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April 11, 1952 • Page Image 56

… the University of Michigan a n d Michigan State College. Through discussions, study groups, seminars, oneg shabbat and camp train- ing programs, IZFA gives the Jewish student a posi- tive outlook toward…

… operates only in this country, but functions on almost every campus in the nation. Activities in Detroit are centered in the Hillel Foundation of Wayne Univesrity. Other chapters in the state are located at…

… Jewish Women, Daniel Frisch, Chapter, of Zionist Organization, Habonim, Hashomer Hatzaif, Hillel, Holiday Hop Committee of the Center, Iota Alpha Pi Sorority, IZFA, Junior Hadassah, Labor Zionist…

…Disraeli: Ile Knew Whereof He Spoke Today's. Youth Mould Jewry's Destiny By FRANK SIMONS Beneath the heading "Tales Out of School," the weekly columns in The Jewish News which are de- voted to…

… teen-age activities, is a quote by Benjamin Disraeli, the dynamic Prime Minister of Great Britain in the 19th Century. It reads: "The youth of a nation are the trustees of posterity." Because of his…

… Jewish birth, Disraeli might have been more acutely aware of this than many respon- sible government leaders. He understood how the Jews have survived over 5,000 years though persecuted and otherwise…

…, established through closeness of fam- ily life, also reaches out to a more encompassing sense of accomplishment in youth organizations, most of which feature the same principles of guidance as in the home. Thus…

… organizations differ, there is always one common purpose—the moral and educational obligation to Jewry. To a Jew there has always existed the double responsibility of patriotic allegiance to his native land and…

… the moral obligation to Zion—the land of the birth of Judaism. Even now as re-born Israel approaches its fourth anniversay, that onus is still gladly borne by Jews throughout the world. What part are…

… American Jewish youths playing in the future development of Jewish principles—of devotion to the United States and Israel? A partial answer may be found in the conduct of their own organizations. I nior…

July 11, 1952 • Page Image 23

… Jew" and 'Poems"; to Mordechal Jaffe, for a Yiddish translation of "Anthology of Hebrew Poetry;" and to Prof. Hillel Bay- li for cumulative contributions to Hebrew poetry. Dr. Mortimer Cohen, retiring…

… bed- room 13x14, full dining room, every room equally spacious. Near shopping and school. This won't last long at S17,200. • • • 1 LI. 4-1765. • • • 10411 LI. 5-24Q0 Woodward N. of 111/2 Mile…

… South Hoven, Michigan WANTED: Proficient secretary for institutional work. Call GOODMAN'S YOUNG ISRAEL EMPLOYMENT BUREAU citchen privileges. Reasonable rites. BUILDER'S OWN 1144 or write GOODMAN…

…, many many extras toe. • • • Very attractive 41/2 room home, asbestos siding, aluminum storms, gas heat, 3 years old, perfect condi- tion, all schools. Klipfel & Co. UN. 4-2400 NORTHLAWN 17606 One of

of present beech, er Call ELMER M. CLARK BR. 3-4100 3-41 1.4 3050 1 or 17369 Santa Barbara English brick, 521/2 ft. lot, 4 bed- rooms, 2 tile baths, library, rec. room, breakfast nook, file lay…

… necessary. Car required. Apply Box 144, The Jewish News, 700 David Stott Bldg., Detroit 26. Mich. GIRL DESIRES office position. Exper- of bookkeeping. ienced. Knowledge TY. 6-2483. DRAPERY SALESMAN…

… honeymoon as they arrive in New York under the sponsorship of HIAS. The honeymooners met in a DP camp near Salz- burg, Austria, recently while the teen-ager, with her father and her two brothers, were waiting…

… to emmigrate to the U.S. as a result of the wedding, Chana's status as an unmarried minor immigrating under her father's assurance, changed. This neces- sitated special and speedy repre- sentation by…

… HIAS so that sep- arate visas would be granted the newlyweds in order to en- able them to come over on the same ship with the bride's fam- ily. 23 In Lighter Vein Variety of Humor By SHIN FEY SAMEKH…

