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December 22, 2022 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-12-22

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DECEMBER 22 • 2022 | 31

letes was a far cry from past
years, when Detroit had as
many as 100+ athletes partici-
pate in the Maccabi Games.
Gordon said there is
increased interest in Detroit for
the 2023 Maccabi Games.
If Detroit exceeds its athlete
allotment for Fort Lauderdale,
Gordon said, the Israel trip will
be an option for those left out
with financial help available
thanks to the generosity of
The Maccabi Games in Israel,
conducted by the JCC of North
America and Maccabi World
Union, will be July 5-25.
Athletes ages 14-17 (by July
31) from around the world will
compete in baseball, basketball,
hockey, girls volleyball, boys
and girls flag football, soccer,
tennis, swimming and dance.
There also will be a tour
of culturally, religiously and
historically significant sites,
opportunities to meet Israeli

coaches and professional
athletes, and volunteer service
projects with Israeli not-
for-profit and social justice
Next up on the Maccabi
Games schedule will be Fort
Lauderdale from Aug. 6-11,
hosted by the David Posnack
Athletes ages 13-17 (by July
31) from North and South
America, Israel and Europe
are expected to participate.
An Access program for special
needs athletes will be held.
Baseball, basketball, hockey,
girls volleyball, flag football,
boys lacrosse, soccer, table ten-
nis, tennis, star reporter, swim-
ming and dance are offered.
Opening and closing
ceremonies, a tribute to the
Munich 11, home hospitality
with local Jewish host families,
JCC Cares community service
projects, hang time with Israeli
schlichim (athletes and staff)

and evening social events also
are on the Fort Lauderdale
Prospective Detroit Maccabi
athletes and their families
who want more information

should go to maccabidetroit.
com. The website includes
answers to frequently asked

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Brennan Gesund, Lucas Hutten, Braylon Juszak and Aiden Ben-
Ezra represented Detroit on a multi-delegation hockey team this
past summer at the JCC Maccabi Games in San Diego, California.


Supported through the generosity of The Jewish Fund and the D. Dan and Betty Kahn Family Foundation.

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