangements. Reserve- : lions for the dinner may he…

May 20, 1927 • Page Image 4

…. In the art of cookery they stand pre-eminent over the gen- eral run of eating houses. And their cooking is Jewish in every sense of the word. But it is not always kosher. The new Michigan kosher food…

… in his advertising, he is swindling his customers and deserves the penalties provided for such deception in the final clause of the law. The Jewish public of Michigan owe a debt of grati- tude to Rabbi…

… large feet because they are natives of a swampy country." (Shah. 21a; See Ab. R. N.) A would-be proselyte came to Hillel. the sage, with the request that he teach the questioneer all the Jewish law…

University and the National Library of the Jewish tourists visit the institu- in Jerusalem. Many manufacturers tions of the new Jewish I'alestine, the and merchants with a sharp eye to towns and villages that…

… Treasurer kotered as Second-erns ynat•er March 3, 1.16, at the Natalie. at Detroit, Mich., under the At of March 3. 1019. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac…

… reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week. When mailing notices, kindly time one side of the paper only. The Detroit Jewil h Chronicle invites correspondence on eubleets of interest to the Jewish…

… people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the views exp aaaaa d by the writer.. May 20, 1927 lyar 18, 5687 The Kosher Food Law. It is quite generally known that many, if not most of

… the restaurants and delicatessen stores that adver- tise themselves as purveyors of kosher food are not of- fering the public food that is kosher in the strict ortho- dox sense of the term. What they…

… have to offer is not kosher food but Jew- ish cooking. As a patron of the so-called kosher res- taurants we have often had reason to enthuse over the quality and the fair prices of the food they serve…

… carried out, should be enough to appraise the prospective customer of the truth about the foods he is buying. The merchant makes it his business to let the public know when he is offering them kosher food…

July 20, 1928 • Page Image 1

… its 87.-year WILL END PREJUDICE etinference held in Marienbad of OBLIGATED THIS YEAR old Jewish cemetery at Beth_ The Jewish life. CONTINUES country, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver the Writh lodges as well…

… flu- the Comzet send a commission to students' clubs, and associations at ' most important phenomena in Je v For Jewish Homeland universities and high schools. In mania are things of Inc past, the…



… LABOR CONCERNS ALL JEWS ."' 1-0-4-0 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cent DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1928 VOL. XXV. NO. 8 TELEPHONE CADILLAC Cornerstone Laid For O rphan Home _ - (Ludendorff…

… Fears B'nai B'rith Want to Kill Him BERLIN. — (J. T. A.) — Members of the Independent APPEAL TO GORKY AGAINST RUSSIAN BAN ON HEBREW W A RSAW.-1.1. T. A.1—A Itabbi Abba Mlle! Silver Order Wind Irrith in…

… Germany woi hi congress of Sabbath ob- haze evil designs against the l'ays Tribute to Work of be held in s,•rrers life of the former German war Europe. a i It'rith. lord and present leader of the lautern…

…- seriousness told in an inciting Criticisms Before Regu- more cases of cemetery & seers - mittee and it is planned to p land Jewish O rp h an Home oened out Authority. dicts Jewish Repre- article published by…

… the Deut- dustrial Field. a total Germany, making create a world wide alliance of hies hi lations Are Made. another brilliant chapter in the sche Wochenschau, the organ of - - - - sentative. of SO…

… during the past two years, strict Sabbath observers and to philanthropic achievements of the General von Ludendorff. REPUBLIC HAD Pit SOVIET in the last WRITER SAYS FARMING seek ways and means of reviv…

December 20, 1929 • Page Image 5

…, held at Champaign, Ill., Sunday, Dec. 8. Six other contes- tants, representing as many Hillel Foundations in other universities, competed. Nathan Levy of the University mad Michigan Hillel Foundation car…

… between Palestine and the -__ =-- ing the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun- world powers of antiquity — = dation at Cornell University, won —. Phoenicia and Assyria. = the first national Hillel oratorical — contest…

… Chanukah Parties: is survived by her father, Paul, and All three grades of the confirms = , mother, Fannie. tins department, or the Saturda = School , v.i hold special Chanuka EE I HILLEL GOLDMAN parties…

HILLEL 'the latest American religion, ..- , NATIONAL ORATORICAL I known as the Unity cult. Rabbi Fram's class in the history '= George A. Michaels, represent- of Palestine is studying the rela- :TT tions…

… Zitlin of the Uni- WOODWARD BRAKE versity of Illinois were judges of SERVICE, INC. the contest, which from now on 10240 Woodward will be an annual affair in national j At Trowbridge and Calvert Hillel

….) — After "Zukunft," were arrested here by The I.adies' Auxiliary and the searching them, 70 members of the the police. junior group of the Jewish Na- tional Fund, at a meeting Dec. 11 at the Shaarey Zedek…

… branch, COMPLETE PLANS FOR J. N. F. DANCE SUNDAY CHANUKAH GREETINGS This Sensible Gift 70 BUNDISTS ARRESTED In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Maxwell Gold- berg, who itasset away six…

… EVERY DAY Fur the one we loved so well. His loving Mother, Sisters and Brothers. In loving memory of our dear' husband and father, Eduard Blum- berg, who died Nov. 30, 1920 (18 days in Kislev…

…). Collateral Trust Notes of The Mortgage k Contract Co., give the Investor a Big Interest In loving memory of our dear father and brother, Julius I.avine, who passed away 14 years ago, 24 days in Kislev, Dec. 1…

…, 1913. —DENOMINATIONS $100 to $1000 —FOURTEEN YEARS OF LEADERSHIP — 513,000,000.00 ASSETS —DETROIT & SECURITY TRUST CO., TRUSTEE December brings sad memories, Of our loved one gone to real, lie will…

February 20, 1931 • Page Image 1


…,262 FOR 1931 l Jewish Students Only Three Community Fund Announc- es Its Allotment to the Welfare Federation. ?er Cent of Total in German Universities. ARREST THE STAFF OF $80,862, LARGEST SUM TO…

… set their hand, and bration of 10 years of constructive spend much of evening leisure time French University of Besancon, City to raise $1,000,000 toward a Sunday, Feb. 22, at 3 p. m., at the men's club…

… El, taking the place of Dr. and to the non-Jewish communities of Palestine." nean universities which will be Nathan Straus, Jr., Rabbi Airlift right to the title of count. the existing relief…

… demands which the general executive of the German Student Association, meet- ing here, decided to make. Plans were made for the association's members to conduct anti-Jewish propaganda in all universities

… and to work for a restriction in the number of Jewish students in every German university. The as- sociation is recognized in several states as the official voice of the student body. BAZAAR OF J. N. F…

… NORTH END VILNA YIDDISH PAPER Warsaw Police Raid Private Minyanim and Chassi- dic Synagogues. 0$ /75 ati fss CLINIC Gross Disbursement of Federation Agencies ' to be $359,312. Year's Hungarian…

… Premier's Son Marries Divorced Jewess. VIENNA.—(J. T. A.)—The secret marriage of Count An- drew Bethlen, son of the Hun- garian premier, Feb. 14 to Mag- dalene Viola, a divorced Jewess, has caused a…

… sensation in Hun- garian social circles. In view of the fact that Premier Bethlen is the leader of the anti-Jewish party he instructed secret serv- ice agents to investigate and prevent if possible the…

… marriage of his son to a Jewess but they were too late. Magdalene Viola is the di- vorced wife of 51. Kolaurich, a prominent Hungarian manufac- turer, and the daughter of the well-known editor and author…

March 20, 1931 • Page Image 9

… asked I Mr. l'ekarsky is a graduate 14 Reservations are now being is prepared to present an unusual of Miss Rosenthal, the club span- the University of Michigan, col- ' sor. taken for the Passover Seder…

… Wright, director of the been successful in bringing in new was instrumental in founding the house on Wednesday evening, April 1, at 6:30 o'clock. Further Detroit News Players and well members. Michigan

…" office. troit Repertory Theater. I in the hall of the Hebrew School. participated in the activities of the The persuinel of the cast select- They are busy getting Jewish pie-' Irnai B'rith Hillel

of the Hillel student hot Zuckerman, Morris Cohn, executive council. At the last hor the second time in its his- to 15 are invited to join. Pearl Gert, William Winer, Rosalie Avukah convention in…

…- mothers are under the medical care I Michigan Theater. ' fortably seated without undue, Social of Singing Society is of the Hadassah institutions, which Duke Ellington and his famous Big Success. constitute…

…, re- he stage of the Michigan Theater fortable position without cramp- ciety held Sunday, at 539 Kenil- ducing the death rate at delivery n Detroit this week. Claudette ing the legs. This feature is…

… Punishment Wipe Out tissement a la Hongroise, written the minds of the present genera- for piano duet and ararnged by Crime in Michigan?" Mark Gunzhurg for two pianos. tion of his former tremendous suc- Dr…

… screen appreciated on long drives. The Wonder Show of the a SECOND AND LAST Glares. Similarly, since 1921, when ! feature, "Ilonor Among Lovers." A study of the wheelbase and executive. Universe Eugene…

…Amerierm 9ewish periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVONUL • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE NINE TiElkernorr,kwisit &RDA Ku SHAAREY ZEDEK Y. P. S. STAGES PLAY MARCH 29 Young What Is expected to he one of the…

…. PEKARSKY ELECTED Y. W. H. A. NOTES U. H. S. ENDS AVUKAH SECRETARY I "Things": NEW YORK. — Abraham II. Cohen, chairman of the adminis- trative committee of Avukah, an- nounces that ut the last meeting ..1…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 1

…I, , Clamp n race , ea. I ., ..I en ph.... 'Vill Be Observed at Annual -I th a tthe). d Support of Hillel yati nice. - a . I. a of a ' the Board. Meeting This Sunday - Indeed.. ,• others. nt. I ,,!,•F…

…(.4 AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY The XV 11' and York 4 2:414 VOL. XXXIV. NO. 35 LAUNCH PALESTINE 'Professor 1933 CAMPAIGN AT „„, NATIONAL MEET , I. 1 A 1.,, din, slip of si…

… Our, 13e4 hit( eery inn, lie 4 l e of wit: rt of half the ' the 'het, eu co s. rte Contrasts Dis- Europe, Prog- r• , s in Holy Land. — - LEHMAN URGES JEWS TO HELP HOMELAND --• Building a Haven…

… for Jews in Palestine Declared Essential COrference tress in tt In satall Put eat v. " cnf ■ I • day d Slur, tnny . r t,hirh thr .1..1 , h mole are flit, ed rogres.iyi., con, Of is.' this…