… An American Jewish Press Fea'ure A Russian in Cattle Car In the days of the Czar, * Russian conductor was irritated by the number of Jews on the train. He grumbled about "too many Jews" and "no…

September 11, 1953 • Page Image 60

…, tion of both rabbinical and lay chairman of the Atomic Energy leaders of American Orthodox, Commission; Rabbi Abba Hillel Conservative and Reform Juda- Silver, past president of the ism. Committee…

… - purpose acknowledged the State of Israel and the world 3734 FENKELL, CORNER HOLMUR organizations as representatives of the whole Jewish people, thus UNiversity 2-9706 proclaiming them a political fac-, for…

…Jewish Leaders to Seek Primacy Of Synagogue in Communal Life J COnimittee ContifineS Pressure on Biased Resorts The Ainerican Jewish Com- mittee charged that some hotel and resort owners are…

… illegal. The AJC said it was investi- gating the practices of several alleged violators in an effort to halt this "hidden" violation. Ben Herzberg, a vice-president of AJC and Chairman of its civil rights…

… committee, said that his organitation will use as a precedent the recent order of SCAD, following an AJC com- plaint, which required one such resort to "cease and desist" these activities. NEW YORK, (JTA…

…)—A na- I logical Seminary of America; tional advisory committee of 81 Roger Straus, co-chairman of Jewish leaders from all parts of the National Conference of Christians and Jews; and Sen. the United…

… States has been es- Herbert H. Lehman. tablished in a major expansion The . function of the new corn- of the program of the. Syna- mittee will be to assist in the gogue Council of America, the development…

of a long-range organization representing al. program "aimed at strengthen- branches of American religious , ing the primacy of the syna- Jewry, Dr. Norman Salit, Coun- gogue in all aspects of Jewish…

… members have Central Conference of American Rabbis; Dr. Louis Finkelstein, been chosen from 23 states and chancellor of the Jewish Theo- 38 cities. Further appointments are scheduled until the total…

… membership of the committee LeShono reaches 100. Among the other national leaders who have ac- Tovo Tikosevu cepted appointment are Maxwell HEBREW Abbell, president of the United Synagogue of America; Rabbi…

June 11, 1954 • Page Image 2

… similar program of Michigan beginning July 8 in Michigan. This will be the and concluding on July 11, at first such attempt by Bnai Brith Waldenwoods, near Brighton, in this state. The conference will…

…< national Bnai Brith policy of I A principal speaker at the adult education, which was un- same session will be Dr. Abba dertaken in 1948, in North Caro- 1 Hillel Silver of Cleveland, who lina, to awaken "a…

… recent election meeting. Walters succeeds Mor- ris Burnstein as head of this lodge, oldest of Michigan's Bnai Brith organizations. Elected to serve with Walters are Isadore Perlman and Dr. George V. Leib…

… nigh universal in spite of the fact that his two closest associates are Hebrews." It was to have been expected that this issue would be raised. Time and again, names of Jews, like Dr. J. Robert…

…Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ The 'Forebodings' Over Cohn and Schine Ray M. Cohn and G. David Schine are not really that impor- tant. But they have become a "Jewish issue" as a result of

… the admonition in the U..S Senate ')y Senator Ralph E. Flanders of Vermont that the two Jews are causing "foreboding" among their coreligionists. In his address, in which he accused Senator Joseph R. Mc…

…Carthy of spreading "division and confusion wherever he goes," Senator Flanders said: "Note, for instance, the foreboding he inspires in our fellow citizens of Jewish blood and faith. Among them this is well…

… Oppenheimer's, have appeared among those questioned. On the other side of the coin is the Cohn-Schine team—proving that among Jews, as among all elements, there are the investigators and the investigated…

…. Wherein, therefore, do the forebodings enter into the picture? The truth is that the witch-hunts place all Americans in dis- repute. A normal society does not fear a handful of questionable characters. The…

