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November 24, 2022 - Image 60

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2022-11-24

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60 | NOVEMBER 24 • 2022

Fleet; many nieces, nephews,
cousins and friends.
Mr. Joseph was the loving
son of the late Reva and the
late Seymour Joseph.
Contributions may be
made to The Shul, 6890
W. Maple Road, West
Bloomfield, MI 48322;
Chabad of Ann Arbor,
715 Hill St. Ann Arbor,
MI 48104; or Lungevity,
lungevity.org. A graveside
service was held at
Hebrew Memorial Park.
Arrangements by Hebrew
Memorial Chapel.

KESSLER, 99, of
West Bloomfield,
died Nov. 16,
He is survived
by his son and
law, Allen and
Phyllis Kessler;
Lindsey and
Shane Monson, and Elliott
and Jessica Kessler; great-
grandchildren, Zoe and Max
Monson, and Lilly, Maya and
Leo Kessler; other loving
relatives and friends.
Mr. Kessler was the beloved
husband of the late Leah
Interment was at Hebrew
Memorial Park Cemetery.

Contributions may be
made to the Alzheimer’s
Association-Greater Michigan
Chapter, 25200 Telegraph
Road, Suite 100, Southfield,
MI 48033, alz.org/gmc;
or Zekelman Holocaust
Center, 28123 Orchard Lake
Road, Farmington Hills,
MI 48334, holocaustcenter.
org. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

of West
Bloomfield, died
Nov. 12, 2022,
surrounded by his
loving wife of 58 years,
Maureen Kornwise, and his
beloved daughter Jill. “Sandy”
was also the father of the late

Robert Kornwise.
Sandy practiced
dermatology and was
treasured for his caring
bedside-manner. He lived
by his words that life’s
most important gift is to be
interested in others. Sandy
always took time to talk to
everyone who touched his
life, remembering details
that made each of them
feel special. He maintained
a positive and optimistic
attitude and had a wonderful
sense of humor.
Sandy enjoyed running,
playing tennis and other
sports. He and Maureen
loved traveling together and
collecting art. Early in their
marriage, while serving in
military public health during

continued from page 59

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