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December 22, 2022 - Image 56

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-12-22

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56 | DECEMBER 22 • 2022


c. 1984

died Dec. 1, 2022.
Other than her
time away for
school, she was a
lifelong resident of Oak Park.
She earned a Ph.D. from
Eastern Michigan University
and spent her career working as
a child clinical psychologist.
In addition to working,
Joanie could be found volun-
teering for a variety of organiza-
tions. She was actively involved
with B’nai B’rith for many years
and had served as president of
her local chapter. She especially
enjoyed her time volunteering
at Providence and Beaumont
Hospitals, for Channel 7’s Call
for Action and for many other
local charities.
Dr. Edelheit is survived
by her only brother, Marty
(Shelley); nieces, Lisa (Charles)
and Nicole (Marc); grandniece,
Madison; grandnephews, Max
and Jonah.
Share a memory at

FELDMAN, 82, of
Macomb, died Nov.
19, 2022.
He is sur-
vived by his
sons and daughters-in-law,
Steven and Patricia Feldman
of Norman, Okla., Keith
Feldman of Columbus, Ohio,
David and Jennifer Hunter
of El Paso, Texas; daughters
and sons-in-law, Rebecca
and David Harrison of Troy,
Michelle and Ian Harkins
of Flat Rock; grandchildren,
Steve Feldman Jr., Nathan
Feldman, Alex Feldman, Sarah
Harkins, Andrew Harkins,
Xander Hunter; dear niece
and great-nephew, Marcie and
Mr. Feldman was the dear


aniel Lublin, (“Dan/
died peaceful-
ly on Dec. 14, 2022, in his
Farmington Hills home, sur-
rounded by his beloved family.
He was born in
1929 in Kitchener,
Ontario, Canada,
to loving parents,
Max and Leah. In
1935, the family
moved Daniel,
along with his
older sister and younger broth-
er, to Detroit for a fresh start
due to the Great Depression
and challenging family mat-
ters. In Detroit, his parents
struggled to make ends meet,
like so many other families. He
remembered his parents skip-
ping meals to ensure he and
his siblings had enough food
to eat.
Daniel was a happy young
man who made friends easily.
He loved comic books and
movies, with a particular pas-
sion for science fiction. He
was a gifted violinist, attending
Interlochen Camp on various
When WWII ensued and
the economy began its recov-
ery, Daniel’s father started his
career in construction. Dan
helped any way a young son
could, even driving the pickup
truck at age 13.
He was born with an old
soul, understanding things
most could not comprehend.
Daniel built his first home at
the age of 18 with money he
had saved. By the time he was
20, he often guided his father,
who was susceptible to being
taken advantage of.
Daniel purchased his first
Commerce Township prop-
erty, out in the country, in the
late 1940s early 1950s, with a

dream that has today evolved
into 14 to 15 Mile/Haggerty
Road developments. His com-
mitment toward financial secu-
rity for his family pushed him
to work seven days a week.
Many hardships transpired, but
his unwavering drive to suc-
ceed propelled him to achieve
his goals. He often said his
office was his “country club,

and he took care of his home
and business up until five
months prior to his passing.
Daniel was always compas-
sionate, sincere and honest to
those he encountered, treating
everyone with respect and
kindness. He gave generous-
ly throughout his life, never
expecting anything in return.
He practiced complete forgive-
ness and true unconditional
love for those around him.
A lifelong member of
Shaarey Zedek, Daniel was
charitable to many organiza-
tions, giving annually to the
Jewish Federation and various
other worthy causes.
Of his 93 years, Dan’s great-
est achievement was his family.
He had a special and personal
relationship with every one
of his children, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren. He
strived to support everyone
with whatever they needed.
However, he loved his wife,
Helene, with every ounce of
his being. They experienced
world travels to every con-
tinent (except Antarctica),
countless evenings at the
theater and orchestra, and a
love for dancing everywhere
they went throughout their 76
wonderful years together. They
relished good food, fine wine
and being surrounded by their
A devoted son, brother,
husband, father, grandfather,

great-grandfather and friend,
Daniel had a beautiful passion
for life. He possessed the abil-
ity to lead with a gentle soul
and serve as a positive example
to everyone he knew. His leg-
acy will live on in the hearts
and minds of all the lives he
Mr. Lublin is survived by his
children, Bruce Lublin and his
partner, Laura Murad, Nina
and Howard Levy, Bennett and
Karen Lublin, and Manette and
Marshall Klein; daughter-in-
law, Marsha Lublin; grandchil-
dren, Edana Lublin, Brandon
and Roanna Lublin, Ryan
Lublin, Justin and Michelle
Levy, Matthew and Amanda
Levy, Jessica Levy, Jaime
Lublin, Jenna Lublin, Morgan
and Adam Weiner, and Devin
and Cody Farber; great-grand-
children, Jared, Rebecca,
Jessica, Sydney, Adrien, Max,
Madison, Eliana, Levi, Brayden
and Shae; sister-in-law, Phyllis
He was the beloved husband
of 72½ years of the late Helene
Lublin; the loving brother of
the late Sheldon Lublin and
the late Dorothy Gichtin; the
dear brother-in-law of and the
late Lila and the late Lawrence
Interment was at Clover Hill
Park Cemetery. Contributions
may be made to National
Federation of the Blind,
200 E. Wells St., Baltimore,
MD 21230, nfb.org; Detroit
Symphony Orchestra, 3711
Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI
48201-2444, tickets.dso.org/
support/donate; or American
Heart Association, 27777
Franklin Road, Suite 1150,
Southfield, MI 48034, heart.
detroit. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

A Passion for Life


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