…-Day Institute on Judaism, July 8-1 Friday, June 11, 1954 Pisgah Lodge Elects Walters as President A four-day Institute on Ju- the results he became one of the daism is planned by Bnai Brith proponents of a…

June 11, 1954 • Page Image 7

… the days of Harvard and the University of the Keren Hayesod, he was Michigan. active in its leadership. He now During his Detroit visit, he is the Michigan representative attended a meeting of the staff…

… (SCHAEFER & 7 MILE) AT A COST OF $250,000, Rabbinical Team Writes New Camp Prayer Rook •A father-son combination— Rabbis Morris Silverman and Hillel E. Silverman—have com- piled a new prayerbook designed…

… , Allied Jewish Cam- paigns, well as in universities. He was . .ns, Jewish' Welfare Federa- thrilled by his visits to the den- ton and a score of important tal schools and laboratories of local movements. In…

…Marwils Celebrate 50th Anniversary Leader in Israel's Dental Association Guest in Detroit A distinguished member of the Israel Dental Association, Dr. Zvi L. Abramowski, of Tel Aviv, was a guest in…

… Detroit last week. He was the house guest of Dr. and Mrs Max Winslow. A member of the planning committee of the Israel Dental Association for the dental school, now made a part of the Medical School of the…

…. and Mrs. Robt. Marwil with the results of their efforts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marwil, which have resulted in a' realiz- ation of the need for a dental one of Detroit's most distin- school. The first pre…

… golden wedding anniver- Only 15 can presently be ac- sary. commodated. He pointed out Their marriage was solemnized that the average age of the 1,000 Israeli dentists — 650 of in Kalamazoo on June 14, 1904…

…, whom are members of the Den- and they have lived in Detroit tal Association — is 54, and that •since then, Born in Kalamazoo, Mrs. there is a great need for younger men in the profession. Mai…

…•wil attended the schools of There is need in Israel for the that city. She is active in Ha- reconditioning of refugee den- dassah, National Council of tists who had been away from Jewish Women, Sisterhood of

… practice during the Hitler holo- Shaarey Zedek, ORT and Worn- caust for a number of years, en's Division of the Jewish Wel- and the Association has spon- fare Federation. cored courses to prepare them Mr…

February 11, 1955 • Page Image 14

… operations, who re- past-president of SOS. He was turned from Miami with Mr. graduated from the University Stollma,n, participated in the of Michigan and was a DuPont discussion at the executive Fellow at the…

University of Michigan Exten- tion Division. ► Presently. Kasle is vice-presi- dent of the Kasle Steel Corp. He GEMILUTH CHASSODIM is a division chairman of Junior MEN'S CLUB will feature noted Achievement and…

… held a post as a director of Bond sales amounting t a Hillel Foundation. $175,000 were reported here in For the past four years he has January. taught a course on the major theme in philosophy for the…

University of Vir- HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, to 9 p.m., Friday to 5:30 p.m. committee meeting last week. He ginia where he received his Mas- WE. 3-7093 reported that Israel…

… Parkside Hall, 3119 Fenkell. itor of the Universal Jewish En- Acts to be included on the pro- cyclopedia, will arrive here gram include a ventriloquist and tomorrow for a two-week stay in Burnsie the Birdman…

…Louise Sehostak to Wed )Irwin L. Cohn in March Our Letter Box New Book Deserves Wide Circulation in U.S. MISS LOUISE SCHOSTAK Mr. and Mrs. Nat Schostak, of Ohio Ave., announce the engage- ment of

… their daughter, Louise, to Irwin L. Cohn, son of Mr. and Mss. George D. Cohn, of Indiana Ave. A March Wedding is planned. eir t ir ti Jan. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kirsch (Marguerite Fleischer); of 23450…

… Beverly, Oak Park, Mich., a daughter. Vicki Ellen. * Jan. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Hoff (Sara Dater), of Bir- wood Ave., a son; Mark Robert. * * Jan. 23—to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth A. Dishell (Judie…