… the the any -of is stat• surfs errhy dvd Itrd high• P.M InR Nher. r of dated arsof 11.,1 end rent • been of a hirer moat el in for lehd tad the I. II' 1. , 1 I 1 STERNBERG BLACK GET…

…,.,,I ,,,,• Itunumia I, it I I. • ! ItI 11. 11, I • 11 I 'I vitt, to the Air .lowish At the t.lose of the -ins A. II. Brahmin teas r ., I -I v.idoit of the organization, Leo %1I •t1 foul was re-elected as hone raty…

… presnlent and Hernial) Spier teas rthele , tod ...., I. .,,,I, Clain.. 11 n,.• I I I h.- tl tt 11.1'111 ...lent. The . the method fi)ei mines of It ho SAMUEI. STERNBERG SHOW PALESTINE'S SUCCESS ON…

… meet- , ing in Jerusalem "for fighting the REPORT TO STRESS ' ' :,'',;,'.' FEDERATION'S AIMS OBSERVE PINSKER'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY Di rt Igh .atJ'I tinfr) : 1 4 1PI work of this noted Arab National…

… Party — National Party ' I nIn td Page` Opposite Editorial) Zmnists pay tribute to I memory of the all hr. Id an Pinsker, on the occasion ,If the fiftieth ittinivetsitry of the ap- pearance of his…

… , of de., lop. Airmiey Executive has been foe. ::ni i , , , tg . ,‘,‘g . 1 , :, . , ,, : , ,, , , I, , 11,,i.c:v s .,;.. ,:.,, , ,i , I. ::,;., . i i, , , i i .,,,,o,,,,,i,..1s ( ki,:,,, , ,.:.:,,.i…

April 20, 1934 • Page Image 8

… - Margolis, secretary; Charles He reiterated that Germany May E bculevard and Lawton. The theme Hebrew University Confer- was venience! Service! for of the Hillel Foundation in Tennen, treasurer. of h:• Lill…

… and tered members of the group are , the faculty of University of De- la the Mona and conditions of • certain United Synagogue of America, dents of Detroit and of Michigan cot religious prejudice…

… synagogue • Michlgen rorporation of the game place la membership of 20. Girls interest- May 6 to 8, according to an an- University auditorium. price never offered in Michigan Mortgagee. dated the 1541 day of

…'s entertainment Dan Cu la WoollAVA1111 AV/ Samuel Gerson of 136 Michigan, The lecture was to have been held heroine, Rebecca, was modeled America since 1931. Ile was for- and will include "The Family," a one- from…

… cents a share fully paid the organization. Rabbi Goldman Prof. F. Ernest Johnson, noted spit The Jewish Community Center and Dr. Willmes will discuss the and state of Michigan. on the Rah dae of March A D…

…. Count/ Building to the CIO of Demon. Wayne presented with • Camp Fire Man- day, April 22. i'ke Feminist ZINDAS The sales campaign is under it cation at Teacher's College, Colum- County. Michigan inlet…

…. act, on "The Proletarization of the of the arrangements for next measure to prevent a mass upris- Ilolhrook avenue. Petard of the Ilebrew University, Jerusa- Jew." Rabbi Kadushin stressed Wednesday…

…'nai May 2 for a brief visit on behalf of Immediately after his lec- CLIP THIS COUPON a Judaism along lines now provided David Synagogue, Elmhurst and the University, according to Dr. A. at ture, • young…

… among the Jewish youth R. Lee Ibublo hull on ItIt d., or any of our Zion Synagogue, Humphrey and University. address over in his mind. burg. I bruit, hex. to bring about a new interest in liolmur. "I have…

of the university. They be the Melaveh Malkeh gathering H d graduate, to himself. The as the sole agency through which are arriving on the Steamer Ex- Zeta Alpha Rho Fraternity, in dance of Mizrachi…

December 20, 1935 • Page Image 4

… the By DR. BERN ARD HELLER subscribing large endowments will honor H o lid ay Director, Hillel Foundation of University of Michigan By "MENTOR" American principles and will not abuse the guarantees of

… official papers have already been signed, sealed and delivered. The new colonel, son of the noted Holly- wood film producer and Sally Eil- ers, Universal movie star, is 18 months old. Colonel Brown has not…

…- atrocious lie that we were threatening horted her sons to refuse. They were put to death one by one. The officers of the king de- presidents of American universities with stroyed schools and houses of worship…

… massacred a thou- sand of them. Nevertheless the people stood firm. Jew to Harvard University. On Dec. 10, Dr. James B..Conant, presi- Into every village came the king's soldiers, dent of Harvard University

of gathering news. Let us red law, and so they would fre- of the martyr or protestant, is un- be good for man, but are not for Hebrew University was provided with which purported to prove how the argue…

… Nob Ante at Detroit. NW, ■ ad., an Ant of llarib 11, 1111. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Teleeii«.., Cedilla. 1040 C.11. AAdriese: Cknimidio Lamina 011ica. 14…

…* expressed by the Wet.. — Sabbath Chanukah (Feast of Dedication) Reading of the Law Pentateuchal portion—Gen, 37 :1-40:23 ; Num. 7:1:17 Plophetiral portion—Zech. 2:14.4:7 Chanukah Reading of the Law Sunday…

…. Num. 7:18; Monday, Num. 7:24-35; Tuesday, Num. 7:30-41; Wednesday, Num. 7:36-47; Thursday, Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh Tebet readings of the Torah, Num. 28:1-15 and 7:42-47; Friday, Chanukah and Rosh…

… Chodesh Tebet read- ings of the Torah, Num. 28:1.15 and 7:48.53. December 20, 1935 ' Kislev 24, 5696 2,100 Chanukahs Much is being made of the fact that this is the 2100th anniversary of the Chanukah…

… festival. The sage steeped in Jewish law and tra- dition must smile at the sudden outburst of enthusiasm over the Jewish power to survive in spite of all obstacles. Ile who knows his history may ask: Why not…

March 20, 1936 • Page Image 12

… cource in farming. Since then I have listened to Dr. Bernard Heller, director of self that I had belonged to an Of the graduating group of 59, the debates in the French parliament; the Hillel Foundation at…

… the Uni- earlier generation of Zionists when first sent to Palestine following the I have attended press conferences versity of Michigan, introduced to be a Zionist was still to be an establishment of

… the ning included vocal renditions by over WXYZ and the Michigan! from 9 till I. Radio Network at 3:45 p. tn. plebiscite to "express the will of Cantor .1. H. Sonenklar, of Congre- An invitation has…

…; Her- House of Shelter. D man Jacobs, executive director of begging for the seed that needed Hebrew University. the Jewish Community Center. Rothschild-Hadassah University to be sown. By day and through…


…- in peace. Too bad, Too bad. Here is American Pro-Falasha Commit- tenance Fund. a field. The field is full of golden weeks it will be definitely known tee. Jewish Community Center, in- grain. It is…

… substitution for contri- mellow autumn weather is a grate- when the ground for an Old Folks' B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. buting membership fund. ful and a handsome thing. But this Home will be broken. field…

… was not always as it is now. Bureau of Jewish Social Re- Jewish Community Council. Model speeches outlining the search. Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital. It was rock once. It was barren; various agencies…

… to be included in erosion had carried the soil to the Council Camp. Montefiore Home of Cleveland. the drive were delivered by James sea. The soil had to be brought Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home. Menorah…

… Association. I. Ellmann, president of the Zion- Es-Patients Tubercular Home. National Conference of Jewish back to that field shovel-full by ist Organization of Detroit; Har- shovel-full. That was not all. The…

August 20, 1937 • Page Image 2

… an unquenchable fire within. He Has Inspired Rabbis and Laymen By DR. BERNARD HELLER Director, Hillel Foundation of University of Michigan Fred M. Butzel's life and labor in behalf of philanthropic…

… Age of 68 Maurice M. Butzel, brother of Michigan State Supreme Court Justice Henry MI Butzel, Fred M. Butzel and Lawrence M. Butzel, died on Tuesday, Aug. 17, at his home, 299 Rowena Ave. Funeral…

… and Henrietta Hess Butzel. Fle served in the Spanish-American War as • member of Company L, Ms Regiment of Michigan In- fantry. OBITUARY AARON NUSBAUM of 948 Virginia Park died Sat- urday at the age…

… Jewish com- trious in fields other than those munity of this city is closely inter- which have been his major inter- twined with his life and his ac- ests. A university would have complishments. May he be…

…pcljernorrlEwisn gfEONIElsE PAGE TWO THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME I DeLuxe Fondly Service c Flat Pieces and Handkerchief. Neatly Ironed Bats Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried Add itional pounds 7c…

…, internationally famed artist whose murals adorn Temple Beth El, died at his home near Etaples, on the French North Coast, last Saturday, at the age of 64. Although he had spent most of his time abroad since he…

… 613 CLAIRMOUNT AT 2ND Monuments of Character • Mosel Wad) Orembe assd AWL. Homumalle 7729 TWELFTH ST. ITIKIPH Tin • There ;I" . .: b tbe bob- d • loved we Mae tbe headdedw• arree4smeemm…

… Great American Never Fails Him of Local Zionists In Many Causes And a Noble Jew By JAMES I. ELLMANN Pounds 18 August 20, 1937 ud TTIL LErkkIo _CHRONICLE MYRON BARLOW Detroit home and had spent some…

… one of the few Ameri- cans honored by the French Gov- ernment for his paintings, having been made a Knight of the Legion of Honor in 1932. The possessor of many other honors, he received the Paris Gold…

… Medal at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 and the Gold Medal of the Panama Pacific Exposition in San Francisco in 1914: Mr. Barlow's paintings are hung In many galleries in this country and abroad. The…

August 20, 1937 • Page Image 4

… direct the affairs of a Jewish government. Future events may prove that Dr. Wise, Mr. Ussishkin, Henrietta Szold, Mrs. David de Sola Pool, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, Prof. Selig Brodetsky, Golda Myerson, the…

… the Univer- tinue our constructive efforts freely and His defense of Dreyfus split grants of various nationalities is sympathetic and sity of Michigan, together with the French people into two with the…

… vessel. He fell uncon- short • time as the Arab race Michigan Theater Bldg., Detroit, scious and found himself in a tent during the past two decades. Having written this novel • under the care of a veiled…

…,000,000, realistic hodge-podge in Paul University, Governor Henry Horner of Illi- by overcoming these prejudices and Jy Muni's latest starring vehicle. Un- nois, elected as a New Dealer, was less you watch very…

…ThEVentorr,frinsnathomicasi sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE THBVEFROTIFJEWINI AR0741GLP Dr. Wise's Leadership and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president of the Zionist Organization of

… America, emerges from the controversy over the Palestine partition proposal as the unquestioned leader of American Jewry. Those who have followed the complete texts of his addresses, as well as the events…