… Schuster), of 18065 Sorrento, a son, Ed- ward Brian. * * Jan. 18—To Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zuckerman (Anne- Baker), of Roselawn. Ave. ; a son, Marc Roward. * * Jan. 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald N. Sheldon…

… (Eileen Gordon of Washington, D.C.), of 3265 W. Boston, a daughter, Debra Lynn. • * .* Jan. 11—To Rabbi and Mrs. Max Lioshitz (Miriam Lehrman), of Madison, Wis., a daughter, Rochelle Judith. * * Jan. 9—To…

November 11, 1955 • Page Image 8

…, a vice-president of the Zionist Organization of America, proposed to the 500 guests that funds raised for the university be earmarked for a library hon- oring Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. Speakers at the…

… PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS announce the removal of their offices to 3700 Cadillac Tower Detroit 26, Michigan WILLIAM B. ISENBERG, C.P.A. SIDNEY J. NEWMAN, JR., C.P.A. BERNARD R. ISENBERG, C.P.A. JOSEPH E…

… con- structionof .a library at the He- brew University of Jerusalem at a dinner honoring Maxwell Ab- bell, a ,member of President Eis- enhower's Committee on Govern- ment Contract, and Samuel Kat- zin…

…, both Chicago Jewish leaders. This brings the total raised in the current Chicago campaign in behalf of the university to over $700,000. The goal is a millon dollars. At a dinner, Max Bressler of Chicago…

…Service Group to Hear Reports By Caravan. Members at Meeting Morocco Jews Get In their first report to the corn- Rosenwald, general chairman of munity since returning from Is- the UJA, presiding…

…. Besides Mr. rael, members of the Detroit Ser- Harman, who was formerly Is- vice Group Caravan will recount rael's Consul-General in New their experiences abroad at the York, the speakers will include first…

… ing. Milton K. Mahler, Detroit Ser- MiSsion which has just returned vice Group president, invited from an intensive survey of Jew- board members of the seven trade ish needs in Europe and Israel. and…

… professional divisions and the overall DSG board to attend and bring their friends to the meet- • ill mark the begin- ing, which will rung of the second annual series Joseph L. Weinberg, director for the Friday…

… Luncheon Club. Max Osnos, Caravan chairman, of operations of the Community As His Prote cces' Weinbera Wins Carl Pritz Prize will report on his observations in Workshop of Detroit, was an- Israel. Emil T…

…. Stern will speak nounced winner of the Carl M. Pritz Memorial Prize for the out- on industrial development and standing paper presented at the outlook and_ David Safran will Midwestern Regional Conference…

November 11, 1955 • Page Image 9

… reservations with the Name Rabbi Essrig' Midwest Young Israel to Hold Annual Parley Samuel W. Platt, president of Hillel L, Abrams, program chair- Reform Director the Midwest Region of Young man; Mrs. Bertha…

… the states of Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois, -(with the exception of Chicago). This area com- prises one of the dozen regions embracing the United States into which the Union, parent body…

… first monthly late Friday Downtown office, 630 Michigan Bldg., or call Mrs. Rae Goldberg, to send their remittance or con- evening service at the Beth secretary, WO. 1-1329, Bloch firmation of

of hospital consultants, director of the course in. hospital administration at the University of Minnesota and for- mer professor of hospital admin- istration at Yale University. He and his associates…

…'s- Council of the Beth Yehudah Schools, announces A. Howard Bloch, a co-chairman of the event. Ticket holders to the dinner at 6 p.m., Nov. 20, in the Latin Quarter, are urged to immediate- ly confirm…

… Grossman and Rabbi Harry Essrig, of Tem- ple Emanuel, Grand Rapids, has been appointed regional direc- tor of the Great Lakes Region of the Union of American He- brew COttgrega- tions, it was an- nounced by…

of over 500 Liberal Jew- ish congregations, is divided. President of the regional council, which conducts activi- ties within the area to be served by Rabbi Essrig, is H. J. By- Ian, former president…

of Temple Emanuel. Israel announces the appointment Mrs. Lillian Glanz, banquet chair- of Marvin Engel as chairman of men; Risha G. Cohen,*.registra- the- annual Midwestern conven- tion chairman. tion…

…, to be held in Detroit on The Young Adults of Young Dec. 30 and 31 and Jan. 1. Israel, headed by Rabbi Gerald Participants at the convention Krakower and Burton Edelman, will include 150 delegates from…

… will be in charge of convention Cleveland, St. Louis, Cincinnati social activities. and Oak Park. Meyer Weiner, Other convention committee president of the National Council members include: Abraham Mat…

November 11, 1955 • Page Image 26

…, going out of business. $300 complete. UN 3-3526. 80-GARAGE FOR RENT -. 3 CAR GARAGE for rent. Call WE 4-1240. 4081 Clements. Dedicate Hillel Center Without Cornerstone MADISON, Wisc., (JTA…

…)-The dedication of the site of the new Hillel Foundation at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin here was mar- red by a missing cornerstone. The cornerstone, a 300-pound, 21/2 by 11/2 foot red granite block was recovered…

…, third oldest Jewish organization in Michigan. Milton Gottesman heads the fund-raising commit- tee. * * * GAYELORD HAUSER w i 1 I speak on "Look Younger, Live Longer," taken from the title of his first…

… annual Charter 'May dinner, Nov. 6, at the Sheraton - Astor Hotel, New .:York. Dr. Sam- uel Belkin, pres- ident of Yeshiva. University, pre- sented the award Weinberg to Mr. Wein- berg, "in recognition of

…. Dedication ceremonies of the building went ahead despite the cornerstone theft, with the parti- cipation of the University's president, Dr. E. B. Fred, and Dr. William Haber, chairman of the national Bnai…

… Nov. 21 to Dec. 3. * * * BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY will shortly begin construction of a new Graduate Center, first build- in on the university's 200 acre campus to be specifically erected for graduate…

… as a lecturer at the Univer- sity of Toledo. He will partici- pate in the university's religious emphasis p r o g r am, scheduled Monday to Wednesday, at the university. The Society, spon- sored by the…

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE • SANTA-ROSA-N. of Outer Dr. Lovely 2 bedroom brick, gas furnace, rec. room, aluminum screens and storms. $11,900. Muriel A. Johnson. UN 3-0286, UN 1-8575. WOODINGHAM-N. OF OUTER…

… DR. Beautiful 2 bedroom brick, gas ht., alum. S. & S., drapes, excellent condition. Beautifully landscaped, $12,900. Muriel A. Johnson. UN 3-0286, UN 1-8575. 20200 MARK TWAIN N. OF VASSAR DR. OPEN…

… about middle of November. Call collect, FEderal 4-2205. Pontiac. 35-INSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah teacher, reasonable. Refer- ences. Call TO 6-7139. PIANO, Juilliard methods. Your…

May 11, 1956 • Page Image 3

… Brith -building that will be - erected on the corner of Rhode Island Ave. and 17th St., N. W. , Other speakers at the corner- stone - exercises included Mr. Klutznick, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of

… Certified Master Watch Maker and Jeweler - PHONE: WO. 5-0994 Open Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — Monday to 8:30 P.M. VIE - LARGEST SELLING WINE IN THE STATE-OF MICHIGAN.,ANP PORT WINE WON THE HIGHEST…

… bittersweet. 1 lb., $1.59; 2 lbs. Prof. Stitchkin _Elected University Rector in Chile SANTIAGO, Chile (JTA) — Prof. David Stichkin, 43-year- old Jewish law expert, -was elected rector of Concepcion University

…Bnai Brith Convention Deals With World IssU Security Issue - WASHINGTON — The free spirit of American life is sti- mulating Judaism . in the United States to !'new growth rather than decline i…

… " Philip M. Klutznick, president of Bnai Brith,. said in his opening ad- dress, dt the Bnai Brith trien- nial convention here. Findings a "renascence" of Jewish life in Western. Europe and a "new, vital…