… at the .20th World Zionist Congress, where he and Menahem Ussishkin were the leaders of the opposition, will rejoice over the magnificent stand he has taken in defense of Jewish rights in the land that…

… by tradi- tion, and because of Jewish efforts in the past 55 years, belongs to the Jewish people. More important than all the decisions reached by the Congress is the emphatic declaration made by Dr…

…. Wise that he and his followers remain an integral part of the Zionist Organization, to fight within the movement for the principles they be- lieve to be right. In a similar spirit, the State Zionist…

… Party leaders informed Vlad- imir Jabotinsky that they will remain a part of the movement and will fight for what they believe to be just within the ranks of Zionism. This is much more than discipline. It…

May 20, 1938 • Page Image 3

… the possibility of establish- of the Congress movement. He ing a Hillel Foundation at one of called upon the large gathering the Canadian universities, to make every effort to enroll Seek $500,000 Fund…

… were all on one side. Midwest Conclave of Aleph Epsilon Pi Held in Lansing The Alpha Epsilon Pi National College Social Fraternity held its western conclave at the fraternity house at Michigan State…

… closed on the afternoon of May 1 with a fare- well banquet. Toastmaster Morris Glass, Detroit alumni adviser, and Sander Hillman, chapter head, in- troduced as speakers President Shaw of Michigan State…

Michigan at a time most convenient for you. escape all driving worries. Washington Blvd. at Grand River Ave. CA. 9000 social hall of Congregation Shea- rey Zedek, Chicago at Lawton. Miriam Tobin will be…

… Chicago, ry in defense of Jewish rights and ladies. Entertainment will be its founder and chairman, and declared that an argument against furnished by a Russian orchestra. $100,000 for the Bnai Brith Hillel

…- versity, Milwaukee Alumni, Ohio State University, Ohio Northern University and Detroit Alumni One of the highlights of the conclave was the pledging of Gamma Kappa Chi, local frater- nity of Wayne…

University, as a pledge group of the national fra- ternity. Many forms of entertainment were provided for visiting mem- bers, including a dance in the Union Ballroom of the college, April 30. The conclave…

… Sigma, Wayne University; Phi Alpha, Wayne University; Phi Alpha, U. of D. Taking office for the spring term are: Sue Bank, worthy as- sociate advisor; Ann Rosenfeld, Charity; May Jackson, Hope; Es- telle…

…. guest artist at the annual meeting and straw- berry festival of the Ladies' Aux- iliary of the United Hebrew Schools, to take place on Tues- day, May 31, at 2 p. m., in the SADIE COOPER MARATHON BUILT…

… today. 111(6A A A. CITRIN-KOLB OIL Co. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Townsend 8.0001 14445 Linwood Ave. The following dealers are supplied by Citrin-Kolb Oil Company, and carry • full line of these tires…

May 20, 1938 • Page Image 4

… writer in the Michigan Journalist, University of Michigan student publication, Miss Doris Daitz, saw through this type of Fascist propaganda when she wrote on the question of the 1940 Olympics as follows…

… seven million Bibles, the Brit- group of Hillel Foundations and speaks extremely well but with- the season with a luncheon meet- on Tuesday. June 7, at the Stot- the furtherance of the work of tially…

University, cum laude, in 1912, in the Butzel Forest in Palestine, as their lot but for their children tee of Detroit, chairman of mater- organizations closed to Jewish members, ority to Jewry's obligations to…

… with Stoepel, University 1-6972. were prizes for each table of cent annual convention of 'the the establishment of this fund- General Olszyna Vilszynski, head of the languages were circulated in the…

… Advance .83.00 Per Year Ts Insure publication. all eoresspondsue• and neva matter oust r“ch this office by Towles evening of met. week. When mailing notic••, Madly on one Mee of the paper eel,. Detroit…

… isnish Chronicle Invites •orrespollienee on sub- vs. hosts of Interest to the Jewish people. but diselaim• responsi- ► ility for an indorsement of the vises era d by the welters Sabbath Scriptural…

… Selection• Pentateuchal portion—Lev. 25:1-26:2 Prophetical portion—Jer. 32:6-27 May 20, 1938 lyar 19, 5698 Bnai Brith's New President Henry Monsky, successor of Alfred M. Cohen to the international…

… presidency of the Order of Bnai Brith, has been promi- nent in the organization's activities for so many years that it is impossible to speak of Bnai Brith without having his name linked with the movement. He…

… became a member of the national executive com- mittee 18 years ago, at the age of 30, and for years preached the message of Bnai Brith to the Jews of America. lie is known from coast to coast, has spoken…

… to Detroit audiences on several occasions, is well liked among all who learn to know him and he thrills his audiences with a power of oratory that is the gift of but a limited number of people. As a…

May 20, 1938 • Page Image 7

…, youth Zionist organiza- tion of America. to be held in Cleveland, May 28-30. Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver is to be the main speaker at the convention banquet, to take place on Sunday evening, May 29, at Hotel…

…. been pledged by them Lois Appleby, Betty Barit, Ann jah," will be given by the music far the ratline seer department of Wayne University, the ronsentlor, learned jorremly of , Sloman, Irma Bieberstein…

…, Daughters, Sons son Tickten, and by the Wayne in a recital and a playlet: "A Music Teacher's Dream." This is University Orchestra. Banquet of Pythian the first of a series of concerts Sisters May 23 to he…

…A lgerian' letWait Periodical ▪ ewer CLIFTON ATINUS • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO a TitE9ETRorKlaisnetRomICLE May 20, 1938 Mizrachi Mothers' Luncheon on Sunday Call RA. 3680 for Fur Storage of

… will give dramtic read- ing on "Mother and Daughters of Various Nations." The last meeting of the chapter which took place at the Bnai Moshe Library Wednesday afternoon was devoted to the report of the…

… Mizrachi Women's convention which took place recently in Atlantic City, by the president, Mrs. T. Segal, who was the chap- ter's official delegate. A large group attended and heard that the newest project of

… the American Mizrachi Women, the New Beth Zeiroth, hdme for refugee girls in Tel Aviv, is nearly completed and will he ready for occupation next month. The projects of the Detroit chapter go to the…

… mainte- nance of this Beth Zeiroth as well as the one in Jerusalem. $1,000 GIVEN TO HOME FOR AGED BY ZWILLER LADIES' AID SOCIETY The Bessie Sorin Zwiller Ladies Aid Society has donated the sum of $1…

…,000 to the Jewish Home for Aged to honor the memory of Bessie Sorin, one of its departed members. This has been accom- • DRAMATICS • • DANCING • HIKING • NATURE STUDY • SWIMMING PHONE TOWNSEND 5…

… vvs s oya WEEK— MAY 19.26, AT riff SS RIIILBAR& og•tiNE•511 NOUN AYE. NEXT TO XINSE1.'s GRILL OVEN 7 A. M TO L A. M. INCLUDING SUNS t HOLIDAYS SPECIAL THIS WM: Select Prise Sign Brisket of Corned…

May 20, 1938 • Page Image 8

… Detroit Chapter will be host at a meeting of the supreme executive council of the notional organization and mem- bers of the council, together with members of Epsilon chapter of the University of Michigan

… the Al- lied Jewish Campaign who crowd- ed the report luncheon meeting, held Friday noon, May 13, ac- corded Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland an ovation at the close of his stirring address…


… history of Jewish fund-raising ef- forts, at the luncheon meeting of workers at Hotel Stotler on Mon- day, it was reported that the suns of $343,061 was raised towards the complete goal of $390,700 of the…

… Allied Jewish Campaign. Louis Lipsky, former president of the Zionist Organization of America and chairman of the administra- tive committee of the American Jewish Congress, was the guest speaker. Abraham…

… Srere presided. Joseph H. Ehrlich reported for the general division. George M. Stutz, chairman of the execu - tive committee of the Trade Coon- di, similarly assured that his group's quota will be raised…

… be- fore the end of the week. Ilenry Wineman reported for the special gifts division. Irving Blumberg gave an analytical report of col- lections and stated that of the 4,700 who contributed to the gen…

…- eral division more than half are pledges from new donors. Mr. Lipsky deplored the fact that there has been a lack of de- fensive action in behalf of perse- cuted Jewry among the non-Jews. If there are no…

… encouragement to the 5,000,- 000 Jews in European countries who are today dependent upon Jews in democratic countries to come to their aid. Speaking of the upbuilding of Palestine, Mr. Lipsky declares: "Under the…

… shadow of attacks we are building the national homeland from day to day. Day by day our position in Palestine becomes At one of the largest and most stronger and more encouraging. Out of Zion now comes…

January 20, 1939 • Page Image 1

… from the University of Michigan. Brooklyn, N. Y., who every six Union for Progressive Judaism. alizing the increased needs, have 5. months write to the Palestine Ile began his career with the Albert F…

… na-j people . . . So acute has the recognized the Mandate entrusted York, one of the leading men in on Woodward Ave. A new health to found in Michigan, will deliver education unit, which will include…

… El will and Paul David Levin of the sec- pulpit of Temple Beth El. He 1 isn't told is that many of the session Dr. Abbe Hillel Silver, of celebrate the occasion by special ond grade will deliver the…

… conference Czecho-Slovakia, Italy, Germany tion of the Temple of Religion barocrats ... One of these jokes, Structure at 1939 the state of Michigan by a living 36th Biennal Session in speeding the rebuilding…

…. The who has been acting chairman any other single country in all He of the Michigan Automotive enough to invest his capital in a romance of Jewish creativeness since the death of the late B. history…

… the Michigan be at the mercy of confiscation plays, expositions and dioramas." Backer's election seas hailed by terious way His wonders to per- the advisory committee for the auto- measures by Mussolini…

…. Contribution by Mrs. DeRoy Is Largest Gift to Jewish Cause in History of State of Michigan Strictly Confidential ZIONISTS' PUBLIC RALLY WEDNESDAY n PAVILION TO GET I ASSISTANCE HERE U. A. H. C. ELECTS…

…A iericam *risk Periodical Cada All Jewish New. All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS CUPTON AMU& - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO The Only Anglo-Jewish Newspaper Printed e. 4i - - 1 In Michigan fiiEpErRon7 bwisn…


… Detroit Nahum Goldmann Demands Equality for Jews, Not Merely Philanthropy - - SAYS U. S. ONLY RAY OF HOPE FOR JEWRY - - Colonizing of Abyssinia Is Observance of the completion of 40 years of Dr. Leo M…

January 20, 1939 • Page Image 2

… TROUBLES? Britain under the terms of the Henry NIonsky, Omaha, United See Michigan's only shoe Balfour Declaration and the man- States (lousing Administrator refitter. We guarantee to date, but because of

… Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, cerning hundreds of thousands of eliminate slipping at the heels. Cleveland, us national chairman We are absolutely the only helpless human beings." This res- of the United…

… Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds 51.c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 1416s. Flatwork All Finished 79c THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service I C Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly…

… Jacob Silverman tUlltilCAL BOHM. IS Practice Recommended Phreletens and lloeuttal. TRinity 2-2114 OBITUARY NATHAN GOLDMAN of 1604 Glynn Ct., 69 years old, died on Jan. 15. Funeral services were held…

… 10 grandchildren. ANNIE ALLENDER of New York City, formerly of Detroit, 68 years old, died on Dec. 25. Funeral services were held on Dec. 26 with burial in Hamilton, Ont. She is survived by four sons…

…, Reuben and Irving of Detroit, Louis of Buffalo and Frank of Milwaukee; two daugh- ters. Mrs. Reuben Arons of New York' and Mrs. William Wolf of Cleveland; three sisters and three brothers, all of Toronto…

…. 2903 Elmhurst IN MEMORIAM TO. 8-6839 Performed In loving memory of my dear mother, Belle Barnett, who passed away Jan. '21, 1931. Hazel B. Sobel. Rev, Cantor DAVID GOLDEN In loving memory of our…

…) meat. In our hearts )our memory lingers Sweet, tender and true, There Is not • day goes by That we do not think of ,nu. Sadly missed by her children and grandchildren. Downtown Theaters )3R As…

… certificates for cleaning, house maids, women the immediate transfer of Jew- for part time work. By hour. Appeal for Refugees and Over- ish children from Austria and day or week. Schlesinger's, seas Needs…

… fah, Hadassah, the from your own feathers or immigration policy in Palestine, the national conference expressed Women's Zionist Organization wools. Pillows recovered—spe- of America, announced at a na…

September 20, 1940 • Page Image 8

… maintains at the University of Michigan through Hillel Foundation, the adoption of another will be in- stituted soon. A bowling league has been formed and will meet every Thursday from 9 to 1 p. as. at Orient…

…A merica's Jewish Periodical Cotter 1940 ses i n of is ks, on. Ind in in 8 11, by est tti- by ic- 11S, (Is ne re ri- ns hd he e • ig In ie re iy it I- s . I- September CLIFTON…


…'s Auxiliary on Monday Professional Group's Fashion Show Tuesday The Women's 4uxilia•y No. 122 of Bnai Brith will hold its first open social meeting of the new year on Monday, Sept. 23, at the Bnai Moshe…

…, Dexter at Lawrence, at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Ethel Osri of Chicago, president of the Women's Dis- trict Grand Lodge No. 6, will be the guest speaker. Entertain- ment will supplement the pro- gram. The public is…

… invited. Mrs. Samuel Aaron, chairman of the donor luncheon to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at the Ma- sonic Temple, reports an over- whelming response to this func- tion. She states that for those wishing…

… headed by Miss Min Gross is making progress with over 100 girls ac- ticely engaged in every phase of the service. Anyone interest- ed, call TO. 6-6420. In addition to one scholarship that the Auxiliary…

… Bowling Alleys, Philadel- phia at Linwood. For further in- formation, call Mrs. M. Gold- hoff, UN. 3-2110. Miss Gussie Eisenberg, chair- man of the membership commit- tee, announces to all members of Bnai…

… Brith Business and Profes- sional Auxiliary and their friends, that plans have been completed Mrs. Zieve Gives Sefer Torah to New Hebrew School A unique ceremony was held last Sunday at the home of Mrs…

…. Sara Rebecca Zieve. The occasion Was the presenting of a Sefer Torah by Mrs. Zieve to the United Hebrew Schools for the use of the synagogue in the new Hebrew school building on Law- ton between Tyler…

December 20, 1940 • Page Image 10

… Selzer of 21;53 Mr. and Mrs. Monte D. Wittel- gave a farewell party at the versity of Michigan to spend the Oakman Ct. arrived from Cleve- friends at dinner on Dec. 17. shofer gave a dinner party on home…

… guests. Frank Lavine is leaving Satur- rive home Saturday to spend her day for New York by plane from Chicago, Ill., prior to her the Hillel Foundation of U. of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Finster- vacation with…

… attending the University - of Penn- ' Mrs. S. Schwarz of Wildemere Ave. and her daughter, Corinne, Max Chain of Los Angeles joint hostesses, Miss L. Singer, sylvania. Dr. and Mrs. Leon Katzin will and at a…

… national convention of the Alpha Mignon Hope Hamburger, who ter of Dr. and Mrs. Shmarya student at University of Mich- honor of Miss Betty Horwitz Omega Dental Fraternity. Kleinman of 3025 Calvert Ave. igan…

… guests. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levy. =10=10 == 0= 0 =10=0 =i0= Mr. and Mrs. Sol H. Levy will Miss Marge Rosenthal who is be at home at 18975 Fairfield 0 a student at the University of Ave. from 2 to 5…

…December 20, 1940 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end the Legal Chronicle I0 1, IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . Reservations are now being Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wine- Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund A. Rob- Mrs…

…. Maurice Zackheim of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Enggass man will entertain at a dinner taken at Congregation Shan rey were hosts at a dinner party on inson will leave Dec. 19 for Webb Ave. returned from a party…

… on Dec. 28. Zedek for the synagogue's annual Saginaw where they will be the week-end visit in Buffalo, N. Y. Chanukah dinner dance to he Dec. 11. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max held on Sunday evening, Dec…

…. 29. Donald Simon of Tuxedo Ave. On Dec. 14 Miss Minnie Bern- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finster- Heavenrich. stein and Miss Dora Gettleson returned home from the Uni- wald entertained a group of Miss Esther…

of Mrs. Jack Docks of holiday vacation with his family. land by plane where she was Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freemont Dec. 17 in their home on Bos- Elmhurst Ave. in honor of Miss Mrs. Theodore Isaacs and Mrs…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 2

… Biblical inter- est, poems by A. S. Schwartz, Gabriel Preil, Hillel Bavli, Efraim Lisitzky, Isaac Silberschlag, Is- rael Efros, and translations by Aaron Zeitlin of poems by Lord Tennyson, A. E. Housman, Goe…

… nationals and citizens of Mexico in this con- sular jurisdiction for several years. The jurisdiction comprises the State of Michigan (except the Upper Peninsula), and the western part of the State of Ohio. Mr…

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Rabbis Will Study the World Crisis 200 Convene at Atlan- tic City, N. J., on June 24-29 The role of religion in these crisis times and the…

… relationship of the world crisis to religious ideas will be studied by more than 200 rabbis who will gather in Atlantic City, June 24 to June 29, for the 52 annual meet- ing of the Central Conference of American…

… Rabbis. The "release time" plan for religious education, currently be- ing adopted by public school sys- tems in many sections of the country and nationally the sub- The Perfect Cracker I "Star of Them…

… All" Perfect with cheese, jam or jelly — An unusual crunchy nibble . . . tultable for all occasions. ject of much controversy, will be discussed at a special session of the rabbis on the third. day of

… the convention. Nationally known educators will participate. The convention will officially begin Tuesday evening, when the rabbis will assemble to hear the message of their president, Dr. Emil W…

…. Leipziger of New Or- leans. Dr. Joshua Liebman, rabbi of Temple Israel, Boston, Mass., is slated to deliver one of the major papers of the meeting on Wednes- day evening. Another major paper will be a…

… discussion by Dr. Solomon B. Freehof of Pittsburgh of the feasibility and advisability of a code of practice for Liberal Judaism. "How Archaeology Has Con- tributed to Our Knowledge of the Bible and of the Jew…

…" is the title of a paper which will be pre- sented by nr. Nelson Glueck, professor of Bible and of Biblical archaeology at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. The conference lecture will be delivered by…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 14

… way of South Africa. University of Michigan Mai Brith Hillel Foundation men.bers have contributed $1350 to the United Jewish Appeal, it an- nounced this week by Raid,, Je- hudah Cohen, director of the…

…. Members of BiCur Cholem Jrs. Moonlight June 29 Hillel Give $1350 t o Jewish Appeal The annual moonlight excur- New York Jews can now have kosher, pareve chow mein sent out by a Chinese kitchen sion of the…

… Sacks, member of the Universiyt of Michigan faculty, served as general chairman of the Ann Arbor campaign, as,isted by Osias Zwerdling, in charge of PP community solicitation. Student solicitation was…

… contribution for the grams, riding, swimming and Student Refugee Campaign from boating. Arts and crafts will be NEW YORK (JPS) — Isaiah the Michigan Christian Founda- under the direction of Miss Janet Minkoff of

… memory of Norman Helpert by the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- soprano, will be guests at camp will take place on Sunday, June tion for refugee students, and we for two weeks and will present want to have at…

… Marry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Margareten have announced the engagement of their daughter, Muriel, to Good- win Nussbaum of Rochester, N. Y. The 21-year-old bride-to-be is a graduate of Columbia University, and…

February 20, 1942 • Page Image 8

… talent by the Hillel Foundation students from the University of cation at Princeton University famous Moscow Habimah Thea- Michigan at Ann Arbor and the and the Western Theological ter. He is one of the…

… geniuses students of the Michigan State Seminary. He has held a num- in the art of dancing and is University at East Lansing, Pis- ber of important pulpits in the recognized as an outstanding gah Auxiliary…

…- ject, "A New Approach to the Ideal of Peace." In his absence, his pulpit will be occupied next Friday night, Feb. 27, by Rabbi Jehuda Cohen, the director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the…

… Univers- ity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The services will be conducted by Morris Garvett, president of the congregation, assisted by Cantor R. E. Tulman and Organ- ist Carl Haas. The services will take…

… Through the cooperation of States Army as an officer in their contributions towards this France. He has also accumu- Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, direct- donor event by calling Townsend or of the Hillel

…. Philip Cut- sneak on the subject of "What ler is chairman of the donor The traditional annual dinner event. Hillel is Doing for Defense." of the joint Men's Clubs of Tem- ple Beth El, Congregation Bnai…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 6

… banquet. Rabbi Folkman and other Bnai Brith dignitaries will also speak. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of the University of Michigan Bnai 13rith Hillel Foundation, will deliver the ben- ediction. The…

…. Schostak, secretary- treasurer of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation„Inc. The Pious of Other Faiths Judaism affirms that the pious of other creeds are worthy to take rank among the righteous Jews and to…

…- sion of the banquet there will be dancing. Among those who will extend greetings to the gathering at the anniversary banquet will be Samuel W. Leib, president of the Michigan Bnai Brith Council; Louis H…