… amalgam in Israel," Mr. Kutznick foresaw the expansion of Jewish. corn- munities in the free world "both numerically and as spiri- tual and cultural movements . . in an atmosphere that is free and under the…

… aegis that provides for voluntary associ- ation of men and ideas." Only in Soldet RuSsia and the satellite nations behind the Iron Curtain "is /Jewish life . languishing and ap- p r o a c h.i n g…

…„eXtinction," he said. Discussing the Middle East erisis, Mr. Klutznick said: "The' positive action of the United Nations Security Coun- cil in-rushing Secretary Gen- eral Dag • Hammarskjold to the Middle East very…

… likely averted a shooting war." - , • His praise for the immedi- ate success of the Hammar- skjold mission was tempered by a "concern for the obvious danger that the _ major na- tions of the world will…

… once again relax into political doldrums now that the shoot- ing has stopped althoukh it has been their =punctual and , dilatory diplomacy that al- lowed the succession of skirl- mishes and border…

May 11, 1956 • Page Image 22

… Orchestras Entertainment 308 Fox Bldg. WO 2-4814 - UN. 4-4346 By JUDY ANN JACOBS Star studded UniVersity of Le*KKE<MEDKItKIVICK24.*XX+1?,lar, Michigan's five week drama ri m Plastic Furniture Covers. season…

… graduates John Green and Lawrence Schreiber also became members. * * * Under a . new University of Michigan regulation, next se- mester's schedule extends school by cutting Christmas' vacation FROM 1-to 9 P…

… Sundays 11 to 2 sociation on campus. * * * And His Music Carole Krohn is Hillel's new- I ly-elected vice-president. WO 3-0576 All Occasions L12292exter WE. 3-9152 . * * * _ . 1■ Alpha Chapter- of Phi ,Beta…

… Solomon and her fiance attend the University . of Miami where she is affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority, and he is a member of Thu Epsilon Phi. Her brother also attended the University of Miami. • A…

… Buena Vista. He is a .graduate of Wayne University, and holds a mas- ter's degree in fine arts from Cranbrook. He is employed in the styling department of Chrysler Corp. Krentzin, who has exhibited all…

…Brother-Sister D mos Set TointRites MICHIG-A Local Silversmith Wins Art Award 5 C z 5 ti 0 a EH MISS SHEILA PRICE MISS VALERIE SOLOMON Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Solomon, of Fairfield Ave…

…., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Price, of Coral Gables, Fla., announce the engage- ments of their daughters and sons, Valerie Jean Solomon, to , Mel Price; and Sheila Price, to Phillip. Gordon Solomon. Miss…

… double wedding in Detroit In the near future is planned for, the brother sister duos. Tales Out of School "The Youth of a Nation are the „Trustees o4 Posterity."—Disraeli, By Ronnie Arohson Central…

… High Mumford - High School On Friday, May 25, "Sam- my's" - will be the scene of Mumdord's second annual speech banquet. A nine course dinner, music, and a talk by Vic Hur- witz, program director of

… termination of the contest, the boys have brought more clothes than the girls, they will be homework-free for that Mon- day. The converse is true too. This should stimulate a great deal of interest in the most…

January 11, 1957 • Page Image 10

…." TEMPLE BETH EL: At 8:30 p.m. services today, Dr. Richard C. Hertz will speak on "Jews Behind the Iron Curtain." At 11:15 a.m. services Saturday, his sermon topic will be "The Patience of Hillel." CONG…

…,INC. FARMINGTON, MICHIGAN flounced by Bernard Panush, chairman of the Directors' Coun- cil of the Jewish Religious Schools of Metropolitan Detroit. This conference will be held at Congregation Beth Abraham, Seven…

… be led by Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum, of Congregation Emanuel, who will talk on "Teaching of Jewish Holidays and Ceremonies," and by Rabbi Max Kapustin, direc- tor of Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dation at…

… Wayne University and principal of the religious school of Congregation Beth Abraham, who will talk on "Teaching of Mitzvoth." The conference will be divid- ed into specialized seminars in which all…