… NOW. The cause of the redemption of the Jewish National Home in Palestine has gained an important adherent in Michigan by the acceptance of Judge Homer Ferguson, U. S. Senator-elect of Michigan, of

… membership in the American Palestine Committee and its Michigan branch. Composed of Christian friends of a Jewish Palestine, this committee has, rendered yeo- 0 man service to the Zionist cause. ported me in…

… nastiest ru- mors—and are the most difficult to fight. Look at the record and take a glance at the Jewish social scene. There are lists, miles in length, of names • of Jews on all fronts in the present war…

…. We hear from them from "somewhere in the southwest Pacific," from Palest- Me, from England and Ireland, from Iceland, ad infinitum. Our Jewish centers have been depleted of men. Does that mean anything…

… Board hands a new inductee a kit containing a Bible and prayer- book that his religion is estab- lished. That's the genius of America— no matter who was chosen for office on Nov. 3, or from what party. In…

… Europe anti-Semitic nonsense emanates, from public officials; in this country, bigotry comes from the crack-pots. * * * A Story In Proof There are so many stories of Jewish heroism that it is difficult to…

… list them all. For instance, here is the latest story about a Detroiter. Franklin "Bob" Linx was not of age when he enlisted in the Navy. He had to get his parents' permission, and he received it in…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 8

… the ceremony. The out of town guests In- cluded Mr. Louis Kaplan, Miss Rose Ludmer and Miss Henriet to Kaplan, all of New York. U. of M. Hillel News The Red Cross Unit of the University of Michigan

…. - A social hour will be sponsored by Hillel from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. on Saturday, during the broad- cast of the football game. PISGAH AUXILIARY HAS 12 BOWLING TEAMS The bowling league of Pisgah Bnai…

… Wayne University Chapter of Sigma Theta Delta Sorority hon- ored new pledgees — Shirley Shubiner, Shirley Mannheim, Libby Schwarzberg and Doris Lipchinsky—at a luncheon on Nov. 1 at the Fort Shelby Hotel…

…Women's Clubs * Friday, November 20, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eight DR. FRANKLIN SPEAKS AT NEUGARTEN LUNCHEON Dr. Leo M. Franklin addressed the ninth annual donor lunch- eon of Neugarten…

… Sunshine Club on Wednesday. Ardis Ailing of New York gave a series. of im- personations. She was accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. Ed- mund Gilbert. Mrs. Martin Krauss gave the prayer. Mrs. Morton L. Snyder…

…, president, pre- sided. Proceeds of the luncheon will be used to carry on the or- ganization's philanthropic work. A regular meeting of Neugart- en Sunshine Club will be held at 2 p. m. Monday at the Jewish…

… Center. A dessert luncheon will be served at 1:30 p. m. and the board will meet at 11 a. m. • * * HOME RELIEF SOCIETY WILL MEET MONDAY The board of Home Relief So- ciety will meet Friday at the home of Mrs…

…. Joseph Galperin, 19301 Warrington Drive. Mrs. Irving H. Small will preside. Important committee reports will be submitted at the next meeting of the organization, at 12:30 p. m. on Monday, at the Dorothy…

…. Danto. Mrs. Maxwell Emmer is presi- dent of the society. • * * JR. HADASSAH HARVEST HOP NEXT SUNDAY Sunday afternoon, Nov. 22, from 2 to 6, the Detroit Unit of Junior Hadassah will entertain paid…

…-up members at a tea dance at the Park Avenue Hotel. This event culminates the membership drive under the chairmanship of Miss Ruth Drazin. Dues will be accepted at the door on the afternoon of the Harvest Hop…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 9

… J. Schan- guest their daughter, Mrs. Adolph Schoenfield of Baltimore, Md. farber, William J. Shroder, Abba ki Bernard Kaye has been promoted from 2nd to 1st lieutenant. Hillel Silver, David Watchmaker…

…'s sister, Miss Frances Wolfner of St. Louis. University of Jerusalem, con- Gen e r al Hospital, Springfield, Mrs. Sol G. Meyers returned to Sparta, Wis., following a 10- densed from a more extensive Mo., a…

…. entertained The report is a factual history EXCEPT FRIDAY TRinity 2-0629 a group of friends at dinner at their home last Sunday. of the Hebrew University from Mr. and Mrs. Eliot R. Fine of Merton Rd. have…

… Lieut. Kaye is Adjutant at Camp Swift, Texas. He is the son of and Ira M. Younker. Eiea.61.i1Sul panel blankets In re Mrs. Bertha Kaye of W. Philadelphia Ave. .. BIRTHS Study of Hebrew University

…Friday, November 20, 1942 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Nine SOC IAL EVENTS -NEWS OF INTEREST TO OMEN ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Bar Mitzvahs Betrothal Announced Mr. and Mrs. Seymour J. Frank of 18635…

… Wildemere Ave. will be at home on Saturday eve- ning, Nov. 21, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, William Shetzer Frank. No cards. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Osnos announce…

… the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Gilbert Charles. on Saturday morning, Nov. 28., 9 A. M., at Congregation Shaarey Ze- dek. A reception will be held on Saturday evening, at Congrega- tional Shaarey Zedek…

…, from 8 to 11 p. m. No cards. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Srere spent the last week-end in New York, in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Mortimer Meyer of Suffolk Drive is spending a week in…

… New York City. Mr.. and Mrs. M. D. Wittelshofer of Boston Blvd. will entertain a group of their friends at a dinner at their home this Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fleischman of Muirland Ave. have as…

… their. guest Mrs. Fleischman's mother, Mrs. Morris Goldrich of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Lambert of Whittier Drive and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Meyer of Chicago Blvd: have invited a group of their…

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 14

… NEWS From the Campus Tuesday afternoon, at the new home of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at 7:30 Haven in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the first Red Cross unit of the Hillel USO Service Committee began its…

… organizations. News. Eliezer Sherman, Yid- It is procurable also either from dishe Shriften; M. Boraisha, Con- the author or at the office of gress Weekly; Mordecia Soltes,t he Jewish Welfare Federation. HILLEL

… work. Tuesday, Nov. 16, from 2-6 was devoted to the preparation of surgical dressings which pro- cedure will be taught at Hillel. The war service committe plans to make this only one of its varied war…

…, and Professor Wohfgang Kraus of the political Science Department, will take the negative side of the question. A social hour and serving of re- freshments will follow. Hillel Foundation will summar- ize…

… to National Advisory Committee of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations and Aleph Zadik Aleph Pisgah Lodge No. 34, Bnai Brith is pleased to have this opportunity to extend to the Jewish Community of Detroit…

… During the week of Nov. 22-29 the Shaarey Zedek Library will join hundreds of other organiza- tions throughout the country in celebrating Jewish Book Week. The special exhibits and programs to be featured…

… this year will he built around the theme: "On the Wings of Books to Jewish Knowledge". First featured in Boston in 1925 and inaugurated on a larger scale in 1927 by Rabbi S. Felix Mendelssohn of Chicago…

… occasion for the arous- ing and revitalizing the tradi- tional Jewish love for books,-- "a love and devotion which have been and still are the most po- tent props of Jewish survival.'' The Shaarey Zedek…

… Library will observe Jewish Book Week this year by having open house and staging several interesting and timely exhibits of books, pamphlets, periodicals, paintings and ceremonial objects. The dis- plays…

… and art objects of Palestine. In keeping with the times, a special section will be devoted to post-war reconstruc- tion. The literature and pictorial material to be exhibited for this purpose will of

November 20, 1942 • Page Image 15

…. The Grover Cleveland Hall Award, established' by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Alabama, in mem- ory of the late Grover Cleveland Hall; crusading Alabama editor, who smashed the…

…: James H. Newman, dean of men; 'Professor Montgomery, chairman of the award committee; Rabbi George Ende, director of the Hillel Foundation; James . Davis, , award winner; and Dr. Raymond IL Patty…

… furnished room to rent with family of 3 adults. Private home. 109 Colorado. TO. 8-8134. . TO RENT-7 'room furnished, heated flat on. Michigan Avenue. LA. 8076. COMFORTABLY furnished room to rent. Good…

of the im- portant committees of the Office of. Civilian Defense". ..Born in Omaha; Neb., he was educated there in a Jesuit Inatitution- Creighton University — from which he received his LL.B., cum…

…, president of the University of Alabama. WALL' WASHING — Moderate prices. E. -J. Murphy, TO.. 7-0310. . Decorating' and Painting High Class Reliable — References Furnished S. J. MARTINI yt, NON. Noll 11…

… Jewish Children's Detroit League, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Independent Protect- ive Assn., Cong. Beth Itzchock Ladies' Aux., United. Friendship Club, Michigan Protective Assn. $75 each-:-Cong. •Adass…

…. $10—Wednesday Book Club. Additional Wometi's Gifts An additoinal list • of women's gifts, made supplementary to the contributions of the men, was announced this week as follows: $850—Mrs. Harry, Newman…

…. :Louis 'S. Musliner, Betty Price, •Mrs. Fara L. Rosenfield, Mrs. F: W. Schwartz, Mrs. Nathan Sil- verman, Mrs. Henry W. Stark. - - C Massine- Added to Cast of Ballet Theater Here Leonide Ma s s i n e…

…, generally considered to be the greatest of all Russian dancers, has been en- gaged as dancer and choreog- rapher of the Ballet Theater which comes - to the - Masonic Auditorium Nov. 28 and 29 for two matinee…

… and two evening performances. The announce- ment was made by S. Hurok, general director of the Ballet Theater, with whom Massine has been associated in Russian ballet for a decade. - Between You .and…

August 20, 1943 • Page Image 2

…, University of Michigan We 23, No. 5. II never lose sweet memories fa culty member and chairman of Jewish Community Center, Wed- B. Prelude in C Sharp Minor th of the one we love so much. nesday evening, Aug…

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Premiere of Reinhold Gliere's Concerto on General Motors All-Russian Program Aug. 22 Concert and Reception At Hillel Foundation Honors Company A…

… • eral Motors Symphony of the leagues in which he stated: "The sity of Michigan on Sunday, Au g. tourneys and gymnastics, as well Stanislaw Schapiro and Emily as swimming. Air's all-Russian program on…

…, Mozart's th e Ann Arbor USO Council. Miss Shirley Levin of Akron, Sonata for Two Pianos, violin 0., chairman of the Hillel Social selections by Sarasate and Na- Jews in Warsaw Ghetto Committee, and piano…

… outbreak (Orchestrated by Rimsky- of the present war. The Soviet Of special interest among the Korsakov) IN MEMORIAM artist and professor of music at 2. Concerto for harp and or- M uests were 10 University

… August 10, 1943 -:-CENTER A performance of international cated his work to the celebrated musical interest will be the Russian harpist, Mme. Xenia Erd- Four Soloists in Final the activities for adult men…

…. American premiere of Reinhold ely, who assisted in the final One of the outstanding a nd Women will have the opportunity Gliere's Concerto for Harp and editing of the harp passages. unique social events of

… the su ni• Outdoor Concert on to participate in both elementary Orchestra to be played by the Something of Gliere's character me• took place at the Bnai Br ith NBC Symphony, with Edward and temperament…

… is reflected in Hillel and advanced dance classes, its Wednesday, Aug. 25 Foundation at the Univ er- Vito as harp soloist, on the Gen- a recent letter to American col- fencing competition, badminton…

… Soviet intellectuals work calmly, 15. A reception was held in hon or Sunday, Aug. 22, 5 to 6 p. m., fruitfully, conscious that the Red of Company A, 3651 Service U nit Mutter Adams, both members of Juniors…

August 20, 1943 • Page Image 5

… Ana Air BaSe, Calif., for his pre- flight training. A graduate of Central High, Aviation Cadet Franzblau- attended-, University of. Michigan ; before leaving for service last -May. He Was Utterly…

… outside Michigan joined_in paying glowing tribute to Judge Keidan. Isidore Sobeloff, executive director_ of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, now on leave with the National War Fnd in New York, in…

… the Sisters of Zion Mizrachi, and son, Pfc. Hillel - L. Abrams, who is on furlough. from Camp McCain, Miss., were the house guests of Rabbi. and Mrs. Abra- ham Danzig of •Rockford, Ill., during the week…

… Make-up Pfc. Hillel Abrams Home on Furlough Meets Other D'etroiters, Brings Back Many Photographs, Including Some of Gen. MacArthur; He's Picked to Attend Air Cadet 'School After being stationed with…

…, he - studied - for three years at the University - of Detroit. -- . *- * * • Pfc. Bernard I. Zeff, who is stationed at MosesField, Wash- ington, arrived FridaY for a 15- day- furlough with his 'Parents…

… a telegraiii. to The Jewish News expressed his heartfelt sorrow over . the death of the great jurist. The Detroit Free Press editorially said "The key to the character and career of Judge Harry B…

…. Keidan was fundamental morality: Deeply devout in the faith of his fathers, he played his part in the life of Detroit with serene high courage and understanding compassion of the ancient prophets of Israel…

… froin whom- he' drew his guidance and inspiration ... . One of the Builders of Detroit Pfc. Blau Writes His Parents From Japanese Prison Pfc. Sanford Jack Blau, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Martin Blau of

… 2911 Monterey Ave., last week communi- cated with his parents through 1: the Imperial Japanese Army which is hold- ing him as a prisoner of war. The post card received bY his parents reads as follows: "I…

… am intern- ed at HQ. Mili- PIC. Blau itary Prison Camp Of Philippine Island No. 3. My health is ex- cellent. I am uninjured and well Hope: you 'are- all well, and don't worry. Give my love and regards…

August 20, 1943 • Page Image 8

…- tants has made considerable use of the radio in promoting its program of brotherhood among all religious faiths in the state of Michigan. In addition to the regular Sunday night program broad- cast over…

…Or performance: Rachmaninoff will be represent- 'ed by his famous Prelude in C Sharp Minor and the -G Minor Prelude. One :of . the most outstanding social events of the summer took plate at the Briai Brith Hillel

… FoOndation at the University of Mithigan last Sunday, Aug. 15. A reception was held in honor of Co. A, 3651 Service Unit of the U. S. Army. Co. A gave a concert at Hill Auditorium, attended by The Term…

…Friday, August 20, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eight Round Table Radio Talks Help Promote Brotherhood War Hero Is Guest of Relatives Here The Detroit Round Table of Catholics, Jews and Protes…

… Station CKLW from 10:15 to 10:30, other programs of Africa while trying to save a German soldier who had been hit, Pfc. William Helfand of Bronx, N. Y., is : in Detroit visit- ing his aunt and uncle, Mr…

…. and Mrs. Jacob Fish of 3344 _Bur- lingame Ave. It was during a fierce battle at Alcatar, just outside of Tunis, while the Americans were at- tacking a hill, that Pfc. Helfand, attached as company aid…

… man in the medical department of the First Army, saw the German ly- ing in the open field. He crawled out to bring him back, but was spotted and fired upon by a Ger- man machine gun nest. Wound- ed in…

… the side and the right side of his face shot away by the fragment of an 88 mm. shell, he managed to retain consciousness until picked up by a jeep. After leaving an evacuation hospital and a clearing…

… operations have been performed on his face with a bone" being. grafted from his hip and trans- ferred to his jaw and cheek. Save a scar, his• facial appear- ance looks unaltered. The horrible memory of see…

… Purple Heart and wears a decoration around his shoulder which was given the First Di- vision in the last war by the French. Of this honor, he says, "The First Division earned it in the last - war, but this…

October 20, 1944 • Page Image 1

… Palestine Dr. Abba Hillel Silver Wires White House Expressing Gratitude of Zionists Everywhere for Magnificent and Historic Message Wayne University Negro Jewish Study Is Published Jewish Community Council…

…A xericall "elvish Periodical Cotter MICHIGAN'S OLDEST ANGLO-JEWISH PUBLICATION GORY BUY rims. IMMO MPS CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 29th Year of Service to Jewry Detroit Jewish…

… Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle VOL. 46, NO. 42 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 President Roosevelt Favors Establishment Of a Jewish Commonwealth in…

… Co-Sponsors Project With NAACP and Wayne University ATLANTIC CITY (WNS)—President Roosevelt, in a message to the 47th annual As the first in a series of studies of "Inter-Group convention of the…

… Zionist Organization of America meeting here at the Hotel Breakers, Conflicts in Detroit," Wayne University has just corn- pledged his aid in initiating "appropriate ways and means of effectuating" the…

…, Associate Professor in T h e President asserted Wayne University's Department that the establishment of a of Sociology. Meeting of East Dr. J. Tennenbaum Rabbi Wolf Gold Jewi3h commonwealth in The study was…

… made possible through grants which were made Palestine was in conformity Polish Federation Central States of available to Wayne University with the spirit of the Four Sabbath League jointly by the Jewish…

…- tionnaires, indicates that the principal conclusions of the study are as valid now, a year after the riots, as they were before June, 1943. The text of Wayne University's pamphlet follows: Negro…

… estab- pleted an analysis of Negro Jewish relationships. The lishment in Palestine of a free and democratic Jewish commonwealth. study was made by Mrs. Eleanor Paperno Wolf and Alvin The President…

…'s message was delivered by Senator Robert F. Wagner of New D. Loving, Graduate Fellows, and was carried on under the supervision and with the participation of Donald C. York, to whom it was addressed. Marsh…

October 20, 1944 • Page Image 13

…. Simons coming year. 'Before assuming his new post, lem." School, 4000 Tuxedo, corner: Hol- Rabbi Kasle was director of the Rabbi Fram- will lead a series m ur. Hillel Foundation at the Univer- of "Know…

… field of kin- United Jewish Appeal, the 15 sity of Michigan, where he was "Queen Sabbath". In it the cycle dergarten work and is interested Jewish families of Traverse City an all-around athlete, .the…

…. Sperka are asked to take advantage of -at Ann Arbor, he was president and M. J. Wohlgelernter will this opportunity and enroll their of the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- greet Rabbi Gold and the audi- children…

… donor event Table of Catholics, Jews and Protestants, and Dr. Francis J. of the Women's League for Sab- Donahue, of the University of bath Observance will be ad- Detroit faculty, will comprise dressed by…

… Contest Winners Sabbath League Hears Rabbi Gold At Donor Event Will Address Gatherings on Monday and Tuesday in Rabbi Leonard S. Kasle, son of Mt. Clemens, Hillsdale World Mizrachi Chairman to Mr. and Mrs…

…. Abe Kasle of De- Address Group Tuesday troit, was installed as Rabbi of Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple at Shaarey Zedek Israel, Joseph Q. Mayne, execu- tive director of the Detroit Round The anniversary…

… Rabbi Wolf Gold, Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple ISrael is shown here congratulat- the panel of speakers who will chairman of World Mizrachi Ex- ing Phyllis Cogan on her prize-winning miniature Sukkah. Among…

… Dr. B. Benedict Glazer of Tem- highlighted by an original Can- Dr. Wise ple Beth El, Dr. Leslie A. Bech- tata written and arranged by Congregation Beth Elohim, tel and Dr. E. J. Horn will ad…

…- Charleston, S. C., at ceremonies dress the Hillsdale College "as- held on Wednesday evening. semly at the Kiwanis Club, Hills- Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New dale, Mich., on Tuesday morning. Prof. Chaim Heller…

…, who has York, president of the Jewish In- been enthusiastically acclaimed On Wednesday, AlbiOn College stitute of Religion, where Rabbi United Hebrew Schools Or- as one of the greatest minds of Kasle…

April 20, 1945 • Page Image 8

…,000 cases of other diseases among the internees. Hillel Spring Dance Saturday at U. of M. The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at the University of Mich- igan, Ann Arbor, will start the Seventh War Loan Drive…

of Jewish emi- Located in Northern Michigan martial. The Wacs, assigned to grants permitted . to enter Pal- near Charlevoix, Petoskey, Lovell General Hospital at Fort estine should be limited solely…

… (Continued from Page 1) Psychology Quota Our next oxhibit is a professor TO. 8-8382 of psychiatry at the University FA Vermont Medical College, one LAMP PLAYFAIRE 0 of Dr. Frederick C. Thorne. Doub- 0…

…i DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The legal Chronicle ?ego Eight Jewish Prisoners Freed in Reich PARIS—Thousands of Jewisn internees in the Bergen-Belzen camp have been liberated by British troops…

…- leased from the camp until a detailed registration of all the people held there is completed by the military authorities. In the meantime, it was established that there are 1,500 typhus cases and 9…

… at the annual Spring dance this Satur- day evening. The admission will be the purchase of $1.00 in War Stamps. Members of Avukah, student Zionist organization, will sell flower corsages for the benefit…

of the Jewish National Fund. Stu- dent director in charge of the Spring dance is Beryle Walters of Detroit. Artists to Present Chajes Compositions C apitol Letter WASHINGTON.—When the Su- His lead…

… article in the first issue " preme Court speaks, Con- gress stops and listens. Lower courts take note, lawyers file for future citation. When a member of the Court steps down from his high place and, on…

…. Black recently told a distinguish- ed dinner gathering in Washing- ton that "it will not be enough to stamp out anti-democratic practices in the lands of our ene- mies. The conditions which cre- ated…