…0 z SiNAGOGUE SERVICES to ti YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT: Sabbath services at 5 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi 'Leo Y. Goldman will speak on "There Is a Time for Songs…

…. GEMILUTH CHASSODIM: Sabbath services at 5:10 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Joel J. Litke will preach on "The Songs of Israel." TEMPLE ISRAEL: Sabbath services at 8:30 p.m., today, will be…

… conducted by the Temple Israel Youth. BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 5:10 p.m., today; at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Biederman will be observed. ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath…

… services at 4:45 p.m., today; at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Edward Israel Schutzman and Evan David Wilner will be observed. CONG. BNAI DAVID: Sabbath services at 5 p.m., today; at 8:45 a…

….m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Howard Lefton will be observed. CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Sabbath services at 5 p.m., today; at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Bruce Bayer will be observed. CONG. BNAI…

… MOSHE: Sabbath services at 5 p.m., today; at 9 a.m., Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Mark Roth will be observed. BETH ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 5 and 8:30 p.m., today; at 8:45 a.rn., Saturday…

September 11, 1959 • Page Image 7

… historian, director of the American Jewish Archives of Hebrew Union College, this week announced that Irving I. Katz, executive secretary of Temple Beth El and historiog- rapher of the Jews of Michigan. has…

… been honored with the establishment of the "Irving I. Katz Collection on Michigan Jewish History," at the Amer- ican Jewish Archives. The col- lection will also include many items on general American…

… credence in ac- ganization and member of the cordance with protocol. Jewish Agency Executive. Israel Charge d'Affaires Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Yaacov Herzog called on Vice Cleveland, Dr. Emanuel Neu…

… History of the Jews in Michi- gan Prior to 1850," published by Wayne State University Press, was widely acclaimed and was the recipient of an award. Katz was recently elected vice president of the Jewish…

…BORENSTEIN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORES Present for Your Listening Pleasure RCA CAMDEN'S Newest Release Volume 2 The Art of Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt "Masterpieces Of The Synagogue" • Rachem No…

… • Uv 'NuCho Yomar • Wehu • Tal • Nishmas • Umip'ne Chatoenu • Rom Venisso • Kol Nidrei Also Available — Volume 1 "Masterpieces of The Synagogue" • Elokay Neshomoh • Yishtabach • Habet…

… —78 RPM record of your choke— with purchase of any LP record at regular price. BORENSTEIN'S BOOK & MUSIC STORES Main Store: 13535 W. 7 MILE RD. at Schaefer DI 1-0569 Branch Store: 12066 DEXTER BLVD…

December 11, 1959 • Page Image 4

… problem at the annual meeting of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations, held in Washington last week. Prof. William Haber, of the University of Michigan, chairman of the Hillel Foundations, said that the Jewish…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Bias Outlawed in 16 States Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan

…, Dr. Arthur J. Llelyveld former director of the Hillel Foundations, expressing concern over "the real danger of fragmentization and organizational competition" in Jewish life, pleaded with Hillel

…. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Offic,.. Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March a, 187i PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Advertising…

… Manager Circulation Manager FRANK SIMONS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the eleventh day of Kislev, 5720, the following Scriptural. selections will be read in our synagogues…

… Challenge to Jewry Is there cause for despair that an assimilationist tide is threatening Ameri- can Jewry with disintegration? It was not only at the meetings of the National Executive Council of the…

… Zionist Organization of America that such warnings were uttered. They are heard from time to time at Jewish assemblies in this country, and reports from other English-speaking countries show similar…

… concerns in Jewish ranks over the alleged .decline in Jewish cultural activities. Abraham A. Redelheim, the presi- dent of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica, spoke of a "rising tide" of assimila- tion…

… and stated that the "alleged revival of religion that is so much touted about represents but a temporary response to what we may describe as 'gimmick' Judaism. Other leaders have similarly warned `of an…

… students, who are no longer "escapist," because of the "degree of security" in the Jewish community which "has dissolved apologetics and has relieved external pressures on the Jewish students," needs to…

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