… fascism there must not pass unnoticed here. Their first, and most dangerous symptom, is al- ways the same everywhere—an abandonment of equal justice to all—the placing of some groups in a preferred class of

July 20, 1945 • Page Image 4

… Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 CHARLES TAUB, Advertising Mgr. JOSEPH J. CUMMINS, President and Editor Detroit 26, Michigan FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1945 (A6 10, 5705) Vol. 47, No. 29 Jewish…

… Jewish Welfare Board has been distributing many thou- sands of Bibles among the armed forces without resorting to such questionable methods of paying for them . . . . QUESTIONS . . . The Hillel

… Foundation is func- tioning on the campuses of the several municipally owned col- leges in Greater New York, and doing a grand job there. But why doesn't Hillel extend its very good work to benefit the…

… York's Temple The proper place for these books is un- Beth-El, and more recently re- doubtedly, the Jewish National Library, search director of the Universal affiliated with the Hebrew University. Jewish…

… thousands of Jewish students at private colleges such as Colum- bia and New York University? Is there any special reason? FORUM . . . . New York is to have a new Jewish institution—a public fo- rum where…

… work on Philo, the founda' tions of religious philosophy in Judaisni, Christianity and Islam, has gone to press. e t book is to be issued by the h Harvard University Press, and is expected to stimulate…

… Colonization The Looted Jewish Books The Freeland League, organized for the purpose of establishing a Jewish colony in the Kimberly section of Australia, is making a strenuous effort to interest Am- orican…

… subscribers in its program. On the surface there is nothing objectionable in the idea of establishing several thousand homeless, destitute European Jews some- where outside of the European hell-holes they now…

… inhabit. From a humanitarian standpoint the idea is a heart-appealing one. Its protagonist, Dr. I. N. Steinberg makes an excellent impression with his idealism and sincerity of purpose at lun- cheons for…

… those in the upper income brackets. To save a Jewish life is a mitzvah — as it is to save the life of any human being, and that there is a certain amount of re- sponse in the philanthropic hearts of the…

July 20, 1945 • Page Image 7

…-Friday, THE- JEWJSH•NEWS 10, 1.945 Zionist Leadership Resumed By Dr. Abba Hillel Silver rJ Eminent Leader Recalled to Chairmanship of Emergency Council; Will Head Delegation to London Meetings…

…, (JTA)—The seven-month old split in the Amer- ican Zionist movement ended at 1 a. m. last Friday when a meet- ing of the Zionist Emergency Council voted unanimously to recall Dr. Abba Hillel Silver to…

…, formerly •Sam At the request of Fred M. But- director ot the New York Educa- tional Alliance, largest com- zel, Michigan State chairman of munity center in the United the- National Jewish Welfare Board, the…

… no more ATLANTA, (JTA)—The action of the University of Alabama in eliminating from a correspond- ence course offered to civilian extension students anti-Semitic excerpts from "America Comes of Age…

… leadership of that body. Under the council's decision, which came after several months of protracted negotiations between Dr. Silver's supporters and adherents of the policies of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Dr…

…. Silver and Dr. Wise will be joint chairmen of the emergency council, while Dr. Silver will be sole chairman of the council's executive CQM- mittee which sets and executes policy. All Parties Represented…

… in Executive The executive committee will also have three vice-chairmen— one each from the Poale Zion, the. Zionist Organization of America and the Mizrachi: Hayim Greenberg, Herman. Shulman and Leon…

… Gellman, respectively. A representative of Hadassah—Mrs. Rose Haiprin—will remain as treasurer or become a fourth vice-chair- man, depending on which post the women's Zionist organization chooses. A new…

… top body, called the Board of Officers, was created to act in carrying out policy and planning strategy between meetings of the executive committee. It will consist of Drs. Silver and Wise, the three…

… vice-chairmen of the executive committee and the treasurer, with _Dr. Silver as chairman of the board. It was also agreed that in order that Dr. Silver may have co- workers on the council - in whom he…

July 20, 1945 • Page Image 13

University wald and Belsen back in a re- contact with the Germans and all over the States with the Air of Michigan, where he reecived cess of their minds and be pion- relates that he has yet to mee t Force…

…Friday, ; 3610e 20, 1945 Lt. Marwil THE JEWISH NEWS Describes Orphans Encourages Survivors Of Concentration Camps Detroit Educational, Avukah and Hillel Leader Writes of Interviews with…

…. that they are- in Avukah and Hillel. His con- "Then one of the little girls the office of the Chief of Ord- not Nazis, but all cern over the plight of the Jewish was placed upon a bench and she nance…

… comfortable versity of Michigan and return- had occasion t o Pvt. Goldman are Jewish or- life of a chalutz. meet only one German-Jew and ed to work in the Detroit divi- phans between Sing National Anthem he…

… their voices and I sion. his brother and their parents, Mr. of survivors and could see it in their shining eyes, A graduate of Central High, he He attended Wayne University Lt. Marwil sail 1,600 strong…

… Student Council of the T/5 Berg, 22, who has been in the American Army and the last five months, himself had seen with two Oak Leaf Clusters; the Wayne University College of service two and one-half years…

… Children in Paris Before They Left for New Life in Palestine Lt. Sidney Pokart Killed on Okinawa News has come through of the death in action on June 3, of Lt. Sidney Pokart, 21, who was killed on Okinawa…

…. He is the Pvt. Goldman Home to Recuperate Awarded 3 Battle Stars, Letters from 2 Generals Awaiting Refraining for Pacific War, Detroiter Tells of Meeting Germans Who Denied They Are Nazis But Regard…

… and other community they are ready to put Buchen- from Germany on a 30-day re Utah. He has been in service cuperation furlough, tells of his since January, 1943 and has been activities. While at the…

…, Detroit District. A Wayne refuse to believe people has manifested itself just sang in Hungarian a song of the graduate, he was president of that Hitler is as forcefully since he has been chalutzim. She sang…

September 20, 1946 • Page Image 1

Hillel at the U of M ANN ARBOR —Rabbi Herschel Lymon, formerly assistant rabbi at Temple Beth El, Detroit, has been appointed head of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan. Hillel at…

… regional Hillel director on the West Coast. Rabbi Lymon is a graduate of Hebrew Union College and re- ceived his academic degree at the University of Cincinnati. The foundation's activities will begin with…

…- tion will begin using at this service. Overflow services will be held in the Institute lecture hall where Rabbi Milton Aron of the Hillel Foundation at Wayne University will conduct the devotions. On…

… Legal Chronicle Vol. 48, No. 38 'Jews Likely DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1946 Heads Hillel to Join Talks on Palestine BRITISII PLAN 'DEAD' The Agency members in Pales- tine are to be…

September 20, 1946 • Page Image 2

University One out of every two surviving with the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- Jews is receiving some form of tion will be held from 7 to 10 JDC aid in food, clothing, shelter p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Hillel

… the installation ceremonies Sunday. for Jones. They included Dr. Per- Representing Michigan commu- ry Burnstine, Michigan comman- nities exclusive of Detroit, which der of the Jewish War Veterans, has…

… by representa- tion mark hangs over Michigan tives of six states to the East Consolidated Gas Company's pro- Central Conference of the Joint posal to build a duplicate natural Distribution Committee…

…: NAME MRS. WINEMAN Can the gas acreage under lease Mrs. Henry Wineman and Fred to Michigan Consolidated interests Butzel of Detroit were named produce sufficient gas to enable vice-chairmen. the company…

…: re-elected. 1. Less than 50,000 of 436,000 At a meeting of the youth divi- acres leased to Michigan Consbli- sion of the JDC East Central Re- dated Gas Company's pipe line af- gion, also on Sunday…

… Isidore Sobeloff, director of the small producers. 3. Local regulations limit the Detroit Jewish Welfare Federa- tion, pointed out to the Michigan proportion of available gas which State UJA delegates that…

… HAILS PALESTINE WORK mixer of young people at 8 p. m., Mrs. Avis Shulman, who recent- Monday, Sept. 23, at Hillel. ly returned from Palestine spoke at the conference. She emphasized that despite current…

…, and other help, but the need is 4841 Second boulevard. The Wayne University chapter still greater than the resources at of the Inter-collegiate Zionist Fed- our disposal." eration of America is having a…

…Page Two DETROIT Warburg Tells Jew Installed of JDC Needs as Commander of Larned Post Addresses Detroit SWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Plans to Retire SUCCOTH BOOKLET CINCINNATI, Ohio…

…—A new il- lustrated booklet for children, "Fun at Sukos", has been issued by the Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations. Written by Jane Bear- man in rhymed couplet, it is de- signed for children from…

September 20, 1946 • Page Image 10

…-elect Is a graduate of the University of Michigan and also at- tended Wayne University and the Art Institute League in New York. The wedding date has been set for Nov. 5. eid ho •••••••• ■•■ Mr. and Mrs…

… for the U. of Miami. « • rt NEWS IN A NUT SHELL .. . The Wayne Hillel Alumni Asso. elation is under way . . . Albert Deutsch, the noted PM columnist, will address the Pisgah Lodge open meeting on the 23…

…sage Ten DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, September 20, 1946 Engaged Couple PHIL ROTHSCHILD JEANNE ROSENTHAL AND ARTHUR M. FISHMAN Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosenthal of Outer…

… drive west, announce the engagement of their daughter Jeanne to Arthur M. Fishman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fishman of Ilene avenue. An open house will be held at the home of the bride-to-be Sunday…

…, Sept. 22, at 7 p. m. No cards. engagements David Burnstein of Clairmount avenue announces the betrothal of his daughter GoIdle to Morris Rose, son of Mrs. Abraham Hauer. The wedding will take place in…

… early winter. Announcement of the engagement of Layne Berman to Robert Colman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colman of Detroit and Grand Haven, was made at a dinner party given at the Stotler Hotel on…

… Saturday, Sept. 1. The bride-elect's parents are Mrs. Ida Berman of Detroit and Harold A. Berman of Glendale, Calif. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fox of Washburn avenue…

… announced the engagement of their daughter Toby to Jerome H. Shatanoff, son of Mrs. Frances Shatanoff and the late Robert Shatanoff, at an en- gagement dinner Sunday, Sept. 7. The wedding will take place Dec…

…. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph M. Dinitz, of Sturtevant avenue announced the engagement of their daughter Ann to Maury Werney, son of Mrs. Anna Werney, at a recent family dinner held in their home. The bride…

…. Morris L. Weiss, of 3245 Chicago boulevard, an- nounce the adoption of a daughter Nicia Lenore, aged six weeks. They are now at home to friends. Aug. 18—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bean (Shirley Josephson) of

September 20, 1946 • Page Image 37

University of Michigan by appointment made by Dr. A. L. Sachar, national di- rector of Hlllel Foundations. Hillel Foundation at the Uni- versity of Michigan is one of the oldest and largest of the 142 cam- pus…

…, president El, Detroit, has assumed the di- of the Michigan Bridge League rectorship of the Bnai Brith Hillel in 1944, and 1945, died last Friday of a heart attack in his suite at the Detroit-Leland Hotel…

… Thursday morning, Sept. 25 and 26, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater on the University of Michigan campus. Services will be conducted by Rabbi Lymon as- sisted by a group of students. Open house will be held…

… Lymon, recently returned from overseas where he served as chaplain in the Tenth Army on Okinawa, succeeds Rabbi Jea hudah M. Cohen; who now is regional Hillel director on the west coast. A graduate of

December 20, 1946 • Page Image 9

…. Metz. clinic day symposia. Both the University of Detroit and University of Michigan Den- tal schools have Alpha Omega undergraduate chapters. HOLLYWOOD LUGGAGE 349 M4COMB at BRUSH Opposite Lokrosiia…

…Jewish Dental Fraternity To Convene Here Dec. 28 Michigan members of Alpha Omega, national Jewish dental fraternity,. will be hosts at the group's 39th annual meting, an Atomic Convention 'scheduled…

… special matinees to benefit the SOS collection. Price of admission to these matinees is one or more cans of food. WASHINGTON — Bnai Brith Abe Nussbaum of the New York Linoleum and Carpet Co. Hillel

…, schedul- ed for New Year's Eve in the Grand Ballroom. The conven- tion closes with a "Till We Meet Again Brunch" Jan. 1. Members of the Michigan steer-. ing committee, which is in charge of convention…

… for Dec. 28 through" Jan. 1 at the Book-Cadillac Hotel. pr. Louis I. Galin and Dr-- Samuel S. Gerendasy, of Detroit, are national marshal and nation- respectively. The five-day program will in- clude…

… professional and com- mercial displays, clinics and lec- tures, as well as business meet- ings and a series of social events. Special plans have been made for entertaining the wives of delegates. as well as a…

… date bur- al Page Nine THE JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, - &mamba-- 20, 1944 Detroiters Ship 22,000 Pounds Of SOS Supplies Sunday, Dec. 29, with a night- A • 22,000-pound shipment of club night in the…

… evening. Dr. Leon A. Katzin, of Detroit, na- SOS contributions, comprising tional editor of the Alpha Ome- over 20 per cent of the city's 100- ton quota, left Detroit Dec. 9 for the Mt. Vernon, N. Y…

…., warehouse of the Joint Distribution . Corn- mittee. Morton Feigenson, chairman of the committee which collected and packed the shipment, an- nounced that 3,000 pounds were medioal supplies,--9,700 were items…

of clothing, and 12,000 pounds were cans of food. From Mt. Vernon they will be sent directly to displaced persons in Europe. Monday, Dec. 23, three theaters, the Oriole, Krim and Abington, will present…

December 20, 1946 • Page Image 23

… Veteran's Hospital will re- in the Pacific Northwest, the Bnai ceive 500 gifts of soap and socks Behrendt, vice-president; Edmund Brith Hillel Foundations have this month from the hospital and Saperston…

… State Prison VEGETABLES, FRUITS, BAKED GOODS We Deliver - Every Day UN. 2.8912 Chanukah services at the State Prison of Southern Michigan will be held Monday, Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka, chaplain of

Michigan state prisons, has announced. Cantor Hyman Adler of Britt( David will sing festival selections. OSCAR BORNSTEIN '3474 W. McNICHOLS RD. . . . . . CHANUKAH GREETINGS "A FINE PLACE TO EAT AND MEET…

… Head . ••■•••I", University of Britich Columbia, Detroit Mutt Brith Women's Coun- M. Brown, president ex-officio, was Vancouver, Canada, Dr. Abram L. cil, Mrs. Aaron Rosen, chairman, elected as trustee…

… for a three-year term. Sachar, national director, an- announced. nounced. Committee chairmen of the in- dividual chapters are Mesdames GREATER DETROIT COUNCIL Max Beal, Detroit; David Fidler, Chanukah…

… Greetings Under the leadership of co- Theodore Hertzl; Samuel B. Gut. chairmen Sam Schulman and Mur- terman, Louis Brandeis; David ray Sabin, the Greater Detroit Kessler, Louis Marshall; Sam Plot- Bnai Brith…

…- munity Council at 8:30 p. m. Saturday. The program will open with the lighting of candles. An introduc- tion to the current significance of the holiday will be given by Rabbi Morris Adler. Mc…

…Nichols Market RECITE MALIK POEM A group of youngsters from the ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Music will be provided by Nate Maxwell Emmer Heads The Montefiore Lodge Maxwell Emmer has been elected president of Montefiore…

… Lodge No. WOMEN'S COUNCIL IIILLEL FOUNDATION WASHINGTON, D.C. — Extend- Hospitalized men at the Dear- 12, Free Sons of Israel. Other new officers are Milton ing its service to Jewish studerits born…

…, secretary-treasurer; and established a counselorship at the in-camp committee of the Greater Sam Convissor, inside tyler. Leo Yiddish Group Joins Council in Program United Yiddish High Schools will deliver…

June 20, 1947 • Page Image 6

…. Benjamin that of Dr. Lowdermilk for the Hellman of Fullerton avenue, creation of a Jordan Valley Au- has been graduated from the thority would be carried out," University of Michigan with Welles said. the…

… arts degree from Wayne University, where he was elect- ed to the Scholarship Honor Society. He was given his master's degree by the Univer- sity of Michigan. While there he was admitted to Phi Kappa Phi…

…'s chapter, president of Michigan Bnai Brith Council, general' chairman of Bnai Brith Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6 and chairman of Bnai Brith • "WORKING WITH THE Jewish youth of Detroit is what I enjoy…

…Friday. June 20. 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE P ag e Six WOMEN OF THE WEEK 2 Volumes Depict F YOU DON'T TAKE an active role in the cultural affairs of 44I your community, if you don't mix with…

…. After 11 years of communal ef- fort, Mrs. Aaron is convinced that leadership ability is not an innate quality. "Many people say 'It isn't in me' but I assure you that this type of leadership is acquired…

…. If you've got the de- sire and lots of strength, then the battle is half won." JWB Will Release Full History Soon NEW YORK—The forthcoming publication of a two-volume set of books, "American Jews in…

… World War II," is announced by Frank L. Weil, president of the National Jewish Welfare Board 1.11VB), and Milton Weill, chairman of the publication committee for the book. The JWB, officially accredited…

… by the United States government as the religious, morale and wel- fare agency of the Jewish men and women in the armed forces, was assigned by the Jewish com- munity of America to conduct the bureau of

… war records, which amassed the material from which "American Jews in World War II" was written. IF THE NUMBER of her ac- tivities is the criterion by which we can judge the validity of her statements…

…, Mrs. Aaron has enough of them to back her up At present she is the president of the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Council, which has 14 chapters with 5,000 members. MRS. SAMUEL S. AARON She is also…

June 20, 1947 • Page Image 16

… who were pres- ier decisions. Detroit residence is 3342 Chicago. Michigan with the degree of assembly in September, accord- ent. the Consuls from Cuba, Mex- Arab Demands Fulfilled ing to Morris Jacobs…

… Univer- Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, president seated at the speakers' table. Arabs. in 1917 • counted 9 out of Sweeney expressed thanks to every 10 people in the country's sity where he of the Zionist…

…. Picard, chair- miles which were carved out of Saturday. Dr.• Helfman H o nor Society. will greatly strengthen my hands man of the Michigan Chapter of territory that was controlled by He received a Master…

… area of 44,000 square miles mitted and an analysis will be Michigan, where he gained mem- championing of our cause before tine Committee, originally promised the Jews has given on the program of the Miz…

… for a revision of the earl- manager of women's wear for the graduation of their son, Har- fore the United Nations general Reliance Manufacturing Co. His old ..M., from the University of Corps in Detroit…

of Arts and those who are charged with t h e American The annual reports will be sub- Turkey before World War I; that degree from the University of the responsibility for proper Christian Pales- the…

… meeting to Israel Levenson taught at the University of Mich- marks appealed charged, is entirely inconsistent for conspicuous service to Miz- igan and recently has accepted for fair consid- with the Mandate…

… field director of the Mizrachi Ex- history of Ohio State University, existing lining while the Arabs have a' case the pansion Fund, will address the where he will lecture on modern o f differences British…

… press reported that the Tur- or Mrs. Joseph Falk of University Palestinian issue ever heard in sis of the Palestine case. 3-2615 may be contacted to pick Mrs. H. Leff is Torah Scholar- Henry Key•ell, co…


February 20, 1948 • Page Image 13

… the Bnai Brith Youth Or- ganization. March 7 an all-day Bnai Brith Youth program for all Michigan members will be held. * * SIGMA THETA DELTA Sor- ority of Wayne University will initiate six new members…

… Chapter of the • INTERCOL- LEGIATE ZIONIST FEDERAr TION at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24, at Wayne Hillel House. Pines will discuss the struggle for progress in Palestine. All college students in the…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 20, .1948 To Wed In May Youth Groups 0 0 Kapai Pines, who recently came to Palestine as a messenger of the Hashomer Hatzair, will ad- dress the Wayne University

… It's Love?" will be the topic of Roy Robinson, instructor in psy- chology at Wayne University, when he addresses the DEBORAH AUXILIARY, Bnai Brith Young Women, at a cultural meeting at 8:30 p.m. Feb…

… fratern- ity at Wayne University will pre- sent its annual brotherhood pro- gram at the Rackham auditor- ium. Dr. David D. Henry, presi- dent of Wayne; Father 'Cavan- augh and Rev. Blount will par- ticipate…

of sports and educational events Sunday, Feb. 29, under the gen- eral topic, "University of AZA." The program will include classes on the structure, programs, pur- poses and philanthropies of AZA and…

… Kasmer. Lillian Jonas is chair- man of the affair. * * * WAYNE UNIVERSITY HILL- EL FOUNDATION will- sponsor the folloWing activities this week: The first session in a 10- week series on "What Is Juda- ism…

… metropolitan area are invited. * * * The YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB of TEMPLE BETH EL will hold its second discussion group meet- ing Feb. 25 at 8:15 p.m. The speaker will be Dr. Tabur Paysz, professor of history at…

… the. Uni- versity of Detroit. He will speak on the Marshall Plan. The meet- ing will be open to members of the Young People's Club and their friends. Peter Copeland is chairman. * * * "How Do You Know…

…. 24, at the Jewish Center. Prospective members, as well as members of other BBYW groups, are invited. Girls 18-to 25 interested in joining are invited to a membership brunch at the home of Reena…

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